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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16121350 No.16121350 [Reply] [Original]

You will enjoy it. This thread is for all coffee related discussion and inquires.
>What are you drinking?
>Do you like it?
>Getting anymore?

Previous thread >>16090705

Kinda want a cappuccino right now but it's too late at night

>> No.16121362


>> No.16121398
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still struggling to get the grind right on this stuff

>> No.16121511

>Redmond, WA
>KafaTek Monolith grinder

How rich are you?

>> No.16122212

It annoys me how much I like my Aeropress

>> No.16122400
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Is coffee good for you?

>> No.16122404
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return to mok

>> No.16122408
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>> No.16123196


>> No.16123482

When is Hoffaggot reviewing those fucking machines behind his gay ass

>> No.16123625

If it makes tasty coffee and it's easy to brew feel no shame my brother. Fuck these retards.

>> No.16123670

I've owned a Nespresso machine for close to a decade now and it's starting to show its age. I was thinking of maybe buying a different type of machine to possibly get a better coffee and save on capsules in the long run.
Since I'm mainly drinking espresso, I was looking at a few online reviews and the most commonly mentioned machine seems to be the Breville Barista Express with either a De'Longhi or the Breville Bambino Plus mentioned as cheaper and slimer alternatives. Of course, there are countless other devices on individual lists but these are the ones mentioned almost everywhere I looked.

Does that sound about right to /ctg/? Any better alternatives?

>> No.16123706
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Bought a tub of this for like $7 on sale because I'm poor, and this shit unironically beats the fuck out most high end espresso brands I've drank.

>> No.16124261
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just bought a french press, need a grinder now.

>> No.16124273

For me it's Robusta!

>> No.16124316

There's something so based about a big sale tub of Maxwell House or Folgers. I don't mind spending the extra money if I'm out and want a fancy coffee drink but when I'm home it's just Folgers medium roast.
>What are you drinking?
Folgers medium roast
>Do you like it?
It's ok
>Getting anymore?
I've drank it for 5 years so yes.

>> No.16124345

How many cups do I need in the morning to stay awake because one is obviously not enough

>> No.16124422

Why does the coffee I brew always taste like vomit?

>> No.16124429

because you touch yourself at night

>> No.16124488

Because you vomit in it?

>> No.16124767

If you mean acidic then probably underextracted. Also more common with more lighty-roasted beans.

>> No.16124787

No U.
Light roasts are bright and vibrant.

>> No.16124805

I'm not stating an opinion here, they're objectively more acidic than darker roasts. Not necessarily a bad thing.

>> No.16125220
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Are the Dutch V60 filters that bad? They're quite a bit cheaper

>> No.16125245

Tried my hand at pouring latte art today, still figuring it out but I thought it looked nice. I'm just frothing milk in a french press but it still looked good and the milk masked any imperfections in the espresso I made.

>> No.16125270

This is so frustrating. Why can't Hario harmonize the paper density across their three factories?

>> No.16125309
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I tried putting some cinnamon sticks in the ground coffee before brewing and it added some good flavor to it. And cinnamon is super cheap. Any other items to add to the grounds before brewing?

>> No.16125385


>> No.16125639

They're a pain in the ass and choke half the time. I guess if you have a great grinder it shouldn't be an issue. I much prefer my brews with the boxed ones since I can grind finer and brew quicker.

>> No.16125864

What are some cold meme coffees I can make now that the heat is picking up? Iced bullshit lattes, dalgona, what else?

>> No.16126566

Bambino Plus is a very good starter machine.

>> No.16126577

cardamom and anise are both very traditional

>> No.16126677

Maybe if you're making cereal milk lattes.

>> No.16127308
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Kyoto/Dutch drip for hipster meme points.

>> No.16127323
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yeah this is what i'm spending my gfs money on

>> No.16127329

A bit ashamed to say cinnamon toast crunch makes a pretty good one.

>> No.16127394

Nice, it's a fun world to get into. Best advice is to let the milk sit for 15-20 seconds after frothing so it separates just slightly. Pour high for the first pour to build a well of foam in the jug, then for your design pour nice and close to the cup, almost touching the liquid. But yeah the more you pour the better you get anyway, just self-correct to fix mistakes and you'll be a gun in no time

>> No.16128607

gib gf monies

>> No.16129167
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>> No.16129253

>Hoffman V60
>1 bloom swirl, 1 full cone swirl, and a draw down stir means filter is fucking clogged with fines like skidmarks on a toilet bowl after eating greasy fast food, doesn't taste good, draw down takes almost a minute longer (3:40+), but bed is laser precision flat and dry at the end mostly what feels like a lie considering all the agitation

>Scott Rao V60
>Stirring bloom makes the ending bed full of peaks and valleys with what looks like more retained water, usually has some unbloomed shit around the sides or creating islands and tiny bubbles all over filter like a foam, kettle stream seems to kick up the bed more, draw down is 2:58-3:10 for 34g/550ml, tastes better but inconsistent tending towards acidic underextracted but feels like the variables are more meaningful when adjusted

>throw this shit in the trash and go back to using French Press which just works because I realize I'm too lazy and stupid for this shit
I cannot master superior Japanese brewer technology. I will go back to the inferior partialism retard press and drink my cafestol in ignorance.

>> No.16129302

>try home espresso
>hundreds of dollars in grinders, equipment, beans
>waste 200g of every bag dialling in to finally have 2 good cups of coffee
>fuck this
>buy a v60
>filters, carafe, electric gooseneck pouring kettle
>good drawdown, shit bed
>good bed, shit draw down
fuck coffee bro

>> No.16129308

You're still grinding too coarse if you're getting flat acidic brews. Stop caring about drawdown, ive had great 500ml brews with 4+ mins brewtimes.

>> No.16129389

my caffeine addiction is pretty fucked up

>wake up
>no need to get up now, hours early for work, decide to just stay comfy and go back to sleep a couple more hours
>wake up 2-3 hours later and finally get up
>start getting that weird sensation in my head of a headache coming on
>my body is fucking PISSED that I didn't immediately satiate it with caffeine from my morning coffee
>headache intensifies throughout the day until it's downright miserable
>next morning I drink the coffee immediately upon waking up like a good little bitch, no headache that day

Body, please.Why must you do this to me? Surely, you enjoyed those extra hours of rest.

>> No.16129398

What is the BEST coffee?

>> No.16129463
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Depends on my mood ~ espresso, piccollo, cappucino, affagato.
It's fun to try different styles.
Always a new way to have coffee like a granita. haha.

>> No.16129620

The one Elizabeth Olsen passes to you as she wakes you in her bed - after a night of debauchery and unsafe - sex and tells you she had fun but her assistant is calling you a car.

>> No.16129826

Opener a new bag yesterday. Got the grind wrong and had awful cuppa. This is a bad feeling but I know today will be better.

>> No.16129832

Just brew french press and run the product through a paper filter if you want to get rid of the fines/cafestol

>> No.16130303
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Poured something fun this morning

>> No.16130400
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Soon you will be making masterpieces.

>> No.16131699

I'm going to need one of you spergs to go try arizona's new "sunbrewed" coffee and report back.

>> No.16132073
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So for anyone who remembers, I finally had that weird Guatemalan Finca Santa Margarita which took half an hour to roast. It's actually good. Not amazing, but it's pleasant and there is surprisingly nothing bad or odd about the taste.

>> No.16132468

Thanks for the input. Price-wise it seems a bit more reasonable than the bigger Breville machines, also might more easily fit on my counter top.

So what would you suggest?

>> No.16132528

Although technique is there to enhance the experience, it's all grind to get a decent cup.
I've YOLOd pour-overs at friends' houses with mismatched papers in tons of no-name rando cones, no scales, no spoons, that tasted fine.
He didn't know any special techniques either - we just made sure our grinds across different beans were on point.
We used a Hario Slim Mill and a peppercorn grinder attached to a power-drill to grind.

There's absolutely no shame in using a press though.

>> No.16133182

i got chinked, moka pot seal replacement, doesn't even fit properly.

>> No.16133763

Did you ever figure out if your roaster is fucked up or if it's just a freaky coffee?

>> No.16133846

I'm in the first batch of the flair 58 so I'll report back in like 3 weeks with thoughts on that. Otherwise theres no reason not to snag a gaggia and mod the fuck out of it. Breviles are "ok" but theres a shitload of plastic tubing and a chromed facade built into the cost without the savings passed onto you.

>> No.16134490
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Mmm... bean water

>What are you drinking?
Some old ground coffee from the freezer
>Do you like it?
Yeah it's fine
>Getting anymore?
No I'm going to get instant when I go to the shops next because I'm too lazy to faff around with my aeropress - you can get some semi-decent instant coffees these days and it's a lot less effort to make

>> No.16135077


>> No.16135473

Anyone else drink decaff bean water?

>> No.16135652

Moka Espresso has ruined my taste for coffee. It's very upsetting. I adore the super rich flavor it produces and crave it in the mornings. Whenever I have regular coffee it tastes flat and shallow in comparison to the moka goodness.
I'm terrified of what a real espresso maker would do for my taste in coffee.

>> No.16135874
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Poured my French press coffee into pre foamed milk and swirls from my my straw gave it aesthetic.
French market medium dark roast with chicory in a french press is close.

>> No.16135882

Is that the Fiametta series in silver or the Doma one? I just realized it's not the hexagon.

>> No.16136303

Just weird coffee, I've roasted since then and it went normally.

>> No.16136763
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after i grind coffee, i just pour boiling water over, wait for it to settle and drink
will coffee god smite me for this transgression?

>> No.16136796

Where would I attain such a chicory delicious roast?

>> No.16136983

This is how cupping is done

>> No.16136992


>> No.16137157

you, gay-homosexual african-american pretentious git, i wasted 9 minutes of my life on this
thanks for being a faggot, faggot

>> No.16137294
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I've bought it at publix. I uaslly make it with a few extra grams since it's not all coffee.

>> No.16137594

Your time is worthless.

>> No.16138868

trying turkish tomorrow

>> No.16138896

I'm getting in the habitat of brewing a liter of coffee in the morning then sipping it throughout the day, is this excessive? What are the risks?

>> No.16138997
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Which costco beans are good?

>> No.16140256

nice latte art

>> No.16140290
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ugh. COSTCO? just order off amazon if you're looking for quality. you need your own roasting wheel too, none of that electrical shit - flame and crank. water? fresh running water from outdoors.
>french press best method btw

>> No.16140790

the chinkommandante can pull turkish fine, so besides dialing in espresso there is no reason to spend more than $60 for a handgrinder

>> No.16140884

Sweet press, where did you find it?

>> No.16141165

I think one anon hear likes the columbian ones; it has a jaguar on it.

>> No.16141879

Tried a finer grind setting and my shot way overextracted, I want to get a better grinder because I haven't been able to *really* dial my beans in. Shot today was okay, just a bit bitter so I made it into a cappuccino. Single origin Ethiopian Yirgacheffe, smells and tastes like blueberries, blended well with the milk flavors

>> No.16142055

Define fine.

>> No.16142065

>roasting wheel

Kangfirmed retord. You're looking for the word, "drum".

>> No.16142629

My local roaster is shit, what is a good single origin coffee I can order off Amazon

>> No.16142645

You can't actually order anything good off Amazon anymore. It's either crap, a knockoff, or more expensive than somewhere else.

>> No.16142651

flour-ish, don't have a kurwa or anything fancy to measure with.

>> No.16143073

gonna need a mug ID anon

>> No.16144284

buying roasted beans is a waste of money, plus the guys with the really big machines will probably lie on roast dates.

>> No.16144544

>Ethiopian Yirgacheffe
I've tried a few of that origin and they were all great.

>> No.16144642
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I'm sort of "on the move" right now so I've been using folgers in my aeropress. It's OK for a quick cup

>> No.16145256
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They're Colorstone mugs my grandmother got about 50 years ago. I have her full matching crockery set.

>> No.16145502

Very based.

>> No.16145718

Been fiending on Bustello for years and want something new but I don't even know what to go for. There's so many interesting brands and flavors to choose from.

>> No.16146420

should i start drinking coffee, any recommendations for someone who hates the taste and smell.

>> No.16147246

the taste of shitty coffee i get, but if you hate the smell then why do you even want to drink coffee
just drink tea or caffeine pills

>> No.16147488

If you hate the taste and smell maybe it isn't for you. If you're interested in broadening your horizons maybe go to a local cafe, preferably one that roasts their own beans, and try some well prepared coffee and see if that changes your perception of it.

Just had my first ever americano with the yirgacheffe, absolutely delicious! I did change the dose so it was definitely a better extraction than the shot I pulled previously, but I made an americano because I wanted a stroopwafel with it. Fuck me it was tasty, IDK if it was that I pulled a better shot but all the acidity I normally associate with fruitier coffees was gone

>> No.16147617
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Anyone ever try any canned/bottled coffees? I'm curious if BOSS or UCC coffees are any good and not just meme weeb shit.
I want to bring some nice cold coffee when I go to the beach this summer and figure that canned coffee is likely the way to go.

>> No.16147826

i was addicted to tea for my whole life. got to a point where i was drinking 4-6 big mugs of tea every day with milk and 3 teaspoons of sugar per cup. it was really bad for my teeth so i quit about 8 months ago when i went to the dentist and got my teeth fixed. i just want more energy in the day. im also really bad at taking pills like ill do it for a few days then just stop. also i feel like people see me as a child because ill only order a hot chocolate when i go out and 99% of places make shit hot chocolates but they will make good coffee. idk i just feel kinda lost right now. also my extreme social anxiety prevents me from just going out to try some so i dont have to buy a bunch of stuff and learn how to make it from home and then not like it.

>> No.16147993

Please tell me what shitty tea you were drinking. It will bring me joy.

>> No.16148002

Mr brown's. Can probably find $25/24cans at your local azn mart.

>> No.16148235

for me it's espresso from kenya

>> No.16149541

I need to try some from my local asain market.

>> No.16149615

seems very expensive, I'm guessing it is just weeb fuel
better but not weeb fuel

>> No.16150040
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>> No.16150121

My only experience with BOSS is the BLACK can and I wasn't impressed. It was your average overly bitter black coffee without any particularly good flavor. Basically normie coffee. The UCC with milk is tasty, but keep in mind it has a fair bit of milk and plenty of sugar so I'd consider it a treat.

>> No.16150941
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Kafuu chino?

>> No.16151868

coofu chino

>> No.16151873
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Cute cafe chino

>> No.16151896
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Is the order a rabbit?

>> No.16151914

I've tried a lot of them, the milk ones suck, I don't like milk with coffee anyway but thought I'd try them. my favorite is boss black.

>> No.16151916

boss black isn't bitter at all, wtf? I'm not saying it's premium coffee or anything, but it's certainly not overly bitter.

>> No.16152279

Still on a pot of Colombian green beans. Having the first moka latte in what seems like over a week, now on to some black.

>> No.16152613

english breakfast :)

>> No.16153045
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Holy shit.

Black coffee just clicked. Now what? A new world of flavors has opened itself to me.

>> No.16153254

Thats like telling someone you're really into cigars, but they find out you're smoking white owls.

>> No.16153743

T. Doesn't know how to make coffee

>> No.16154029
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Coffee, instant, with milk.

>> No.16154843

Pulled a bunch of back to back shots from my flair for friends today. Had one grinding the coffee while I pulled shots/frothed milk and made drinks. Had some nice workflow going. Kinda fun to play barista every now and again

>> No.16154861

you buy chinese tea you be careful bad men put bad stuff in some tea beware if too cheap good tea costs little extra not mean extra arsenic thank you for let me leave china and enjoy your beautiful country america I love america but be warned bad tea is rare but dangerous

>> No.16155617

i said i was addicted to tea. not that i was really into it or that it was a hobby or anything like that. i didnt grow up with my dad so the first time i visited him when i was a kid he made me baked beans on toast and gave me english breakfast tea, first time i had eaten either of these things, i guess i held onto them without even realizing it. i know its not good tea or anything but its a comfy feeling of one of the only times i spent with my dad.

>> No.16156186

/g/ is talking about us.


>> No.16156197

Here you go fren >>>/g/81714296

>> No.16156211

Fuck, thank you. I forgot you have to mention the board when cross posting.