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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1000 KB, 2400x1610, cholesterol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16131037 No.16131037 [Reply] [Original]

Well fellers, the blood tests are back, and though it seems my many years of drinking hasn't started beating on my liver yet, my cholesterol is through the roof. So I'm going to have to cut down on the bacon and sausages and start eating more fish and low fat.
I love fish and I have no problem eating vegetarian dishes, but I barely know how to cook anything this way. All I am good at cooking is slow cooked hunks of meat or stuff with lots of butter and mashed potatoes on the side. Please give me some ideas.
If anybody else has experience trying to lower cholesterol, please share.

>> No.16131060

Hah, I've just been checking in with my doc too anon. My cholesterol is a bit high, but not enough for medication. Most of my dinners are a lean protein, a veg, and a starch.
One of the easiest ones, no cooking skill required, is a basic chicken curry & rice. Get yourself some nice chicken breasts, saute them in some vegetable oil, and cut them into bite-sized pieces. Back in the pan with a jar of any number of decent curry sauces available (I like red curry, yellow curry, coconut curry, rendang, tika masala, most of them really). Meanwhile, in a small pot, I do half-a-cup of basmati rice to one cup of chicken stock, bring it to a boil, then immediately reduce to a simmer with the lid on as soon as it simmers. When most of the chicken stock has absorbed in or simmered out, your rice is done. Boom, delicious chicken curry & rice dinner with no real skill required.
Another favorite of mine is pork chops, green beans, and rice. Pork chops can have some good brown mustard on them, or some soy sauce and sesame seeds, or some barbecue sauce. Green beans get a pat of butter and dash of salt, rice is made the same way.

>> No.16131062

arterial plaque is caused by carbs tho

>> No.16131075

You see op you drinking, smoking and eating pig fat for years did not affect your cholesterol

Dietary cholesterol does not effect blood levels

You can keep doing what you redoing


>> No.16131148
File: 95 KB, 700x1050, cinnamon-raisin-oatmeal-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oatmeal's another good one for breakfast. It contains soluble fiber, which lowers your "bad" cholesterol. Plus it's super-easy to make. Bring water to a boil, pour in some oats, cook until it reaches your desired consistency. Serve it with some brown sugar, plus some raisins and your favorite nuts and/ or fruit for more flavor, vitamins, protein, and fiber. Personally, I like it with brown sugar, raisins, and almonds. Have it with some toast & jam, and a big glass of juice for breakfast.
For lunch, there's nothing wrong with a good turkey sandwich, light mayo, mustard for flavor, and maybe a granola protein bar.

>> No.16131165

You're checking your cholesterol because you've been Shanghai'd into shit health insurance.. Get a CAC scan and go from there..

t. guy with insanely high LDL and a 0.0 CAC

>> No.16131180

Do take out foods with ldl from your diet but don't get rid of things with hdl like eggs, because you "need" hdl to clean up your clogged veins, talk to your doctor or a nutritionist before doing any diet.

>> No.16131209

Literally any filet of fish can be pan fried with some olive oil and takes 8 minutes at most. Or you can grill it. You can grill vegetables or fry them with the fish and some salt+pepper and more olive oil they're great that way
Also highly recommend shellfish

>> No.16131219

No such thing as health insurance where I live my friend.

>> No.16131244

You’ll want to avoid stuff like shrimp and eggs too, since both are high in cholesterol. You can still have stuff like beef and pork, just go for leaner cuts. If you make any stews or anything, you can put it in the fridge and the fat will congeal on top and you can just skim it off.

>> No.16131262

Eat more nuts, they reduce cholesterol

>> No.16131288

Just stop drinking. 90% of people with health problems and drink heavily can reverse a lot of damage by just quitting.

My bp was diagnosed hypertension, and I lied to my doc about how much I was drinking because I'm a moron. But I just tapered off, quit used the medication to stableize my withdrawals, started doing a light workout once a and my bp went back to normal. I barely changed my diet.

>> No.16131295

>used the medication to stableize my withdrawals
Which medication was that?

>> No.16131330

I forgot ot was years ago. Only took it for like a month. If you have been drinking heavily for years your bp will spike, and it's not fun.

>> No.16131348

>some brown sugar

>> No.16131387

Been there, wish i had stopped at that point.
Here's the advice i can give you.
Drink plenty of water before and after drinking.
Eat tons of fiber, roasted veggies, fruit etc. use tons of turmeric, garlic, and ginger when cooking, they are good for helping your liver get rid of the toxins from drinking, along with being good for your blood pressure.
Avoid highly processed foods, sugars and carbs when drinking, they make it harder for your liver to get rid of the toxins from drinking.

>> No.16131390

How often do you excercise? Just wondering since no one's asked

>> No.16131408


>> No.16131425

My blood pressure is destructively low - every time I get up too fast I almost pass out.
I know you're all doctors here - should I be eating sosij rolls every day to optimize my arteries so I can rise from my seat still conscious?

>> No.16131432

Sweet oats are dessert

>> No.16131434

Stop sitting around doing nothing. You gotta give the ol ticker a workout so it can learn to pump blood more efficiently.

>> No.16131435

just eat more salt breh

>> No.16131468

also here, taking it easy on the red meat and hitting the fiber hard. my doctor sounds like a lazy though and is all too happy to put me on a statin rather than a LDL density or CAC test

>> No.16131472

Yeah fuck statin

>> No.16131477

Cholesterol is used as scab/scar tissue for cardiovascular inflammation and tearing (Atherosclerosis). Limiting your cholesterol intake is treating the symptom, not the cause. You need to address the causes of the inflammation. Obesity, alcohol, cigarettes, sugar, fast food, etc. Eating lettuce is not going to magically fix this.

>> No.16131492

Another retard vegan thread. Just remember you have a 97% chance to quit your unhealthy and unnatura diet within 2 years.

>> No.16131511

i havent eaten red meat in over a year now, and it's really easy considering all the alternates available. turkey burgers, turkey bacon, plant beef... the only thing i miss are ribs

>> No.16131530


A nutritionist needs to come in and explain this.

Cholestrol is not fucking bad for you. SHITTY OXIDIZED CHOLESTROL IS BAD FOR YOU. Stop eating sugar and shitty processed foods and your cholestrol won't be oxidized and shitty.


>> No.16131538

Option 1: avoid inflammatory foods like grains, sugar, alcohol
Option 2: statins

>> No.16131551

Actually, lettuce meaning vegetables, fruit and full grains lower the cholesterol. And it's not just about eating more vegetables, it's eating vegetables, fruit etc INSTEAD of unhealthy food so you get enough energy and don't feel hungry.

>> No.16131564

Should've mentioned that exercise raises the good cholesterol and lowers the bad cholesterol.

>> No.16131572

Full-grain lowers cholesterol, especially oats

>> No.16131584

There is no such thing as "good" or "bad" cholestrol.

LDL and HDL are both used to conduct critical cell repair functions in the body. You need both. Please stop parroting modern food """""science"""" like you know what you're talking about.

>> No.16131587

You mean just live a healthy balanced life style? Who would have thought that would work?!

>> No.16131591

Might as well not eat anything then and have a better time.
Wheat proteins cause inflammation no matter what, the less you eat the better.

>> No.16131652

>only vegans and vegetarians eat vegetables

>> No.16131715


>> No.16131734

What kind of nuts?

>> No.16131749


>> No.16131776


>> No.16131805

Darn, I really walked into that one!

>> No.16131827

Drinking can help inflame stuff, you should cut that down too for a good while so your body can put itself back in order again. Don't eat processed foods or soda either.

>> No.16131856

Take d3k2 and serrapeptase to clean your arteries

>> No.16132090

3-4 years ago I've limited red meat to once a week, maybe twice.
I've been eating a lot more chicken and fish since.
I eat baked mackerel and fish is something I eat a lot. I also get a rotisserie chicken often.
Get lots and lots of frozen veggies, canned beans, and chickpeas. They make for good filler.

>> No.16132108


>> No.16132213
File: 214 KB, 902x1024, 1426804110880.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking eviscerated. Include me in the screencap.

>> No.16132332

Where do you guys buy your fish?
That shit is expensive unless I buy shitty farmed frozen tilapia.

>> No.16132375
File: 64 KB, 655x511, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love the disingenuous way that the medical-industrial complex functions.

They can only confirm what has been in peer reviewed studies, and they only study what is funded, and for SOME REASON all the major food and medical corporations aren't interested in funding very specific subjects.

Given that, subjects can forever be left inconclusive (in a technical sense) if it's convenient for concerned parties. Any attempts to come to your own conclusions are met with, "UM ACKSHUALLY, THERE AREN'T ANY STUDIES SUPPORTING THAT. CITE YOUR SOURCES. THAT'S PSEUDOSCIENCE."


Like pic related. Of course the cause is """unknown""" so we are left with a list of comorbidities. Two of which are an increased presence of fat molecules moved by LDL (which is LDL's natural function - and I am intuiting is the body's response to arterial inflammation). The others of which have very little to do with "bacon and sausage," (unless you are eating such quantities that the sodium content is causing hypertension and that's the sole cause of your inflammation).

What I am getting at is, it's very convenient that obesity and type 2 diabetes are combined on a single bullet point, thus making them appear individually as LESS IMPORTANT. I'm sure Coca Cola and Nestle and McDonalds appreciate that. Let's just skip past being obese, eating large quantities of sugar, smoking, and really focus on those SATURATED FATS!!! That's surely the key factor in our modern diets.

>> No.16132391
File: 343 KB, 1992x1835, 1619786610209.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Given this boards obsession with eating pizza multiple times a week, I'd reckon it's not really caused by any specific food besides alcohol, but rather, because you're obese.

>> No.16132473

This happened to me when I hit a massive growth spurt in high school. I went from being 5'3 to 6'2 in what felt like no time, and despite being very active, I would get the same thing when standing up too fast.
The first time my parents saw me do it they accused me of being fucked up on drugs, but then another time I spent the entire day with them, got called into the kitchen for dinner, and faceplanted on a hardwood floor, so they realized something was up and took me to the doctor.

>> No.16132516

Do you drink or smoke?

>> No.16132577

IQF fish is actually decent. Not quite sushi quality but it's good. Read the labels, if there's color added then it's doo doo pee pee. Or just buy a cheap used fishing rod and find a place stocked with hatchery trout, those little bastards will bite anything.

>> No.16132846
File: 551 KB, 320x190, 1523807450884.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if i buy farm raised garbage and take a fish oil supp with it?

>> No.16132858

farm raised fish are actually better as they can contain the pollutants better (and the parasites)

>> No.16132975

then you're cucking yourself. your liver makes your cholesterol, dietary cholesterol has almost nothing to do with your blood cholesterol.