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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 24 KB, 474x326, D4C2FEDE-98D0-447C-BFB6-48F8C0246D44.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16134330 No.16134330 [Reply] [Original]

I was raised vegetarian and want to try the meat foods I missed out on. I’ve already tried a fair amount, but not tons. Any recommendations?

>> No.16134334

Hamburgers are pretty good.

>> No.16134336

Smoked baby back ribs

>> No.16134346

I’ve tried them. They’re waaay overrated, but they’re not bad. Bacon cheeseburgers are amazing.

>> No.16134358

Op here, I’m trans btw if that matters

>> No.16134369

You are in for a treat. You will hate your parents after you start eating meat, like a normal human.

>> No.16134380
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Try horse steaks

>> No.16134391

I’ve never even heard of those but they’re definitely going on my list. I’ve never had any kind of ribs.

>> No.16134394

...actual OP here. How did you know I was trans?

>> No.16134398
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>> No.16134485 [DELETED] 

All meat is good anon. 6 gorillion years of human evolution can't be wrong. But like fruit and vegetables, fresh is best.
Work out how you like it cooked, and enjoy.
To expand your horizons, try some kangaroo. Cook it fast and hot.
It's low fat, high protein, and awesome if you're into /fit. It also tastes great.
Also, crocodile is nice.
Anything rib.
If you're buying red meat, look for slender pieces of white scattered throughout the actual meat. This is fat, and melts through the meat when cooked which leads to tenderness. Avoid as much as possible thick outer pieces of fat (unless you love it like me) and thicker "ropey" looking white parts through the meat. I've found sometimes you can buy bulk packs, carve off the shitty looking pieces and use them for casseroles/stews/slowcooks, and get some nice steaks as a bonus. Whole rumps/ribs/legs are cheaper than prepackaged shit, and when you've some experience, carve yourself, save $ and enjoy.

>> No.16134494

what kind of baby?

>> No.16134501
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>I was raised vegetarian and want to try the meat foods I missed out on. I’ve already tried a fair amount, but not tons. Any recommendations?
You ever been hunting? You need to kill and eat an animal to become a true meat eater.

>> No.16134529

Veal. Ain't nuthin better than tortured cute baby cow.

>> No.16134622

Steak is good but it's kind of overrated, same with bacon. For a first meat experience I would try prime rib roast, barbecue, or a good medium rare burger.

>> No.16134650


>> No.16134661

I’ve been meaning to have a Beef Wellington one of these years.
Also go to an all-you-can-eat KBBQ and try everything except maybe the intestine.

>> No.16135281

Go to a brazillian buffet.

>> No.16135287

Go to bed, Rachel

>> No.16135316

I second this.. Or really go to a nice "Brazilian steakhouse" if you're in the states.

>> No.16135332

Turkey->tuna->salmon->chicken->pork->beef. Try this progression of common, standard meat sources to acquire a comfortable grasp on it. I'm personally fond of ahi tuna fillets, pork loin chop, and beef chuck (shoulder) steaks. Don't forget to try some herbs and spices.

>> No.16135344

give cottage/shepard's pie a try
it's solid comfort food

>> No.16135351

stop making this thread

>> No.16135679

wouldn't it be sad if there were multiple kids who were raised vegetarian and they grow up realizing they were deprived after becoming degenerate 4 chan trannies?

>> No.16135685
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I love duck but for a lot of people its hit and miss. Personally I think ducks are less intelligent and are tastier than chicken. They have red meat like a steak. Pan seared duck breast or peking duck is delicious

>> No.16135691

If you think hamburgers are overrated, you've been eating mediocre fastfood trash.

>> No.16135706


>> No.16135735
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This. I have personally seen 10 threads of this exact format repeated. I feel like the person making this thread was never vegetarian in the first place

>> No.16135892
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>I was raised vegetarian
Correction: I was raised in a cult. Not only your retarded parents malnourished you, stunted your growth and fucked up your growth, they also forbid you from tasting the most delicious meals on the planet. Your parents are legit psychopaths, OP.

>> No.16135896

Cope, you vayganshit.

>> No.16135966

How many more threads have to be made until you will feel satisfied?
Sort of like a cult that raises you on food which you're not allowed to see where it comes from and how it's made.

Saw plenty of happy tractor farmers in school, no slaughterhouses depicted. You get sex education instead of learning about something so basic

>> No.16135976
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>> No.16135980

A good beff stew with fucktons of beef and potatoes

>> No.16136002

If you weren't raised in a family that hunts, there are massive barriers to entry for hunting. If you're starting from zero, you're looking at hundreds to a couple thousand dollars and many many hours of work just too be able to try hunting one time and find out if you like it.

>> No.16136010
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sitting there. from a baby cow.

>> No.16136074
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PSA, the recent influx of cow memes on twitter and discord is a psyop by the vegans to get people to develop empathetic feelings towards soon to be hamburgers.

You hear it here first.

>> No.16136227

Biggest load of shite i've ever read. I come from a no hunting family. Several years ago i bought a 45# recurve bow for fun. I live in a city so a friend and i went innawoods to try it out. After a while (and a few utube tutorials) we started getting the hang of it. This was during the springtime so we saw several rabbits running in and out of bushes. We took aim and managed to shoot down 3 wild rabbits. Packed them up, gutted, skinned and grilled them that very day. One of my fondest memories to this day

>> No.16136246


>> No.16136253

Are you retarded? He was obviously referring to the legal side of things in most parts of the developed world.

>> No.16136264

eh, people should understand where their food comes from
there’s suffering in production of everything
just appreciate where it comes from

>> No.16136273
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U gonna do sumpting bout it mr.rangerman?
Murrican bitch. Don't tread muh freedums, commie

>> No.16136296

I think he was talking about the fact that you don't need a bunch of money or hours of work to hunt. A rabbit license isn't expensive (although it sounds like he poached) and no need for hours of work since shooting and bowyering(?) can be learned in a short time

>> No.16136318

in the summer make sure get in on some BBQ action and a beer with it.

>> No.16136327
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>> No.16136347

Venison, crab legs, the many different ways you can prepare chicken, try everything man you shouldn't miss out.

>> No.16136510
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If you want to know what you've been missing, eat some foie gras au torchon (poached duck or goose fatty liver), with some good bread and with flaky salt on top. If you can pair it with some good sweet wine, like a French Sauternes or a Hungarian Tokaji, or if you live in the Americas a Late Harvest or an Ice Wine, you will reach heaven

>> No.16137007

>you're not allowed to see where it comes from and how it's made.
Since when?

>> No.16137040

this guy knows what's up

if you're going to eat foie/pate for the first time, don't go cheap

>> No.16137052

Lmao you fucking city faggot, a child could kill rabbits and other small rodents in a short amount of time. Actual game is a lot different. I bet you think you're math expert because you can do basic arithmetic. But hey you said you had fun, so congrats on doing the basics.

>> No.16137117

Shit, from vegetarian to eating one of the most unethically sourced foods would be quite the jump

>> No.16137228

ikr, I like eat meat, but I try to be considerate, and try to maintain it to a minimum / special occasions.

>> No.16137270

>several hundred dollars for a gun, ammo, misc supplies related to that
>time spent learning to use the gun, fees for the shooting range while doing that
>more time and fees taking a hunter's education class
>pay to get a hunting license
>have to buy things like high visibility vest, camo, boots, etc.
>time spent figuring out where it's legal to go hunt, where you're actually likely to find anything, then driving out there early in the morning
By the end of it you've spent a lot of money, a lot of time, and that's just to get to the point where you try it out for the very first time. What if you go to all that trouble and expense and then find out that you just don't find it very fun?

>> No.16137277

Smoked turkey legs

>> No.16137297

Just buy a whole cow from a local farm. A personal cow from a local small farm will send their livestock a smaller distance to a local abattoir, the cow will have a higher quality of life, and you can eat beef to your hearts content for YEARS. And it will save you a shitton of money too.

>> No.16137299
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One of my ducks.

>> No.16137936
File: 67 KB, 300x340, (You).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It ain't huntin of it ain't big game
I just told you i did it without doing all the extras, also
>high visibility vest, camo
Here's a (You) gor you too

>> No.16138003

Yes I know that breaking the law is often cheaper than following the law but that doesn't mean I'm going to do it.

>> No.16138059

This is absolute bullshit. Why do some of you niggers insist on making absolute asses out if yourself. You're incorrect in every way possible.

Kill yourself.

>> No.16138118

Can you farm snake meat?

>> No.16138143

Well, never mind all that, >>16134661. This has nothing to do with this thread, but would you just listen to me for a little bit? See, I went to the local Yoshinoya today. Right. Yoshinoya. And the damn place was packed so full of people, I couldn't even find a seat. So I looked around a bit, and I found a sign that said "150 yen off". What the hell is wrong with you people? Are you idiots or something? Any other day you wouldn't even think of going to Yoshinoya, but if it's 150 yen off, you all flock in here? It's just 150 fucking yen! 150 yen! And you're bringing the kids too. Look at that, a family of four going to Yoshinoya. Con-fucking-gratulations. And now the guy's going, "All right! Daddy's going to order the extra-large!" Shit, I can't watch any more of this.

Yoshinoya should be fucking brutal. Two guys sit facing each other across a U-shaped table, and you never quite know if they'll suddenly just start a fight right there. It's stab-or-be-stabbed, and that's what so damn great about the place. Women and kids should stay the fuck away.

Well, I finally found a seat, but then the guy next to me goes, "I'll have a large bowl with extra gravy!". So now I'm pissed off again. Who the fuck orders extra gravy these days? Why are you looking so goddamn proud when you say that? I was gonna ask you, are you really going to fucking eat all that gravy? I wanted to fucking interrogate you. For about a fucking hour. You know what? I think you just wanted to say "extra gravy".

Now, take it from the Yoshinoya veteran. The latest thing among the Yoshinoya pros is this: Extra green onions. That's the ticket. A large bowl with extra onions, and egg. This is what someone who knows his shit orders. They put in more onions, and less meat. A large bowl with the raw egg, that's really fucking awesome. Now, you should know, if you keep ordering this, there's a risk employees might write you up. This really is a double-edged sword. I really can't recommend this for amateurs.

>> No.16138156

Yeah that's some bullshit

>> No.16138510

You did child's play. Now try the adult game then you can come back like you know what you're talking about. Thanks for the (You), cake "I'm a big man now for killing some bunnies :)" boy.

>> No.16138526

Explain how someone starting from zero can legally start hunting on a small budget

>> No.16138560

>caring about the law


>> No.16138580
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>adult game
>Buy female deer piss
>Set it out in the middle of a field
>Nail a cuck cage up a tree
>Sit in cuck cage all day
>Repeat for 3 days
>On 3rd day a barely legal buck comes into view
>Take aim with muh $2000 .223 with $900 scope and dildo attachment
>Pose 20 feet away from dead deer for forced perspective kill shot
>Muh adult games

>> No.16138647

Start with fishing. Easy asf. Buy pole, tackle and bait. Get loicense. Go to local body of water. Get piss drunk all day

>> No.16138807

I was trying to encourage you, but maybe not anymore. It sounds like it's too much work for you and you got everything wrong. It's okay, just keep at the rabbits. Three is probably about all you can carry from the sounds of it anyway.

>> No.16138827

Those fines for breaking the law aren't cheap either, or the possible jail time. If you don't have any money to begin with, getting caught will just fuck you up more. I don't think the hunting license is too expensive if you just get one for a few days vs a lifetime one. At least in my state. Still, like you said, you do want to know someone who's got equipment you can borrow and maybe even take you out hunting.

>> No.16138831

>I was raised vegetarian
so your brain is underdeveloped due to lack of nutrition

>> No.16138865

>you do want to know someone who's got equipment you can borrow and maybe even take you out hunting
And if you don't know someone like that then you're stuck buying everything

>> No.16138919

>angling with a loicense

>> No.16138948

Yep. So what’s your excuse?

>> No.16139495

too bad the cuter an animal is, the more delicious

>> No.16140702

Pulled pork

>> No.16140706

pounded like 15 nangs in a row cunt.

>> No.16140714

Personally I think ducks are less intelligent
You've never been around chickens I take it

>> No.16140918

Yeah chickens are smarter than most people think they are.

>> No.16141002

You should make the Beef Wellington.

>> No.16141017

Reminder that OP was never vegetarian and is a meat eating false flagger who has made this same exact thread many many times. I was personally raised vegetarian and you don't get an urge to suddenly eat meat

>> No.16141053


>> No.16141058

>if i dont act like OP then surely OP doesnt act like OP

>> No.16141068

I've seen the exact same format of a thread with the exact same words about 10 times. This adds to the suspicion

>> No.16141077

I'm pretty sure he's larping

>> No.16141270

>Kill a 10-point buck in black powder season from my porch while wearing jeans & a flannel
>I didn't even get up early today, it's my day off

Sucks to suck, I guess.