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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16155213 No.16155213 [Reply] [Original]

What would you pick?

>> No.16155217

girl ass

>> No.16155222

You can't have this

>> No.16155223
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Beans, spiced as fuck so I can blast my ass when I die and everybody will get gassed by my death rattle braps

>> No.16155227

good, it probably stinks

>> No.16155257

>warden gives you a trans girls hairy dirty asshole because trans women are women.

>> No.16155261

ew, imagine the smell of man hole :(

>> No.16155266

You're mom

>> No.16155267

Some form of steak

>> No.16155272

Nachos for an appetizer
Carbonara for a main
Big fat bowl of choccy ice cream
A couple egg nogs to wash it all down and really seal the deal on the time bomb that is my lactose sensitive gut after that murderous combo

>> No.16155275

prime rib with extra horseradish and au jus, crab cakes, and chicken caesar salad, broccoli cheddar soup, and stawberry cheese cake for dessert.

>> No.16155278

it might be worse because "its" hormones are out of wack

>> No.16155285

A bucket of Popeyes or KFC chicken and three 40oz malt liquors preferably something strong like St. Ides or Camo.

>> No.16155290
File: 248 KB, 859x960, Chadam14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anything as long as it was prepared by Adam BASEDgusea

>> No.16155291

mountain dew and doritos but in an unironic fashion

>> No.16155484

Prawns and oysters for entree. A nice big peice of sirloin for mains. Probably with beer battered chips and salad on the side.
Chocolate mousse and a cup of tea for dessert.

>> No.16155495

cup of coffee black and one light cigarette

>> No.16155503

The blood of my enemies

>> No.16155527

Cabbage, bean and deenz stew over a bed of raw cabbage and kimchi. Half a cup of uncooked popcorn kernels

>> No.16155530

Appetizer would be steamed broccoli and carrots.

Main course would be spaghetti and sausages with Bolognese meat sauce. Mountain dew baja blast as my drink with a shot of 151 as my last drink.

>> No.16155539

they don't do this anymore

>> No.16155566

*In Texas

>> No.16155570

honestly I'd ask for the same.
or maybe a ice cold Monster and like 2-3 Menthols.

>> No.16155572
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I would ask if my mother could make my last meal and surprise me? If not, I'd want alfredo chicken pasta and a deep dish meat eaters pizza with root beer to drink, and a brownie, in true american fat fashion.

>> No.16155588

people hardly get executed anywhere else

>> No.16155629
File: 457 KB, 1438x1394, Screenshot_20210413-141911_Instagram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Food that makes me fart and shit

Shitting is a very releasing feel and I wish to have one last trip in the bathroom before I die

>> No.16155659

>people hardly get executed anywhere else

Trump had quite a few people executed that Obama couldn't stomach to perform. Word is Trump was on each of the firing squad lines.

>> No.16155667

You can get that at commissary.

>> No.16155674

yeah for like 5 handjobs and a buttfuck i guess i could get a couple bags

>> No.16155684

>5 handjobs

I wonder if that's actually a thing in prison? For me the only thing that turns me on about it is because a woman is jerking me off.

>> No.16156933

can someone post pics from the site that shows real last meals?

>> No.16156939

macdonnels double quarter pounder

>> No.16156951

Are you larping a black man?

>> No.16156957

>Virgin peeing fan vs the Chad pooping enjoyer

>> No.16157042

>Why I season my electric chair, not my food

>> No.16157083

Anon you deserve death row

>> No.16157168

laxatives and ipecac
it'll be a real horror show for the witnesses

>> No.16157654

Based and Brap pilled

>> No.16157719


>> No.16157724

order the rarest fish on earth so they have to spend 6 months finding it

>> No.16158500

Big huge bucket of cocaine and heroine.

>> No.16158517

are you allowed to give them an ingredient list and request access to the kitchen yourself?

>> No.16158522
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>> No.16158655

my mom's cooking

>> No.16158658

two culvers deluxe double butterburgers
cheese curds with ranch
french fries with ketchup
ben and jerrys half baked

>> No.16158661

Juice that makes you invincible, check mate

>> No.16158666

me mums cuban rice.

>> No.16158668

I wouldnt have an appetite, im about to fucking die. I'd probably be sweating and dizzy and accepting Jesus into my heart while trying not to freak the fuck out.

>> No.16158710

Since it's gonna be prepared by prison cooks who aren't exactly trained in fine dining, I'm just gonna go with nachos and chocolate icecream. Hard to fuck that one up.

>> No.16158758
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>> No.16158762


Juice that makes you cum super hard

>> No.16158813

My dads lasagna.

>> No.16158829

This wouldn't work. The law allows for them to substitute in common items for rarer ones.

>> No.16158857

cute lady!

>> No.16158869
File: 252 KB, 616x840, 1615709369047.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3 cans of beans spiced with carolina reapers
27 pills of ex lax
a 40 oz of laxative to wash it down
they wont need a lethal injection to kill me

>> No.16158876


>> No.16158877
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also pic related

>> No.16158889

Short ribs slow cooked for 72 hours. Gives me enough time to escape.

>> No.16159345

I'd have them amputate my legs and roast them for me, I've always wondered how I would taste

>> No.16159365

willy wonkas roast beef dinner gum

>> No.16159608

I read this in Eminem’s voice

>> No.16159629

Famous Daves wings, 24 count with extra ranch. Cheesecake from my favorite local place. Godzilla rolls. Strawberry italian soda to wash it down.


>> No.16159666

top fucking kek

>> No.16159698

I usually get two baskets of McDonald’s fries and two mcdoubles and a small Diet Coke extra ice to save calories

>> No.16159884


Your mom.

>> No.16159911

Thankfully my stated has done away with the death penalty. The US is so behind Europe when it comes to managing society. We're good at military, technology, and business, but man do we suck when it comes to criminal justice and equity.

>> No.16160268

Shit, can't unhear. Too bad that voice AI thingie was kill last I heard about it, because that would certainly be vocaroo worthy.

>Godzilla rolls
Do I want to know?


>> No.16160276

They dont do this anymore in my state and we actually execute people
In texas ur last meal is the same prison food everyone gets
>murderers didnt give their victims a last meal so why should they get one???

>> No.16160284
File: 400 KB, 800x533, smores-oreos-smoreos-review-full-package.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whole package of OREO S'mores Sandwich Cookies

>> No.16160294

Dude that looks like that ghost rider guy whose face the cartel burned off

>> No.16160300

Meh the whole thing is retarded and thats state law. In my state u dont pick shit

>> No.16160405

I am...mom?

>> No.16160409

>not calling them smoreos...

>> No.16160425

I ate the triple baconator years ago, can't imagine a 4x4

>> No.16160485
File: 137 KB, 900x600, MV5BNTgwOTA5OTEzNF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwNzc2NjcwNjE@._V1_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16160890

something my mom made

>> No.16161130

there's no milk in carbonara tho, should've said alfredo instead

>> No.16161144

Nope but the brothas got one thing right and that's fried chicken with a 40 oz.

>> No.16161151

Ill eat the electric chair

>> No.16161429

Bottomless fries from red Robin so I can just keep ordering they don't run out so they can't kill me as long as I keep eating them

>> No.16161445


>> No.16161517
File: 357 KB, 525x888, based.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16161789

Couple dozen fresh oysters and a bottle of champagne I guess I dunno.

>> No.16161824

poop lol epic style

>> No.16162059

based texans

>> No.16162081


>> No.16162126

4 mcdoubles
3 big Macs
2 fillet o fish
20 piece chicken mcnugget with sweet and sour sauce
Large fries
2 sides of big Mac sauce
2 large iced tea
2 apple pies
Large Oreo mcflurry
1 vanilla cone

>> No.16162158

imagine the smell after you soil yourself

>> No.16162256

Laxative chocolates and tons of fiber supplements and eggs.

>> No.16162264

It does seem fucked up that you get a last meal but not a last fuck. The fuck is more important imo.