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16077937 No.16077937 [Reply] [Original]

for me, it's pbr

>> No.16077948
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>> No.16077950

yeah this card fucking sucks ass, i can't blame you for heeming yourself

>> No.16077959

Update Malwarebytes, faggot.

>> No.16077968
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>> No.16077973

Make me

>> No.16078000

glad you survived the grocery store trauma, anon

>> No.16078011

I'm also drinking PBR. I usually drink Modelo but it inflated in price like crazy during the pandemic. PBR is still $10 for a 12 pack.

>> No.16078016

I made a hemingway daquiri and it's good af

>> No.16078077

miller lite chads rise up

>> No.16078098

My nigga

>> No.16078130

n00kz is online

>> No.16078244

Lul'd and checked

>> No.16078247

I would tell you what kind but ibe had too much and cant remember

>> No.16078249
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got my brewed ginger ale ready

>> No.16078255
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I bought this but I'm gonna try it out tomorrow I think.
It sounds delicious, though.

>> No.16078271


>> No.16078350

why do burgers always drink pbr? is it the cheapest shit or something?

>> No.16078388

Cheap, doesn't taste absolutely horrible.
It's not particularly good by any means but if you want to drink beers in the double digits it does the trick.

>> No.16078416
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How cheap we talking here? Like, two from the bottom of the barrel or?

>> No.16078420
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Shooting Dulce Vida Reposado.

>> No.16078427
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Drinking and driving, got a to go cup of some kind of riesling, had four classes of it before I left work, sitting in a long line at the taco bell drive thru.

>> No.16078434

Are you winning son

>> No.16078440
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Still in the drive thru so not yet

>> No.16078446

turn you high beams off you inconsiderate fucking moron

>> No.16078456

Long story but wiring problems and such mean I have high beams or nothing at all. I have to put her down soon, ha the same car since I was 16, feels like having to put down your childhood dog. Thanks for making me cry in the taco bell drive thru

>> No.16078480
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It's really good

>> No.16078496
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Made it home

>> No.16078541

who let the ruskie in?

>> No.16078606

Good stuff anon. Samuel Smiths makes great shit, their pear cider is one of my favorites. You should try their chocolate stout if you're into that kind of stuff.

>> No.16078613

6 dollars for a six pack or so

>> No.16078617

people who drink and drive should be shot

>> No.16078641
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Try it, faggot

>> No.16078782
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lol thats cute. send me location.

>> No.16078804

Goddamn I love PBR. I didn't drink anything tonight because I was too full from dinner. I have PBR, Keystone Light, and a 40 of King Cobra in the fridge.

>> No.16078805

odds are you're one bad week off shooting yourself desu alchy

>> No.16078808

isn't the target supposed to be futher away

>> No.16078823

not sure if serious but i got those results from the range @ 25m.

>> No.16078845

leaving las vegas pilled

>> No.16078851

based alone drinkers. For me tonight, it’s 6 PBR tallbois, 2 Claws, 6 Modelos, 5 joints, and a bit of Cool, Cool Mountain.

>> No.16078852

why did it take 25m? That's like 5 minutes a shot.

>> No.16078859
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25 meters

>> No.16078868
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having some 2/$6 7eleven IPAs to help me speed run some sleep before i have to go back to work in six hours
really hate this can in particular, the graphic just rubs me the fucking wrong way, and i hate chicago. the beer is pretty good though

>> No.16078874

5 meters a shot? huh?

>> No.16078876

i had 3 beers yesterday for the first time in weeks since starting antidepressives, nothing bad happened and it was a nice reward

went from chugging 2L of wine just to sleep to getting drunk off 3 beers, ha how times change huh

>> No.16078880

i also slam wine to sleep, do meds help that

>> No.16078886

Fucking retard, someone should put you down

>> No.16078891

Had some peroni

>> No.16078902

Goon (white cask wine) and orange fanta
Australia moment

>> No.16078916

sounds nice bro, good luck with your meds
i dunno what he's on, but i just self medicate with 5HTP and my drinking has reduced from a handle of vodka every two days to a beer after work and then blissful sleep. it's been about six months and i feel better than i have ever in my life i'd recommend it to anyone, 30 200mg pills cost about the same as a L of wine at Rite Aid

>> No.16078923

What a fuckman you are. Get a 12 pack of some macro brew and get a nice drunk on. No need to drink fucking n-person jungle juice, alright?

>> No.16078931

the drinking was just a coping mechanism for my anxiety and depression, it staved it off for a bit but my life just got worse and worse, so i finally got the courage to see the dock, started meds and quit drinking cold turkey, felt like shit for 2 days, shakes, vomitting etc etc but it cleared up and now i feel A LOT better then i have in years

>> No.16078936


>> No.16078942

good for you anon
hope it all goes well

>> No.16078946

what is this? Omegle in 2014 lol
im a 26 year old man

thanks man, im doing better then expected, no side effects from the meds other then dry mouth and some dizziness/drowsiness

>> No.16078966

5 htp is great but I still feel my urges to drink, doubt I ever won't

>> No.16078972

Nigga try like 1999 for asl. Btw I’m 18/f/cali.
oh and some antidepressants totally change how you handle alcohol

>> No.16078977

this is true, didn't see med anons other posts but I take diaz and prozac and it changed how I metabolise alcohol

>> No.16079018

Oh rlly? You just get fucked up and slurry quicker, and it’s a lot easier to black out on that kind of med Combo. Drink at home by yourself, and alone until you know how you react to to the alcohol/med jam

>> No.16079133

I've been on both for over 4 years, all I do is drink at home alone for the most part
I've taken up to 140mg of diaz while drunk and been alright
Just make some mistakes texting/emailing people I shouldn't is all
Thanks though man

>> No.16079459
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standard bock.
>light blonde
tasty little bitch.
>ruby redbird
sweeter than expected from a grapefruit.
>weiss 'n' easy
made with dewberries. it's fucking delicious.
sweeter than other ipa's i've had, still not a fan of ipa's because of the mouthfeel.
standard cerveza.

>> No.16080573

Mulled gin in lemon and ginger tea

>> No.16080585

God its cheaper to drink than it is to eat. Were basically russia now

>> No.16080601
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You guys are doing it wrong. It's fucking five dollars and fifty cents for a six pack of these bad boys

>> No.16081631

then don't drive at night
or at the very least don't pull up behind someone and blind them you retarded jackass

>> No.16083129

No I think he means the gun is 5 meters long and he has 5 of them

>> No.16083158

martini. 3 parts boodles gin, 1 part MR vermouth, 3 olives, a splash of brine.

>> No.16083292

Drinking costco vodka straight.

>> No.16083298
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>video games

>> No.16083324

I haven't had natty ice in like 15 years. What the alcohol content?

>> No.16083334

gonna try 5HTP. I drink a lot but it’s mostly when i take my ADHD medication... which is 5 days a week so maybe that’ll curb that

>> No.16083344

why are you using a meme gun with a meme caliber? a 9mm striker fired pistol is like 100% more effective and efficient. even a .380 is better if for no other reason than it has more rounds.

whiskey. it's only just barely got hot around my area, so no gin and lemonade's yet.

>> No.16083351

I hate women with the furry of one thousand fire

>> No.16083783

it didnt seem relevent to mention in my first post, but my progress coincides with my stopping a speed habit as well, speed puts your alcohol tolerance through the roof, and also make you depressed, flaky, fuck with your memory. you might want to slow your roll there too, if youcan afford to. i found out about 5HTP when researching ways to recover from stimulant abuse

>> No.16083863
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>Just got home from work
>It's dark and rainy outside
>Sipping on one of these
>If only you knew how comfy things really are

>> No.16083951
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2/$6 7eleven IPAs again. the dogfish one was only 6% and kinda not the sort of thing you'd want to drink 20oz of in a go. tasted like a dry bud ice. might be good in a different setting. the lagunitas one I like, it's 9% and pretty rich and citrusy, nice to drink before bed. i put it in the freezer for a while too, so it's not unpalatably sweet

>> No.16083964
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I love drinking but I’m spending all my money on and I’ve fucked my saving too :(. I just wanna go to the pub bros why am I so forsaken

>> No.16083966
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Drinking a chilean white with cheap party snacks.

>> No.16083967

not high, like 5.7 or .9
don't fucking joke bros my mom is a vatnik degenerate retard and i once pointed out to her that her alcohol economy was all fucked up because she has this air of superiority about drinking ONLY 12 oz cans of ONLY macrobrews and 16ozcans are for wastoids and bottles are for pretentious people inspiteof the fact that she is unemployed nonproductive welfare leech living off of the church and drinking a suitcase of busch every day

i gassed her into now buying 32oz bottles of king cobra, which she drinks out of little cups to retain her dignity

>> No.16083979


>> No.16083985


>> No.16083987

This fucker is soy incarnate

>> No.16083992

Sonata Estate
Fresh Dry White Cask 4L
>Alcohol %
>Standard Drinks

Damn, goon is REALLY cheap. It always tasted like ass to me though. Not a huge fan of fanta though, what else can you mix with it?

>> No.16084023

Sadly yes

>> No.16084583

Goddamn, I haven't noticed that around before, I'll have to hunt it down and give it a shot. As other anon said, their stouts are great, I typically go with their oatmeal stout in the wintertime if I'm not aiming to get drunk.

>> No.16084587

A sixpack of tallboys, at that, which is really 8 beers crammed into six cans.
The taste difference between PBR and that industrial waste is worth one fucking dollar.

>> No.16084591


>> No.16084600

lol what a fucking gay firearm. I'll stick with my cheap, concealable, reliable, semiautomatic handgun with a modern capacity and quick reload, thanks.

>> No.16084616

Literally everyone does, they just don't all admit it.

>> No.16084826

You're a piece of shit you raw cooked burger faggot. Your threads are bad enough but the fact you gloat about drinking and driving constantly is what makes you a real pos.

>> No.16084868

Holy shit, is this that same guy? How can you tell?