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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16109602 No.16109602[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How do I avoid becoming a "hot sauce guy"?

>> No.16109608

don't make consoooming BRAND™ hotsauce a personality trait

>> No.16109614

You can get covid anyways after being vaccinated, the vaccine is pretty useless. Masks are too though

>> No.16109617

This cartoon makes no sense at all. You can be vaccinated, have the virus, not know and spread it all over.

Are you a selfish cunt OP? Can you not help protect others?

>> No.16109623

This. OP is a faggot

>> No.16109628

I dunno I just cut up peppers I like (thai chilli peppers are my number 1) and add them to my meals

>> No.16109630

Oh absolutely. OP is indeed a faggot of the highest purity.

>> No.16109637

>actually eat the hot sauce you buy instead of "Collecting" it like a retard
>shop based on what you like, not on what's the most atomic meme pepper anus blaster
>don't act like a fag and put hot sauce on stuff it doesn't belong on
>don't talk about it all the time like it's Who You Are.

Imagine being a "mustard guy" who has 200 tiny bottles of artisan mustards on the shelf and you put mustard on every fucking thing you eat and talk about it to basically anyone you encounter. Funny, and maybe based since you would be one of like a dozen such guys on earth, but genuinely you would be a fucking weirdo for it.

>> No.16109638

CDC said that's not a concern

>> No.16109642

Have you considered not being a faggot who bases what he likes to eat on the thoughts of internet retards?

>> No.16109646

>t. hot sauce guy

>> No.16109649

Yea this is what I mean. Im addicted

>> No.16109651

>vaccines don't work
shut up

>> No.16109652

So what you are saying is only listen to governmental guidelines when they agree with me otherwise ignore them?
You can fuck off.

>> No.16109654

I just bought 4 bottles of cholula today because I want to sample the flavors and see what I like.

>> No.16109660

t. thinks mayo is spicy

>> No.16109661

>buy hot sauces
>don't make it your personality
quite simple actually

>> No.16109667

Green is the only one worth eating.

>> No.16109668

Yea, I have a bottle of hot sauce. It’s existed as a condiment much longer than the local soyjack mong patrol had been around to cry about it.

>> No.16109676
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Don't be like this guy

>> No.16109684
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I bet you do imagine being a mustardCHAD.

>"Why yes, ladies and gentlemen, this IS my mustard collection. Please, no need for applause. Do remain behind the mustard yellow velvet rope at all times."

>> No.16109698

I’m sure your homemade stuff puts evil corporate hot sauce to shame. Because you make it with love.

>> No.16109704

I had the chile garlic one before and thought it was quite nice, actually. It tasted like a nicely roasted garlic, and not just garlic powder or raw extract.

>> No.16109705

wrong nigga

>> No.16109712
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>Why yes, ladies and gentlemen, this IS my mustard collection

>> No.16109720
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>tfw no mask, no vax

>> No.16109725
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>>Why yes, ladies and gentlemen, this IS my mustard collection

>> No.16109731

Lmao, imagine being this buttblasted over a mustardCHAD.

>> No.16109745
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Switch to putting bbq sauce on everything instead.

>> No.16109752
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>do you need any condiments or sauces?
"No thanks"

>> No.16109757

don't use hot sauce

>> No.16109766

>the vaccine doesn't work
sick, I won't get one then.

>> No.16109782

I never said that. Vaccines protect YOU. You can still have the virus. What the vaccine does, is permit your body to have the virus, but without ill effect to YOU.

You just don't know how vaccines work.

>> No.16109784

If it is likely you will die from catching covid you shouldn't be in public.

>> No.16109788

Eat the bugs goy

>> No.16109789

You assume I live in the US and therefore listen to what your government tells you. I don't.

>> No.16109797

So it doesn't work then

>> No.16109798

>What the vaccine does, is permit your body to have the virus, but without ill effect to YOU
In that case herd immunity is impossible.

>> No.16109809
File: 134 KB, 1000x1350, CE7200CA-8065-4D46-8F1C-D6A2C76389ED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While we’re on this topic, how good is Gator Hammock and where do I buy it?

>> No.16109808

A vaccine "should" prevent the virus from building up to the point where patients become contagious and symptomatic. That's why herd immunity works with the MMR vaccine where patients who can't get it are protected from the spread of those diseases by those who have received the MMR vaccine.

This "vaccine" doesn't for whatever reason.

>> No.16109810

Like eurofags didn't prep the EU bull before letting it slide its meaty schlong up their collective assholes

>> No.16109818

You clearly don't. Vaccines are not some magic thing that makes the virus able to be in your body and yet not affect you, for fucks sake mate if you are this uneducated be a little less smug about how right you are.
here is a child friendly version of an explanation so you can understand.

>> No.16109825

>posting literal globohomo propaganda

>> No.16109839

>says the faggot arguing for mask AND vaccines.
if you want to be a schizoid at least try to have a internal coherence in your delusion.

>> No.16109841


>> No.16109847

I understand your concern, OP, since I am a sauce guy myself.
I avoid it by being obese and having poor hygiene.

>> No.16109852

>mask AND vaccines
Pretty sure a single mask is passé now, and all the good caring citizens are using double-masks.

>> No.16109864

>don't wear masks
>didn't get the vax
Feels good to be gangsta.

>> No.16109870

I dont even own a mask

>> No.16109885

but it does, both israel and uae are vaccinated at around the same rate and have around the same climate, uae with the traditional sino vaccine it still struggling to get their numbers down while israel with mrna had their numbers plummet while going back to normal (or at least what qualifies as normal there), like holy shit how do you rationalize that away?

>> No.16109888

clearly you haven't taken a single class in immunology and have no idea what antibodies are

>> No.16109901

Work on your reading comprehension and look up how the MMR vaccine works.

>> No.16109956
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Realize that the "hot sauce guy" does not exist outside this board and is just the figment of the imaginations of grown men who still have a child's taste in food and anything with more complexity than fast food, frozen pizza and hot pockets overwhelms their palates so they make up things like "hot sauce guy" and "soy boy" to feel better about themselves.

>> No.16109963

I'm telling you, doc, the hot sauce guy IS real!

>> No.16109964

Its in reference to all the maskfags saying they're gonna keep wearing masks despite the fucking CDC telling them they don't have to anymore.

>> No.16109966

>kills boomers and fatties

Yeah, I'm thinking Covid is based and a net positive

>> No.16109968

he is the hot sauce guy he is just trying to hide it.

>> No.16109985

When I go into stores, I ask the people up front for a mask, then turn around and immediately throw it away.

>> No.16109988

I bought a huge supply of masks at the start of 2020 when /pol/ told me to.
Now I refuse to wear them like /pol/ told me to

>> No.16109999

I think there's a particular personality type (or disorder) that makes people more prone to become "collectors" of anything
So the biggest irony of the spergs who ree about hot sauce collectors is they themselves probably collect retro video games, or comic books

>> No.16110001

The vaccine is 99.999% effective at preventing death from the coronavirus, even if you get it.

>> No.16110003

that was before everyone knew the real danger was in the spike protein the virus had that basically fucks up old and fat people (or people with preconsisting conditions leading to more vulnerable arteries)

>> No.16110004
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>> No.16110005

The 2020 election tourists have really changed that board, though.

>> No.16110011

checked and keked

>> No.16110013

hello comrade u have proofs yes?

>> No.16110019

For a disease that 99.98% of all people infected with it survive!

>> No.16110020

I like the chipotle and the regular one best

>> No.16110030
File: 84 KB, 800x778, 1615671334485.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, the general population of 4chan? I've literally never met a "hot sauce guy" outside of 1 or two boomers. Never a millennial or zoomer who this board complains about. No idea why hot sauce became such an autistic fixation. I use have 3-4 on hand: a Mexican style, an Asian style, a Louisiana style and maybe one Misc one if I need it for a recipe or something. I legit think it's just people who can't handle spicy food using the meme as a cope.

>> No.16110031

Covid already has a 99.99999% survival rate. Why do I need a vaccine

>> No.16110050
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>> No.16110053

>So, the general population of 4chan?
yes, that's exactly what I was implying.
Seeing niggas who spend hundreds of dollars collecting pokemans and little ponies, then rage about people who want to taste different brands of food is the pinnacle of irony.
It's just "stop liking what I don't like" but for a bunch of 30 year old men.

>> No.16110055

So we can build back better

>> No.16110059

>owning multiple hot sauces
It's too late for you now...

>> No.16110066

Just googling "hot sauce forum" and checking the first result brings up a community of over 15,000 users.

>> No.16110071

you mongrel the spread from a vaxxed person is negligible, heard some immunologist broad talking about it on NPR a couple weeks ago

>> No.16110072

National Propaganda Radio. Beautiful source.

>> No.16110088

A challenger appears

>> No.16110090

>Just googling "hot sauce forum" and checking the first result brings up a community of over 15,000 users.
You realize that the total number of registered users in a forum does nothing to illustrate how many of those users frequent the forum regularly, right? This could be the number of users for the past 20 years
>total members online right now: 26

>> No.16110096

Trump lost

>> No.16110101

ok so why get the vaccine then

>> No.16110102

even on ck, there's a small subset of users who religiously collect cans of sardines, and nobody shits on them like they do for sauce eaters

>> No.16110104

Can someone answer my question about actual hot sauce (>>16109809)?

>> No.16110106

It's an anecdotal example. Calm down.
Go check out the other hundred results, too.

>> No.16110109

Why is that liberal being mean to that soyboy?

>> No.16110118

>15,000 is a lot of users
Your average small town has more people than that.

>> No.16110120 [DELETED] 

A liberal muslim homosexual ACLU lawyer professor and abortion doctor was teaching a class on Karl Marx, known atheist ”Before the class begins, you must get on your knees and worship Marx and accept that he was the most highly-evolved being the world has ever known, even greater than Jesus Christ!” At this moment, a brave, patriotic, pro-life Navy SEAL champion who had served 1500 tours of duty and understood the necessity of war and fully supported all military decision made by the United States stood up and held up a rock. ”How old is this rock, pinhead?” The arrogant professor smirked quite Jewishly and smugly replied “4.6 billion years, you stupid Christian” ”Wrong. It’s been 5,000 years since God created it. If it was 4.6 billion years old and evolution, as you say, is real… then it should be an animal now” The professor was visibly shaken, and dropped his chalk and copy of Origin of the Species. He stormed out of the room crying those liberal crocodile tears. The same tears liberals cry for the “poor” (who today live in such luxury that most own refrigerators) when they jealously try to claw justly earned wealth from the deserving job creators. There is no doubt that at this point our professor, DeShawn Washington, wished he had pulled himself up by his bootstraps and become more than a sophist liberal professor. He wished so much that he had a gun to shoot himself from embarrassment, but he himself had petitioned against them! The students applauded and all registered Republican that day and accepted Jesus as their lord and savior. An eagle named “Small Government” flew into the room and perched atop the American Flag and shed a tear on the chalk. The pledge of allegiance was read several times, and God himself showed up and enacted a flat tax rate across the country. The professor lost his tenure and was fired the next day. He died of the gay plague AIDS and was tossed into the lake of fire for all eternity. Semper Fi.

>> No.16110128

I complain about them, but only for turning my favourite food into a fucking meme and making it impossible to discuss. For me, sardines on toast was breakfast with grandma, not this weird /fit/-tier fratboy DEENZ GAAAANG shit.

>> No.16110131
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Yeah, I'm too far gone. What's next, more than 3 spices?
Okay that's a bit cringe but you had to go out of your way to find that. It's like "SJWs". Never met one in real life but if you believed 4chan you would think that they roam the streets castration men. It's all just shit you use to make yourself mad.

>> No.16110134

I just find it strange that, among all possible hobbies, this one gets so much shit from 4chan

>> No.16110139

t. no deenz

>> No.16110150

That's right. I eat sardines like a man, not "deenz" like a child.

>> No.16110152

>The vaccine is 99.999% effective at preventing death from the coronavirus
So is just not getting vaccinated, strangely enough

>> No.16110156

>It's like "SJWs". Never met one in real life but if you believed 4chan you would think that they roam the streets castration men. It's all just shit you use to make yourself mad.
now you are just retarded, if they were fucking fictitious laws wouldn't be made with them in mind.

>> No.16110167

Next you're gonna tell me that you went to a school that didn't have a Penis Inspection Day.

>> No.16110171

still more based than collecting hot sauces

>> No.16110180

>everyone under 85 is fine

>> No.16110195

This is your brain on /pol/, kids.
Dude everyone had penis inspection day, I didn't go to some poor kid who didn't have the budget for it.

>> No.16110279

this comic is several months old
don't use it as a condiment