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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 162 KB, 1600x2400, classic-sweet-potato-casserole-recipe-a-sassy-spoon-5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16140865 No.16140865 [Reply] [Original]

Every day there are threads about british cuisine. American pick the random dishes that either no one has heard about or no one eats with grey lighting to feed their superiority complexes.

However when i made a thread about american cheese making fun of american i got banned. Yes, americans really have no dignity.

Anyway lets have a thread to make fun of a bunch of american 'food'.

First on the list perfectly fits the stereotype. This is sweat potato casserole. Despite being called a casserole this is far from a savoury dish. Yes those are marshmellows. They even put more sugar in it. Your probably thinking this is a dessert but no. plenty of americans eat this as a side. Frankly it explains the obesity statistics quite well.

>> No.16140876

If you're taking offense on behalf of the British, you ought at least use the language properly

>> No.16140877

The janny tranny on this board is a thin skin magatard that lets obvious/pol/ threads up for days but bans you the second you joke about amexica. It is what it is.

>> No.16140892
File: 567 KB, 996x747, taco-bell-beefy-melt-ef8d43824250e7c971c5a853febffa5b48867494.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2. Americans make fun of british curry surprisingly often. They make the soyface whenever they see a japanese curry though. Even though japanese curry was inspired by british curry. I bring up curry because british curry is a big improvement from traditional curries imo. We took the dish of immigrant and made it better.

What's in the picture? a sad burrito. How is this better exactly america? I even had a burrito from taco bell and it was the most boring thing i had ever eaten. I hope mexican bros are okay after what the yanks did to their food.

>> No.16140901
File: 88 KB, 940x625, 889bfb19-28c1-4938-88e4-13bad32709b8-Lucky-charms.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3. This is not cereal this is sugar. Fits the stereotype well, don't you think?

>> No.16140909
File: 138 KB, 900x675, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a hamloaf, it's like a meatloaf but its ham and not beef. It's common in Pennsylvania but I think Ohio/New Jersey/Delaware also have it.

>> No.16140922
File: 9 KB, 235x214, download (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3. a beatiful scone filled with a tart and sweet fruity jam and a cream so thick and rich. Perfect balance. if these bad boys are homemade and warm they are killer.

Look at american 'biscuits. Dry. Even if you eat them with gravy, they're so thick and dry. And there's no contrast with gravy, your adding more salt to something that doesn't need it. What it needs is cream and jam.

scones are a dessert, americans are just dull it seems.

>> No.16140930
File: 54 KB, 800x520, sub-buzz-4669-1560647076-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A common theme in american food is cheese. Here's the funny bit. America has no good cheese. They think plastic is good cheese.

>But it melts good.

Yes, so does plastic. What' the point of it melting if it tastes shit.

>> No.16140944
File: 9 KB, 225x225, images (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This makes beans on toast seems like a 3 michelin star meal.

>> No.16140952

if they have ham why don't they just use it. Why do they have to make it worse.

>> No.16140970


>> No.16140982

its a poor people food. you add bread crumbs to increaste the volume

>> No.16141001

>thinks the Amish count as Americans
Nobody with electricity eats that. I’ve lived in PA my entire life and never even seen that once.

>> No.16141013

Sweet potato casserole is typically only made on holidays for large gatherings

>> No.16141067

sweet potato casserole is only made by Basketball Americans

>> No.16141204

> america has no good cheese

What if I told you that America is a very large market and there are segments catering to everyone? You don't have to buy American processed cheese, there is plenty of reasonably priced artisinal, traditional, and imported cheese in most supermarket delis, let alone stores like While Foods or Trader Joes.

>> No.16141209
File: 93 KB, 1300x1950, Watergate-Salad-Pistachio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watergate salad

>> No.16141229

>it's another "American cuisine is so bad lol take a look at these cheap fast food chains lmao" episode
Eurofag cope is real

>> No.16141249

Never heard of this
You're right on this one
Also on this one. Cereal sucks
I'm from NJ. Never heard of this
You cherrypicked an image. American biscuits are buttery and moist. On the contrary, every scone I've had was dry in comparison
American cheese is literally just other cheeses blended together
No one buys campbells other than niggers

>> No.16141260

Do americans really larp as non americans to make fun of their own cooking

>> No.16141261

> ?

Watergate salad is when you mix instant pistachio pudding powder with a can of pineapple and its juice, mix in marshmallows and nuts (like more pistachios or walnuts), then fold in whipped cream. You top it with more whipped cream, pistachios, and often a maraschino cherry

>> No.16141288

it apples to everything, not just cheese
you have to be an adult and make good choices yourself

>> No.16141298

Watergate Salad is actually pretty good. I know "hurr-durr fat Amerilard eats sugar for salad", but my grandma would make this as a dessert, and it was delicious.

>> No.16141301

Even with the right ingredient available americans will still opt for inferior ingredients. That makes you sound worse.

>> No.16141308

im not gonna listen to anything from someone who thinks you should be 21 to own a butter knife. Kys eurotard

>> No.16141363

>americans will still opt for inferior ingredients.

Which Americans and in what context? A boomer Mormon housewife from rural Idaho baking a casserole for a church meeting is going to have vastly different cheese from a trendy urbanite living in a major city having a dinner party.

>> No.16141521

nice try american. I've seen what your kind does. You take every opportunity to use american cheese.

>> No.16141896

Not an american but I'd eat that hamloaf.

>> No.16141902

What has that got to do with inferior ingredients?

>> No.16141919

wrong. biscuits and gravy is a classic breakfast dish and you dont understand it because you probably never had it.
this is OK, i prefer ambrosia
yeah its popular where Amish/Mennonites live. never had it but it looks good
Taco bell is shit, and people who eat it have bad taste
sweet potato casserole is often made without marshmallows, but the marshmallow version is by far the worst. definitely agreed, its disgusting
cereal is great but Lucky Charms is awful

>> No.16141923

America is a lot bigger than the UK so there is a lot more regional variance in cuisine style, substance and content

>> No.16141940

Based Jannie.

Also Jannie implies trannie so why are you repeating yourself?

>> No.16141947


wow, amerifat mutts really are the worst: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tBR14kmP7nM

>> No.16141954

You're a fucking retarded ass nigger. The Queen of England, yes, Elizabeth, buys my small town's blue cheese regularly.

>> No.16141960

No we don't. You're being very retarded right now. Everyone I know except one person goes out of their way to not consume american cheese.

>> No.16141964

We probably do

>> No.16141967
File: 82 KB, 800x600, 1618847153369.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Despite being called a casserole this is far from a savoury dish.
We call pretty much everything here a casserole if it's layered and cooked in a casserole dish, the exception being Italian food that has a lot of those with specific names like lasagna or baked ziti or chicken florentine, etc.
>Your probably thinking this is a dessert but no. plenty of americans eat this as a side.
But it is a dessert, also not even a commonly eaten dessert. This is something eaten typically at holidays usually Thanksgiving in particular.

Stuff like this is not why Americans are fat. I'll tell you what the real deal is. Americans are fat primarily for 2 reasons,
>1 - The land of the United States is very well suited to produce massive amounts of food of almost every variety and to transport it, this results in any kind of food you want being obtainable for less money than any other 1st world country.
>2 - The racial problem of the U.S. This was not always an issue and hence why Americans used to not be fat. You see other countries in Europe gradually becoming fatter as this problem creeps into their nations as well. As social cohesion goes down, people leave their houses less, walk around town less, all social engagements are less.

>> No.16141978

Gott strafe England

>> No.16143588

I'm not American and I've made this and it was delicious. Seethe more, OP.