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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16108505 No.16108505 [Reply] [Original]

>That'll be $25.85, sir. How was your meal?

>> No.16108507

It would've been nice if you had cornbread instead of white bread but overall very good bbq

>> No.16108512

It was pretty good but I think I made a mistake with the smoked sausage and mac n cheese. Should've went with pulled pork and coleslaw. Anyways here's your 5 dollar tip, have a good one.

>> No.16108522

this is just a badly composed picture. and that mac and cheese is dying for some black pepper

>> No.16108526

What does anal with a mature transwoman feel like?

>> No.16108534
File: 22 KB, 271x271, 986AE9FB-83CF-4C43-BCDE-18E8932D0E16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>mac and cheese
>black pepper
Oh anon

>> No.16108555
File: 278 KB, 1125x1358, 4532214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>black pepper
>mac and cheese

>> No.16108559

Why eat out when you can make that all at home for AT LEAST half the cost?

>> No.16108582


>> No.16108593

>white people barbecue

>> No.16108688 [DELETED] 
File: 82 KB, 601x1022, pr1cx3o8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure heres a dollar tip. I hope you hate your job.

>> No.16108728

That seems reasonably priced. What are you complaining about, i hope youre not 300 lbs anon

>> No.16108794

holy shit 25 dollars for 3 shits on a plate
do amerifags really

>> No.16108905
File: 173 KB, 329x290, smugusagi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesnt put black pepper on his mac & cheese
pleb tier.

>> No.16109574

>what is Cacio e Pepe?
Stick to tendies, kid. I bet you were born in the late 2000s lol

>> No.16109580

>cacio e pepe = macaroni and cheese

Completely different dishes, retard

>> No.16109687

Different in name only. It's just cheese + pasta. Plenty of people use spaghetti instead of macaroni.

>> No.16109721

I don’t understand your lazy greentext meme.
Are you implying they served something different than what I ordered?
Or that the menu price is different than what they’re attempting to charge me?
If they’re serving what I ordered and charging the listed price, what is the actual problem?

>> No.16109773
File: 143 KB, 340x255, freetard subhumans.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If they’re serving what I ordered and charging the listed price, what is the actual problem?
OP is poor; that's his problem.

>> No.16109820

Grated pecorino and cheese sauce are vastly different things...

>> No.16109874

why get any sides when you get bbq i dont get it

>> No.16109894

>>what is Cacio e Pepe?
made with different cheese and not made with a mornay sauce

>> No.16109903

but thats normal pricing? it will also be $50 if you uber-eats it

>> No.16109916

Lest we forget, the infamous flyover cuisine known as "spaghettaroni & cheese"

>> No.16109926



>> No.16109940

>paying extra for some drug addict who lives out of his car to deliver your food after coughing on it

>> No.16109947

Did I knowingly order a slice of wonderbread for 2 billion dollars?
I don’t think you understand how restaurants or menus work.

>> No.16109953

The wonderbread might be complimentary, but it's still like spitting in your face when literally every other BBQ restaurant has, at the bare minimum, yeast rolls or cornbread.

>> No.16109972

>poorfag has to conjure a strawman
This is funny, but sad.

>> No.16109987

Just admit you enjoy untoasted wonderbread, white boy

>> No.16109994

>white boy
I'm black lmao.

>> No.16110007

Post hand.

>> No.16110012

forgot to mention i'm also trans btw

>> No.16110386

Tasteless nigger no wonder you like that prison cafeteria slop

>> No.16110439

>velveeta shells and cheese
>overcooked collard greens, likely have been sitting in a hot well for 8 hours
>a fucking slice of cheap white bread, straight outta walmart
>a HALF of a fucking sausage, can't even be fucked to give you the entire sausage because the lardass cook in the back got hungry
>4 sad slices of brisket, what kind of horrible slicing technique even is that

D for effort.

>> No.16110538

>pretending to be a Michelin reviewer on fucking 4chan
A for comedy.

>> No.16110576

No, actually I'm a Goodyear reviewer.

>> No.16111258

Made that way to keep the diversity away.

>> No.16111269

Sucks to be poor doesn't it? Just wait til the coming inflation takes a big bite out of your neetbux ass. You'll be living on ramen at 2 bucks a packet, and I'll be paying 50 bucks for a meal like this, yet still be able to afford it.

>> No.16111307
File: 82 KB, 640x1136, IMG_0675.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16111318

>fat fucking paw

>> No.16111328

We're on /ck/; are you really surprised? lol it could be worst; I could be as fat as cabinbrah.

>> No.16111334

Ouch, I won't be sleeping tonight.

>> No.16111716

brisket near me is $14.99 a pound.

>> No.16111731

*Snort, wheeze* oh boy, that macaroni *cough* and cheese *puts on cpap mask* was soooooo *horks up loogie the size of a child* good, *farts* that's good *dies from copd and organ failure from hyper obesity* bbq

>> No.16112266

haha nigger

>> No.16112446

That took a long time, did you have to steal it?

>> No.16112822

White people """""food"""""

>> No.16112938

Not sure what's funny, but I'm glad you got a laugh out of it.
This might be a shocker, but I have a life outside of 4chan. But regardless, I proved my point: I'm not a white boy.

>> No.16112961


Why is BBQ like this so fucking expensive?