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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16190338 No.16190338 [Reply] [Original]

>sister tells me her homemade mac and cheese is superior
>try it
>it doesn't come close

kraft mac is god tier and you're a faggot if you disagree

>> No.16190378

kraft is okay, but the flavor isn't going to come close to something made with real cheese. kraft just uses a bunch of processed dairy ingredients but no actual cheese.

also most mac and cheese recipes i've seen typically call for 8 oz of cheddar per 2 cups of bechamel, but i find it needs more like 12 oz. tell her to use more cheese if she only did 8 oz in 2 cups. also a little bit of mustard powder or even condiment mustard makes it taste really good too.

>> No.16190384

Do adults in the US really eat 'mac and cheese'?

>> No.16190387

Canadians eat more of this shit than us.

>> No.16190401
File: 91 KB, 666x625, eddie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm Australian and yes, I always have a few boxes in my cupboard.

You euros are way too obsessed with americans, it's kinda pathetic.

>> No.16190409

Do adults in Australia really eat 'mac and cheese' or is it just you?

>> No.16190422

Do Australians and Europeans?

>> No.16190429

Dunno, don't care what other people do. I like what I like, faggot.

>> No.16190456
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I'd wager she:
>cooks the pasta as long as the box says
>drains all the water
>adds a bag of pre-shredded cheese to the still boiling hot pasta
bonus point if she lets it set 5 minutes until it all coagulates. also
>what is butter
>what is flour
>what is roux

>> No.16190466

watch out bros, the mac and cheese expert has shown up

>> No.16190478

I'm with you, OP. Every time I hear someone talking about how much better homecooked food is it always ends up being trash. They're in denial about how much better the major corporations are at making food work.

>> No.16190527

you don't have to be an expert to know how to make hacky cheese numbnut

>> No.16190534

watch out bros, the mac and cheese expert is angry

>> No.16190537

They're good at turning cheap processed ingredients into something palatable but they aren't as good as something made properly with quality ingredients.

>> No.16190548

Yeah, but the biggest issue is nobody knows how to cook - and that taste buds are wholly subjective. At least factory shit like kraft mac caters to a general taste.

>> No.16190758

Enjoy all the aluminum they put in your powder cheese lmao

>> No.16190802

They dont sell Kraft things here in mountain- desert-stan so i cant say

>> No.16190839
File: 70 KB, 470x485, 1burz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mountain- desert-stan

>> No.16191077


>> No.16191100

The pasta is dog shit.

>> No.16191173

Velveeta shells are way better. I switched over a few months ago and I'm never looking back

>> No.16191183

No, its fucking garbage
Kraft Deluxe and Velveeta both outsell it.
Dirty leafs eat that trash

>> No.16191200

>put in some sliced up fried smoked sausage
>sprinkle chipotle red pepper
you will literally coom

>> No.16191209

Velveeta samefag shill detected

>> No.16191216

for me, it's the liquid gold

>> No.16191226

In the end, the money goes to the mac and cheese monopoly Kraft anyways.
Honestly, Cracker Barrel is the only halfway acceptable boxed mac and cheese. And it still sucks, and its STILL Kraft

>> No.16191232

>what is nostalgia
Yeah you can make some pretty mediocre Mac and cheese with some pre shredded cheddar and roux, but let’s not kid ourselves. If you went out and actually got into cheese you would understand the potential for some enjoyable new cheese flavors, but you won’t. You don’t savor life, you just grab your nicely decorated boxed product at Wally word and leave your pleasure to that. Just understand that there’s other possibilities out there that you’ll never know.
Hopefully this is just a troll post, but I don’t think it is.

>> No.16191273

yeah, i guess my taste buds are nostlagic. fuck off line cook, I'm a genuine apprentice chef and prefer kraft mac. you mad?

>> No.16191291
File: 166 KB, 2406x2134, MACky cheese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just made this shit was so cash

>> No.16191298

i savor your mom alrite

>> No.16191305

looks good lad.

>> No.16191312

Welcome to reality.
The vast majority of people who claim “my homemade X is better than storebought/restaurant X” are wrong, and simply either have inflated self-opinions, or their friends/family that they’ve cooked for are too nice to tell them otherwise.

>> No.16191321

Even people bad at cooking can make better mac and cheese than Kraft. That shit is bland.

>> No.16191329

One day you will penetrate a woman's vagina. Hopefully.

>> No.16191349

she's a good cook and her mac was fine, just has nothing on kraft

>> No.16191363

Are you an "18 year old high school senior?" Not being a dick, btw. When I was younger I used to love Kraft and thought it was flavorful. I don't think so any more now that I'm in my 30s.

>> No.16191385
File: 326 KB, 600x600, 69F33095-8DC7-42B6-9EEE-E51A95A5B86C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coming through to post literally the only good boxed macaroni and cheese

>> No.16191390

I'm a 29 year old single lad with his own apartment. I like cooking but you simply can't beat kraft mac.

>> No.16191403

I'd love to beat you to a bloody pulp if you think Kraft mac n cheese is the best mac and cheese you've ever tasted in your entire life faggot.

>> No.16191428

hamburger helper bro, shit is dank

>> No.16191433

I'm 29 living with my 16th girlfriend and banging a couple of chicks on the side. Seconded Kraft mac n cheese. You just can't beat it.

>> No.16191452

at least the sound will be familiar

>> No.16191471

eww gross

>> No.16191477
File: 388 KB, 755x742, asssssss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd pay you to try, I've been kickboxing since a child and most of my friends are pro boxers that I spar with almost daily.

Kraft mac > homemade mac

>> No.16191518

You're just like how certain apes and monkeys live. The young males that can't get their own females live together and fight together until they're old and strong enough to get females.

You're literally living the monkey life.

>> No.16191529

I feel fulfilled, much more than a scrub like you.

>> No.16191658
File: 953 KB, 3000x3000, 293c96eb-f481-4f31-9b73-482df13be811_4.227f950fed67e14828f85a5ad23ac8f1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I switched over a few months ago and I'm never looking back
>few months ago
Dude I seriously hope you're underage, I haven't eaten Velveeta or kraft since I tried cracker barrel mac n cheese in 2014. The funny thing is, Walmart's great value artisan mac n cheese is superior to both. Do yourself a favor next time you're at wally world.

>> No.16191667

Why are you fags having a pretend argument?

>> No.16191674

LOL. You have bigger breasts than your mom fag.

>> No.16191696

How do you feel about the fact that BP and America spent decades ripping off your country and then paid for a coup to install someone of their choice and fucked your country.
Also what do you guys eat in the summer when it's just too fucking hot to live there

>> No.16191695

good one bro, you should post you body to compare. wouldn't that be whacky haha

>> No.16191699

I have a box of that that's 8 years past expiration date, still good to eat? Would assume so.