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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16090187 No.16090187 [Reply] [Original]

do A*stralians actually do this?

>> No.16090197

Based vegemite sandwich.

>> No.16090200
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>> No.16090254

I'd drop the pickle if I was putting all the other stuff on.

>> No.16090272

Looks pretty good,not too far from the burgers that are in the US.

>> No.16090273

retard cope

>> No.16090294

lol,its just a burger my guy,and even to my american taste,looks pretty right,pineapple is a little off the trail,but not anything thats gross,so it looks pretty good.

>> No.16090302
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>> No.16090307

none of these belong on a proper aussie burger

>> No.16090331

pickle doesn't
bacon is up to preference
tomato absolutely definitely does

>> No.16090334
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looks like grandma needs a new pair of glasses....is picrel you? poor eyesight, DYEL, pale skin, browses /pol/ daily?

>> No.16090429

>no beetroot
Not Australian

>> No.16090436
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>> No.16090446

Didn't see it haha I'm drunk so that's why

>> No.16090454

fucking idiot, its a tuesday...what is wrong with you?

>> No.16090469

>hurr you can't get drunk today because I said so!
Where in God's good book does it say you can't drink on a Tuesday? Not everyone works Monday to Friday.

>> No.16090477

>each person in U.S. eating 3 burgers per week on average
no fucking way is that true. I refuse to believe it.

>> No.16090486

It's my day off so I start drinking right when I wake up

>> No.16090492

imagine being such a degenerate that you not only drink alcohol, but get drunk on a weekday

>> No.16090494

Get a fucking job, drunky

>> No.16090500

What's wrong with drinking on a weekday?

>> No.16090501

How does Australia have so much cattle? Won't they cause desertification especially since they're non endemic?

>> No.16090521

And weekends are fine because...? Not every works the same days you do.

>> No.16090631

It probably isnt,dont know anyone who eats multiple burgers a week.

>> No.16090647

Pls be bait

>> No.16090659

the wrong is getting drunk anytime, retard

>> No.16090746

Yes and a shit tonne of hot chips drenched in vinegar and chicken salt, and a can of Passiona thanks love.

>> No.16090772
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>getting mad at oz for drinking on a tuesday
what did you expect

>> No.16090791

They graze them over massive areas in places that are already desert.

>> No.16090798

Okay, child. Not everyone lives under sharia law.

>> No.16090808

We're not Australia anymore ok? We are The Peeple's Democratic Republic of Poopeelia

>> No.16091105
File: 63 KB, 1024x540, LEAVE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only thing that someone from the US would find truly out of place is the beetroot. Pineapple on burgers isn't common over here but it's been done for decades and AFAIK was first done in N. America.

Go back to being aggressively stupid in normiespace.

>> No.16092301

Sauce - Yes
Lettuce - Sometimes
Beetroot - WTF no
Onion - Doesn't Add anything or remove anything
Bacon - Yes
Pineapple - ????
Tomato - Hell no, Tomato is shit on a burger
Egg - Honestly probably would be good
Pickles - I prefer them on the side, but you're valid if you like them on burg
Cheese/Beef - No Shit

>> No.16092335

Thanks for your shit opinions nobody asked for.

>> No.16092649

>no tomato

>> No.16093481

>shit opinions
how are they shit when they're objectively correct?

I'm sorry that I'd rather enjoy my meals instead of trying to appeal to people who I don't care about. NOBODY likes tomato on their burger, they pretend they do to impress others and it's fucking retarded.

>> No.16093517

>t. never had a real job

>> No.16094620

I don't know how the fuck fucken beetroot and pineapple counts towards an aussie burger or why it makes it australian
t. Australian

>> No.16094657

>this amount of bait.
Maybe because your a cityslicking malay whore. Every the lot burger has fucking beetroot on it, pineapple is usually an extra but its always on one of the burger choices. Fuck off

>> No.16094887
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ur a fucken sped mate