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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 117 KB, 2500x1875, Brussels-Sprouts-scaled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.16187722 [Reply] [Original]

>filtrers tastelets
heh, nothin personnel, kid

>> No.16187725

I enjoy sprouts :)

>> No.16187956

Those things are grotesque. Even cheese can't save them from being abomination. Everything from scent to taste to texture is foulness.

>> No.16187998
File: 141 KB, 1235x911, groovy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>olive oil
wala, perfect side to any meal. enjoy your mcchicken, bitch taste buds.

>> No.16188034

I like them. They're sort of like mini cabbages.

>> No.16188037

no parmesan on top?

>> No.16188038

I hate cheese tbqhwy lad

>> No.16188050

If it stinks and tastes like shit, then it simply means that you're not suppose to eat that.

What's so hard to understand for veganshits, that majority of plants don't want to be eaten? That's why they taste so shit uncooked.

>> No.16188052

I'm not vegan you faggot, the fuck made you assume that? Because i have taste and enjoy brussels sprouts?

>> No.16188055

Cut in half and roast in duck- or baconfat in the oven. Good stuff.
I think children have a different sense of taste and that's why they all hate these things. I know I did.

>> No.16188058

hate bacon, but I've thought about buying a few pounds of it just to cook it and store the fat. Worth it?

>> No.16188062

If you can get a good price, sure.
I always say that I'd still be buying ducks even if the meat weren't edible.

>> No.16188072

Yeah I can get it cheap as, $4 for 2lb/1kg. Anything in particular you can recommend cooking with bacon grease?

Duck tastes great btw, it's like chicken but better.

>> No.16188087

It's great for roasting vegetables in general. Sprouts, carrots, potatoes, asparagus...
You can use it as a general frying fat as well but it really shines with the veggies I think.

>> No.16188089

Try it with butter.

>> No.16188100

>I know I did.
The modern cultivars of sprouts are different to the cultivars from before about 1996. Almost all modern commercially grown sprouts are based on back-crossing from low-yield but tastier varieties to the high-yield ones that tasted like shit. This happened because the specific genes coding for the shitty bitter compounds were isolated by Novartis, and seed sellers jumped on the info to go back through their seed catalogues, many of which were already sequenced.

>> No.16188101

oh shit, roasting asparagus in it sounds great. cheers bro.

>> No.16188402

I legitimately crave sprouts often.

>> No.16188881

What? Source?

>> No.16188891
File: 11 KB, 180x215, esl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>filters ESL tards
heh, nothin personnel, kid

>> No.16189089

Just buy a brick of lard.