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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16111460 No.16111460 [Reply] [Original]

why doesn't /ck/ have any sympathy for the wagies?

>> No.16111492

Because their wagies desperately trying to seem like they're not coping.

>> No.16111504

because people who work at fast food are not cooks and chefs. if you go to any decent restaurant as a chef you will make atleast 17 an hour and km and gm make atleast 35 - 50k. i will never fel bad for the bottom of the barrel because they literally don't try

>> No.16111508

lots of wagies are students that just want a part-time job.

>> No.16111512

For the same reason that the upper class used to look down on the middle class, who used to look down on the working class, while the working class looked down on minorities, the unemployed and those who happened to have a criminal record.

There is nothing so satisfactory as finding someone who has it worse than you, and to then gloat at them over it.

>> No.16111515

im a student and i have a part time job in my
INDUSTRY that im training for, i dont feel bad for losers.

>> No.16111540

No one who ends up working food service or retail is a human worthy of respect.

>> No.16111543

id agree for low level food service. cooks at a 3-5 star restaurant do make some beautiful food though.

>> No.16111603

This type of thinking is the reason that human civilization will eventually collapse.

>> No.16111604

yeah no sympathy

>> No.16111615

Nah anyone who still works with their hands instead of their mind is effectively subhuman

>> No.16111627


>> No.16111628

I agree with you. It's a sad state of affairs.

>> No.16111636

>order hamburger
>wagie with burger training and over 200h of making burgers can't make burger correctly
If you can't accomplish a simple task, fuck off

>> No.16111640

i do, I want to work on the automation that puts them out of jobs

>> No.16111645

I do I feel really bad for them despite the fact that they hate me by existing. Cant be helped I suppose

>> No.16111808


So you orgasm using only your mind and no hands?

>> No.16112261

No I use a woman for that

>> No.16112276
File: 190 KB, 418x498, 1553100392439.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's an easy job but all I ever hear is complaints about how hard it is.

People try to tell me I can't understand unless I did the job myself. But I have done it. It's fucking easy.

>> No.16112279


>> No.16112865
File: 44 KB, 306x549, 2B5C09C300000578-3200934-RainDog_took_a_photo_from_behind_to_prove_she_was_wearing_heels-a-26_1439819616176.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure do bud. All the new string of zoom zoom girls in my local McDonald's are cute and sexy and petite

>> No.16112924


Only stupid old Chad's are mean to wagies. Because being a corporate ass kiss or wall street sell out is so cool. What does success mean, you have a bunch of paper? Ooooh, big man.

Work hard, play hard people are such fagots. It's a job dude. Chill. Unless you own your own company. You're not shit. Still sucking at the teeth bit you just try too hard like mommies good little bitch.

Nobody is proud of you for being a lawyer or whatever dipshit.

>> No.16112941

wagies rise up. you have nothing to lose but your chains

>> No.16112997

I can't rise up, I have work tomorrow.

>> No.16113026

I do have sympathy for kids just working part time, but none for the losers that are so lacking in skills and motivation that they end up in chain fast food. All my sympathy gets lost when they forget to put items in my bag but charge full price.

>> No.16113037

I'm a corporate project manager and I still share your sentiment. I'm surrounded by tryhard fucks who play nice to you only as long as they see an opportunity to climb higher on your back. Honestly, everyday worker types
(builders, sanitation workers, etc.) are the most honest workers and they are not valued nearly enough.

>> No.16113057

Based and reason pilled.
I don't get people that look down on people providing a service they use, there are no bad jobs.

>> No.16113098


>> No.16113113

I think that people in general just suck. Like people in white collar works are just nice to you because they need something from you (most of the time). Blue collar are usually the same, but at least they're honest about it.

>> No.16113155

At least if they're honest about wanting something, I can be honest about rejecting them.

>> No.16113201

I was a wagie in my youth and even then, I hated wagies. Most of the people around me didn't even try to do a good job because they thought it was a shitty low paying job, so it didn't matter. You don't want to get screamed at by the mum trying to manage three kids? Well, maybe don't get like 90% of her order wrong for the third time this week. Take some pride in what you do, goddamn it.

>> No.16113237

4chan is full of rejects pretending that they're handsome millionaires so they find mocking others enjoyable. It says a lot more about them than whatever the target of their ire is.

>> No.16113314

my balls. your mouth. NOW

>> No.16113330
File: 109 KB, 852x594, mcdonalds-headquarters-ia-interior-architects-studio-o-a-chicago-illinois-us_dezeen_2364_col_6-852x594.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related

>> No.16113334

Am I a wagie if I work a full-time salaried office job but spend 80% of my workday shitposting on /ck/ on my phone and masturbating in the office bathroom?

>> No.16113338

Damn I missed quads

>> No.16113497

huge fag

>> No.16113515

I’m autistic. I don’t understand sympathy.

>> No.16113518


Proud alum here

My major was Nuggets and my minor was Pissing Off Black People by Giving Them Too Much Ice.