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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16195095 No.16195095 [Reply] [Original]

How do I stop eating? Serious question. I'm fat and want to fast, but I can't help myself.

>> No.16195097

Drink more water and coffee

>> No.16195104

one little fast ain't gonna fix shit for (You), lardgolem

>> No.16195110

I was thinking about doing a 7 day fast

>> No.16195123

Depending on how fat you are you're going to want to do more weeks, but not consecutively

>> No.16195135

Is one week a month a good plan?

>> No.16195137

Still won't help you fatty you'll just eat even more after the fast is done.

Just do 5/2 or OMAD.

>> No.16195163

Sure but that may be difficult to keep from gaining the weight back in the rest of the month. You may want to try intermittent fasting

>> No.16195222

drink water with salt and potassium in it
really fat people can fast for months if they get electrolytes

>> No.16195274
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look up Cole Robinson and Snake Juice. Browse the /fast/ thread on /fit/ for additional advice. Other than that, it's just gonna take willpower. You can do it mane

>> No.16195278

visit /fit

>> No.16195283

Make yourself a pot of tea three times a day, drink it plain.
Gum helps, too.

>> No.16195299

OP, have you given any thought to the idea of exercising?

>> No.16195300

You aren't going to achieve that. And if you do, then you're going to fuck up your body because you have no idea about fasting or refeeding.

These are the three most popular strategies. Try one after another (go at least a month or two with each) and see what works better for you.

>eating like 8 meals a day, but they're all tiny
>concentrate all your eating within a 6 or 8 hour period each day. Keep it regular, like eating only between 8 and 16 o'clock
>eat normally, but skip one or two (non consecutive) days a week

Ultimately, this is all tricks to help you apply the one and only strategy that actually works: eat less calories than you need.

You should lose about a pound each week. If you lose less than that, eat less. If you lose more than two pounds, slow down. Going too fast isn't good because it means that you aren't building proper long term habits, and without proper long term habits you'll get fat again.

Ear less crap, drink only water, eat lots of vegetables but not deep fried.

The first month is the hardest, because you might see no progress. Then it gets going and it's much easier.

>> No.16195303
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High volume, Low calorie, and Low processing!

It's that simple anon. Just limit processed foods to once a month.

Processed=cooked, blended, reductions, and juices.
Eat mostly raw foods and limit your intake of processed foods. Remember, your body evolved to be a processing center and the human diet in the past 2k years has shit all over that concept.

Go on the peasant diet and you will be healthy. Live like a king and you will die at a very young age.

>> No.16195336

/ck/ - Not Eating

>> No.16195578

Just don't buy food, can't eat if there is nothing to eat.

>> No.16195584

If you wanted it bad enough you wouldn't have this issue.

>> No.16195601


Impeccable advice, impeccable digits, doomed to be disregarded entirely by OP

>> No.16195602

Whole grain, vegetables, fruit, water, low fat meat, fish instead of meat. No butter or cream. Very calorie dense stuff, especially butter. Those food you can eat almost as much as you can and soon you'll notice you need to eat even less to not feel hungry or get hungry. Takes some weeks probably to get used. But not months.

>> No.16195616

Fasting is a meme, even Buddha said it. The trick is to lessen what you eat, not eliminate eating altogether.

>> No.16195626
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Thanks for all the great advice. I just caved and ate three hot dogs :(

>> No.16195632

Plan the next weeks meals in advance shop once a week and only buy the ingredients you need for the next week nothing else no snacks nothing
simple as

>> No.16195727

I tried losing weight twice, always ended up gaining it all back again. Last time was recent and I lost 15kg.
I simply gave up and accepted that I'm a gluttonous fat faggot. Good luck OP.

>> No.16195730

Don't fast.

You need to relearn how to eat properly.

I don't know how fat you are, but regarldess, you need to introduce change little by little, otherwise you'll go back to how you were. I know from experience.

If you drink a lot of soda, cut it by half and keep that up for at least a month before cutting it more. Ideally, you want to eliminate it completely, or drink it very seldom.

If you eat a lot of sweets, do the same, don't eliminate it all at once, just diminish your consumption little by little.

Same with fried food or fast food.

You need to give your body time to adjust to a new way of being fed. Most people fail diets because they wanna run before they can walk.

Change, to be permanent, has to be slow.

Doing all that, little by little, will not overwhelm your body with drastic changes, and will encourage you to keep going rather than deciding to give up. Trust me, I've been really fat, and I've been able to keep the weight off by doing what I'm telling you.

>> No.16195733

What did you put on them?

>> No.16195757

One thing that I found helpful is at the start of the pandemic we started using one of those meal delivery services (HelloFresh). You cook it yourself but they send you the ingredients and the recipe and shit. Anyway the point is if you've been fat for a while you forget what a normal portion actually looks like. The first few times I cooked those things I was like the fuck is this im still hungry then like 30 mins later you're like wait... actually that was enough... is this what normal people eat?

>> No.16195765

I'll probably try this. Seems like a good plan

>What did you put on them?
Mustard, ketchup and crispy fried onions (don't really know what it's called in english, but you buy it in a small bag in the store)

>> No.16195777

Oh and for fucks sake don't go to the store when you're hungry or you'll just come home with piles of junk food. Eat first then don't buy all that shit. If it's not in the cupboard when you go looking then you can't eat it can you

>> No.16195783
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>> No.16195883

Don't listen to this faggot. Just stop eating and then start again after the fast.

I fasted for a month before and broke fast with a homemade pizza. Just monitor your weight and stop eating so much if you are getting fat again. Easy as.

>> No.16195887

is this a man?

>> No.16195888

I don't think there are very many actual, living biden voters, but I'm pretty sure that's one of them.

>> No.16195910

The first thing you need to do is reframe you mind. Three hot dogs is for three people, anon. At least as a standard meal. Also, stop eating processed garbo, you'd feel better and more satiated if you had three bowls of stew instead for example. And no, not Dinty Moore.

>> No.16195917

His candidacy was more of a joke than the beginning of Trump's in 2012. He's the epitome of an empty suit. I'm with you on your original sentiment.

>> No.16195926

It’s the same way you quit any other addicting task.

You have to break the cycle. In this case you can’t just give up eating altogether, so find a program that works for you and your body type. When I cut, I aim to consume 35% less than my BMR+Activity. That gives me a healthy goal while allowing for some wiggle room. Once you’ve established how much you need/should consume on a daily basis, break down how you’d like to spend those calories.

If you’ve never fasted in a meaningful way before, then I’d recommend a program where you split your meals up during times that you already eat. If you already only eat twice per day then don’t go out of tour way to establish a time to eat a third meal because that can become counterproductive quickly. If you eat more than 3 meals then break them down into 3 at first. It’s possible to get results by eating throughout the day, but you’ll probably find that each meal/snack should be no more than 100-200 calories which sometimes means more than a single bag of chips.

Even if you can’t meet the limit of your caloric intake on each meal within the first week, it’s helpful to train your body to know when it should be eating and when it should be fasting.

To actually break the cycle of wanting to eat, you have to have the willpower to stop when you’re at your limit or to nit engage altogether when it’s not time. Replacing the habit or switching to a new task helps a lot. Preferably it should be something that works in tandem with your goal, like going for a walk or doing some jumping jacks, but it can be anything that denies the ability to continue eating.

It’s definitely hard feeling like you’re denying yourself something you enjoy and something your body feels like it needs, but as long as you’re doing it in a healthy and safe way then you always have that idea to mentally stimulate yourself when you’re lacking in willpower. Over time your body will adjust and it will become easier.

>> No.16195930

Awful advice. You should be eating 1 meal a day

>> No.16195937

I'm surprised that you don't have permanent damage after that. Breaking long fasts with heavy foods is a death sentence

>> No.16195938

>focus on conversation
>everyone assumes you're mean

>> No.16195944

You can always tell when advice is given by people who aren't fat, have never been fat, and will never be fat. This stuff like "restrict your eating to a 6-hour window" or "cut out soda" does not work. Maybe if they're incredibly obese, that's a fine start but there are plenty of fat people who do both of those things already and are still fat.

>> No.16195956

You can't beat the laws of physics. If they are not losing weight after they cut out soda, then they are still eating too much food to lose weight. Genetics cope is always parroted by fat retards that just don't want to put the fork down

>> No.16195961

She's got a weird resting bitch face, but I find it kind of endearing. Would eat her petite asshole.

>> No.16195967

I've been really fat, 50 kgs overweight fat. I've got nothing to prove to you. My advice is solid.

>> No.16196006

It's also a dead giveaway that they fit the description when they say platitudes like "you can't beat physics" because while true, it completely ignores the obvious details as if metabolism is some constant where for every person it works identically like a 1 in, 1 out equation or something. "Cut out soda" is not helpful advice to a fat person who never drinks soda. And "you're eating too much" is only helpful to people somewhat considering they can look around and find plenty of people around them who eat worse but stay skinny.

>> No.16196044

Eat a calorie deficit for several months.

>> No.16196056

I lost 50 pounds just by eating less. You hamplanets need to stop blaming your lack of progress on metabolism or whatever. I don't even have any physical activity either. If you walked half an hour a day while fixing your diet, then you would be fine.

>> No.16196084
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Stop buying shit food. You can't eat a box of cheese its if it's not in your house.
Then try cutting off food after a certain time, that's the first step towards intermittent fasting.
That's fucking retarded, you'll fail and it won't accomplish anything. Start small, make incremental changes. Start with a 10 hour fast, then move to an 11 hour fast then 12, etc. Find what works for you.

>> No.16196097
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Stop eating assholes you're trying to lose weight damnit

>> No.16196107

I know a guy who is a biden voter for sure. He is an old white guy who never shuts the fuck up and wastes everyone's time at work talking about the most inane shit. He also thinks all Trump voters were racist.

>> No.16196113

Nothing makes you realize how fucking stupid fatty mental gymnastics are like actually losing weight yourself.
Eat less and eat less shit. It's that fucking simple. Jesus Christ.

>> No.16196114

I could only managed one slice before I felt like throwing up. Was a damn good pizza, though.

>> No.16196137
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Your image made me guffaw.

>> No.16196180

these arms are mogging my thigs lads

>> No.16196192

I am continually confused on how people can consume enough to get this big, especially the second set. I have eaten some high calorie meals before and do not want to really eat anything else for the rest of the day. It seems like so much work to get that big. Do they just constantly eat all day?

>> No.16196198


you have a job right? don't eat until you get home. but, every other day, have six benedryl for dinner and go to bed without eating. that should put at least three 48 hour fasts in your week.

>> No.16196200

>Do they just constantly eat all day?
Pretty much

>> No.16196203
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These people usually have enablers in their lives who help them get food. It's almost like a full time job to get that fat.

>> No.16196211

>Do they just constantly eat all day?
Yes. It's years of constant eating, drinking 2L sodas all day and eating McDonalds every day.
It's an addiction like any other.

>> No.16196244

The first guy is like 50% of adults his age. He just wearing that weird ass outfit that shows off his curves.

As for the second, eat super calorie dense food all day, never drink water, and barely move. People who are normal weight movie A LOT compared to these lardasses. Most people walk around and tend to their garden, clean, play pokemon cards, move around at work, whatever. To superfatmaxx you better only move when you are trying to get more food to bring back to bed. The bigger you get the easier it is to not move.

>> No.16196279

Do euroshits REALLY do this?

>> No.16196288

The secret is that junk food is made to be addictive and to suppress your body's natural signal of being full. That's why you can eat some fast food burger and feel hungry a hour later. It turns into a cycle of constant eating which creates these creatures

>> No.16196547

Its the resting bitch face. I have the same problem. If i'm not actively expressing or focusing on not looking pissed, I look like I'm ready to punch someone. I just head people off now when talking to new people and tell them I'm not pissed

>> No.16196572


OP, you should eat less food, LESS OFTEN. Especially carbs. You don't have to go full keto, but realize that your body wants to burn carbs first before accessing reserves of fat. So carbs are fine if you consume some (i.e. don't ever have a meal of 50+ carbs) now and then--especially if you're going to exercise after.
Check out this video (yeah it's 36 minutes but it'll probably add way more than 36 minutes to your lifespan.)

>> No.16196591

Oh, and I forgot to mention: you can start trying out 24-hour and 48-hour fasts if you do these things. Again:
- eat less food
- eat less often
- eat less carbs
The first 2 are obvious. And carbs make you want to eat more. The more carbs you eat, the more carbs you'll crave. So when you're ready to fast, you'll have a WAAAAY easier time if your body isn't dealing with carbs.
Try out intermittent fasting. Set 2 times: when you can start eating food and when you must stop eating food. The standard is 16:4, though you can start off with something like 14:10. This means, if you start eating at, say, 1:00 PM, then your stopping time is 10 hours later, at 11:00 PM. So you're fasting for 14 hours and allowed to eat 10 hours.

>> No.16196682

When you want to eat, get naked and take a good look at your body at mirror for a solid 5 mins. If the disgust don't make you lose your appetite, hopefully the shame will

>> No.16196699


>> No.16196742

dude be lookin like a snack ngl

>> No.16196781
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>genetics literally prevent me from getting fat
>even when i lifted i got to 120kg lean despite eating fast food and chocolate for the gains
fatfags have it hard.

>> No.16196792

mmm i wanna fuck

>> No.16196817

Lol. This tard thinks 20 hours in day. Yeah, we loose weight. Jus cut out 4 hours in day. Kek. Dummy.

>> No.16196837

>260 lbs
You would have to be over 7 feet tall for 260 to not be clinically obese.

>> No.16196883
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yeah, super obese bro. I'm only 6' even but my armspan is 6'7''.

>> No.16196907

>"only 6'" means sub 6' manlet as well
>hat indoors, probably an hairlet too
nice genetics bro

>> No.16196928
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stfu dude

>> No.16196932

hi steve
love your vids

>> No.16196973
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>> No.16196982

It looks all patchy

>> No.16197011
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because I wasn't trying to grow it, it was just a week of not shaving.

>> No.16197097

With Coffee and kratom I’ve done a 5 day fast. Start with keto for a month first to help the hunger

>> No.16197170

One of the few non retarded responses in this thread. Personally is stopped eating carbs completely (i.e. keto) and lost 90lbs in a year. This is all you need.

>> No.16197527

For those that are poor and can't afford meat/veg only diets, I've found brown nutbreads to be VERY good at satiating you.

Try this: turkey, tomato and cheese sandwich with a fried egg, all on a seed/nut bread. a fatass like me only needs 1 before i feel full, which is impressive.

>> No.16197621

I understand the urge to take extended fasts now and lose weight quickly, but healthy weightloss is gradual - you need to change your habbits

as another anon said, 5:2 fasting or OMAD (or both) is probably your best bet

>> No.16197635

kek xD

>> No.16197696

Take a fiber supplement before each meal(1 rounded tsp of psyllium husk with a full glass of water). They don't make a huge difference, but they do slow down your digestion and will make you feel fuller for longer.

>> No.16198383

>you'll just eat even more after the fast is done
Not necessarily. One thing that happens when you're a fat fuck is that your leptin response gets fucked up. It starts taking more food to make you feel full enough to stop eating. Fasting can bring your leptin response back to a more normal level so you'll feel fuller after less food, ie. you'll eat less food.

Habits are another thing entirely as fasts don't teach you anything good, but fixing your leptin response is a great upside to them.

>> No.16198393

>How do I stop eating?
low carb diet
t. ex-fat

>> No.16198399

First rule of changing anything is don't throw yourself into the deep end. Do it gradually. The number one reason people don't achieve their goals is they go full steam ahead and think they can maintain that indefinitely. Protip: You can't.

>> No.16198409

OP here again. For lunch today I only ate one hotdog instead of 2 or 3. Pretty happy about myself right now :)

>> No.16198412

oh and I didn't eat anything for break fast :D

>> No.16198416

count your calories and punch yourself in the head every time you have a bite once you've hit your limit
hard enough to hurt

>> No.16198433

lol don't count your calorious. what are you some basic white bitch office worker?

>> No.16198492


>> No.16198513

hate jews
hate asians
hate lefties
luv me cancer sticks
simple as

>> No.16198528
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>> No.16198549

strong beard lining, nice one bro.

>> No.16198627

thanks m8
it's nice having the anti hitler facial hair makes for good jokes

>> No.16198654
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What are american spirits like? never go to try them because i split up with my american ex. she bought me some but then we argued.

i just smoke white ox or chop tobacco

>> No.16198696

Drink a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in a glass of water every morning and every night. It will cut your appetite

>> No.16198701

tastes like real tobacco and smoke longer than normal camel or marlboro
basically the best you can get at gas stations in America

>> No.16198702

Fix your mind.
Ask yourself why you directly associate eating with your level of happiness.
It's obvious that you don't have any real need to injest food other than to fulfil a gap in your psychological health that you have yet to identify.
Good luck.

>> No.16198717

fug, i wanna try them pretty bad now

>> No.16198729

do it faget you won't regret it

>> No.16198972

thanks for the advice fren
btw i'm trans

>> No.16199039

Its surprisingly not that difficult to do a 7 day fast. However the prerequisite for "not that difficult" is your body has to already be in ketosis before you start. Ketosis is a metabolic state where your body starts burning fat in the absence of dietary glucose(carbs). It significantly reduces your feeling of hunger as the blood sugar levels slowly stabilise. If your body is already in ketosis as you stop eating its a significantly easier feat to accomplish

>> No.16199436

Stimulants will help, cocaine, coffee nicotine, methamphetamine

>> No.16199472
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>> No.16199478

Surround your living space with images of fat people. Associate fat people with disgust, eat less, lose weight.

>> No.16199491

Keto and fasting. Eat 1lb of bacon along with a huge salad, it's almost impossible to not feel full after a 800 kcal meal. Also fasted cardio.

>> No.16199512

This, fasting for 7 days is a lot earlier if you're body is already adapted to fasting.

Work yourself up to it like:

1. Get used to cooking dinner for yourself and counting calories/nutrients in cronometer
2. Transition to OMAD/IF, only eat dinner in a specific 2-hour window
3. After you get comfortable on OMAD (a month or two), pick a week and eliminate sugar and carbohydrates. Basically eat clean keto consisting of vegetables and lean meats, at a steep caloric deficit (say 1000) calories
4. The following week, try fasting 7 full days w/water and electrolytes

>> No.16199528

Don't do this, it's a waste of time. Just stop eating during 7 days. Take a week off, and do nothing. You'll stop craving food after 3-4 days, but it's hard.

>> No.16199530

Start doing cocaine. You won't feel hungry, and you won't have any money to eat anyway.
Or, when you get hungry, drink a lot of water until you feel full.

>> No.16199545

I don't understand the question. Just stop being fat? Idk what to tell you. Literally just eat normal foods (rice, beans, vegatables, chicken, fish) and you won't be fat. Are you fucking chugging grease or some shit? And no, soda, mayo, grease, fat, booze are not normal foods. Literally just be normal, how fucking hard is that you lardass.

>> No.16199598

If you've never even done OMAD before, fasting is way more of a mindfuck

Also, if you're already in ketosis, you stop craving food after 1-2 days instead of 3-4, which already is most of the fasting period

>> No.16199622

I did a 7-Day fast right before Thanksgiving and lost 12 lb, and in January I was basically back at the same weight, possibly with a few more
I also think I screwed up my endocrine system or something

>> No.16199630

>I also think I screwed up my endocrine system or something
What makes you think that? Symptoms?

>> No.16199639

At most you probably lost about 3-5lb of actual fat on a 7 day fast, most of that weight was water and the lack of actual shit in your intestines.

>> No.16199692

grugbrain here, I heard the human body can live for around a month without food. Maybe less. I'm skinny fat but I'm sick of that. If I just don't eat for 3 weeks can I fix the skinny fat? Will I be okay? I can afford to be neet right now. Need to know.

>> No.16199703

>You'll stop craving food after 3-4 days, but it's hard.
And you very likely wont last even 2 days
Which is why you should already be in ketosis before attempting such a long fast

>> No.16199709

dont bother, get as fat as you can but ONLY eat organic food, you will only be able to experience true taste from organic food if you only eat organic, then you will be fat but healthy with a powerful brain, think about it

>> No.16199711

>I can't help myself
Then you're going to stay fat, you self-defeating bag of shit.

>> No.16199715

Acid reflux with your problems and now it is a bit more frequent, some throat problems

>> No.16199722


Probably not. I had a pain in my side for a while so I tried to eat less for a month to see if it helped. I'd fast every weekend for a little over a month and ate around maintenance every other day. I lost maybe 30 pounds or so but still looked skinny fat. I'd either have had to keep going to full on skeleton mode, which was going to be excruciating and probably wouldn't last once I started eating regular again, or start working out to keep/build muscle so I wouldn't be skinnyfat at a higher weight. Your choice basically. If you get really skinny you won't be skinnyfat anymore but you're probably gonna hate it and it'll be hard to keep if you're not used to it. Better idea to do strength training and you'll just be muscular and lean instead of skinnyfat.

>> No.16200045

>there are plenty of fat people who lie about doing both of those things already and are still fat.

>> No.16200340

I had a scowl on my face the entire video.

>> No.16200370
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I think I ripped again guys. Today I have eaten

3 hotdogs
3 beers (0.33L)
M&M (90g)

I thank that is something like 2400 kcal. Well maybe it's not as bad as I thought, but still too much

>> No.16200378

Correction: I only had 2 beers

>> No.16200534

she cute

>> No.16200543


>> No.16200545

So you wanna lose weight but you have zero willpower to actually do it.
ok cool
Enjoy obesity

>> No.16200554

How do I get the power to will though?

>> No.16200574

You literally just do.
You're not gonna get it from a thread on 4bong

>> No.16200587

Yeah, I guess I know that already. To morrow I will only eat 3 chicken ties and only drink water (I hope)

>> No.16200877

How about you start with the very basic 101 of nutrition. You don't "stop" eating, you make it easier to eat less often and get less hungry.
Eat lower GI foods. Stop spiking your insulin. Don't snack. Eat full meals of mainly protein and fat, avoid carbs.

>> No.16200939

Drink water all day, especially before a meal.

Know yourself, for example I know if there's a bag of potato chips at home I'm going to eat it. So it's best to not even have those unhealthy snacks around. Switch to sunflower seeds as it's something that takes a while to eat.

Keep fruits so that when you're hungry you can eat those instead.
And don't buy stuff you won't eat, I rather have some tangerines at home than apples.

>> No.16201212
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I know this is bait because this thread is made every day, but just have some self control you fat fuck

>> No.16201481

tell ur friend to drop u off in the middle of nowhere forest with nothing but a tent, Water, salt, and potassium "salt"
For like 2 days minimum

Then come home and eat 1healthy meal before u sleep

Monitor ans document (record urself) how u feel and ur energy. Don't worry about how u look

Then eat as much absolute dog shit was trash McFuck food u possibly can. Record urself the next day

Then compare ur recordings

Then go out and fast again

Should be a lot easier at that point

The problem is that u don't have a frame of reference for the other side, ie how good it feels after u fast. U need yo make that happen and desu with addicts, sometimes force or agreed upon drastic circumstances are the way to go

If u go do this in a forest or smthn. Ur gonna feel like ur dying. Accept it. Be reborn fatboy.

>> No.16201538

When I had to drop weight for the military I ate a bowl of special k with skim milk for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I also went for a jog every day, but a walk will do if you are a super fatass.I lost about 20lbs in a month doing this.

>> No.16201551

you don't need to fast, you need to permanently change your eating habits
stop drinking anything with calories
stop eating sweets
stop snacking on unhealthy shit
stop eating fast food

if you stop doing all these things, you'll stay thin pretty much forever and you won't even miss most of them after a few months. I used to drink soda every day, but now it's legitimately disgusting to me, tastes overwhelmingly sweet - it's the same with most candy

>> No.16201554

Willpower is pushing through that last half mile of a run when you feel like quitting. Discipline is waking up every morning and doing that run.

Losing weight is pure discipline. Discipline means not eating shit that you know you aren't supposed to. Just don't do it.

>> No.16201618

Currently on day 4 of a 7 day fast

Its probably best to start smaller
Try IF, just start skipping breakfast or dinner

Other tips -

Don't keep food in the house
Keep yourself busy with other things

>> No.16201658

>How do I stop eating?
Become an adult and behave responsibly.

>> No.16201664

Is this achievable natty?

>> No.16201665

People will chat shit, but I did low/no carb and it really helped. Nothing fancy, but forcing youself to find something other than bread or chips or whatever was enough on it's own to make me eat less

>> No.16201738

You need an incredible amount of soy lattes

>> No.16201749

Maybe, but you will never have his fashion sense.