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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 120 KB, 1000x1000, you will drink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16090705 No.16090705 [Reply] [Original]

You will enjoy it. This thread is for all coffee related discussion and inquires.
>What are you drinking?
>Do you like it?
>Getting anymore?

Previous thread >>16036044

>> No.16090716
File: 52 KB, 800x800, FBB4414C-F996-47AD-9672-F7524ABD1DF8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shits your coffee

>> No.16090747

>some washed nicaraguan, medium roast
>its ok, just 4 more kilos and i am done with it
>i wanna try some Brazil naturals next

>> No.16090748
File: 11 KB, 275x183, bokchoi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck off frogposter niggerfaggot

coffee is for weaklings

>> No.16090751

Stupid frogposter

>> No.16090754
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Folgers. Classic roast. With a spoonful of honey and my pipe

>> No.16090817
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I had some coffee this morning. I've been drinking it black, because the cream and sugar gives me acne. I still really enjoyed it.

>> No.16091019

never made espresso before, but i've heard that freshly roasted beans aren't good for it and they should outgas for a week
could the same effect not be achieved by grinding them and just letting them sit for ten minutes or so?

>> No.16091228
File: 3.39 MB, 3244x3418, 20210511_135333.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried pan-roasting these beans but they came out all different colors. I wanted to do a medium roast but it's mixed. What do?

>> No.16091256
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xth for 9barista makes good 'reso

>> No.16091261

you lose more than CO2 by grinding, best aproach is freeze the beans 5-7 days after roasting packaged in 2-3 days worth of beans

toss out the ones that didn't get first crack, use the others.
next time don't preheat the pan and/or stir them more.

>> No.16091309

black nicaraguan dark roast
unless someone can recommend me something stronger/more coffee-y

>> No.16091323

If I wanted a lighter to medium roast, would I toss the darkest ones!

>> No.16091472


I should be getting my corn popper coffee roaster kit from sweet marias today. thank you guys for giving me the push I needed to finally buy it.

>> No.16091510

Don't roast in a pan like a moron.


Any time buddy. I should roast some today. I'll get some pics up in a bit.

>> No.16091691

based 9barista chad.

>> No.16091774

How often can I drink coffee without suffering physical caffeine withdrawal when I take a break? Three times a week?

>> No.16091837

I drink Nescafe Brasero dehydrated instant coffee. But I have to have milk or cream in it. But I can't drink it at work because the fridge is full so no room for my milk, and I hate the taste of "coffee helper" powder now. So I end up paying 2$ a cup for iced coffee from the store because the coffee machine at work is always out of everything too.
Anyone got any advice for me?

>> No.16091849

*Coffee MATE from Nestle.

>> No.16092168
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Not sure if you're still into coffee mate liquid but you can throw a couple of these in a bag, they don't need to be refrigerated.

>> No.16092347
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the Chairman has arrived:
the good:
>free spins
>the cap is magnetic and stays there even if you spin with the grinder turned upside down
>internal parts are all metal
>handle ball is magnetic

the bad:
>won't do turkish, (not sure about espresso)
>small gap between lid and grinder
>lots of static, will try water dropplets trick later
>QC bottom ball bearing unseats itself during assembly (not that it becomes misaligned or anything like that)
>QC the handle has some friction even makes a skeaky sound, this one should correct itself with use.

>> No.16092361
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the lucky:
>it didn't get taxed by customs

>> No.16092369
File: 1.09 MB, 2000x1333, Bripe-coffee-brew-pipe-hiking-backpacking-fire-torch-23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bripe gang where you at?

>> No.16092430

may i suggest a bripe?

>> No.16092558
File: 272 KB, 800x526, coffee-grounds.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I'm making cold brew, why do I need to use a coarse grind with 16-20 hour steep? Why can't I just use a finer grind and steep for half the amount of time?

>> No.16092731

Yes, smoke a bripe with your pipe. Or vape & bripe. Become the meme.

>> No.16092801
File: 389 KB, 1000x667, heat gun coffee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You gotta stir & toss more than you did with a skillet. Constant motion. Electric popcorn poppers, stovetop whirly pop (crank handle machines), and heat guns are better. I use a heat gun with a stainless steel pot and whisk.

>> No.16092822

Quitting smoking now will improve your quality of life

>> No.16092837

Just sort them into a few different piles based on roast. Or just drink it like that. How come nobody ever does a multiple roast medley?

>> No.16092892

It's an interesting concept. Some coffees have wide roast ranges. It could be a good cup for those ones.

>> No.16092982
File: 911 KB, 2560x1440, 20210511_195333.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just roasted up some Guatemalan Finca Santa Margarita Acetenango and I have no idea what's wrong with these beans, it took three roast cycles(roaster has hard time limit) to reach first crack and light-medium darkness(bad picture is making it look darker). There's no way this is going to taste good but I have no clue why these shits roasted so slow.
Some of those are WAY too light and some look burnt. I would just toss them. Next time make sure there is constant agitation.
>How come nobody ever does a multiple roast medley?
They do, it's called a blend.

>> No.16093016

>it's called a blend.
I think he meant a blend of different roast levels from the same coffee. I've wondered about it, too. I don't think anyone ever does this intentionally (yet).

Is it possible your heating element is dying? Have you run through another coffee as a control batch? I've had difficult to roast beans that suspiciously all come from tail-end harvest seasons. Makes me think something's up with growing conditions or humidity or something.

>> No.16093027

Or a curious ratio of sugars to moisture? I dunno. Maybe you gotta just taste it and adjust to get the most out of it.

>> No.16093118

Ah I see, I didn't realize he meant that kind of blend. It might work with a bean that has versatility in terms of roast level.

I roasted a batch of a different origin yesterday and it came out fine, I think it must be this particular batch of beans because the roaster is fairly new and has otherwise been putting out good coffee.

>> No.16093147

I bought a couple coffees at the beginning of the year that just won't crack, or the crack was very lackluster. Had to go solely on color. They weren't the best I've ever had, but I did my best. It took several batches to get there.

>> No.16093270
File: 8 KB, 261x143, 2E4DD188-73FE-4DE8-A4C9-F5A15EEF3239.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My quality of life is already at its absolute peak. If i quit i will become more powerful than this world can handle and quite possibly start the beginning of the apocalypse

>> No.16093343

update water droplets did the trick.
also good speed on the grind.
>put the kettle on
>weight the beans
>put a few droplets on the beans
>30g for moka pot
>had to wait around 1 minute for the water to boil
before with the shitty grinder water would boil 2 minutes before i was finished with the grinding, and to think it costs the same as Hario shit.

>> No.16093475

That's the weirdest part, even after 20 minutes of roasting the beans were only a light tan. I still have a quarter pound of them I haven't roasted yet so I'll try again in a week and see what happens.

>> No.16093580

That's really weird.

>> No.16093770

what are the best beans to just eat a handful of
i like coffee beans as snack

>> No.16093890

How long should 34g/550ml through a v60-02 take? including the 45 second bloom and ending once draw down slows.

>> No.16094014

As long as you want it to. You make adjustments with grind size and pouring speed until you like it.

>> No.16094462
File: 3.91 MB, 4032x1908, v60.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just got 3:15 seconds on this one which is the best so far, but usually they're 3:45. Seems like a lot of fines on the walls (I spin twice; once after filling cone and once during draw down + a gentle alternating stir both ways). It's 3.3 and 3 clicks on the Jx-pro grey dot if anyone has ideas 3.4 and 3.5 didn't produce any less fines.
Guessing my agitation is too much (I do notice a column of bubbles in main pour which I guess is channeling which might mean I'm fucking up the bloom and not saturating it all either).
I'm about to say fuck this and buy a Breville precision brewer.

>> No.16094498

Coffee looks too coarse to me. Also, the water line goes all the way up to the top. You're probably pouring too much water in the first pour. So what's the issue? Your coffee tastes underextracted and thin? The goal is to get the coffee how you like it. There are ways to adjust this, but did you say what you're not liking?

>> No.16094519

Never drink coffee with Doc Pepper in it

>> No.16094543

The major things that affect the brewing time are the filters and the grind size. Experimenting with several different cheap paper filters will give you different filtration rates. It's kind of the bottom line as for how fast the coffee brews. From that constant, you adjust the grind. Faster filters need finer coffee or it's just not going to be in contact with the water long enough. Just keep grinding finer and finer until it tastes bitter and overextracted, then back off. The "bloom" pour is normally just to prewet the grounds so everything is wet. But as you have probably seen, some coffees really bubble up and it makes a big mass of coffee bubble foam. You can let it bloom for two minutes it you wanted to really extend the time on the front end. I think it actually makes it taste better. All grinders produce fines, even good ones. And that's ok, as long as it's not a ridiculous amount. Most people don't realize that they CAN grind finer than they were used to without making a bitter cup because they learned from their old shittier grinders that finer = more fines. It really doesn't with better grinders. Blah blah blah.

>> No.16095441
File: 144 KB, 1460x948, coffee-collective-coffee-design-03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How huge is Coffee Collective? They've bought up nearly all of top-grade harvest in Bolivia last year leaving very little for other roasters or green coffee wholesalers.

>> No.16095470

Does anyone on /ck/ use ceramic lined tumblers? I have a Zojirushi but I don’t really like the mouthpiece and was looking for alternatives

>> No.16095682

i have been drinking instant coffee every day for the past week

it sucks but I have to get rid of it

>> No.16095986
File: 27 KB, 300x250, pepcentcoffee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got a popper from sweet marias this week, roasted up some beans just to test out. First few test batches were a bit under roasted cause i was worried about keeping them in too long but one of the ethiopian batches i roasted tasted fucking fantastic. All sorts of crazy sweet notes when the cup cooled off. Roasted the rest of the ethiopian yesterday to about city+ level, roasting is pretty fun and way cheaper than the 3rd wave shop i buy beans from.

Also getting an espresso machine from my buddy for free so im excited.

>> No.16096000

Cool, thanks, I'll check it out :-)

>> No.16096217

Welcome to the poppergang. Start shitting on all the plebtier skilletroasters.

>> No.16096342

Has anyone tried to grind their own coffee and then packing it into a reusable nespresso pod? Does it make decent 'spresso?

>> No.16097406
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>> No.16097786

First batch of flair 58s delayed to early june :(

>> No.16098059

you will not pull espresso shots and you will be happy.

>> No.16098210

My signature has been sitting here unused, taunting me for weeks now.

>> No.16098337

>blackberry lemon pig

>> No.16098428

I have a fellow Carter, have had it for about a year or so. Ceramic lined, no drinking mouthpiece, a screw on cap that you remove to drink, but then it has a stainless steel rim that's radiused and comfortable to drink from.

I use it to take hot coffee to work, and drink it at work, so not having a travel-mouthpiece doesn't bother me but that would make it a no-go for many people I'm sure; that being said, I believe there's now a version that is made slimmer and taller to fit cup holders - my version is too fat for that - and has some kind of less-spill fitting inside as opposed to a no-spill drinking lid.

>> No.16098585

I don’t think I would drink coffee in my car so that’d probably work.

>> No.16098898

Give one a look then - I like it enough that I sometimes drink coffee at home out of it, too

>> No.16098956

You seen these?


>> No.16099009

Strongest coffee you can prepare?

>> No.16099030


I used to work in café seving detour. Their carousel was quite good from what I recall. We never got a single origin from them doe

>> No.16099580

shitload of instant

>> No.16100819
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>dark roast Indonesian
>Like it black
>I prefer to try something else nest but may go back to this

>> No.16100835

Do you guys like coffee-flavoured stuff e.g biscuits, ice cream etc?

>> No.16101124

Drawdown doesn't really matter, dial in by taste. As >>16094543 said it's mostly filters and grind size, coffee bean roast/origin/freshness also affect drawdown. Of course grinding finer and having quick brew times lets you extract more flavor but that's limited by your grinder and how fine can you go without too many fines choking and/or overextracting with long brew times. The original boxed v60 filters flow faster. Don't get caught up in trying to achieve the ideal brew time, have a fixed technique and dial in with the grind till you find the sweet spot whatever the brew time.


>> No.16101166

Also interested to know the answer but in my experience that seems about right, yeah

>> No.16101281

Brewing my first Ethopian and only have a single brew sampler. What water temp should I use? 205 or all the way up to 212?

>> No.16101432

Anons, I’m spending too much money at a local cafe because their coffee is great. I plan now on only going a couple times a week. I want to buy a machine (pod machine I guess?) in order to make cappuccino. The option to make a latte would be great too. Are there any recommended machines?

>> No.16101511

>I want to buy a machine (pod machine I guess?) in order to make cappuccino
If you're getting good cappuccino at your Cafe a pod machine won't satisfy you. Unfortunately you're going to have to pony up to a good espresso machine.

>> No.16101535

If it's lightly roasted it's probably better to go hot

>> No.16101759

I've been making french press coffee lately and having a stroopwafel with it. Damn those dutch make good treats, it's been hitting the spot. Black coffee with a sweet vanilla-ey caramel-ey treat that echoes the flavors in coffee. I dig it like a grave

>> No.16101809
File: 74 KB, 828x516, image0-8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm working alone and my cafe is dead send help

>> No.16101824

90 > 100

>> No.16101863

>Start drinking blonde coffee for a few weeks
>Go back to my basic medium roast
>tastes burned
Did I fuck up my palette?

>> No.16102076

You've seen the light. Welcome

>> No.16102140

He's probably drinking a city or city+ that was marketed as "blonde". Which is a True Medium. Shitty commercial roasters trained everyone to think a full city or slightly darker was the quintessential medium roast. Personally, I think you cinnamon guys are pretty faggy because the sweetness is usually really underdeveloped and the acidity is way harsh. It's a cringey fad like french roasts. Not that I hate fags. You can put whatever liquids down your throat as you want. I just hate when meaning is obfuscated.

>> No.16102851

>enjoy your aluminium

>> No.16102910

What /ctg/ memes have you fallen for?

For me it's the flair. What a janky time wasting piece of shit.

>> No.16103073

did you get robotpilled? maybe in 5 or 6 models the flair will stop being a big heatsink

>> No.16103324
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>> No.16103455
File: 69 KB, 1031x581, F05EA8CF-5531-4100-8FD8-AAF416B5A10D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah real nigga BBCs like us drink BOKCHOY

>> No.16103573

no I took the breville dual boiler with flow control mod pill.

>> No.16104383

Use a $20 french press to froth your milk. Brew your coffee either with a moka pot or in the french press with a high ratio. If you're gonna buy a moka pot, I'd recommend skipping that and just going for the Aeropress meme because it's more consistent

>> No.16104588

I mean yeah if you like drinking the mouthfeel equivalent of bronchitis maybe

>> No.16104593


Coffee ice cream makes for a disturbingly good float if mixed with cream soda. Discovered this while sipping nyquil recreationally a few years ago

>> No.16104616

I've started drinking butter coffee, with coconut oil to boot, curbs appetite an supposedly helps weight loss. Other than the oily texture that you get used to, it tastes breddy gud.

>> No.16104671

I get Folger's-tier stuff for the coffee maker and drink a pot of it once every two months or so.
More of a tea guy, honestly.

>> No.16104689 [DELETED] 

Niggers drink grape drank and look for unlocked cars.

>> No.16104740
File: 228 KB, 1379x1200, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just invested in a profitec 600. It'll totally pay for itself after 3 years...

>> No.16105025

No it won't. It's okay to admit to yourself that you wanted an expensive thing you didn't need.

>> No.16105054

The Flair too, though I'm actually thankful to /ctg/ for it.

>> No.16105273

It seems like everyone who buys one likes it, except for the aeropressing larpers.

>> No.16105435


Someone in here recommended me comfy James Hoffman videos and now I need moar info.

Where else is worth getting good coffee advice? I also want to buy a nice grinder and 'spresso machine in the future.

I must consoom it

>> No.16105454

It works in a cool way, but the coffee it gives is so strong and bitter, it's almost undrinkable.

>> No.16105562
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Are Nespresso machines just a big meme?

>> No.16105583

The only coffee maker at work is a keurig. What are the least bad pods to buy? Right now my go to is the starbucks sumatra

>> No.16105599

Is frothing warm milk with french press is a better alternative since coffee mate can impact on your cholesterol?

>> No.16105608
File: 511 KB, 2048x1536, 1620548485770.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Need a grinder and a french press, what am I getting.

>> No.16105694

I own a JX-pro grey dot but as long as you aren't going to be doing espresso you should probably just get an encore for press/drip/pour over stuff. Bodum presses tend to be recommended (I use a Cafe Du Chateau). I bought one bigger (32oz) than I usually brew thinking I'd use it for serving family but it's a pain in the ass to wash every day when I'm not so 16oz is my preferred sweet spot. Double walled steel press is best if you want to spend more money.

>> No.16105754

Hand grinder + fellow clara.

>> No.16106017


if you dont want to move into espresso, just get a fucking baratza and an ikea french press. Baratzas are user serviceable and upgradeable. You can get a refurb model from their website for like $100. Ikea french press are disposable. You wont be sad when you inevitably break it. It's like $10. Just decant it into your thermos of choice and don't need to spend on $100 on a fellow french press.

>> No.16106145

If you drink a lot of coffee get a baratza encore/wilfa svart. If not get a timemore c2. Get whatever french press as long as the metal filters seem decent.

>> No.16106167

This seems like the most fitting thread, I have some food I need to store it needs to be stored in an airtight way or it goes bad - would a coffee tin with a one way co2 valve fit this purpose? or would the food go bad?

>> No.16106467
File: 94 KB, 1241x1241, sailormoon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bodum french-press
Let's go!

>> No.16106622

It's a fine espresso substitute imo (original line)
Only ~5g coffee per pod though

>> No.16106703

timemore c2 is bad for the price, other chinks offer full metal working parts at that price.

>> No.16106917

>It'll totally pay for itself after 3 years...
Do you have a café, or something?

>> No.16107085

she will charge extra to her Johns.

>> No.16107104

Post one

>> No.16107119
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Coffee, instant, with milk.

>> No.16107125

some stumptown from target outta my trust dripper. and a breakfast burrito i made and froze a bunch yesterday. i'm feeling vry good

>> No.16107181


>> No.16107251

No, just a love for espresso and two fulltime software jobs

Yes, I kid. That money would go much further as an investment

>> No.16108015


Their ghost tooth electric was trash. I'd rather you suggest people throw away $40 on a 12oz bag of beans than that.

>> No.16108052

>oy vey, if the shill coffee community of youtube, reddit and online forums don't mention a product it is bad
if only they spent more money for shills, than quality materials.

>> No.16108196

You'll see them pop up on wish soon.

>> No.16108235
File: 96 KB, 915x960, 1430253314053.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cafec's been fucking around with their filters, apparently, because the latest batch of light roast filters I bought is not only noticeably thicker, but takes about 30 more seconds to draw down.

>> No.16108357
File: 2.42 MB, 3024x4032, PXL_20210514_200049007[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could be a mislabel? Medium or dark shoved in a light(0.15 mm) bag? Light should be textured on one side, medium(thickest@ .28 mm) and dark(0.22mm) will be textured in and out. Don't break out the calipers or anything.

Popped up small batch of one of my columbian caturras roasted last night. 2200m washed.

>> No.16108765

I got a two-pack, so I could check the other bag. They changed the branding on their bags, too, so maybe they're trying to sneak in other changes.

>> No.16110148

Frenchpress or aeropress ?

>> No.16110201

>buy Ninja specialty coffee maker with a bunch of neat sounding features and doodads for $150 on sale
>go to try it out, following instructions etc etc
>coffee is burnt to fucking shit and flavorless
>try it a few more times, with different amounts and flavors
>still same results
Returning this garbage asap, what the fuck. My cheap ass normal poorfag coffee maker is legitimately better and gives me a nicer brew. I'm not a stingy or peculiar coffee drinker either, but this was so disappointing.

>> No.16110238

You can get great coffee with a $10 V60 and a $20 gooseneck kettle, provided you have a good grinder and beans that are worth a damn.

>> No.16110312
File: 67 KB, 1000x1500, vacuum-coffee-maker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do we like siphon coffee? I feel it could be better than a french press, wouldn't the coffee be hotter than a french press or do you still have to leave it sit for a few minutes.

>> No.16110336

Is the V60 that inconsistent to use? Wanting to make more coffee than my Aeropress will allow.

>> No.16110354

Not at all.

>> No.16110364

If you have a decent grinder, not really. It's not braindead easy like the Aeropress to learn the technique, but it should only take you a few tries to get it right.

>> No.16110365
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>> No.16111078


also idk lol, i was answering anon's question but simple is probably better when regarding coffee so frothed milk can be a better alternative and give you better texture.

>> No.16111449

I coffee good for you?

>> No.16111456

you are a faggot Tyler go away

>> No.16112145
File: 499 KB, 3681x3681, Kittel Kayon Natural.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw blueberry white grape juice milk chocolate

>> No.16112790

That's not coffee

>> No.16113041

>print Kruve brewler they released
>ruler portion is denominated in 15cm but prints at 14.5cm
Can anyone else confirm or is it my problem?

>> No.16113083

Set print magnification to "actual size" or "100%," not "fit to page."

>> No.16113084

>ultra-normie tier medium roast
>it tastes like coffee
>I will keep buying this as its one of the better tasting ones they have in the supermarket.

Overdoing coffee kind of defeats the purpose for me, like yeah it might taste better if you get it from a special retailer, grind it yourself and so on... But for me it's all about the convience, and the sort of rugged and unrefined flavour of a normal brew is part of its charm, for me atleast.

>> No.16113101

Based. Coffee puritsts BTFO.

>> No.16113171

I did, still comes out 14.5cm when it should be 15. Does it actually print properly for anyone else?

>> No.16113216

Are you using correct paper size?

>> No.16113434

Dialing in a light roast Kenyan I just got in for V60. Tasted complex, but vomity and syrupy yesterday so I ground way coarser today. Now it's just kind of flat and boring coffee. Maybe a touch finer next time.

Thank you for reading my blog.

>> No.16113437

espresso is coffee to me
everything else is just watery muddy bean brew

>> No.16113477

>But for me it's all about the convience

Thats what I'd call underdoing coffee. Like sure steakums in the microwave are going to give you quicker protein, but a grocery store steak on charcoal blows it out every time.

>> No.16113837

sealed instant coffee will survive a nuclear war why'd you open it in the first place?

>> No.16113841
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Is coffee good for you?

>> No.16113989

Depends, if you drink french press/Turk shit or other unfiltered brew you'll have lots of Cafestol which increased bad cholesterol and something Partialismclaps probably don't need with the obesity rate. On the other hand you get Kahweol that has similar bad effects but with a bunch of good ones, in addition to caffeine and chlorogenic acid
which can help preventing gout flare ups. It also reduces your risk of Parkinson's, maybe Dementia as well, etc.

Don't put sugar in the shit and don't drink unfiltered brew, who knows otherwise shit changes every decade.

>> No.16114018

you need dietary fat, same as the other 2 macros. don't fall for medical advice targeted to 500+ pounds patients.

>> No.16114740

This, if the coffee tastes like shit it's probably because with the good maker it might be because you're finally able to tell the beans are shit.
Provided your grinder is ok consistency is up to you, if you're someone who likes to be precise you'll get consistent results.

>> No.16114960

That's entirely fair, coffee can be many things to many people. As for me, I drink coffee when I want to take a break and relax or do some thinking. For some people baking is their craft, for some it's grilling, but for me it's coffee.

>> No.16115032

If you have an Aeropress, I've found that some coffees I can't seem to dial in for V60 turn out great in the press, and also vice versa.

>> No.16116346


>> No.16116516
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Wait there's no way of making an espresso without spending over $200 on a machine?

>> No.16116550

Yep. Unless you find a steal on some used equipment/restore it.


>> No.16116881

I will send $1 usd to the first fag that can post a bripe with a timestamp.

>> No.16117038

>anything finer than 3.5 on a JX-pro for v60 tastes bitter and empty
>everyone says they do 3.2 or lower
What the fuck am I doing wrong?

>> No.16117055

this is not a hobby for poors

>> No.16117186

>drinking coffee is my hobby! :D

>> No.16117220

are you using pre-roasted/ground coffee? my moka was bitter af until i started roasting and grinding my own coffee

>> No.16117249


>> No.16117251

Tried 201, 203, and 205.

>> No.16117281

espresso certainly is but I wouldn't expect you to understand

>> No.16117295

>those poors will never truly understand me, poor me! :'(

>> No.16117310

The Coffee Song · Frank Sinatra

>> No.16117955


>> No.16118765
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I'm sure it's because american/canadian roasters buy up all the ethiopian naturals that i can't get any where I'm from, all of them are washed. Lucky to have good roasters in my city though. Lots of anaerobic brazilian naturals along the usual south american daily drivers, great peruvians. Good kenyans and rwandans. Gonna get this indonesian natural light roast next, hope it's as fruity as they say.

>> No.16119427

I have some advice to give you later.

>> No.16119440

How do I stop my teeth from staining? I drink like 12-13 cups black coffee a day, and wash my teeth 3-4 times a day. They're still kinda yellowish though. What do?

>> No.16119495

You have to drink through a straw. I buy the disposable grass ones off amazhit. They work great, don't have to give a shit about clearing later, and it's not plastic. I did that to stop staining my teeth as well.

>> No.16119503

Thanks anon, I'll try that!

>> No.16119512
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>> No.16119614

Tried it in the aeropress today. I think I just underroasted the bean so I'm getting vomit and tomato juice flavors or flat coffee no matter what. I'll go darker next time.

Enjoying a medium roast from Timor today. Tastes like chocolate and almonds, and has a nice mildly earthy aroma. Smooth as hell bros.

>> No.16119738

ok tessi