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File: 36 KB, 800x400, Milk-is-liquid-beef-800x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16161650 No.16161650[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why do the vegans and vegetarians always feel the need to push their own lifestyle onto our plates?

>Today Epicurious announces that we’ve done just that: We’ve cut out beef. Beef won’t appear in new Epicurious recipes, articles, or newsletters. It will not show up on our homepage. It will be absent from our Instagram feed.

If you want to eat rabbit food and some nuts your entire life, good for you, but cut the crap of trying to change my dining habits.

Shit like this makes me want to buy even more beef, just to counteract your agenda.

Fuck you vegimite gobblers and fuck epicurious.

As for PETA, I'll gladly boil some beef in that milk.

>> No.16161666 [DELETED] 

I loooove beef also thick bald kid pussy lips.

>> No.16161698

From that picture I take it PETA supports letting old dairy cows getting old and geriatric and dying from starvation eventually? But if you're caught with a poor old dying cow that you won't put down humanely you'll be charged for cruelty to animals and never able to own them again? Might as well kill it while it's still of some good to somebody, and replace it with a younger one because as a dairy farmer you are obviously breeding them?

>> No.16161705

All part of the cycle. Need to cut both out

>> No.16161709

Oh shit those digits!
How does he get away with it??

>> No.16161711

The cycle of life you mean? If you keep any kind of animal you'll need to deal with their inevitable mortality

>> No.16161741

Epiwho? Nobody fucking cares about your shit brand youtube crap you stupid zoomer.

>> No.16161796

Cow are bred specifically for farming. That's like giving birth to babies putting them in a blender serving them as smoothies and saying much cycle of life. BS

>> No.16161803

PETA higher ups are borderline cultist wackjobs, unironically, the founders believe that all animal domestication is immoral enslavement and would like to entirely do away with the concepts of pets and livestock

>> No.16161807

I'm sick of vegan and anti vegan threads.

Though I have to wonder why peta still gets money for their gay donations and anti ninendo games when everyone knows they are a bunch of animal murdering hypocrites.

>> No.16161822

>I'll gladly boil some beef in that milk
are you saying we can have milk steak again!?
I’ll run get the jellybeans

>> No.16161834

> I'll gladly boil some beef in that milk.
Just eat a cheeseburger or a philly cheesesteak like a normal person

>> No.16161941

The PETA head lady is diabetic and uses porcine insulin without any shred of shame.

>> No.16162019
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Way ahead of you

>> No.16162034

Oh so making cow extinction is your solution? But I thought you vaganoids always complain about endangered species.

>> No.16162301

“Why do nonpedos push their lifestyle of not raping children?”
>waaa waa vegan say mean word
Stop needlessly murdering the innocent, you cuck

>> No.16162943

The only meat I'll be eating for the next three days is red meat. Not for any particular dietary reason, but because I came into a lot of red meat that I can't refreeze. Will I become a chad after this?

>> No.16162959

>liquid beef
sounds tasty

>> No.16162965

Meat != pedophilia, syboy

>> No.16162989

Medical insulin is made using yeast, porcine and bovine insulin have been out of use since 06

>> No.16163316

Have you heard of Bovril anon? It’s the closest thing to liquid beef.

>> No.16163349

>magazine does something irrelevant

Carnists: waa waa waa stop opwesssing meeee

>> No.16163355

>plants grow from manure
>manure comes from animals
>they rely on animal byproduct for their food

How do vegans defend this?

>> No.16163360

Soooo do they not know what broth is or something?

>> No.16163441

Dairy cows aren’t used for beef though?

>> No.16163447

Almonds aren't vegan. Organic vegetables aren't vegan.

>> No.16163454

>drinking liquid BEEF!?!?!!?!
Yeah- it's called soup, Peta.
>milk is beef because cows associated with milk die
Is coffee niggerblood?

>> No.16163482

>they don't know about Bovril

>> No.16163516

Do you have to compare eating meat to raping children? Are they really comparable? What does that say about you?

>> No.16164072

not a vegan but just wanted to say you're retarded

>> No.16164315

Yes and yes. They are both exploiting the most innocent and defenceless for the aggressor’s sensory pleasure.
What it says about me is that I’m not a brainwashed speciesist like you and 99% of people.

>> No.16164334

So... when a cat eats a mouse its basically the same as raping a child.

>> No.16164337

Are you a cat now?

>> No.16164343

No but why should that matter?

>> No.16164351

Because you don’t base human morality on the behaviour of wild animals. If killing animals is fine because cats do it then raping and stealing is also fine because wild animals do it. Hint: none of them are fine.

>> No.16164361

Someone in my country managed to trap and drown tons of disease infested rats and peta was crying about it

>> No.16164382

Unfortunately for you, objectively these so callred horrible things ARE fine. Some of the most sucsessful people in the world are crooks, and some of the most powerful people in the world are rapists. You find it barbaric, but thats because you are feeble minded and most likely hate yourself and life. Your hatred for 99% of the world stems from a deep hatred of yourself I think. Tons of vegans are misanthropes, and if you hate humans and you are a human, well... you are just sad.

You need to start accepting the world is ugly and embrace it. Your veganic eutopia will never come to fruition so long as we share this planet with animals, rich in fertility and nutrition. Just be happy its not required by law to slowly torture an animal to death. A quick slaughter is possible.

>> No.16164383
File: 195 KB, 312x384, gigachad arms behind.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah nigga, I'M A DOG nigga, shieeet, bark nigga damn.

>> No.16164393

Based canid anon

>> No.16164402
File: 177 KB, 320x384, Gigachad arm 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but seriously, unless you are religious, a natural argument for what OUGHT humans do makes perfect sense. Killing based off the needs of yourself, and your people are completely justified in this setting. While rape has been justified in every war in history. Why you act "disgusted" at this animal acts, these acts are just a realty for man. Without a Godly figure to give a baseline for human actions, humans are by far the worst animals, we have gotten so good at being evil, we choose to bring retards into the world to parade them for social points. In fact, eating meat is properly the most humane thing we do, the process of meat eating harms no one of our kind, while that can't be said for other actions. Even science has to go through the process of harming people to get the results. From trials that make people infertile, to trials that just kill people. The reality is that every action a human does is still very much bounded by the animal processes that guide monkeys and cats.

>> No.16164406
File: 49 KB, 710x399, 1489020635959.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cow are bred specifically for farming. That's like giving birth to babies putting them in a blender serving them as smoothies

It's literally the same thing

>> No.16164419 [DELETED] 

Maybe farmers should slack off instead of working 365 days a year, and maybe they would have something important to think about, like how hungry they are

>> No.16164430

Post body

>> No.16164476

Beef cattle live a better life than dairy ones

>> No.16164604
File: 117 KB, 720x901, 1621530546182.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All left leaning movements are narcissistic suicide cults

>> No.16164626
File: 120 KB, 677x960, 1606179576424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16164654

Did you not read the OP? That's how.

>> No.16164656

Cant remember being called a genocidal manaic for eating vegetables by the meat industry before.

Try again.

>> No.16164684

It wasn't the founder of PETA, it was the Senior VP.

Information about her using animal-derived and tested insulin became public knowledge in the late 80s.

>> No.16165246

>some food company makes a change
fucking slaves

>> No.16165286

Meat eaters on this board are dramatically more obnoxious than vegans. I can't tell whether or not they realize it.

>> No.16165697

Eating meat is not just for pleasure it is a health food. Perhaps THE most healthy food considering that organ meats are the most nutrient dense food on the planet for humans. Considering the widespread vitamin deficiencies likely resulting from the consumption of garbage processed foods, some which happen to be vegetarian or vegan great harm is being done by not consuming meat (or adequate supplementation toe replace the nutrients) to humans.