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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16124510 No.16124510 [Reply] [Original]

How do I recreate this
I need to stop giving my money to the McJew.
I have never seen a circular pressed sausage for sale in any supermarket

>> No.16124529
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How? Even Wal-Mart sells them
Also buy a silicone ring for your eggs, don't use some meme tiny pan to get the round shape

>> No.16124558

I live in bongland
Allegedly Tesco stocks them but I didnt see any in my local, I guess I will travel to the bigger one further away and hope
Thanks for the advice about the ring

>> No.16124584
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oh I see
I believe Aldi UK carries precooked frozen sausage patties, in that case
and yeah no prob, might be able to find one at poundland or something. if you're spending more than £5 then that's too much, try ebay or amazon instead

>> No.16124643

Thank you 2x, appreciate it mate and have screenshotted your pointers

>> No.16124674

no prob
do you guys refer to English muffins just as "muffins" and call the sweet muffins from North America "American Muffins" by the way? was always curious about that
us canadians don't call canadian bacon "canadian bacon" as an example
we call it "peameal bacon"

>> No.16124698

"English muffins" are not very popular here
We just use 'muffin' for both, but most people would understand that to mean a sweet muffin

>> No.16124721

you can make your own sausage patties like you would a burger. tastes much better than the premade stuff and they freeze well.

>> No.16124727


Make your own tiny patties from pork/lamb whatever you want. I once split open spicy hot Italian sausage and used the guts to make them.

>> No.16124732

We also don't really have italian sausage

>> No.16124736
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Damn, Scotland wins again. I can buy round beef sausage at every butcher's shop I've ever visited here.

>> No.16124740

We call "English" muffins "breakfast muffins" in bongland

>> No.16124741

while this is true, it's more about convenience than anything
quick breakfast, no?

looks yummy

>> No.16124772

it really isnt a laborious task or anything. takes ten minutes tops to mix some herbs and spices into the meat, form patties, wrap individually with some parchment paper and plastic wrap, then freeze. that little bit of effort is well worth it for the massive difference in the end product.

>> No.16124780

You can grease a ramekin with a bit of butter and then bake it to make the egg. Works great in a countertop toaster oven (not to be confused with a toaster).

For the sausage, just make lots of patties in advance. Put on a pair of nitrile gloves or whatever and just start pressing them into an old peanut butter lid lined with plastic wrap or wax/parchment paper so that you can release it easily. Then freeze them on a tray or cookie sheet lined with wax/parchment paper. You'll have perfect little discs to pop into the microwave or fry in a skillet. You can also broil them in your toaster oven.

>> No.16124804

If you buy a roll of sausage (like how Jimmy Dean packages it), then you can freeze it and use the markings on the side of the package to cut them into discs. You need a good knife, and if you don't have one, then you need to only let it freeze for 30-60 minutes.

>> No.16125147

>buy sausage
>remove from casing
>mash into patty

>> No.16125159

For the patty either buy raw sausages and get the meat out of the casing and use it like ground pork or buy ground pork and season it like a sausage.

>> No.16126775

English muffins, despite its name, were invented in America, as was the dish eggs benedict.

>> No.16126791

sounds vile but microwaving the egg is surprisingly close if you have a round smaller dish

>> No.16126812

I wish more research was done about microwaving eggs. because if microwaved eggs have the same nutrition and taste as fried or poached eggs but took just seconds to cook and you didnt need to dirty a pan, i would never fry eggs in a pan again.

>> No.16126899


Check the freezer section in Tesco it's the only place I've seen them

>> No.16126930

kroger, fry's, walmart, safeway, all have precooked sausage patties.

I make sausage mcmuffins with egg all the time.

>> No.16126934

Will do. I looked in the potato crisp aisle but no sausage there. I guess it would make sense that meat would be in a freezer. Thanks.

>> No.16127188


>> No.16127275

yup. look it up bitch

>> No.16127278

I did
It's Germanic

>> No.16127288

Can you bongs explain to me the concept of "crumpets" please?

>> No.16127293

Oh nooooo I was trolled into going to Wikipedia how am I going to sleep tonight?

>> No.16127294


>> No.16127307

The leavening is allowed to bubble through and break on one side, so that once they've finished cooking you've got a large honeycomb structure for texture and also to collect little pools of melted butter

>> No.16127374

It's just raw loose sausage roll, sliced while cold or frozen, which gives it the round shape. They also sell it precooked, in a box of like 6, or a big bag in the US in the freezer section. The fact they're precooked allow to make just 1 at a time, microwaving on a damp paper towel, but they're best reheated in a pan.
Make your own sausage in a food processor, with spices, and pork for the best price. When you roll some of the seasoned sausage meat into a ball you can just smush it with a spatula to a round shape, so ignore this advice that you need some ring, because you don't.

>> No.16127384

Just buy sausage meat and shape it yourself. Buy sausages and shape it yourself. You autistic wanker.

>> No.16127424

OP is trying to do things easier and faster, and buying pre-cooked sausage is best for that.

and this may be getting off-topic but what exactly are the advantages to buying sausage meat over buying regular ground meat and adding flavorings and spices to that yourself?

>> No.16127436

You get cancer from these rings

>> No.16127456

im pretty sure mcdonald's uses jimmy dean brand frozen pork sausage. beyond that, eggs are cooked in an "Antunes ES-1200 Egg Station" which uses high heat, a buttered non-stick surface, and steam to cook the eggs. i replicate this at home with a silicone egg ring in a buttered stainless steel pan and put 2tbsp water in the pan with a cover on it to trap the heat in. you only need to cook for about 3 mins, just long enough for everything to gel up.
use whatever brand of muffin you want, just make sure to lightly toast it and butter it before slapping your cheese, meat, and egg on it.

>> No.16127521

if you're too fucken stupid to buy a pack of english muffins, cheese, sausage and eggs to recreate that, you don't deserve to be in a kitchen

>> No.16128566

Don't buy these rings. The little bird melts and smells like burning plastic. Get an all metal ring

>> No.16128584
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Those silicone egg rings are the shit. I hate uni purpose cooking utensils, but absolutely no regerts about these.

>> No.16128599

>I have never seen a circular pressed sausage for sale in any supermarket

Are you for real? They're usually in the frozen food section.

>> No.16128604

I don't really care about shaping my eggs that way but those things look like they make cooking eggs way cleaner.

>> No.16128610

I use cheap generic English muffins. They have the right taste. I have no clue what your options are in bongland. I wouldn’t know where to get the sausage patties, I just use Canadian bacon and makes it a standard Egg McMuffin.

The right cheese to use is American deli deluxe. I find kraft singles (which are cheese mixed with a bit of milk to make them meltier) have the wrong flavor.

As for the eggs, you need a ring. Make sure the break the yolk (I do it with a finger, which is McDonald’s method - they use gloves), and put water in the pan and cover it so the egg steams.

My egg mcmuffins are pretty spot on with this method - but it hinges on having the right muffin

>> No.16128620
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>buying regular ground meat and adding flavorings and spices to that yourself?
sausage making is left to the experts here I guess

>> No.16128655

huh neat is it usually sweet or can it done savory too?

>> No.16128663

Not really. Eggs is eggs.

>> No.16128673

No, as in they make less of a mess in the frying pan.

>> No.16128687

I don't think that's the main selling point, but if eggs are too much a hassle to clean up maybe cooking's not for you.

>> No.16128706

shut the fuck up BRUCE fuckin idiot

>> No.16128732
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>eggs too messy boo hoo
Whatever, dweeb.

>> No.16128748

Eggs aint the problem, it's the fucking oil. I hate cleaning up oil every time I cook something.

>> No.16128762

>the eggs are raising their arms begging to get out of the pan

>> No.16128778

>messy eggs and oil
You just need a short spray of aerosol oil or a tiny dribble, around 1mL.
Disposal is wipe with paper towel and toss.
You are not DEEP FRYING the egg.
You can also microwave the egg; wipe a bowl or container with oil, get the egg into it, put a cover, paper towel, or paper plate loosely on top, microwave it until to your preference, takes a very very short time.
These are home cooking basics.

>> No.16128781
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>> No.16128825

get a cheap 5"-8" nonstick skillet and you'll only really need 1-2tbsp oil in the pan at the very most. i use a lot because i like mine to float a little in the pan, but a teaspoon of oil will do just as well once you're skilled at frying eggs. if you feel like you need a shitload of oil, you are probably cooking your eggs on too high of a heat, which would be why they stick instead of floating up onto the surface of the oil after being dropped into the pan.

>> No.16128831

Egg want uppies

>> No.16128854

Buy one of these. Should be available in bongland.


>> No.16129716

the fat content is way higher in sausage meat, whereas ground pork is going to be 90% lean pretty much no matter what

>> No.16129738
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They don't sell this in the Brittain?

>> No.16129745

Jimmy Dean chubs have a very different flavor from McDonald’s sausage patties

>> No.16129794

cope and seethe, mutt

>> No.16129797

try it once and you'll know why nobody does it twice.

>> No.16129807

too much trouble.

>> No.16129833

(But also, no, we don't have the freaky tubemeat)

>> No.16131026

I buy cheap beef sausages from the supermarket and take the skins off, then smash them into a burger shape and salt/pepper them. Tastes exactly the same.

>> No.16131033

You can add syrup or nutella, it's good.

>> No.16131057

I think mcdonalds uses pork but yeah, why would you worry about finding premade patties, just take whatever your favorite sausage is and cut the casing off.

>> No.16131231

Do you have a single source to back that up?

>> No.16131241

>I do it with a finger, which is McDonald’s method - they use gloves

>> No.16131243

No but I have married sources

>> No.16131264
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Scotland does, albeit beef or mutton, or pork blood if you really want to go out there.
I make my breakfast mcmuffins with a slice of each of these. Left isn't regular mutton haggis, it's made with beef liver and lungs instead of sheep, right is black (blood) pudding.

>> No.16131289

0:58 https://youtu.be/DMOS0T8spcQ

>> No.16131487

cut it yourself

>> No.16131496

I mean I doubt that they actually bother putting gloves on most of the time (ie when cameras aren't around)

>> No.16131531
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>english muffin

JW made a video about this a few weeks ago (obviously it's over the top but still neat to watch):

>> No.16131557

former mcd's wage slave checking in
at least in the store i worked at, we all wore gloves every time for cracking eggs because we were going fast and egg white gets al over your hands. people would occasionally skimp on gloves for fried foods, scrambled eggs, or egg whites, but not the fresh eggs.

>> No.16131558

Use the same ring to shape the raw ground sausage

>> No.16131649
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>Original Yeahfaggot doesn't even appear to be doing it anymore
>Still have to see it even on boards other than /k/ because repetition is the height of comedy
It's the Sebenza thing all over again.

>> No.16132416

how does anyone prefer a mcdonald's tier breakfast muffin that has absorbed 20 grams of the taste of a commercial fridge over a southern biscuit?

>> No.16132527

>caseless sausage or "mince" isn't sold anywhere within the entirety of the UK
Yurop is weird