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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 211 KB, 960x1074, 1590917056966.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16139945 No.16139945 [Reply] [Original]

not my fucking problem wagie

>> No.16139964

do minorities really?

>> No.16139967

second one actually is the staff's fault though

>> No.16139978

cityfags lmao
wouldnt happen in a small town
if some punk teenagers tried to pull this shit in a small country town the staff would just call their home.
punk teenager gets home to their mom ready to beat their ass for being a little faggot shit.

>> No.16139997

more like punk teenager gets home to his punk 27yo mother who's left the house in the same state because she's done nothing but meth for the last four days

>> No.16140005

This. Flyovers just can't accept they're trash

>> No.16140029

Both are since they both don't look like they had just happened but the right one is all on the lazy/overworked staff.

>> No.16140037

>the staff would just call their home
In my small town the staff would kick their fucking teeth in

>> No.16141018

Yes they do. You should see how they leave movie theatres

>> No.16141258

it's called having a job

>> No.16141268

every shop I've been to that's in this state has happened in a city store at 3 in the morning on a saturday.

>> No.16141271

clean it up, I’m not paying you money to cook my food but to also clean up

>> No.16141501

This is unironically what poor people do. They don't fucking clean up after themselves. They depend on others to do it for them. Everything is everyone elses fault/problem, nothing is their own fault/problem.

Peak poorfag mentality.

>> No.16141505

TOP PIC: Fuck the swine customers.
BOTTOM PIC: Your fault, wagie.

>> No.16141904

based truth poster

>> No.16141941

There's a soul food place in my city that has really good fucking food but the dining area is always a fucking mess because the customers are mostly black and the staff are all black women so nothing ever gets cleaned unless the manager starts yelling. Food is great but I always take it home.

>> No.16141951

This is what generally happens when you understaff and have a greedy owner who just want people to focus on pumping out more food and orders and can't even afford to send one person out to clean.

>> No.16142042

these are both the staffs fault
theres no way it should get as dirty as the top pic if the staff did any cleaning

>> No.16142127

Yes. Wherever they go they just leave garbage in their wake. This isn't a bit, minorities are seriously the fucking worst at cleaning anything up

>> No.16142130

Based "small town justice" poster

>> No.16142131
File: 3.00 MB, 3000x1690, 1596907316535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

first pic is a hungry jacks.
so it goes without saying that mostly white australians dine there

>> No.16142135

I dunno bro, I worked at a movie theatre deep in the suburbs when I was in college. Let me assure you that whities are complete fucking pigs too.

>> No.16142199

except it's a burger king
hungry jack's is just the aus version of it

>> No.16142203

Ever wonder how clean the kitchen is? Yikes

>> No.16142209
File: 99 KB, 1000x1106, 1604876160409.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's a hungry jacks

>> No.16143787

well they are the same color as them too.....

>> No.16143798

The top pic looks like a large group of people came in and intentionally made a mess.

>> No.16143810
File: 448 KB, 459x432, 1611515818591.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they're still there. this is shit that a bunch of college aged white boys would do.

>> No.16143843

Y'all some racist mother fuckers. It is obvious white people did this in both pics.

>> No.16143878

Why are people of a certain colour like this?

>> No.16143885

Men must work at those shops, they think it's a chore to take out the trash. Am I right, ladies?

>> No.16143970

Take out only must have been a relief for employees dealing these idiots.

>> No.16143976

Stop being racist

>> No.16143995

Exactly, people of a certain colour should stop being racist against white people and instead own up to their own mistakes.

>> No.16144038

You are making shit up. Stop it.

>> No.16144064

As a black person myself I believe it is white mans duty to take our women for themselves, especially the attractive ones.
Also us blacks love leaving messes at fast food chains, idk my brother, it's just how we do.

>> No.16144086

I'm reporting you to the police for being racist.

>> No.16144087
File: 1.79 MB, 640x640, 1613265745928.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this the direction the thread is going?

>> No.16144167

>muh meth

Not a problem in my upper class community.

Enjoy kneeling as BLM burns another block to the ground though ;)

>> No.16144192

what do you consider a small town? no ones calling anyone unless you live in some shit hole with < 100 people faggot.

>> No.16144503

This is just the result of a lazy, poorly managed staff.

That trash has probably not been cleaned or taken out in days.

>> No.16144509

>Men must work at those shops
Majority of fast food employees are women.

>> No.16144547

I know why it's just how you do.

>> No.16145104
File: 8 KB, 203x249, download (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>too lazy to read
sounds about right

>> No.16145132

...dafuq is going on here?

>> No.16145366

>faggot frog poster
>shit bait
sounds about right

>> No.16145482

You shouldn't actually do this if it's a spot you eat at regularly. Me and some friends were completely drunk and went into a Five Guys and made a fucking massive mess, I'm talking like spilled drinks dripping from off the table onto the floor, paper napkins everywhere, food smeared on walls and a smashed bottle. They threaten to ring the police and said we're banned from ever dining here again. I thought they were bullshitting but I tried to go back a week later, they fucking recognised me and told me to get out or they will call the police. So I can't eat there anymore.

>> No.16145486

Are you 19 or something? That is always what happens if you do something drunk around sober people. They remember and you don't. This is why you don't do stupid drunk shit around people you see day to day.

>> No.16145661

>...dafuq is going on here?
White woman on her way to the "toll booth"

>> No.16145946

or what they do to the food if the customer is white? or any race for that matter, tey dnt care.

>> No.16146073

It literally says Burger King.

>> No.16146092

You sound like a piece of shit.

>> No.16146139

You're fucking blind.

>> No.16146189

> Do stupid drunk shit around people you think you'll never see again because it's not your own city
> One of them hates you now
> 5 months pass
> You're on a date
> Super cute girl
> Guy recognizes you
> Approaches you
> Brings up "the incident"
> You don't remember
> He knocks your dinner table over
> Whoops
> He falls and grabs your date's breasts
> Whoops
> He sucker punches you in the jaw and runs away giggling
> Your date is completely embarrassed and hides the bathroom and calls a friend to come pick her up
> You try to explain things to her but she can't understand shit with your swollen jaw
> She never talks to you again
> She tells every girl she knows
> You're no longer allowed in your favorite restaurant
> You get fired from your job
> Your dog dies
> Your grandma hates you
This is your life on drugs.

>> No.16146216

Not my thread, kike-y

>> No.16146622

not a problem in my first world country