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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16172953 No.16172953 [Reply] [Original]

people are always so impressed when i tell them i can make sushi. LMAO, its just cooked rice wrapped in nori. there are retards willing to pay 5 bucks for ONE ROLL at street vendors

also, think about all those sushi chefs building up their "le asian sushi master" image by saying they trained YEARS to become one.its a fucking scam like everything else these days

>> No.16172962

You’ve never impressed anyone in your life, ever. Say whatever other gay shit you want, you aren’t fooling anyone.

>> No.16172975

if you can roll a blunt you can make sushi

if you can't roll a blunt my deepest condolences to you and your family

>> No.16172984

how hard is getting the rice cooked correctly? I've heard it's difficult but sounds like a meme

>> No.16172987

I'm not a drug addict to know such things.

>> No.16173004

rice vinegar + salt + sugar
kepp in fridge over night

>> No.16173006

You don't have to be a drug addict to take a toke anymore than a single beer makes you an alcoholic.

Of course, you could always be a puritan faggot who thinks laws and morality are the same, but what do I know

>> No.16173021


>a blunt

Okay nigger.

>> No.16173048


>> No.16173056

>he's never smoked a blunt

not something I'd brag about but alright

>> No.16173067

i impressed your mom with my sushi roll last night iykwim

>> No.16173068


>> No.16173080

The hardest part is finding fish that you can trust to eat raw.

>> No.16173086


>> No.16173099

American detected

>> No.16173156

Eh, fair enough. You keep on muddling through with that good ol' straight-laced attitude while I enjoy life

>> No.16173175

Wow I bet you feel so fucking good making this thread OP you’re such a comedic genius you little fucking faggot

I’ve eaten sushi all over, I’ve even been to Japan a few years ago and you wouldn’t be able to even touch let alone think about their skill and the amazing sushi they craft.

Neck yourself, you fucking cunt.

>> No.16173178

You sound like a real gem, bet you make the whole family proud

Honestly this, I would make it but I'm scared of worms and not very versed on finding good fish. Even the wild shit is dangerous recently

>> No.16173184

No reason to be hostile dude. What a piece of work.

>> No.16173188

what if I prefer bongs and never learned how to roll?

>> No.16173189

>you need to smoke weed to enjoy life man!!
>people who don't are all miserable and not free like me!!
Why do all of them think like this? Are they that rotted out that they can't enjoy life without being in an altered state?

>> No.16173213

Not him, and I don't mind weed, but you don't need it to enjoy life. Find a nice trail or lake and return to nature a bit. Cultivate a talent or find a new one. Find love. Straight edged people (mostly) aren't joyless stonefaced cunts, we just enjoy life's little things.

>> No.16173252

nearly everything you do produces an "altered state" e.g. exercise, coffee, alcohol, etc the important question should be is what you're doing going to bite you in the ass in the long run
and sometimes it can be things that are socially acceptable for example the prevalence of people literally working themselves to death which is a sadly all too common phenomenon in Japan, and to some degree the rest of the westernized world, known colloquially as "karoshi"

>> No.16173313

Weedfags are so insecure. holy shit

>> No.16173339

maybe it has something to do with the fact that for nearly half a century now you could get felony charges and your life ruined for possession of a plant that humans have consumed or used for thousands of years and is OBJECTIVELY less acutely harmful than alcohol (at least in the US) and many other EU countries im sure are similar

>> No.16173451

Being a plant doesn't mean it's harmless.

>> No.16173481

I can’t decide if I hate straight edge fags or weedfags more

>> No.16173500

never said harmless but it is clearly less harmful then the much less illegal and much more socially acceptable alcohol. you could even argue that prohibition has made it more harmful because of the issues that crop up around the illegal markets that were created and the violence that accompanies them, see what happened to alcohol during prohibition

>> No.16173506

was meant for

>> No.16173513


>> No.16173587

Obvious troll is obvious.