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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1.44 MB, 2448x3264, vendingmachinebugs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16117989 No.16117989 [Reply] [Original]

You may only pick one item from this vending machine. What is your choice?

>> No.16117991

Do americans really

>> No.16117992

The light inside.

>> No.16118002

The fuck is with you guys and eating bugs? If they don't taste half bad and help fight climate change, I'd eat some bugs. Shit, even if they just taste alright. I'll try the Sour Cream and Onion Crick-ettes.

Grow a pair, jeez.

>> No.16118007

good bait

>> No.16118030

I wouldn't steal from this vending machine

>> No.16118038

Nah, for real though. If you are conceptually grossed out by eating some bugs you're just a pussy.

>> No.16118088

You only eat bugs if you are fending for your life on a deserted island or some shit. I won’t compromise at all in my life, I’ll eat the finest foods and in great quantities. You can keep your bag of bugs, weirdo.

>> No.16118125

>believing in climate change

>> No.16118130


>> No.16118133

Why is all of that so expensive? I don’t really give a shit about “Ze bugs” but shouldn’t it be more affordable if it’s literally just bugs?

>> No.16118228
File: 173 KB, 596x403, Nicolas green outdoors ghost.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wants me chips

>> No.16118229

The cash box

>> No.16118235

>5 grams of protein in one bag of cricket chips
my fucking sides, theres 7 grams of protein in a mozzarella cheese stick, theres 6 grams of protein in a fucking uncrustable

>> No.16118247

I've had the cheese and bacon Crickettes and the salt and vinegar one's. I guess I'd just get the cheese and bacon ones again.

>> No.16118283

Salt N vinegar crickets.

>> No.16118374


>> No.16118383

Not that bad for a 1.25 ounce serving of chips.

>> No.16118387

pro gamer strat right here

>> No.16118417

>Nah, for real though. If you are conceptually grossed out by eating some of ypur own shit you're just a pussy.

>> No.16118550

i'd eat most of those, but they're too expensive

>> No.16118591

Bug farming is a boutique business, at least for human consumption. Low supply and for a niche demand.

>> No.16118605

You'll be forced to eat bugs while the elites get to enjoy all the luxurious shit you can have right now

>> No.16118667

I keep walking

>If they don't taste half bad and help fight climate change
Neither of those claims are true. The purpose is to selectively demoralize and reduce the standard of living of white western countries as an ac of "social justice" by genocidal racist psychos.

>> No.16118671

I'd rather starve

>> No.16118692
File: 481 KB, 1900x1440, 5Uggq3m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rancid cunt detected

>> No.16118710

>I’ll eat the finest foods
>Please waiter, I'll take the lobster

>> No.16118722

>He unironically believes the climate hoax

>> No.16119215

I believe in climate change, I just don't give a fuck. You're a pussy AND a child for not growing out of the "we need to change the world" phase.

>> No.16119610

Disgusting garbage

>> No.16119674

Nothing really appeals. Crickets are kind of pedestrian, and those grubs don't taste of anything but the flavoring.

>> No.16120024

it takes much less resources to produce protein than conventional livestock

>> No.16120061

>thinks cutting down trees and burning fossil fuels is helping the environment

>> No.16120086
File: 192 KB, 800x930, guineasomethingood.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I WILL NOT eat the bugs
I will NOT live in the pod
I WILL not get the jab
I WILL. NOT. wear the mask

>> No.16120103

I actually don't mind the idea of eating bugs as long as its not a replacement for real meat.

>> No.16120696
File: 860 KB, 2448x3264, VendingMachine1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want...uuugh?

You may only pick one item from this vending machine. What is your choice?

>> No.16120709

>You may only pick one item

I may also pick NO item. This would be my choice.

>> No.16120714

But how will you get them through your mask? That's what I want to now.

>> No.16120739

I get the joke and the reference, but why a guinea pig?

>> No.16120773


>> No.16120779

>fight climate change
the climate on earth is ALWAYS changing, and ALWAYS will be. whether we humans have anything to do with it? don't know don't care.

not going to eat bugs.

I have enough money now that I will never have to do that.

>> No.16120824

Who the fuck has $105 in coins?

>> No.16120831

Why are so many people on this website mentally ill irredeemable morons? Why am I forced to share this discussion space with psychotic conservative nuts?

>> No.16120833

Great, so let's raise taxes on corporations and the wealthy to help fight climate change so we can all keep eating meat.

>> No.16120843
File: 1.55 MB, 647x534, 1529764866142.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You and everyone else is just a consumerist faggot who does and believe what he's told. Lobster used to be considered absolute garbage, now it's "fine dining." Whole-wheat bread and rye bread was for peasants, now it's considered "artisanal." Eating meat year round and for every meal was for kings only until recently. Your tastes are a product of your environment. You're not "compromising" you're just being a squeamish faggot bitch pussy.

>> No.16120848

i dont want to eat whole exoskeletons.
the flour or whatever you want to call it, fine. make food out of that

they really are just shellfish by another name, but im not eating an unpeeled shrimp either

>> No.16120858
File: 360 KB, 500x500, 13566167.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If this is in USD then no thanks. If it's in some foreign funny money then maybe. I'd try any of the larvets and crickettes. Probably go with salt n' vinegar.

>> No.16120879


>> No.16120882
File: 555 KB, 778x505, 15247247.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nobody's trying to make you eat bugs, you haven't even tried them either.

>> No.16121018


>> No.16122410
File: 210 KB, 600x806, noooooo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.16122968

the fuck would i pay $3 for a fucking sucker with a bug innit? i can make that with a little sugar and a bug from the yard. god that's insane.
1/16th of candy jack and sour cheese

>> No.16122997

nothing I'm not a drain

>> No.16123980

Post yourself eating bugs and then kill yourself