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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16114616 No.16114616 [Reply] [Original]

When was the like to when to a BBQ?

>> No.16114635

i dont think so

>> No.16114636

Will the birds cook properly that close together?

>> No.16114652


>> No.16114653

>Will the birds cook properly that close together?
and zero seasoning

>> No.16114663

>When was the like to when to a BBQ?
Did you just have a stroke OP? Should we call an ambulance?

>> No.16114922

based strokeposter

>> No.16114931

I didn’t think it would be like but it do

>> No.16114942

Not sure if anyone has even been far as to.

>> No.16114944

Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

>> No.16114973


>> No.16115019

What would happen if I slept on these birds? That looks comfy. Warm grill, soft chickens.

>> No.16115044

>When was the like to when to a BBQ?


>> No.16115064
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>> No.16115102

this was a trainwreck of a thread from the start wasnt it OP

>> No.16115239

a lot of churches did this kind of thing in kentucky a while back for charity. shit's delicious actually. they'll do whole chicky brickies with some salt and pepper, plenty of smokey wood. used to eat a whole chicken for breakfast with my dad on saturdays, watch some simpsons he recorded on vhs and chill

>> No.16115253

did you fuck and suck him aswell?

>> No.16115264

>watch some simpsons he recorded on vhs and chill
Fuck man... I'd kill for a VHS copy of the grimes episode that was recorded off free to air tv with the ads of the era... Going to look for a VCR on ebay right now actually.

>> No.16115271

this was super common when I was a kid, but with roasting corn. corn roasts/boils were like the only thing anyone put on as a fundraiser. then it disappeared all of a sudden. i didnt really miss it, corn on the cob is a shitty snack

>> No.16115272

>Anon 1 recounts wholesome childhood memory.
>Anon 2 makes sickeningly inappropriate comment.

Never change /ck. Never change.

>> No.16115455

>He hasn't been as far as undecided

>> No.16115495

>thinks sucking and fucking your father is sickeningly inappropriate
>reddit spacing
you don't really belong on 4chink do ya?

>> No.16115652

<cooking those chickens
You're going to ruin them.

>> No.16115657

church food MOGS all, makes no sense that it's not a regular thing.

>> No.16115990

When russia comes we will hang you homo

>> No.16116144

why is it the more ghetto the the grill setup, the more delicious the bbq taste?

>> No.16116155

Soul gains.

>> No.16116211

Does no one notice how the chicken is totally unseasoned?

>> No.16116217

Seasoning is for faggots. Chicken is juicy and delicious by itself. Don't @ me tranny nigger lovers.

>> No.16116256

Some (non-black) people can actually taste the meat.

>> No.16116276

Based and dilatedpilled.

>> No.16116306
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>tfw no southern belle trans gf to feed me inappropriate amounts of bbq before giving me an enema

>> No.16117072

Only one way to find out

>> No.16117101

damn do i miss the piazza

>> No.16117124


>> No.16117154

no seasoning? not even salt and pepper?

>> No.16117172

sorry, I don't live in a flyover state. What's church food? It's not like fuckin communion wafers, is it?

>> No.16117179

Its seasoned with God's love.

>> No.16117205

>muh russia
yeah you need to just go back

>> No.16117338

Hey strokeanon, how's treatment going?

>> No.16117351

Russia here. Can i come into homo? Will hang out.

>> No.16117418

About tree fiddy

>> No.16117446

If you look closer you can see they're cut in half so they'll cook fine as long as the coals were done right.
If they're on charcoal then you don't really "need" any seasoning.