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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16155866 No.16155866 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.16155873

I've never eaten beyond burgers but I don't understand why bean burgers make /ck/ seethe so much. I eat meats but sometimes I'll eat a bean burger and they're pretty good actually.

>> No.16155877

Same. It’s mainly incels who think you need to eat 5lbs of hormone-pumped, GMO-fueled, American “beef” a day to be a man.

>> No.16155881

looks soggy

>> No.16155883

*juicy with a seared bite

>> No.16155887

what the fuck is wrong with gmo's man bad bait otherwise

>> No.16155896

I tried an impossible whopper, and right away I noticed there was way more grill/ash than actual beef-flavor or meat taste. I think I understand what the "seared bite" really was. It doesn't taste like a grilled burger. It tastes like something less than flavorful that's been grilled.

So if you prefer to taste the heat instead of the meat, go for the facsimile burger.

>> No.16155898

>what’s wrong with my soy and corn crops that can be endlessly drenched in gallons of herbicide.
Gee, I don’t know.

>> No.16156238

you dont know what gmo's are do you? they dont use herbicide their genitically modified. Who the fuck talked about soy and corn? wheat is the main gmo

>> No.16156281

You are braindead. Almost all GMO crops today are the roundup ready crops. Of those, the main ones are animal feed crops, corn and soy.

>> No.16156291


>> No.16156305
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They're more expensive and taste worse than real meat....

Why would anyone want them?

>> No.16156314

>They're more expensive
If only these fake meats had the same sort of government gibs that corn, soy, and cattle farmers got to the tune of $40 billion dollars a years.
Maybe then they could be artificially cheap like real beef too

>> No.16156485

/ck/ loves bean burgers whenever I mention them, I think you're just lying because you're seen angry woman. Very few people eat meat to impress anyone or demonstrate masculinity in the US, it's cheap enough that is not much of a status symbol either.
Personally I eat a lot of meat because I like it and carbs make me fat and tired so I try for mostly protein and fat.
White meat with cheese is the best but a nice beef patty topped with a bean burger is great too.

>> No.16156495

No they couldn't, because the processing is insane compared to just feeding cows some grass and corn then butchering them and grinding them up once they're fat.

>> No.16156531

why are you eating animal feed?

>> No.16156557

If fake meats were subsidized with $40 billion dollars a year I’m sure they could hi the same price point

>> No.16156567

If you eat cattle you’re eating what they’re eating, which is gmo corn and soy

>> No.16156606

Your already said that. I'm sure they still wouldn't be. Also, making meat cheap is maybe the only thing my hueg fucking taxes go to that I actually support relative to the other dumb shit.

>> No.16156611

Why would I pay more money for non-meat, when meat is worth more.

>> No.16156615

If you eat corn that grew in fertilized soil you're eating cow shit
Lmao fucking shit eating retard don't you feel dumb

>> No.16156635

Nah, it’s not. You’ve obviously never been outside a city and have seen actual feed crop being grown.
Most industrial ag never uses manure on their fields, retard.
>I support my taxes going to an entirely unselfsustainable industry because I like it
You are so retarded it’s dropping the IQ’s of everyone in this thread

>> No.16156661

>crying about sustainability while seeing chemical fertilizers as a positive
>never been out west and thinks it's one or the other and they just put all the cow shit somewhere other than on the fields where it will do some good
Speaking of never stepping outside a city, kek
Wish all you "progressive" assholes would read and think more and repeat universal propaganda less.

>> No.16156668

Maybe not eating meat really does turn you into an unbearable faggot, I'd better stock my freezer.

>> No.16156673

>while seeing chemical fertilizers as a positive
I’m not saying it’s positive you complete dumbass. just saying that the industrial ag that grew the feed for your shitty little cows don’t use manure on their fields.
If you think a majority of the beef you eat comes from the grazing land out west you’re surely retarded.

>> No.16156711

your really gonna use the "you are what you eat" argument? come on now bro

>> No.16156719

also they do absolutely use manure, pig piss is quite popular you can smell it if youve ever been on the fields haha

>> No.16156725

Industrial ag 100% doesn’t, you larping cityfag.
Small scale farms still use it, but on an industrial scale it’s easier and cheaper (with government gibs) to buy industrially-made fertilizer

>> No.16156739

Sometimes I like to push needles into my willy hole to see if mummy notices

>> No.16156761

>why bean burgers make /ck/ seethe so much
the near-constant trolling of /ck/ by the vegans probably has something to do with it.

>> No.16156771

>he's just like his father he he

>> No.16156775

>meatards so fragile they can’t handle a bit of trolling
You autists go on rampages when you find out someone doesn’t eat meat every single day as if it’s a necessity to live.

>> No.16156838

Fucking kek

>> No.16156855

What part of "not either/or" is so fucking difficult for you to grasp, you dumb skirt?

>> No.16156864

So you're saying you'd RATHER eat shit, okay, my bad, sorry shit enthusiast!

>> No.16156875

IT guy is that you? Get a real hobby.

>> No.16156883

>being this mentally deficient

>> No.16156887

Bean burgers are fine. Slurry burgers full of the same shit aren't.

>> No.16156901

You fucked up irreparably when you tried the "you're eating what your food ate" thing, jej
Seethe on you crazy tranny

>> No.16156903

You know how you are obsessed with meat eaters and whenever you smell a bbq you go into a seething fit of rage? Yeah, thats how normal people who don't starve themselves on a shitty diet feel when you make shitty bait threads 1000000 times a day.

I thought vegans were supposed to be empathetic? I guess only towards the animals they want eradicated from the face of the earth

>> No.16156927

have they made any of these that taste good and arent loaded with soy yet? wanted to try some but thats my bare minimum condition before i do.

>> No.16156944

I do eat meat, I just don’t support the industrial ag industry, you faggot. I buy my beef and produce from farmers I personally know

>> No.16157003

>just feeding cows some grass and corn then butchering them and grinding them up
You have no idea what goes into beef production.

>> No.16157032

Prove him wrong. Drink a gallon of bleach and see what you become.

>> No.16157036

Spare me your vague braindead whore responses, go watch some more horrorporn ag docs kek

>> No.16157048

>(s?)he has no idea
Kekius maximus

>> No.16157061


>> No.16157062

Why don't you come out of the basement and actually go to a farm and a butchery you waste of skin. That is if you could find the way.

>> No.16157077

I've been, you dumb cunt. Why don't you stop being a hysterical LARPer?

>> No.16157078

>still isn't saying anything
>no u

Not anon, but I'm calling you out.

>> No.16157085

>vegans using the term 'incel' after implying masculinity bad and spouting off some GMO tinfoil conspiracy
seems legit

>> No.16157086

>but I'm calling you out
fite me fuck face.

>> No.16157094

The most blatant projection I've ever seen.

>> No.16157108

It's about power over people, morality based on the principles they espouse come secondary.

>> No.16157120

Have you tried the new one? No? Then shut fuck up.

>> No.16157133

>Intel spotted, 5 o’clock

>> No.16157150

How does that post have anything to do with Intel??? Go back to >>>/g/ retard

>> No.16157457

>t. AMD

>> No.16157558

i will take two of those, two BAskets (or XL equivalent) , and a diet soda

>> No.16157561

>t. seething soicvck incel

>> No.16157612
File: 35 KB, 480x360, artificial fertilizer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

50% of the worlds crops are still grown with manure. Theres a reason poos worship cow shit.

>> No.16157622

I dont support them either. I also buy large livestock from people I know (for now until I get my own large animals) and produce my own poultry and eggs, but holy shit you are obsessed.

>> No.16157990
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>> No.16158014

they where proven to contain 40 times the amount of estrogen actual troons take

>> No.16158017

What does eating beef have to do with being a virgin?

>> No.16158029


Ain't bad! There I said it and I am a life long carnist. If somebody served this to me I would thank them and enjoy it.

I just wish they could do SOMETHING to improve vegan hot dogs. The ones I had tasted like shit.

>> No.16158133

>he thinks soy beans aren’t sold to China and that’s why farmers grow it now

Guy who works in the industry here, you are an idiot. Soybeans are a cash crop atm

>> No.16158140

>sells to china so they can feed their cattle soy
oops, faggot

>> No.16159142

the definitely do. because they need to get rid of the manure if they breed cows.

company keeps cows and grows feed fot the cows. cows shit truckloads of manure which they need to get rid off.
>hey lets dump this manure to the landfill we use chemical fertilizer.
sounds dumb doesn't it?

with modern breeds giving huge amounts of milk consuming lots of food farms often have to much manure more than the fields need, they even transport it to other farms with trucks. or over fertilize their fields. leading to nitrate leaching into the groundwater.

>> No.16159314
File: 116 KB, 329x331, 1615425595355.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much estrogen is in them?

>> No.16159315

yea but they still have to use manure, otherwise theyll have to deal with it as a biohazard. you realize america isnt the only farming place right? i am talking of my experiences where i am from being denmark which has massive export of agriculture. Your fucking annoying man

>> No.16159323

wikipedia doesent give you all the information working with it does, your embarrassing.

>> No.16159327

Very little. Doesn't make any difference to hormonal balance. Is this the factual answer you wanted? Probably not. Too bad.

>> No.16159331

id piss in your chlorine bottle faggot get dunked on

>> No.16159351

>“The impossible whopper has 44 mg of estrogen and the whopper has 2.5 ng of estrogen,” he explained to the Western Journal.

“Now let me refresh your metric system. There are 1 million nanograms (ng) in one milligram (mg). That means an impossible whopper has 18 million times as much estrogen as a regular whopper.”


>Most combination birth control pills contain 10 to 35 micrograms of ethinyl estradiol, a kind of estrogen. Women who are sensitive to hormones may benefit from taking a pill that contains a dose of estrogen at the lower end of this range

Do what you will with that info

>> No.16159364

the EVEN BETTER beyond burger is going to at least double that anon, be happy

>> No.16160140

The ingredients *are* subsidized though.

>> No.16160148

Oh wait. I meant this post for this thread
>New! And Improved!
So I bet it basically just tastes like Impossible now. They copied Impossible because their shit wasn't selling. Congrats.

>> No.16160154

I don't trust any info posted here. But thanks for wasting your time.

>> No.16160218

Not him but I can tell you the large amounts of canola oils in the beyond burger is pretty unhealthy. Tallow is much healthier.

>> No.16160220

fascinating insight
a daring synthesis

>> No.16160408

>It’s mainly incels who think you need to eat 5lbs of hormone-pumped,

So you use incel as an insult because haha virgin! That just proves the incel theory lol.

>> No.16160417

When people talk about incels they don't mean anyone who's involuntarily celibate, they mean people who call THEMSELVES incels

>> No.16160637


>> No.16161575
File: 1.09 MB, 200x270, Disgusting.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he unironically spent $5 on fake meat burger

>> No.16161765

Why would I eat some bizarre concoction meant to mimic real meat when I could instead simply eat real meat?

>> No.16161783

idk they think it will make you a better person or something.

>> No.16161927

I'm confused, why do you guys have to be autistic about this shit? We're omnivores. Just fucking eat everything, it's what I do.

>> No.16162512

because red meat is unhealthy.

>> No.16162517

no its not

>> No.16162529

Yes, it is. Especially American “beef”

>> No.16162535

Soy is unhealthy for men

>> No.16162541

It is and it isn't. Either way, though, it's the one thing that is considered "unhealthy" by many that I'm willing to indulge in, no matter what the cost. There aren't many other things like that for me. I figure, I'm making up for it in other areas.

>> No.16162571

>Various peoples around the world have been eating red meat for time eternal
>It's now, at random, declared unhealthy by people who sit on their ass all day
I'll cede the point that the factory farm stuff isn't of quality, but the notion of red meat being unhealthy outright is utter bullshit.

>> No.16162577

it's not

>> No.16162615

>Eat beef, dairy and the occasional fruit
>Eat grains, vegetables.

>Mongolians conquer China because their soldiers aren't flimsy rice farmers.
Do some research, it's fun and funny.

>> No.16162620

Post the source.

>> No.16162640

How new are you?
The core of 4chan “interest board” culture is getting mad at people who aren’t you, spending money that isn’t yours, on things you don’t like.
If it’s something you like/own/use/buy/etc, it’s the correct thing. Otherwise it’s only liked/owned/used/bought/etc by pleb faggots who lack the ability to do such with the ‘correct’ thing.
/ck/ is just /v/ with food.

>> No.16162688

if properly sourced american beef is just as good as any other countries beef.

>> No.16162709

>being this much of a fucking speedreading illiterate

>> No.16162712

People that think 4chan culture is just shitposting and arguing instead of having reasonably civil conversation probably discovered this website during the 2010s.

>> No.16162724

Civil conversation (outside of /b/) was the norm before all the newfaggots flooded in

>> No.16162738

>It's now, at random, declared unhealthy by people who sit on their ass all day
It’s declared unhealthy now, because for all of human history no one say on their asses all day. Unlike now where everyone does.

>> No.16162745

>t. Some faggot who doesn’t know shit about beef
Lol please tell me you’re a fucking yuro. The only countries that have parity with the US on beef are Australia, and a couple SA countries who raise beef with American rules for sale in America.
But if you were from a country that had decent beef you’d know that. I bet you have a fucking “village cow” where you live.

>> No.16162749

>The only countries that have parity with the US on beef are Australia, and a couple SA countries
Insane levels of cope.
I’m sure your “beef” slurries on your McDonald’s burgers are top quality.

>> No.16162756

Plant estrogens have no effect on humans. If they did it would be illegal for them to sell it, as it would be basically selling hormones.

>> No.16162768

Eat up tranny

>> No.16164746

More like the Faggot Burger LMAO

>> No.16164751

I can't eat it because it goes against my religion (the church of MAGA)

>> No.16165475

Have sex

>> No.16165498

This. The people who worry about phytoestrogens are usually the same people who drink and eat a lot of dairy, whoch effects hormones significantly more.

>> No.16165502


>> No.16165520

If they were called bean burgers I wouldn't hate them. I don't hate food, I hate deception.

>> No.16165528

yes because the only way to eat beef is through fast fod.

>> No.16165529

>if it were bad for you they wouldn't let you buy it
Please, please, please be satire. Please.

>> No.16165532

It's not, for sure. But most americans can't afford to buy proper meat as it is, so don't pretend like you're eating something that isn't totally shit.

>> No.16165534

You will never be a real woman. Take your meds transcel. Cope seethe and dilate.

>> No.16165539


Dude, BK meat tastes horrible. The Impossible Whopper is far superior to their normal garbage.

>> No.16165547

>he never made it past 4th grade biology
yikes to the max dude.

>> No.16165576

I don't eat fast food, and all the beef I have been eating for the last year is a guys personal beef steer that he didn't have enough freezer space for.

I agree most modern Americans are restaurant hopping convenience slaves who don't give a rats ass where their food comes from, but there are some incredible American beef producers out there that actually do an incredible job raising cattle. And don't pretend most of the rest of the world gives a shit where their food comes from either. Chances are, shitty fast food has plagued country too.

>> No.16165586

>all the beef I have been eating for the last year is a guys personal beef steer that he didn't have enough freezer space for
very based.
I agree with the rest of your comment as well.

>> No.16166328

You mean like the estrogen in your fake meat?