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16137013 No.16137013 [Reply] [Original]

Are they actually people on here who don't drink pop?

>> No.16137015

no i dont like sugar water

>> No.16137016


>> No.16137057

i like making my own, dont like somebody else deciding how sweet to make it

>> No.16137194

Welcome back

>> No.16137219


>> No.16137345

I stopped drinking that shit years ago

Can't even take a sip of Cola now without feeling like my taste buds are being raped

>> No.16137357

what is pop?
don't you usually listen to it?

>> No.16137410

Same, shit tastes like sugar and battery acid - I don't know how people drink 15 cans and no water in a day...

>> No.16137428

I only drink water and tea and alcohol. I can't stand the taste of high fructose corn syrup in my beverages.

>> No.16137470

Ive stopped drinking soda, I went only water for a good few months but I've found myself drinking a fruit juice or lemonade here or there again. Just as much sugar in those I bet, should be okay in moderation.

>> No.16137493

>making your own
enjoy your jew machine.. faggot,
you dont even make the actual soda, just throw it into a machine with a cartridge.

>> No.16137511

I only drink pop when I'm depressed, I once spent a month playing Civ5 12 hours a day while drinking a huge mug of icecola

>> No.16137574

Everybody likes to shit on seltzer water like Lacroix but it really helps fill that hole when you're trying to cut back.

>> No.16137625

when you become an adult the only times you buy softdrink is as mixers for alcohol.

>> No.16137628

I don't know how to drink music.

>> No.16137635

Are you a fuckign teen? for fucks sake this is some retarded shit you are saying.

>> No.16137636

I went cold turkey the beginning of the year to lose weight. Still like the taste but I gave it up for health reasons. I know people who just don’t like soda though, I think their tongues are just more sensitive to sugar or carbonation

>> No.16137658

> t. 17 year-old “Adult”

>> No.16137665

The only things I drink
>sparkling water
>black coffee
>sugar free energy sips

>> No.16137673

You become an adult when you have to down a fifth of straight vodka every night to quell the pain of real life.

>> No.16137674
File: 257 KB, 1200x1200, KY_Ale8One.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have one of picrel MAYBE twice a year, but no, no soda pop for me.

>> No.16137678

Bri'ish for soda

>> No.16137710

People in the far north of America say it too.

>> No.16137730
File: 996 KB, 2448x3264, Strange sodas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I drink soda on occasion. I bought a 12 pack weeks ago and I've only had 2. I used to live with a guy who'd drink it by the liter straight out of the bottle and then constantly wonder why he felt like shit. He'd straight up chug that shit like you'd gulp down water after mowing the lawn on a hot day, I don't think he could even taste it at that point. I told him he should drink more water and he temporarily switched to sickly sweet tea and Kool-Aid until I hid my sugar because he was going through pounds of it. People like that are why soda has a stigma.

>> No.16137796

Midwestern trash spotted.
>tea, water and beer masterrace reporting in

>> No.16137958

I used to drink beer until it gave me tits. Haven't touched the stuff in 6 years.

>> No.16137966

What are you a fucking boomer or a child? Nobody drinks that globohomo estrogen bug juice any more.

>> No.16137993

what? i make carbonated water with dry ice and syrups with honey and fresh fruit

>> No.16138004

You drank too much you low t retard.

>> No.16138014

I wouldn't say I was low t, but I definitely drank way too much beer. At the worst, it got to the point where I was killing 18/24 packs every night. But lifting, cardio and only sticking to bourbon brought it back to where I can wear a T-shirt without a hoodie in the summer again.

>> No.16138300

Yeah pop fucking fucks

>> No.16138319

don't care for anything sweet in general and soda gives me heartburn

>> No.16138424

>he doesnt always have soda water, coke and ginger ale on hand for his home bar

>> No.16138830

I'm not into sugary stuff. Makes me feel gross after I have too much.

>> No.16139042

this. I eventually started to feel my teeth rotting in real time. water from now on.

>> No.16139118

Mcdonald's sprite or DC is the only pop worth drinking...
water >>>>

>> No.16139168

They hook you as a kid. But once you are an adult when you stop you will never go back to having it as a regular drink.

You may have one every now and then. And it was good, especially the bubbles, but a little sweet and reminds you why you stopped.

Perfect example of an in moderation product.

>> No.16139207

Yes. Soda is disgusting. For me it’s water or tea. Or fruity cocktail wine coolers like Peach Bellinis and Fuzzy Navels.

>> No.16140270

me, does good things to your teeth I have noticed

>> No.16140342

>tea, water and beer
Truly the holy trifecta of beverages

>> No.16140475

iunno what a "fifth" is, but vodka's awful for how expensive it is

>> No.16140478

Havent drank it for 4 years

>> No.16140484

Lol i mix most of my drink with either water or tonic, dont need to be putting that shit anywhere near me

>> No.16141338

Do americans really have a gallon of soda with their meals ???

>> No.16141674


>> No.16141691
File: 123 KB, 360x600, 600x600-prod_30385.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me it's virgils, only soda I drink

>> No.16142100

I did but I had to stop. Don't wanna lose my feeties to diabeetes.

>> No.16142842

American from the mid west here. It's fucking pop.

>> No.16142861

All marketting.

>> No.16142982

I don't like soda very much. I'll drink it on a rare occasion, but doing it continuously hurts my stomach and makes my teeth feel weird.

>> No.16142987

No dairy... found the chinaman

>> No.16142990


>> No.16142994

But it has the best flavor

>> No.16143060

Like 4 to 5 cans per week, but a lot more of tap water, I don't want my kidneys reaching dangerous sediment levels

>> No.16143088

I couldn't tell you the last time I had a soda.
And that makes me better than you

>> No.16144384

Start brushing your teeth retard