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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16123781 No.16123781 [Reply] [Original]

Give me actual reason to eat them, besides the taste.

They are:
>nutritiously useless
>vitamins and minerals from them are not bioavailable for a human
>they are full of fiber, which just rots in your gut and makes you not absorb anything at all
>no actual protein

I'm not a ketard, but outside of the taste and some form of salad addition to the meat, they are worthless and can't be considered a main course.

>> No.16123784

They're nice.
They're healthy.
You've been brainwashed by internet fraudsters and Big Meat Incorporated.

>> No.16123853

>They're healthy.
They literally aren't.
>You've been brainwashed by internet fraudsters and Big Meat Incorporated.
We've been eating meat since the dawn of time and the same companies behind meat are also behind veggie industry. Please, do not brainlet up this thread.

>> No.16124125

Fiber and other stuff in plants feeds your gut microbiome and makes it so good bacteria grow. Fiber is also filling so it will make you feel fuller, but that probably only matters in a willpower sense although it’s possible those satiety pathways have some downstream effects on the body. There’s also random stuff in vegetables that are good for you and interact with the epigenome (same with spices) like Diallyl sulphide in garlic or Sulforaphane in broccoli.

>> No.16124139

Ancestral humans foraged for vegetables. What the fuck do you think molars and incisors are for, faggot? We're omnivores. Go on the fucking carnivore subreddit and you'll see people constantly complaining about stomach pains, fatigue and constipation

>> No.16124154
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Why yes, you're absolutely correct anon
Vegetables are indeed worthless
There is no nutritional value in consuming them
Basicaly just empty calories

>> No.16124168

Fine, eat your processed, contaminated red meat, leave the rest of us the fresh life-extending nutrients and vitamins. and by the rest of us I mean the 9%of the population which actually bother

>> No.16124175

I don't give you anything you child. Fuck off you fucking idiot with your trolling. Surely you aren't that stupid?

>> No.16124189
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>Give me actual reason to eat them, besides the taste.

>They are:
>>nutritiously useless
>>vitamins and minerals from them are not bioavailable for a human
>>they are full of fiber, which just rots in your gut and makes you not absorb anything at all
>>no actual protein

>I'm not a ketard, but outside of the taste and some form of salad addition to the meat, they are worthless and can't be considered a main course.

>> No.16124201

>Fine, eat your processed, contaminated
Are you speaking about man-made veggies and soy now?

>> No.16124204

It's called a balanced diet, sweety. I bet you think only idiots workout and have social lives too. Enjoy your early grave fatty.

>> No.16124205


>> No.16124206

Retarded lardass.
>We documented 33898 deaths during the follow-up. After adjustment for known and suspected confounding variables and risk factors, we observed nonlinear inverse associations of fruit and vegetable intake with total mortality and cause-specific mortality attributable to cancer, CVD, and respiratory disease (all Pnonlinear<0.001). Intake of ≈5 servings per day of fruit and vegetables, or 2 servings of fruit and 3 servings of vegetables, was associated with the lowest mortality, and above that level, higher intake was not associated with additional risk reduction. In comparison with the reference level (2 servings/d), daily intake of 5 servings of fruit and vegetables was associated with hazard ratios (95% CI) of 0.87 (0.85–0.90) for total mortality, 0.88 (0.83–0.94) for CVD mortality, 0.90 (0.86–0.95) for cancer mortality, and 0.65 (0.59–0.72) for respiratory disease mortality. The dose-response meta-analysis that included 145015 deaths accrued in 1892885 participants yielded similar results (summary risk ratio of mortality for 5 servings/d=0.87 [95% CI, 0.85–0.88]; Pnonlinear<0.001). Higher intakes of most subgroups of fruits and vegetables were associated with lower mortality, with the exception of starchy vegetables such as peas and corn. Intakes of fruit juices and potatoes were not associated with total and cause-specific mortality.

>> No.16124209

>Results Sixteen prospective cohort studies were eligible in this meta-analysis. During follow-up periods ranging from 4.6 to 26 years there were 56423 deaths (11512 from cardiovascular disease and 16817 from cancer) among 833234 participants. Higher consumption of fruit and vegetables was significantly associated with a lower risk of all cause mortality. Pooled hazard ratios of all cause mortality were 0.95 (95% confidence interval 0.92 to 0.98) for an increment of one serving a day of fruit and vegetables (P=0.001), 0.94 (0.90 to 0.98) for fruit (P=0.002), and 0.95 (0.92 to 0.99) for vegetables (P=0.006). There was a threshold around five servings of fruit and vegetables a day, after which the risk of all cause mortality did not reduce further. A significant inverse association was observed for cardiovascular mortality (hazard ratio for each additional serving a day of fruit and vegetables 0.96, 95% confidence interval 0.92 to 0.99), while higher consumption of fruit and vegetables was not appreciably associated with risk of cancer mortality.

>> No.16124212

>Results: For fruits and vegetables combined, the summary RR per 200 g/day was 0.92 [95% confidence interval (CI): 0.90-0.94, I 2 = 0%, n = 15] for coronary heart disease, 0.84 (95% CI: 0.76-0.92, I 2 = 73%, n = 10) for stroke, 0.92 (95% CI: 0.90-0.95, I 2 = 31%, n = 13) for cardiovascular disease, 0.97 (95% CI: 0.95-0.99, I 2 = 49%, n = 12) for total cancer and 0.90 (95% CI: 0.87-0.93, I 2 = 83%, n = 15) for all-cause mortality. Similar associations were observed for fruits and vegetables separately. Reductions in risk were observed up to 800 g/day for all outcomes except cancer (600 g/day). Inverse associations were observed between the intake of apples and pears, citrus fruits, green leafy vegetables, cruciferous vegetables, and salads and cardiovascular disease and all-cause mortality, and between the intake of green-yellow vegetables and cruciferous vegetables and total cancer risk. An estimated 5.6 and 7.8 million premature deaths worldwide in 2013 may be attributable to a fruit and vegetable intake below 500 and 800 g/day, respectively, if the observed associations are causal.

>> No.16124214

>nutritiously useless
no they are not you are retarded.
>vitamins and minerals from them are not bioavailable for a human
wtf are you taking this out of? they provide both complete vitamins and precursors which the human body turs into full vitamins.
>they are full of fiber, which just rots in your gut and makes you not absorb anything at all
you need fiber for a healthy gut mate, it feed you gut bacteria and makes you have smooth consistent bowel movements.
>no actual protein
do you know what dark green leaf vegetables are? But of course you should rely on plant for protein, human beings are omnivorous.

>> No.16124216

I'm not fat, you mentally ill veganshit. I eat veggies. They are still fucking useless, outside of being an addition to meat.

>> No.16124217

>A total of 66,719 women from NHS and 42,016 from HPFS were included in the study population. During follow-up (30 years for NHS, 28 years for HPFS), 33,898 deaths were identified. Higher intake of fruits and vegetables was associated with older age, use of multivitamins, higher dietary quality, and higher physical activity level. After adjustment for known and suspected confounding variables and risk factors, a nonlinear inverse association of fruit and vegetable intake with total mortality and cause-specific mortality attributable to cancer, CVD, and respiratory disease was observed. Intake of approximately 5 servings per day of fruits and vegetables, or 2 servings of fruit and 3 servings of vegetables, was associated with the lowest mortality, and above that level, higher intake was not associated with additional risk reduction. In comparison with the reference level (2 servings/d), daily intake of 5 servings of fruits and vegetables was associated with a hazard ratio (HR) of 0.87 (95% confidence interval [CI], 0.85–0.90) for total mortality. Similar associations were observed for CVD mortality (HR, 0.88; 95% CI, 0.83–0.94), for cancer mortality (HR, 0.90; 95% CI, 0.86–0.95), and for respiratory disease mortality (HR, 0.65; 95% CI, 0.59–0.72). The dose-response meta-analysis that included 145,015 deaths accrued in 1,892,885 participants yielded similar results. Higher intakes of most subgroups of fruits and vegetables were associated with lower mortality, with the exception of starchy vegetables such as peas and corn. Intakes of fruit juices and potatoes were not associated with total and cause-specific mortality.

>> No.16124223

Not fooling anyone, obese piece of shit.

>> No.16124225

Nigga eat your veges

>> No.16124266

Lmao, cope.

>> No.16124268

biggest meme spread by LITERAL paid shills

>> No.16125190

Sure thing bro

>> No.16125196

big meat is what your mom is getting

>> No.16125205

Helps you poop when you eat it with meat.

I'll admit I love vegetables but they do make me gassy.

I eat them mostly for taste pleasure >:)

>> No.16125227

>you have to be vegan to eat your veggies

>> No.16125268

Nice way to out yourself, lardass

>> No.16125285

180cm, 90kg 15%. I know that majority of you are skinnyfat NEET retards, that can afford to eat like absolute autistic shit, but I can't.

>> No.16125372

>vitamins and minerals from them are not bioavailable for a human
very true. Little known fact, pirates and other seafaring people used to mix their rum with raw seal blood and pureed liver to avoid scurvy. Of course that fact has been swept under the rug and hidden from us by Big Citrus

>> No.16125669

Don’t forget big banana incorporated shilling this 5 a day BS!

>> No.16125717

the big banana corporations are indeed out of control, especially on this website. I for one am tired of bbc shilling

>> No.16126000

We have also been living without modern sanitation, medicine, and technology for all of time. Your logic is unsound.

>> No.16126149

So? Does all of that mean, we have to fucking drop our natural diet and eat grass like some retarded skinnyfat cuck?

>> No.16126466

There is no evidence that meat is optimal. It may have been needed for survival many times, that is fact. And it works enough to not die of starvation. Does that mean it's optimal? No. There is more evidence that learning to cook starches is what truly helped humans flourish.

>> No.16126480

trying to eat more veggies i heard that 6-8 serving cups is what’s recommended, what are the most nutritious but cheap vegetables you can add to a salad?

>> No.16126498

Are there actually people here who don't like veggies? Are they 12 or trolling?

>> No.16127430

Eat raw meat and cheese

>> No.16127442

The internet really does allow anyone to spew whatever mental diarrhea comes from their mind and act smug and confident in their views huh

>> No.16127453
File: 32 KB, 622x387, 562AADA7-4E71-40AE-8F58-EB9C3EAF2ABB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it pisses me off how many retards believe this shit. honestly just put a gun in your mouth, OP

>> No.16127660

Are you that Sverige faggot? Fuck off and eat cheeseburgers all day and report to us in 10 years.

>> No.16127667

dont eat vegetables, i dont give a shit

>> No.16127668

>>They're healthy.
>They literally aren't.
why not?

>> No.16127682

post belly with shoe on top

>> No.16127696


>> No.16128441

>There is no evidence that meat is optimal.
Humans are made from meat, not plants lol

>> No.16129352

After you, vaygayna

>> No.16130976

t. sub-315 bench

>> No.16131279

I eat meat and bench about tree fiddy