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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 70 KB, 800x800, MSG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16147038 No.16147038 [Reply] [Original]

How come the west still try and push that MSG is super dangerous and it will make you sick, give you cancer etc?

>> No.16147151


>> No.16147156

because superior western food doesn't need to be drowned in MSG to taste good.

>> No.16147172

It’s a narrative pushed by racist white people. Just like any problem in the world, it’s usually caused by whites

>> No.16147180
File: 21 KB, 500x275, Thats+some+weak+b8+there+m8+_15f9309cfd520e6740314129cedd88d5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16147466

Fuck off chink. The study that tried to link msg to headaches was done by a chink.

>> No.16147859

And they found it can do weird shit to you if you consume a massive amount on an empty stomach.

>> No.16147952

I know it's a meme, but MSG is amazing in salads

>> No.16147970

This would be funny if people didn't unironically say this all the time, word for word.

>> No.16147977

hate weebs instead

>> No.16147981
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For me, it's Italian MSG

>> No.16147986


>> No.16147994


>> No.16148001

Tell a lie enough and it becomes the truth
It's one of those things that have been repeated so much that people accept it as a fact uncritically. People in the current year who think they react to MSG probably just felt bad after eating chinese food that was drenched in sauce with way too much salt and sugar, and don't react at all when they have mcdonalds or doritos

>> No.16148004

I don't chemicals in my food. Thanks.

>> No.16148009

Do you put salt on your food?

>> No.16148012

Lemme get a QRD on what MSG actually is and what its used for? I dont care if it is or isnt bad for you i put bad stuff in my body voluntarily so it's a non issue

>> No.16148015
File: 114 KB, 790x620, GTFOweeb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16148017
File: 637 KB, 1419x1574, 1617575377_185_Uncle-Roger-Loves-Gordon-Ramsays-Egg-Fried-Rice-Chefs-Comment.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16148020

I take offense at marking /vp/ as a weeb board

>> No.16148067

It's a "flavor enhancer", it amplifies the savory/umami flavors that are present in food. Same way you add salt to enhance flavor, MSG does the same thing for a different taste

MSG is Mono Sodium Glutamate; the sodium salt of glutamic acid. Table salt is the sodium salt of chlorine.
Glutamic Acid is a non-essential amino acid which is responsible for strong savory flavors. Non-essential means your body naturally produces it, so it's not required in your diet.
It occurs naturally in savory ingredients like tomato, parmesan cheese and soy sauce, and in smaller quantities in things like chicken.

As a flavor, it was discovered by some japanese guy 100 years ago. Was originally extracted from seaweed, these days on an industrial scale it's extracted from things like sugar cane. It's produced as a salt because crystals that are stable at room temperature are convenient to use. It's chemically indistinguishable from glutamates that occur naturally in food.

It got a bad reputation because of an anecdote in a scientific journal that attributed headaches after eating chinese food to MSG. To this day people still claim they react to it but in a vast majority of cases it's likely just a placebo. Research has never proven that there are actual health risks for the general population, when analysing MSG consumption at a normal rate (as opposed to an overdose so large it would never happen in real life or literal injections)


>> No.16148074


>> No.16148082
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you fuck off

>> No.16148106
File: 50 KB, 399x537, 1619801871574.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's an anime weebsite

>> No.16148127
File: 455 KB, 640x947, 1609247948405.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16148278

It's an image board my friend. And I'm old enough to remember when hipsters started calling Japanese cartoons "Japanamation." So if weebs post a soyjack, they are posting an image of themselves

>> No.16148288

wow so am I turns out you're not special and think you're so old that you're going to impress the youngsters with some secret knowledge. still an anime website tho, still inspired by and modeled after a jap website

>> No.16148293

>no argument

>> No.16148295

just kiss already

>> No.16148316

How do you use this stuff? Do you put it the ramen broth or like on rice and how much?

>> No.16148323

This hasn't happened for like 20 years

>> No.16148334

4chan is not a website for "weebs", as in the actual definition which used to be called a Japanophile. Moot has repeatedly expressed his dislike for such people. However it is a website made entirely for people who enjoy Japanese culture/products/media, and every single board is made for those people as well - just for their not strictly-Japan related interests. Retarded children who joined for the memes (2006-2007) ribbitors (2010-2012) and election tourists (2016-2017) unfortunately don't understand this.

>> No.16148338


>> No.16148349

>muh timelines
shut the fuck up

>> No.16148354

why do you care about who you're talking to on an anonymous imageboard? just talk and have fun anon, that's the point isn't it?

>> No.16148416

Have it in a salt shaker, do a light sprinkle
I add it to things like stir fry, fried rice, or noodle broth (not packet ramen, those flavour sachets already have it). I prefer to go light on sauces instead of drenching it, so adding MSG adds more depth of flavour without making the meal too heavy
Sometimes I put a little on homemade burgers or tomato sauce pasta dishes, but that’s less necessary, more just if I really feel like it

>> No.16148529

Fuck that I avoid all MSG products

>> No.16148558

good for you, want a medal?

>> No.16148699

you consumed msg today youre just too stupid to realize it.