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File: 392 KB, 1024x1021, Milk_chocolate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16088953 No.16088953 [Reply] [Original]

You know what? I like milk chocolate.

And I'm tired of pretending that I don't.

>> No.16088979

Everybody can tell you have no taste and belong to the dregs of the bottom of the lowest untouchable under caste.

>> No.16089011

as something of a chocolate snob myself, there is fucking nothing wrong with liking milk chocolate. unless if it is specifically hershey's milk chocolate.

milk and chocolate go extremely well together, and NPC brainlets who say milk chocolate sucks cannot disprove that fact.

>> No.16089023


>> No.16089040
File: 233 KB, 459x613, block-milk-250g-v4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God Hershey's tastes so fucking vile. Pic related is kino though

>> No.16089077

hershey's chocolate is easy to avoid. there are lots of brands of chocolate in america.
the only issue is that people who can't think for themselves - especially foreigners from europe - believe that all american chocolate tastes like hershey's chocolate, and their logic behind this way of "thinking" is that hershey's is the most popular chocolate in america therefore it represents all american chocolate and all chocolate is the same as hershey's.

i mean i saw that Coldplay was the most popular band in europe for a while but i wasnt stupid enough to conclude that all european rock music sounds the same as coldplay just because coldplay was the most popular.

>> No.16089085

I only like 95% pure Mexican Brown Big C myself.

>> No.16089089

i'd love for people who hate milk chocolate to tell us all about how they enjoy pure 100% unsweetened cocoa mass.

>> No.16089091

this is what chocolate is supposed to be

>> No.16089141
File: 205 KB, 1500x1500, 150455.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think you can call yourself a chocolate snob unless it is 100% chocolate. I mean I like my bitter dark chocolate but it still has a fair amount of sugar in it.
I finished a bar of one of these just cause I was curious, but did I like it? Can't say that I did. It wasn't the worst thing in the world but I wouldn't eat it like that again.

>> No.16089325

Being a kiwi is so good.

>> No.16089518

It’s starting to grow on me.

I work in cannabis and my company started making milk chocolate bars recently.

Because of the fat mixed with the thc we have to dose about 10% higher to hit potency numbers at our third party lab so I started buying them at the store

>> No.16089521

Cadburys and milkas are my 2 go to brands

>> No.16089542

Everyone prefers milk chocolate just like everyone prefers curry that is creamy and doesn't burn your mouth anyone that denies it is just a narcissist.

>> No.16089551
File: 27 KB, 385x437, 51WZOnJQ-2L._SX385_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buying these bad boys after the Easter for a 1/3 of their initial price
>that feeling when your teeth bury into the thick wall of chocolate which starts melting immediately upon touching your tongue into nice thick creme

>> No.16089597

lol scared of flavour. probably a food and cooking board isn't for you

>> No.16089619

>not just eating the wood of the cocoa tree to get the true chocolate experience
Yikes, normies...

>> No.16089640

Honestly I kinda went back to good old milk chocolate as well. Fuck that dry ass 70% chili infused bullshit. It has it's place but it's no comfort food the way a good milk chocolate is.

>> No.16089653

I just think that preferring milk chocolate over dark chocolate is a natural instinct. Milk chocolate got sugar and fat, two things that the human body craves for as much as any other living thing on this planet craves for calory dense food.

>> No.16089677
File: 292 KB, 459x613, whittakers_200g-Coconut.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related is peak whittaker's

>> No.16089678

Go eat a spoon of cumin or cayenne on it's own, you wont because it tastes like shit :^)

>> No.16089683

I’ve never done illegal drugs, smoked, or drank alcohol but edibles seem like something I’d try once they become legalized for me. Are they good sleep aids?

>> No.16089686

Edibles only work if you don't smoke, or smoke a nondegenerate amount. Otherwise edibles are kinda meh.
Probably work for you though.

>> No.16089706

How superior is Lindth to Milka or Ritter Sport? What about Hachez?

>> No.16089802

I’m kind of the same way.
Had never had thc until I started working in the industry and still have never “smoked” weed.

For me, anything with thc is highly sedative. Others find the same product stimulating. Some people claim the difference is “indica” or “sativa” derived. I do the actual testing and there’s not much of a difference between the two sub species chemically on the panels we run.

If you ever stumbled across an edible I’d say try 5-10mg mid afternoon. If you’re like me you’ll be knocked out at 8.

If not, regular bedtime for you and you’ll know it’s not the substance for you.

>> No.16089817

you know what? kill yourself.

>> No.16089827

My favourite is gianduia or over 75%.

>> No.16089891

I have never met a milk chocolate hater who was not a gigantic faggot.

>> No.16089901

I've never met a milk chocolate lover who was not positively sloshing in estrogen and progesterone.

>> No.16090480
File: 36 KB, 320x320, 82403980_120565716125218_4097626429355720704_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well, what is it boys?

>> No.16090516

what about milk with chocolate? i make my hot cocoa with +70% cacao bars

>> No.16090611

I'm usually a food snob, but I'll take any quality commercial milk chocolate (Lindt, Ritter... even Milka) over the fanciest artisanal dark chocolate any day of the week.
I can appreciate dark chocolate, even the one with a high percentage of cocoa, but milk chocolate tastes much more luscious and yummy than dark chocolate. even the texture is better

>> No.16090633

Well done. You became a little bit more adult today by having your own preferences and not giving a shit about what others think. Fuck the bullies and the snobs.

>> No.16091187

I'm used to the Lindt 90%. I know that it is blended with Vanilla and stuff, but this bakers chocolate is a lot cheaper. Would it be as satisfying? I always have it with coffee.

>> No.16091314

Why were you pretending that you don't?

>> No.16091339

Yes but only start with 5 mg and for the love of god give it a couple hours to kick in

>> No.16091413

except, you know, the muzzie infestation

>> No.16091497

Only ones who are insecure enough to get fussy over chocolate are skinnyfat

>> No.16091538

>Eating baking chocolate
>Gee, why's it taste like shit

>> No.16091543

Sorry, your argument against eating a blend a a dozen different spices, blended and prepared as part of a dish, is that eating one of them, on its own, dry, from a spoon would suck?

Alert the media, we've got the modern-day Carême posting here!

>> No.16092188

lactose intolerant seethe

>> No.16092266

Dark is better, but you're valid.

>> No.16092440

too bitter. i can't even taste the fat in it not even sure of what I'm eating. i'm not hardcore enough to eat it straight but of course you can add sugar or whatever to make it enjoyable

>> No.16092473

Cacao beans are pretty insane. Shit’s good af

>> No.16092502

they did it with cheese when that girl last year or whatever won the international cheese championship or wtf it's called. some little farm girl btfo of a buncha salty old creeps in europe.

>> No.16092504

white chocolate >= Milk chocolate >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dark "look how much of an adult i am" chocolate

>> No.16092618

Glad someone has some brains here

>> No.16092658

It's delicious. Anything over 70% dark is a fucking meme

>> No.16092661
File: 173 KB, 800x800, valr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me? It's Valrhona.

>> No.16092723

based, people who hate milk chocolate are the same level of scum who insist whiskey must be drunk neat

>> No.16092737


>> No.16092757

i enjoy all chocolate
milk and white and anything with added bits are more like treats, whereas dark is good for "every day"

>> No.16092765

>Dark "look how much of an adult i am" chocolate
So you're not an adult.

>> No.16092863

the only shitty chocolate is white chocolate. doesn't even taste like chocolate

>> No.16092887

White > Milk > Dark

Yes I'm American.

>> No.16092894

THIS. Dark chocolate should be a topping, not the whole candy. Its like a candy condiment

>> No.16092896

White chocolate is ideal with certain fruit. On its own though, not for me

>> No.16092921
File: 158 KB, 369x275, 715.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16093078
File: 179 KB, 840x560, Cocoa-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

to each their own anon but for me its the beans

>> No.16093159

kinda based desu

>> No.16093170

I'm trans btw if that matters

>> No.16093219

based 70-75%er

>> No.16094024

>Are they good sleep aids?
Yes, but if you are having trouble sleeping give melatonin a go before you jump to this.

>> No.16094586

Haha chill my guy it's good

>> No.16094596

Based. Only an absolute faggot would care about the opinions of others regarding food. I do buy high quality chocolate but sometimes I just want a cheap ass Hersey bar. It reminds me of being a kid

>> No.16095123
File: 15 KB, 468x312, 110f3967edbd4ff18e0d8e8d570515a2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do yourself a favor and get your hands on a bar of Fazer. You'll not regret it.

>> No.16095138
File: 539 KB, 1024x768, Cupuassu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me it's Cacao's bigger, better brother where the entire fucking fruit is the chocolate, not just the beans.

All that yellow stuff on the inside? THAT is the fucking chocolate.

>> No.16095141
File: 225 KB, 494x233, Screenshot(15).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

every chocolate is good anon, unless it's hershey, than its shit
Im from poland and wedel is my go to

>> No.16095164

It doesn't taste like it because it has no cacao in it, there are no white cacao seeds or brown cows. Most recipes just use butter milk and sugar

>> No.16095165

It's just simple logic you will eat cream on it's own because it tastes nice, you will not eat cumin on it's own because it tasted bad. Naturally adding cumin to a creamy curry dish can only detract from it whereas adding cream to a curry with cumin could only improve it. Nobody is impressed with your hot sauce collection.

>> No.16095522

A man of truly impeccable taste

>> No.16095606

Good for you anon. Carry on liking it. Nothing wrong with it. I prefer dark choc without any milk just as I like my coffee filtered black.

>> No.16095778

as long as it's made with fresh milk
fuck milk powder

>> No.16095787

You dont like choccy milk?