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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16103527 No.16103527 [Reply] [Original]

>Another dinner of spaghetti and butter

I hate being poor so much, bros...

>> No.16103533

If you're so poor you should have spent that butter money on cheese

>> No.16103535

Go work at a McDonald’s, they’re paying hella money right now

>> No.16103536
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Butter? Luxury!

>> No.16103553

Butter is cheaper than cheese, anon

>> No.16103563

>meanwhile everyone is desperately hiring

>> No.16103582


>> No.16103586

Bruh, I have literally $2 in my bank account. I can't afford luxuries like parsley or garlic

>> No.16103587

are they? I need a part-time job.

>> No.16103591

>can't afford garlic
damn son

>> No.16103594

I was fired last month for not having a car, so apparently they aren't that desperate

>> No.16103598

This but unironically. I'm pretty sure tinned tomatoes would be cheaper and tastier.

Also, I used to have to live in a cardboard box in the middle of the road so don't fucking talk to me about hardship

>> No.16103609


you deserved to live in that box

>> No.16103647

You shouldn't need to contribute in order to consume

>> No.16103665

fry breadcrumbs to eat with it, you dolt.

>> No.16103678

What part of poor don't you understand?

>> No.16103683

>spaghetti and butter

Just wait til you get down to spaghetti and margarine and after that, spaghetti in it's boiling water, and eventually, a glass of water.

>> No.16103685

get some wagon wheels bro
turn that frown upside down

>> No.16103689


you need pasta, olive oil, garlic, onion, tomatoes, some parmesan cheese if you find a coin on your way.

you can make tons of variations it's cheap,

aglio e olio is the best my mom used to make it all the time, easiest quickiest tastiest dish you can make with 2 ingredients that are very cheap

>> No.16103691

>I was fired last month for not having a car

No, you were just fired. They used the car issue as an excuse to get rid of you.

>> No.16103696

You don't know anything about me, faggot. They didn't want to keep me as an employee because they needed someone to be on call and getting to work when they needed me would have been a big issue.

>> No.16103702

If you were poor you wouldn't have butter.

>> No.16103705


>> No.16103726

If you don't have money for breadcrumbs maybe you should kill yourself, because you are not worth that butter you are eating.

>> No.16103732

Keep telling yourself that. Maybe someone will believe you.

>> No.16103733


>> No.16103745

Look how desperate you are to fight off anyone who might hint at the truth. You are a shitty employee, and they picked an excuse to get rid of you. If you'd had any value so far as they were concerned, they'd have done something to make the situation work. Companies do that all the time.

>> No.16103753

Retard. I was there for less than a month and they didn't want to keep paying me if my vehicle situation was going to become a problem.

>> No.16103774

yeah, who doesn't want a minimum wage job that has inconsistent and shit hours that require you to never have a set schedule you can plan around, never allows for days off, and specifically only gives you enough hours to qualify as part-time so they don't have to give you benefits.

Woooo, sign me up baby.

>> No.16103787

Why don't you make bread or something? A bag of flour, some salt and water is all you need. A package of yeast if you can afford. You can make flatbread and survive for awhile. Should help save some money too.

>> No.16103790

Buy some lemon pepper. And eat rice sometimes instead of pasta. Learn to cook a pork shoulder.
t.former poorfag

>> No.16103791

>I'd rather bitch about my problems and ignore any advice rather than fix them

Entitled Americans everyone

>> No.16103799
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>> No.16103947
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Just go to the store and walk out without paying OP
You're literally encouraged to wear a mask, just put on sun glasses too

>> No.16103948

you know you get money in return, right?

>> No.16103949

guess you wont be eating then lmfao

>> No.16103967

>buy cheapest item in the shop
>put as many items between underpants and pants, pockets, etc

>> No.16104005

I'd advise you to plant some stuff. Garlic, tomato and lettuce are easy to grow indoor. Onions and potatoes as well. If you can do some dumpster diving you can find a lot of great stuff.

>> No.16104015 [DELETED] 

I live in an area with niggers so they have some scary looking guy guard the entrance to the store

>> No.16104018

based IRL piratechads

>> No.16104181

ok chud

>> No.16104190

surely you can at least afford olive oil?

>> No.16104191

I have to live off of $2 for the next couple weeks until my tax return comes through

>> No.16104204

When I was poor in college and needed dinner after classes, I would head to the grocery store ~6pm when packed and would go to the bulk foods section and dump a mix of nuts, dried fruits, corn chips, pretzels and chocolates in one bag worth of $10 and just stuff it in my backpack and then go grab some sandwich meat for $1

>> No.16104213

damn i can only suspect that you're dumb as bricks

>> No.16104218

Yes anon, every person who has suffered financial hardship is basically at the same iq level of a turnip.

>> No.16104294

>have zero skills
>form a union
pick one

>> No.16104354

heh everyone get a load of this guy
He hasn't even seen the Monty Python sketch, yet he feels qualified to butt in on the conversation.
He really has no idea, does he?

What an utter fool.

>> No.16104355

Isn't rice and beans cheaper? You could have rice and butter or beans and butter?

>> No.16104392

>t. lived in a room with only three walls and no floor, all huddled up in one corner for fear of falling

>> No.16104405

>Minimum wage

You seem well versed on the ins and outs of minimum wage jobs anon. had a few have you? Still have one? Sucks to be you then. I'll bet you were a real class clown too. Thought you were the shit. Well... Guess what? Your entire life is the shit now.

>> No.16104463
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Why not buy done canned sauce

>> No.16104487

I'm 29 with no debt, a decent house, a six-figure income and mid six-figure net worth in a moderate CoL city and I still eat spaghetti and butter with garlic powder most days because it's comforting AF

>> No.16104489

Have you tried visiting a food shelter? In my early twenties I would starve for 2-3 days at a time on a pretty regular basis. It sucked, but some of it had to do with being an idiot.

>> No.16104496

Why not put sardines in it?

>> No.16104505
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imagine the person who wrote this

>> No.16104519
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I have your only answer at 3.49CND.

>> No.16104530

That shit will make a bucket of curry if you want to buy curry powder or garam masala from Suraj for a 1.58 CND. Steal a few chickens and you have a dish.

>> No.16104961
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>doesnt even have ketchup
broke slimey rodent

>> No.16105617

that's literally the favorite way to eat pasta by the youngest chef ever to win three michelin stars - gordon ramsay's mentor Marco Pierre White

>> No.16105632

Unironically learn how to forage.

>> No.16105676

You seem like the type who was beat up a lot then became a dentist or something similar.

>> No.16105686

i like spaghetti and butter, i would legitimately only want to eat this and tendies for dinner when i was a kid

>> No.16105708

shop at aldis bread is 75 cents

>> No.16105721

Nah. I was the kid everyone more or less ignored. I wasn't popular, wasn't picked on, didn't excel at school, wasn't much interested in it actually. I didn't become a dentist either. I did however start a business and probably earn more each year than half the class put together, so there's that.

>> No.16105728


Stealing from the commons you mean? Fuck people who do that. They strip public places bare in some areas.

>> No.16105758

You just sound salty that they got to it before you did.

>> No.16105949

Actually no, but we have had "campers" where I live destroy several parks and heritage fruit orchards.. You know, the farm house is gone but the trees remained, til those cunts started climbing them and breaking the branches to get at the fruit. The community used to get together and harvest the fruit every year, some for the pickers but most for the food bank in town, but no more... Pear trees, apple, cherry, Some more than 100 years old. Fuck the campers, and fuck you for suggesting "foraging".

>> No.16105998

Live on the street and eat out of fast food garbage cans then. A job is a job if your faggot ass needs money for food.

>> No.16106010

all that money and you're a faggot who posts on 4channel about how much more you earn than your high school classmates lel

>> No.16106012

tomato sacue is cheaper than butter,
why are you eating butter

>> No.16106028

Do poor people know they deserve to be poor?

>> No.16106037

Boomer moment. Reminder your generation had it reall easy.

>> No.16106067

I meant foraging for wild plants, not property or communal gardens.

>> No.16106079

I'm a zoomer and I had it real easy. I spent most of my life browsing the internet and playing video games, yet still achieved almost perfect grades all the way through college because of how much it's been dumbed down. I got a marketing degree which took literally 0 work, and found a job in advertising (specifically: digital media planning) about a month after graduation. I skipped around a few times and now I work in software support for a major B2B tech company in the digital advertising industry. I make six figures and will buy a house soon. And the thing is, nothing I do or have ever done was very hard. It feels like opportunity and money is just thrown at me the same way people accuse boomers of having it.

>> No.16106327

What are your job qualifications?

>> No.16106331

Thanks, anecdotal nobody. You're really meaningful to everyone. NONo I'm not dismissing you, I LOVE you.

You stupid piece of shit.

>> No.16106336

You're like a human vaccuum. I've never cared about some creature less. I hope you evapourate.

>> No.16106344


>> No.16106347

Canned tomatoes, eggs, cheese and bacon are all dirt cheap, stop larding

>> No.16106355

steal a basil plant and grow it, now you have pesto pasta

>> No.16106357
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Go the peruvian poorfag route and eat them with soy sauce

>> No.16106363

wHy NOt puT SarDiNEs iN It?

>> No.16106364
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>dirt cheap

>> No.16106519


€10/kg for high-quality butter, 8000 kcal.
€5/kg for the cheapest-shittiest cheese (either young cheese or kraft singles). which is at best 50% cheese, and 3000 kcal.

So Butter is way cheaper per unit of energy (which he is going for).

Also don't be a retard and understand which product would cost more:

1. Start with milk and yeet it until it's butter.
2. Start with milk and add shit, leave it for a week, heat it, cool it until it's cheese.
Gee I wonder which one would be cheaper.

>> No.16106526
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>he can afford animal fat and high-protein wheat pasta
Bro I’m living on barley gruel and cabbage soup (chopped cabbage simmered in hot wafer).

>> No.16106533

Try being poor and lactose intolerant

>> No.16106545

go to walmart and stuff a jar of pasta sauce down your pants you mope

>> No.16106574

How can ye afford internet then huh?

>> No.16106607

cardboard box!? i had to grow up in ohio!

>> No.16106613

Spices are probably the easiest thing to steal in the grocery store.
But do not do that.

>> No.16106618

jesus who the FUCK cares lol

>> No.16106798

at least it isnt margerine

>> No.16106808

Bro you need 50 grams of protein a day
get some chick peas or chicken in there

>> No.16106956

I'm certain you could at least get canned beans and rice if you're turbopoor.
If you're normalpoor you can likely get your hands on some real cheap dark meat chicken or pork chops as well, seeing as those things are like $2-3/lb at my local market.

>> No.16107024

Fellow poorfag here. Here are my go to dishes.
>pasta, olive oil, and cheese if feeling luxurious
>pasta and alfredo sauce
>rice, butter, and soy sauce
Seasoned salt is a bit of a miracle. Sometimes I think about catching animals to eat.

>> No.16107070

Wtf is "yeet"ing milk? You have to be 18 to post here.

>> No.16107078

> be me, 29
> upper middle class homeowner with 32% equity
> six figure STEM salary, benefits retirement account, other investments
> eat buttered pasta with fresh sage from my greenhouse every day

>> No.16107081

Butter is fucking expense you stupid cunt, buy some tinned tomatoes or tomato extract and some eggs instead and cook yourself a proper meal.

>> No.16107922

>Butter is fucking expense
In what third world cunt?
Also, *expensive

>> No.16107923

it could be worse

>> No.16107966

If you ever have only two dollars to your name, yeah.

>> No.16108042

I just made some beef goulash on mashed potatoes with my mommybux the other day. Sucks to be you poorfags lmao.

>> No.16108082
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It's literally wild garlic season. It grows everywhere and tastes like garlic

>> No.16108090

P.S. the humour of my post is based on the fact that I only get enough money to feed myself and might be thrown out at any time

>> No.16108093

Do you have a food bank/pantry near you? Also now might be the time to work in food service, shit pay and hours but hey, the entire industry needs part timers

>> No.16108124

Cabbage contains no calories, if you're that poor then why would you eat it?

>> No.16108134

You wouldn’t hate it if you had friends. Go make friends

>> No.16108142

>cardboard box in the middle of the road
wow, you couldn't even get a cardboard box by the side of the road? at least you didn't have to live in a cardboard box in the middle of the train tracks

>> No.16108146
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Filler, peasants used to throw weeds into their daily gruel

>> No.16108153

is it fried pastas in pan w butter and garlic and parsley and salt and pepper w parmesan?

>> No.16108159

if you're clean cut and aren't a nigger, you can sneak stuff out the self-checkout. I was on the phone with my wife when checking out once and didn't realize a couple items didn't scan. no one said anything to me, nor did they check my receipt.

>> No.16108182

Wow, I want to fugg her

>> No.16108198

tomatoes aren't fucking cheaper than butter. what are you smoking? do you guys live in hawaii or something? I got 2lbs of irish butter at Costco for like $7 in March

>> No.16108214
File: 138 KB, 1024x686, z11731289IH,Poszukiwanie-jedzenia-przez-freeganow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's freegan time

>> No.16108236

tfw u think french ppl are better than everyone

>> No.16108376

To put in perspective just how much of a retard the OP is, there are, at this moment, potentially tens of millions of homeless people that are richer than this retard.

>> No.16108410


>> No.16108616

Red pepper flakes, lemon juice, lots of pepper, parsley and garlic powder. Makes it a bit better.

It's OK to not have much money anon. You can still make nice things.

>> No.16108660

Add another stick a butter and bottle of ketchup for sketti

>> No.16108666

Scroll up, he literally has $2 to live off of.

>> No.16108667

literally buy a $500 rice burner and drive that, you dickhead