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16155237 No.16155237 [Reply] [Original]

Raw milk

>> No.16155241


>> No.16155243

I prefer my milk toasted

>> No.16155247

Looks raw.

>> No.16155254

Nutritious and delicious

>> No.16155258

i think it's neat how raw milk never actually goes bad. when it gets too old, it clabbers, meaning that it separates and also turns sour. but it's still fine to consume at this point. and if you leave it be longer it just sort of turns into cheese.

hopefully eventually regulators realize that banning raw milk was a mistake and ease up restrictions

>> No.16155259

Where did meme came from? The same mongoloid who eats raw pork?

>> No.16155296

They keep it banned because of the dairy lobby
>nooooooooo my milk has to be pasteurized and pumped full of hormones, antibiotics, and puss because benjamin netanyahu said so

>> No.16155305

You can't cook milk idiot

>> No.16155320

>applying high heat and pressure isnt cooking

>> No.16155333

t. Dumb city dweller who enjoys calf gut flora mixed with his milk

>> No.16155341

I wouldn't drink unpasteurized milk even if you were to pay me.

>> No.16155342
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>> No.16155344

>nooo you can't consume something you've evolved to drink and which your ancestors over thousands of years drank without problems while conquering the eurasian steppe, you have to drink this cooked version that would stunt the growth of a baby calf if you gave it to it

>> No.16155374

You don't 'cook' drinks, anon. That's only for solid foods.

>> No.16155386

>broth isn't cooked

>> No.16155411

Mongolians fermeted their milk dumbass, they never drank it raw you absolute baboon

>> No.16155415

Delicious on it's own. In ceral or tea/ coffee- meh.

>> No.16155420

They sure didn't pasteurize it
I don't eat cereal nor do I add milk to coffee or tea

>> No.16155425

Do you even know what fermenting does? Shit people here are beyond stupid fuck sake, finish highschool at least before you jump blind into the next meme diet

>> No.16155429

It's not. Do you think it is??

>> No.16155454
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>> No.16155522

is this post supposed to mean something?

>> No.16155567

prove it. drinking milk is literally part of ayurveda

>> No.16155576

so would you drink raw kefir

>> No.16155645

>dude let me cure your aids with cow piss and raw milk
>impliying pajeets are a paragon of health
Fuck off already retard, go make bread with wild yeast and preserve fish with rancid oil if you like the old "natural" ways so much

>> No.16155679

you're just proving my point. ayurveda is based on historical tradition, demonstrating that drinking milk wasn't uncommon for indoeuropean people

>> No.16155717

>untreated milk
Not necessarily bad but straight up unsanitary for large scale production


Bad for taste, possibly not optimal for digestion

I drink non homogenized, simply because it tastes way better. Shake it if you can't deal with the little lumps of fat that form in it, they will dissolve easily.
Personally i think they're delicious.

>> No.16155730
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Getting fiery serpients from uncooked meat was also common, what is you point? If you like to eat dirty mechanically extracted milk go ahead, unless you are milking the cow yourself, cleaning her and them throwing away the first liter of milk you will be gushing on bacteria, that can go from the runs to some high inflamatory disease that can become chronic if you do it for long time, im part of a indigenous group here where I live and my gradnparents still skim, and boil milk to avoid getting the runs and wasting away nutrients and electrolites
You are just some stupid idiot who saw a youtube video from some equally retarded ape claiming raw milk (in the moden day) is good based on ancient texts that dont apply today anymore

>> No.16155733

probably worse for you because it's not pasteurized *smirk*

>> No.16155781

the bacteria isn't the issue it's toxicity from poorly raised/treated cows. if you avoid shitty producers you're fine. same with eating raw eggs or beef.

>> No.16155812

Source: dude trust me

>> No.16155818

you can literally eat the dung from a (well treated, healthy) cow and be totally fine

>> No.16155819

love to see fatties who eat a fast food diet blaming pasteurized milk and muh big dairy for all the world’s health problems

>> No.16155824

Okay Rajesh

>> No.16155828

The only non bugman way to consume milk along with raw milk kefir

>> No.16155837
File: 6 KB, 200x202, 1B16620B-C2D7-48E7-BED9-B580AECF7CFF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dude you should eat poop
holy based raw milkfag

>> No.16155840

I like to drink it and pretend that it's cum.

>> No.16156015

>just eat shit bro
Top kek

>> No.16156096

Healthier cows are less likely to have the bacteria, but you're still full of shit. In more ways than one.


The potential pathogenic bacteria from raw milk, include tuberculosis, diphtheria, typhoid, Campylobacter, Listeria, Brucella, E. coli, Salmonella, and streptococcal infections,[17] make it potentially unsafe to consume.[18][19] Similarly, a recent review authored by the Belgian Federal Agency for the Safety of the Food Chain and experts from Belgian universities and institutions concluded that "raw milk poses a realistic health threat due to a possible contamination with human pathogens. It is therefore strongly recommended that milk should be heated before consumption."

The Cornell University Food Science Department has compiled data indicating that pathogenic microorganisms are present in between 0.87% and 12.6% of raw milk samples.

Many traditional French cheeses have solely been made from raw milk for hundreds of years.[39] Unpasteurised cheese in France is the major source of staphylococcal food poisoning.[40][41]

>> No.16156151

I'll take my chances

>> No.16156190

>I take chances of getting some fucked up shit but hey, I may be owning thoose Pasteur fags
Retards always do, same with smoking, same with excess alcohol, they always take chances and then cry when they win the lottery of disease

>> No.16156229

Ok, just do it informed and not based on some hippie shit.

>> No.16156361

Cows milk doesn't belong to us. Straight from a human female titty or nothing else

>> No.16156676

The toxins produced by those bacteria is what makes us ill. If the milk is from healthy cows, those bacteria can be present and not be harmful.

>> No.16156678

>you've evolved to drink

>> No.16156685

Why do you think India would have festivals where people throw cow dung at each other, literally covering themselves in it, if cow dung were not in and of itself harmful? Such a festival would not have survived to modernity. Instead, Indian cows have historically been (maybe still are?) well treated and healthy, so their dung has been non-harmful to humans.

>> No.16156691

were*, not were not

>> No.16156692

Extremely well formulated bait.
As if millions of Indians don’t get sick and or die from their poo-related habits

>> No.16156776

>takes pride in rubbing poo over his face
Untouchable scum get back to the slum you came from