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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 81 KB, 1068x561, ramsaydullknife.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16150200 No.16150200 [Reply] [Original]

Is he right? Is there really nothing more dangerous in the kitchen?

>> No.16150208

What about a crazed gunman?

>> No.16150213

Burns are a much bigger and more painful risk in the kitchen than cuts unless you have retard tier knife skills

>> No.16150215

Nothing to worry about if you have a sharp knife.

>> No.16150217


>> No.16150218


A nuclear bomb is more dangerous than a dull knife.

>> No.16150219

A calm and collected gunman is at least 3x more unpredictable than a crazed one.

>> No.16150235

Nice thread faggot

>> No.16150255
File: 102 KB, 1280x720, bears.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what about bears?

>> No.16150988
File: 311 KB, 560x560, spurdo happeningES.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

life imitates art

>> No.16151071

why is he doing that zoomer forehead wrinkle face?

>> No.16151098

what about a dull chef

>> No.16151596

what if the gasline to your stove gets a leak?
ka boom

>> No.16151608

>ignoring the real dangers


>> No.16151674

There's a limit.
A really dull knife is dangerous, but giving someone that doesn't know what they're doing your straight razor sharp knife is also very dangerous.

>> No.16151692
File: 36 KB, 400x600, images - 2021-05-22T151157.593.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about a gun?

>> No.16151922

Idk the bleach under my sink is probably more deadly

>> No.16151995

Damn son

>> No.16151998

No, of course not.

>> No.16152005
File: 92 KB, 1200x797, grease_fire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's wrong. A grease fire is much more dangerous and likely to be life altering.

>> No.16152010

Is a dull knife more dangerous than a bag of caustic soda?

>> No.16152028

i seriously, unironically believe that a dull knife is much safer than a sharp one. please convince me otherwise. the only argument i've ever heard was something to the effect of
>because you have to put more force into it, it has a greater chance of slipping from the food you're cutting and onto your hand
but i don't see how that's a problem. it's dull. so what if that happens? the worst knife-related injuries i've gotten were minor knicks. the worst cut i've gotten was from a tin can.
meanwhile i guy i know who i distinctly remember one time complaining that the knives at his parents' house were dull sliced off the tip of his finger once.
how is a dull knife unsafe? please explain.

>> No.16152036

It isn't even going to explode you fucking doofus.

>> No.16152159

If you put more force into cutting something, the odds of it slipping and flying away increases. This is the highest cause of injury in home cooking. A dull knife will still go straight through your finger and tendons in this case, because 'dull' isn't blunt (t. aunt severed several tendons because she was using a dull knife on hard veggies)
Conversely a sharp knife will just go through everything, so as long as you aren't holding the food like a retard you won't have accidents.

>> No.16152162

Is the meme about not using water to put out oilfire real?

>> No.16152170


>> No.16152180

lmao then what do i do when it catches fire? just nothing?

>> No.16152185

but i have had knives slip on food and bite into my hand and they only caused very minor knicks. was that just luck?
>as long as you aren't holding the food like a retard you won't have accidents
yeah that's easy to say and you can be confident in your ability to not make mistakes, but i'm not. i can't for sure say i'll never ever make a mistake while cutting

>> No.16152187

pour salt on it or cover it with something non flammable, if you're able

>> No.16152188

Smother it with a lid or use a fire extinguisher rated for a grease fire.

>> No.16152193

Put the lid back on the pan if the fire is contained to cookware or smother the fire with baking soda or salt if it's small enough (don't attempt to use flour). You can also use a class B fire extinguisher.

>> No.16152195

Fuck this cunt. I have gone to war with obnoxious chefs who try and emulate this faggot, thinking that his behavior is remotely acceptable in a work place. FOH > BOH, I will get you cunts fired in a heartbeat, and I'll get a pay increase for the inconvenience of having this talk with the owner.

>> No.16152199

who the hell keeps enough baking soda to smother a fire around
in my cunt baking soda comes in 15-100 gram packets, is it different elsewhere?

>> No.16152208

Mandolin slicers are fucking dangerous

>> No.16152210

>in my cunt

Only works on small fires. You can buy baking soda in 1 lb packs here (~ 455 grams).

>> No.16152225

Two possibilities:
1)you have decent reflexes and pulled back on the knife as it went down, grats. Fingers go chop chop when you get old.
2)your knife isn't as dull as you think it is, you don't have to autistically sharpen it every day for it to be sharp. If you can cut through a semi-soft tomato by moving the knife back and forth that knife is sharp.
I've seen grandma knives that literally will not go through tomato skin, they were using it by cutting in reverse (holding the tomato in their hands, cutting through the meat into the skin)

>> No.16152234

why cant i use water though? I can prepare a bucket of water ahead of time ready to throw on the fire.

>> No.16152245

my guess is, since the oil is on fire and oil floats on top of water, you just create a lot of flaming splashes

>> No.16152250

But eventually the water will put out the fire, no? is it about not wasting a lot of water?

>> No.16152252

also hot oil assplodes when it comes into contact with water so you're very likely to injure yourself.

>> No.16152271

idk, i'm not a physicist but it seems logical that eventually it will, yeah. but considering oil fires in the ocean exist, i wouldn't count on water too much

>> No.16152297

Im gonna try it right now with just a small amount of burning oil.
I bet I can put it out with regular water.

>> No.16152304

Do it outside at least.

>> No.16152318

No you moron. Water and oil don't mix, so the water just pushes the oil around and makes the fire spread. Oil floats, so if you pour water into burning oil, the fiery oil just floats on top of the water.

>> No.16152325

Yeah on my balcony. for my test i use only 5dl oil. waiting for it to heat up before i drop a match in there!

>> No.16152329

well, we will see about that :)

>> No.16152338

Be sure to show this thread to the fire department!

>> No.16152416

Grease on the floor and sharp corners on the cabinets.
Bonus points for a full stock pot of boiling water on the extra hot stove, only inches away.

>> No.16152422
File: 248 KB, 859x960, Chadam14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"There's nothing more dangerous in a women's shelter than me." - Adam BASEDgusea

>> No.16152457

A dull knife is only dangerous if it's still got a decent edge. I've had truly dull knives slide off onto my hand and fingers and it didn't cut me.

>> No.16152563


>> No.16152589

i see. thank. i do struggle sometimes to pierce tomato skin but the knife always eventually wins out if i perform a sawing motion and i don't need to literally crush the tomato.
i have seen me mum cut tomatoes in her hand actually, but it's not because her knife is dull, it's because she's just used to just cutting things in her hand over the bowl/pot/pan. she just doesn't use a cooking board.

>> No.16152594

>and he never responded again

>> No.16152972

>takes up half the kitchen
>very costly
>can't even do the thing it was designed for
Dull knife:
>looks cool
> can still serve a purpose despite being used many times
>can't stab a man but can cause him blunt force trauma that kills him over several hours
>works as a paperweight

>> No.16152989

Throw ice cubes in it. While room temp water only fuels the fire, ice is cold enough to cut the oxygen and stop the fire

>> No.16153022

A madman with a machete comes to mind.

>> No.16153023


>> No.16153031
File: 16 KB, 380x544, E1sjDwZX0AQ2btN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just put a lid on it. Or a cutting board. You need to suffocate the fire.

>> No.16153063

Any woman born after 1993

>> No.16153833

if it's dull to the point of being blunt then it poses no risk of cutting you. it's also not a useful tool but it's not more dangerous than using a razor sharp $500 chef's knife when you're a complete beginner. he's wrong and retarded. you absolutely should practice your chopping skills with a knife that's already been used and get used to using it safely and not making mistakes. it's so when those mistakes happen at least it doesn't shear your skin off or end in an injury that requires stitches. you're not fucking iron chef being paid to do this bullshit as a career you're just trying to fucking eat.

>> No.16153857

This is the correct answer.

That said, wouldn't overheated oil pose more of an everyday risk? I had a droplet of oil flick up and hit my eyelid the other day. It was a tiny drop, so nothing happened, but still.

>> No.16153888

Like other anons said, smother it with a lid or better yet a wet chemical fire extinguisher

>> No.16153890
