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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16150864 No.16150864 [Reply] [Original]

>one bite everyone knows the rules

>> No.16150870

What a greasy mess, there's a puddle of fat on the top. Disgusting.

>> No.16150875

>the owner walks out and stares

>> No.16150895

one shart everyone is amerifat

>> No.16150904

*takes eight bites*

>> No.16150916
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>> No.16150918

>takes ones bite of a burning out pizza
>has his mouth open the entire bite due to the heat
>doesnt get to taste anything
>"3.4, no, 3.2"

>> No.16151192

What pizza does he actually like

>> No.16151213

New Haven, CT Style 'za

>> No.16151370

>Gotta crowd forming now

>> No.16151389

Alright Frankie where are we again?

>> No.16151395

new haven apizza capital of the world

>> No.16151411

jesus imagine going through an entire war just to get a fucking (you)

>> No.16151522

good double

>> No.16151547

Isn't this guy a giant raging cunt?

>> No.16151752


>> No.16151759

Literally who

>> No.16151834
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pic unrel

>> No.16151838

Worst is when he lets the hot ass cheese slip right off his slice

>> No.16151856

That is what I love about his NY videos. There is like a 50% change that some random GTA conversation will happen.

This nigga is old af, he has a closet full of (You)s

>> No.16151864

this one time some homeless guy WITHOUT arms came by blabbeing something about giving crack to homeless people during a pizza review, and a couple of months later that exact armless dude apparently stabbed and killed someone

>> No.16151870

How did he stab with no arms?

>> No.16151878

>A homeless man with no arms has been charged with stabbing a tourist in Florida. Miami Beach police say 46-year-old Jonathan Crenshaw held a pair of scissors with his feet and stabbed 22-year-old Cesar Coronado just after midnight Tuesday, the Miami Herald reports.
with his feet, apparently

>> No.16151884


>> No.16151915

>tang to it
>good crisp
>good undercarriage
thousands of pizzas and thats all his tasting notes

>> No.16151921


This stuff may seem like a random occurring for country folk, but damn these strange interactions literally happen all the fucking time between strangers in the city. I am introverted as fuck so I avoid the inner city like the plague, but I work in a big city so I get these random encounters all the fucking time even though I try to limit my time in the city. Here are a few that I remember:

1) Some random dude harassing me at the gas station because he just came out of jail and needed a ride. I was like, "Bro, telling people you just came from jail aint a good look." he looked sad as fuck but I wasn't willing to deal with this dude.
2)Homeless man harassing me for cigarettes and then going on a long ass rant about how cigarettes aren't as good as they used to be. I didn't even give him money, he just talked to me while I was pumping gas.
3) Some random woman banging on my car window while I was enjoying a succulent McDonald's meal at like 2AM. Despite my best I ended up taking her home but didn't fuck that crazy bitch even though she made it very clear that I could.
4)My female called a homeless man cute and he chased us like half a mile down the street while carrying a mattress.

>> No.16151970

the mickey dee shills get more creative by the minute

>> No.16152110

I wish I could get pizzas as hot as he gets them. I never get a mouth burning pizza unless I order it while I am sitting at the restaurant.

>> No.16152116

is he talking to a jew here? because if not, he's incorrect.

>> No.16152137

It's that shit that made me get over my "big city" phase quick. Grew up in a part of florida that was basically still swamp until it got developed and gentrified, wound up moving to Seattle after I left home, always had all these romantic ideas of city life from movies, only to find out that you can't do a single fucking thing without A) some hobo or nigger trying to rob or otherwise harass you, B) some old fuck chiding you or C) some hipster faggot trying to chide you like the old fucks do. Moved to bumfuck Montana, and never looked back. Just leave me the fuck alone.

>> No.16152257

Ok chud

>> No.16152343

food dip is that you?

>> No.16152356

you arent having big city experiences though

you are having hood experiences because the part of the big city you have access to is the hood

if you arent getting the experiences you thought you'd get, it's because they are unavailable TO YOU, not that they don't exist

>> No.16152420

It depends on your personality. IF you are an introvery your city experiences are going to be limited to the random street trash. Extroverts who love talking to everyone will find out about every degenerate location within a month. There is also the stuff that is only available to the rich. You know, the type of people who are willing to drop like $3k to get away from the poors for one night.

>> No.16152473

Wrong. You can be an introvert and easily go to plays and art galleries all the time, experiences which are infrequent in low populace areas.

>> No.16152474

>hey frankie, something something
>where are we?
>yeah the owners were cool
>these clothes look good on me
Takes a bite
>could use a little more crisp
Takes a bite from the crust
>not my style
>7.3? not my style, good pizza
There's every review since the pandemic started. He doesn't review them anymore, just two bites, scores a 7.3, 8.2 if he really likes it or a 6.4 if he doesn't. I don't think there's been a 9 in 2 years.

>> No.16152477

You can also just go on your computer and have the same experience.

>> No.16152486

No you can't. A photo of a painting is nothing like the real painting, and footage of a play is nothing like a real play.

>> No.16152491

I remember meeting a girl and then suggesting going ot a play or a comedy club or something. She was like "why would I want to do that?" I got super mad. Like how the fuck can you be so fucking boring that you don't want to do anything other than sit around and have sex? Jesus fucking Christ learn some culture you degenerate as fuck woman. Why do you even live?

>> No.16152495

killing somebody with your foot should get you time off for cool shit served

>> No.16152518

>wow, it was only me having a bad time? well golly gee, then i'll definitely go back to the city then
is this what you thought that anon would respond with?

>> No.16152874

I go to the city all the time and about 1/4 trips has a GTA NPC conversation occur its insane

>> No.16152964

He's based

>> No.16153034
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>years ago
>go to bus station one time
>nicely dressed beggar woman does that thing that was new at the time where they approach you and start engaging in conversation instead of outright panhandling
>hello, excuse me, sorry to bother you but i'm from x provincial town and i'm currently stuck here because i'm two euros short of the price for my ticket, can you help me out
>reply with "sorry, i don't have a cent on me" and walk away
>hear her angrily yell out from behind me "oh you don't have a cent? well let me help you out!" and she throws a few small coins at me

big cities are something else man

>> No.16153982

Did you at least grab them

>> No.16153991

>>nicely dressed beggar woman does that thing that was new at the time where they approach you and start engaging in conversation instead of outright panhandling
That's a gypsy tactic old as time. You were being primed for pick pocketing, or guilting out.

>> No.16153996

Yeah Dave Portnoy is jewish as fuck

>> No.16154042

how good/important/useful is engineering for pve/pvp in bc? I can't remember because i was a dumbass back then and only had first aid

>> No.16154060

Can you actually take two bites ?

>> No.16154080

as it happens, we have actual roma gypsies in my country and she definitely wasn't one of those.
i guess the tactic was new to me because in my hometown the beggars didn't do that. actually there weren't any beggars in my hometown. pretty weird now that i think about it. it's not some village of 20 people, it's a town of 90k.

>> No.16154150

Anyone had those stupid romas/gypsies starting to dance with you on the street, and find you being stripped of wristwatches and wallets, yeah, me neither.

>> No.16154151

Something similar happened to me when I was in hawaii, but it was inside of a barnes and nobel and this fat ass hawaiian lady told me that she needed money to get a ferry back to her home island.

Then again sshe could've been telling the truth. The natives are low IQ as all fuck and why would you try to panhandle inside of a fucking bookstore?

>> No.16154164

The pizza doesn't look much better

>> No.16154205

brown people have a vicious cunningness to them when it's time to cheat or game some system for their own benefit. it's admirable in a way.

>> No.16154209

why does he buy a large pizza only to eat one bite

>> No.16154237

He gives the pizza away. Sometimes the crew gets to eat a cold pizza or sometimes some random homeless person gets a free pizza.

>> No.16154252

appreciate him putting old forge in the spotlight

>> No.16154279

>because if not, he's incorrect.

I love prick statements like this. Did you live back then? How would you know?
How many WW2 vets or people who grew up back then have you ever spoken to?

>> No.16154305

he's talking about he long term ramifications of the result of the war. i.e. france "won" the war, but compare france now with france as it could have been if the result had been different and it probably would have been a nicer place if they had lost.
25 years ago nobody would have thought that, but now its clear to many people

>> No.16154312

interesting statement to be offended at. are you a jew?

>> No.16154313

yea ok... we should have just let the megalomaniacs take over Europe because of Da jooos!?

>> No.16154318

well it's not like da joos are so great either. do you like them?

>> No.16154322

Would it matter? Honestly question. Would it matter if I or anyone else was Jewish?

And why would it matter?
The second question is more important.

>> No.16154330

yeah it would, since it reveals a bias
so are you a jew or not. and are you the poster i originally asked

>> No.16154332

Why would it reveal bias?

>> No.16154333

because almost 100% of the time if you take anything a jew says and look deeper you understand there is another reason they are saying it, that they are trying to hide from you

>> No.16154339

because jews were the topic of conversation
why are you dodging the question? are you a jew?

>> No.16154343
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forgot pic

>> No.16154347

you can mock this guy but fact is, no mind control rays are getting through to his brain
seethe and cope

>> No.16154359

come on guys, i'm not talking anything revolutionary or paranormal or conspiracy. i'm talking about jews lying. nothing new

>> No.16154361

>because almost 100% of the time if you take anything a jew says and look deeper you understand there is another reason they are saying it, that they are trying to hide from you

Lmao there it is. Nice.

Actually no, they weren't you or some other idiot were fishing to make it a topic. My initial post was this >>16154279

Where did I ever mention WW2 was all about jews? YOU wanted to make it all about jews you idiot. France got occupied not because they were Jewish you retard.

Fuck off to /pol/.

>> No.16154374

your initial post was a response to a post about jews. the topic of your rant was jews
why does seeing jews get mentioned upset you? are you a jew? why do you keep refusing to answer this simple question?

>> No.16154401

The war wasn't fought entirely for jewish people. Only butthurt idiots like you keep bringing that part up and trying to dismiss and and it keeps getting thrown back in your face.
The more you deny or belittle that part of WW2 history the more it will be talked about it. Funny how that works.
See how desperate you are to keep up with the jewish question. Why are you so obsessed with jews?

>> No.16154405

if jews were known liars, it wouldn't be just internet nazis who hate them.
multiple groups of people would have stereotypes about jews dating back centuries. and dislike them and their behavior and they would be persecuted all around the world. anti-semitism would be an ancient phenomenon. and that's just not the case. everyone loves jews.

>> No.16154413

which war are you talking about? i didn't mention a war. did some war spring into your mind when you saw my post?
are you a jew?

>> No.16154429

I only heard of this guy recently but all the normgroids seem to know him since he gets recognised everywhere.

>> No.16154434

Jews were living in Europe for hundreds of years until the full collapse of the Roman empire then the christian Crusades ushered in a whole new level of religious persecution. That's where almost all jewish hate stems from. The catholic church changed the bible multiple times to paint the Jews in the bible as the killers of Jesus, and would ban all Jews from carrying weapons, knives, they'd shut down every Jewish school.

I can't believe people still fall for this bullshit.

>> No.16154440

really, so the jews had a perfectly amicable relationship with the roman empire then?

>> No.16154446

and also if you just listen to them and watch them, and notice things, you will start to recognize

>> No.16154475

The Romans were extremely liberal in religious freedom until gee Hmmm what religious cult came from the literal fucking sewers and subverted an entire empire pretty much?

>> No.16154497

oh my, so this poster says romans were friends of the jews and has a seething hatred of christianity
i wonder which religion he belongs to

>> No.16154500

how did the subversion happen?

>> No.16154532

how was his sex tape?

>> No.16154536

Religion in general is a cancer.

It's funny when you look at history, it's always Christians and Muslims spilling blood and causing the most wars around the ME and Europe, and it's always the Jews getting shit on.

Makes you think.

>> No.16154542

Wtf is this shit

>> No.16154564

wow so in addition to having a seething hatred for christianity AND islam, this poster thinks jews were all round innocent victims of injustices that somehow kept happening to them over and over for no reason whatsoever.
yes indeed, i'm sure this poster is an atheist like he claims.

>> No.16154579

Do you know how arguments or debates work? You take up a position and you defend your point. I took up a position to defend jews. I'm not gonna change my position you idiot.
And no, I'm not Jewish.

>> No.16154582
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>in LA
>at Subway with a friend
>homeless hipster walks up to us
>asks for money because he's "very hungry"
>actually offer to get him a meal from Subway
>says, and I quote, "I don't prefer Subway"
>tell him we don't carry cash and he leaves
Fuck the homeless, fuck big cities and fuck beggars.

>> No.16154590

why did the mere mention of jews galvanize you to immediately take up such a strong stance? would you have done the same for white people? black people? asians? latinos? your own group, whatever that is? would you have put in so much effort to defend your own? why do jews command such loyalty from you?

>> No.16154604
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>> No.16154606

I used to care about homeless until I became homeless myself. Homeless people are basically just fucking neets who refuse to work and don't mind sleeping on the street. You never notice the actual homeless who are willing to put in the work to not be homeless because they look like everyone else. The ones that look like straight up bums are the neets who stay that way because they don't give a fuck and/or it makes people pity them and give them money.

>> No.16154617

He is, which makes him perfect for dumb 2 minute pizza review videos that occasionally descend into madness

>> No.16154627

I fucking hate this guy. He's an obnoxious cunt.

>> No.16154628

>would you have done the same for white people? black people? asians? latinos? your own group, whatever that is? would you have put in so much effort to defend your own? why do jews command such loyalty from you?

Yup. I do it all the time.
You should try it one day. Having a strict set in stone belief is closed minded.

>> No.16154636

well on behalf of white people i'd like to thank you for defending us with such fervor but if i might suggest a slight correction of your behavior, jews don't deserve your loyalty and they don't reciprocate it. in my humble opinion

>> No.16154639
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>> No.16154641

Huh, I was expecting him to have a knife in his mouth and ramming it into someone

>> No.16154646

i hate that guy

>> No.16154663

>Please refrain from posting the following:
>Irrelevant catchphrases

>> No.16154699

>noooo don't have strong convictions you have to let people talk you out of all your values or you're a bigot!
How very Jewish of you.

>> No.16154702
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sorry but Portnoy is canceled

>> No.16154708

>several bites, nobody knows the rules

>> No.16154719

That doesn't sound right. I want to file a complaint

>> No.16154726

>Noooo YOU MUST adhere to my virtue signaling and hate people based on conspiracy theories in order to save my archaic blood lines!!!!

>> No.16154743

>save my archaic blood lines
are you talking about jews here

>> No.16154748

Coal fired New Haven Pizza, calling it za makes you sound like a faggot.

t. New London county

>> No.16154787

They have been expelled from 109 countries you stupid subversive kike

>> No.16154842


>> No.16154847

it's 110 actually. the yemenis expelled them recently

>> No.16154849
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this is a good one


>> No.16155561


>> No.16155577

>quoting the rules

>> No.16156003

>The catholic church changed the bible multiple times
Ok kike

>> No.16156128

>be a minority
>expelled by the majority

t. what it's like to have an average IQ

>> No.16156137

You haven't been to Seattle recently or at all.
It's exactly how he describes.

>> No.16156168

>I can't believe people still fall for this bullshit.

People will always need someone to blame all of their miserable problems on. Blacks blame Whites, certain Whites blame Jews, certain Jews blame Arabs, all Arabs blame Women. All Women blame Men, and so on until Aliens appear then we can all blame them.

>> No.16156205

I bet that old-ass oven has a floor that doesn't get hot enough and that's why he has to cook his pizzas so long and they end up overcooked on top. Looks like he uses good ingredients and knows what he's doing but the shit is burned.

>> No.16156235

fucking kek

>> No.16156309

>fun thread about pizzas and crazy hobos
>someone says jew
>turbo autists sperg out and bicker for 20 posts on
there's a reason for containment boards. you should stay on them.

>> No.16156317

Everybody knows the rules

>> No.16156340
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>the entire jewish community aren't 99% megalomaniacs

ok kid

>> No.16156368

Blame the jew. Jewish obsessed. That's all they talk about, think about. They dream about jews. It's a weird fantasy of theirs. To the point they just blame them for everything. Kind of like how the world see America I guess.

>> No.16156390

This is true lol. Jew is to 4chan as America is to the world.

>> No.16156393
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>> No.16156414

It's not the same. Plays are fun as hell to watch in person.

>> No.16156429

She sounds based. All my past girlfriends have been obsessed with going out and being social and shit. I wish I could find one who just wants to stay home as much as I do.

>> No.16156432

he looks like chumel torres

>> No.16156497

Shut up, jew.

>> No.16156507


>> No.16156523

I smell latkes and baby dick blood.

>> No.16156530


>> No.16156542

Plastique machine?

>> No.16156544

What's the best pizza in New London county?
Top 3 would be helpful.
Don't want to drive far to get great pizza.
Don't care if it's greasy or sloppay

>> No.16156546

phone number IQ

>> No.16156558

Did that guy die?

>> No.16156630

post nose

>> No.16156804

Russians never die

>> No.16156916

go back to your reddit containment board

>> No.16157754

The megalomaniacs won you retard. You just have your boomer blinders on, don't worry, they'll fade soon enough.

>> No.16157762

> Would it matter to a dog if you took his food away?
So you are a Jew then. Typical, you can't adjudicate your own case.

>> No.16157773

> I was expelled by 109 vastly different schools all around the world, it was never my fault though.
Central American loincloth donning tribesmen ejected Jews because they were subverting local culture. You have no leg to stand on, guilty as can be. Hadrian didn't finish the job, what a shame.

>> No.16157781

stolen valor

>> No.16158823

What is with you faggots with this line of thinking where if you spell somebody’s name in a silly way it invalidates the other persons argument lol?

>> No.16159084



>> No.16159125

>no schnozberg we fought a war for yus

>> No.16159130

>this fucking retard thinks hes cultured
you're retarded, cultured people make culture, not consume it.

>> No.16160596


Chumel Torres

>> No.16160896

>he thinks paying $125 a ticket to a play directed by jews is culture

>> No.16160952

Hate to break it to ya champ but that's NY style for ya. You've tried one slice you've tried em all.

>> No.16161059
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One bite? what do you do with the rest?

Everyone knows what rules? Rules for eating pizza? WTF
Portnoy is just a jerk

>> No.16161066

If he's only going to eat one bite anyway, why doesn't he just order a single slice instead of wasting a whole pizza?

>> No.16161256

oh how I miss Napoli's!

id alternate between them and Grimaldis

was fucking heaven

>> No.16161951

Greeks, too. Jewish behavior caused a civil war or three in Alexandria. It wasn't even Jewish territory, but of course they lived there; their arrogance and political machinations made everyone mad and caused serious social unrest. But as always they were the victims. Jews: persecuted everywhere, blameless everywhere.
The one with a Jewish insurrectionist who was actually a good boi who dindu nuffin that was peddled by (((someone))) to brown "Romans" and masses of slaves in the Roman gutter. But Jews are the real victims of Christianity, too, of course.

>> No.16162014

>thinking it will block anything rather than just increasing reception to your fucking head