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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16070763 No.16070763 [Reply] [Original]

stouts > all other beer

>> No.16070771

I disagree.

>> No.16070784


speak your piece.

>> No.16070804


>> No.16070818



>> No.16070844

Luv me old peculiar,
Luv me la'aa'ga

>> No.16070853


Shout out to my plug out in [spanish speaking region], don't know what he sayin'

>> No.16070861

Totally unrelated but I just want to say /pol/chads are the gods of this website.

>> No.16070862

Go to bed, Mike.

>> No.16070872

M'agrada ell meu old peculiar
M'agrada ells cervesa

>> No.16070875
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Beamish > all other stouts

>> No.16070901







I don't into Beamish. What's that?

>> No.16070913

Dear diary, today OP was not a fag.

>> No.16070929

stouts are dope. just tapped a four roses bba stout at my brewery today that's been barreled over a year.

>> No.16070971

Water > all kinds of beer.

>> No.16070973

Go larp somewhere else, fatass.

>> No.16070974

for hydration, absolutely, but not for fun, my guy

>> No.16070994

Catalan, a Spanish speaking region,

>> No.16071030



>> No.16071232

low T alcoholic nu-males seething hard

>> No.16071411

This. Is. Not. Your. Blog.

>> No.16071419

why is everything in the uk black

>> No.16071441

They like their beers like they like their wives' boyfriends kek

>> No.16071458

Red ales > stouts > brown ales >>>>>> p*rters

>> No.16071588


Filthy Corkonian muck savage poverty stout. There's a reason it's the cheapest stout sold in the worst pubs around Ireland.

>> No.16071595


It's not actually black though. Its ruby red.


That logic explains why so many Amerimutts have native blood.

>> No.16071605

Watch out for the Guinness Shits™

>> No.16071612
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>> No.16071657

I only drink lagers when I do drink beer

>> No.16071802

Dark ale > stouts
Just as rich, but feel less like a whole meal.
Also less use of nitrogen, which kills aftertaste.

>> No.16071806

A brown ale is a porter, and a red ale isn't a real class of beer.

>> No.16071916

stout is porter. the full name is "stout porter"

>> No.16072200

Just drink American macros, anon.

>> No.16072742
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Stouts and schnapps > anything

>> No.16072759

scotch ale is better

>> No.16072761

Porters >

>> No.16072772

I kneel....

>> No.16073172
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>> No.16073531
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Stouts are great, but have you ever had a nice juicy NEIPA? Nothing else quite compares.

>> No.16073540


>> No.16073543

Browns are not porters, you absolute larper.

>> No.16073664

Belgian IPA > Geuze > Weizenbock > Stout (Dry) > Pilsner > Brown Ale

>> No.16073691

Stouts aren't refreshing. I like refreshing beer.

>> No.16073702

An eye for an eye. Vindictive greedy jealous human.

>> No.16073717

technically no beer is refreshing. you're dehydrating yourself no matter what beer you drink.
you'd might as well embrace it

>> No.16073718
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Btw, if you haven't yet had pic related, please abstain from any attempts to disagree with my ranking.

>> No.16073729
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> Likes sweet beer
Go away, female peasant! Real beer coming through.

>> No.16073737

>95% water
Tell me more!

>> No.16073745

i will.
the small volume of alcohol in beer has the effect of essentially shutting off the hormone that causes you to retain liquid, so no matter how much water you drink, you're not hydrating yourself as you normally would.

>> No.16073757

Alcohol stops the pituitary gland from releasing anti diuretic hormone (ADH) which is what makes your kidneys retain water

>> No.16073786

They say the same thing about tea, but in practice the diuretic effect isn't enough to offset the water. It may be true of hard liquor but not a typical beer.

>> No.16073797

For me it's the simple, humble, working class pint of mild.

>> No.16073933

There isn't nearly enough alcohol in an average pint to have this effect.

>> No.16073935

What is it about a mild that makes you think about beer in those terms?

>> No.16074262

Spoken like a true incel

>> No.16074279

British traditionalism? British beer isn't completely shite but Belgian is better.

>> No.16074319
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Stouts=Flemish red>Farm house>*
With that said, nitro is a shit fad

>> No.16074395

Lager is the best style for pairing with food. Neutral flavor.
Besides that, Trappist Monk beers are the best.

>> No.16074406


10:30 am and drinking more beer after getting lit off 5 7% alcohol beers yesterday

>> No.16074749

Wrong. Nitro works with stouts really well. Esb's too

>> No.16074772
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>drinking beer for the taste

>> No.16074902

why else would people drink beer, retard? you drink spirits to get smashed

>> No.16074956

This post was born of ignorance.

>> No.16074965

he's right

>> No.16075021
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>> No.16075029

>not consuming beer anally


>> No.16075089
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Lagers are not inherently "neutral" in flavour, unless you mean industrial macropiss like Bud or Heineken. Clean fermented saisons are a universally more versatile style for pairing with food in general, and a lot of traditional pales and bitters work equally well. Cask ale is arguably the best beer of all to pair with hearty food since the lower carbonation makes for far less bloat and is kinder on the digestive tract.

>> No.16075189

Not really. The mouthfeel is fucked with nitro unless youre doing a milk stout maybe.

>> No.16075220

go fuck yourself frogposters

>> No.16075265


Agreed. Fuck Nazis! Black lives matter!

>> No.16075633

I like them, but I disagree. I've had some stouts that were too light in flavour and weight, but I've never had a bad dubbel or trippel.

>> No.16075641

>old peculiar
It was.

>> No.16075678

A red ale is any ale from a medium-dark amber to a medium copper (9-15ish SRM, not blonde but not brown). Irish Red Ale is absolutely a recognized style of beer.
Brown Ales (13-35ish SRM, most commonly 15-25) have some overlap with red and porters (20-35SRM). So some porters qualify as a brown ale (and vice versa) but they're not interchangeable.
>t. I do this for money.

>> No.16075682

Is Guiness a stout?

>> No.16075690

Baltic porter are better than stouts

>> No.16075697


>> No.16075698

>no head

>> No.16075705

I had one and it was the fruitiest gayest shit I've ever tasted and I've tasted some pretty gay things.

>> No.16075728

By name, yes. Stylistically it's not very stout for a stout porter - relies heavily on the biergas.

>> No.16075749

Anyone tried adroits "all that I know"?

>> No.16075754

I forgot the name, it's "all that I have learned"

>> No.16075764

Quite often they're more of a heavy schwarzbier than a style of porter/stout... but usually quite good.

>> No.16075869

stouts are really good. exactly what you imagine when you hear about a tasty beer

>> No.16076167

Why do IPAs still get the hipster soy stereotype when stouts arguably attract way more of them?

>> No.16076196

That's only arguable if you ignore the past 20 years of aggressive IPA marketing from meme breweries like Dogfish Head.

>> No.16076200


>> No.16076208


>> No.16076266

And sours, and craft lagers... You can tell a lot about the intention of the brewer by the taste of the beer. If they're cranking out bullshit to cater to a demographic, they'll usually be aggressive about getting it wrong.

>> No.16076326

All that means is they're diversifying.
IPA has still been the limp-wristed mascot for 20+ years and is still going strong.

>> No.16076336

I'm just glad the guys around here have finally figured out how to balance them out. Even their west coast offerings are way better than they used to be.

>> No.16076575

how much do you weigh

>> No.16076626

9.5% too

>> No.16076628

based cask ale poster

>> No.16076638

I have. I disagree, but I respect your opinion.

>> No.16076674

There is a small cabal of severely autistic stout drinkers who actively shit on IPAs in /ck/ threads, thus skewing the overall "consensus".
As in real life, the retarded vocal minority ruins everything for everyone else.

>> No.16076703

what a wank

>> No.16076772 [DELETED] 
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>> No.16076828

It's not the 19th century. Calling it a stout porter isn't impressing anybody, fag.

>> No.16076846

replace beer with xkcd comics and it works perfectly

>> No.16077200

NEIPAs are so much better than the high-IBU 7.5%abv piney mouthpuckering west coast IPAs that were all the rage 10 years ago. Low IBU, high aroma, pleasant mouthfeel.

>> No.16077254

Everybody shits on IPA.

>> No.16077504

I'm not here on this anonymous Indonesian banana leaf counting forum to impress. Guinness is a reasonably light beer. The impression of heaviness comes from the head on it. Their extra stout isn't very good here, but in most other market's it's a pretty decent stout, but I don't think their draught even falls within the usual guidelines.

>> No.16077512

Milk stout, oatmeal, Irish dry. Those are the three ideal stouts for nitro

>> No.16077519

Some places are continuing the arms race with those, and milkshake IPAs. How _ can we make this? Less isn't always more, but more isn't always better. Stone City in Kingston always seemed to do them right, but they care more about the flavour than the idea behind it.

>> No.16077530

I disagree. The NEIPA fucks with my stomach and a lot of them are just too sweet. I like the bitter and then the malty balance coming through at the end. It's just a nice harmony imo

>> No.16077859

Only insecure poofs and Mac Demarco shit on IPAs.

>> No.16077868

Not even remotely true.

>> No.16077899

Good ones are pretty good, bad ones are chilled garbage. The style isn't necessarily the problem, it's what people do with it. You can make a hoppy beer with enough malt to balance it out. You can soften the pinene and accent the limonene and myrcene in the hops. You can give it a bit of crystal malt and still make a pale ale. If you're not married to a specific substyle or set of ingredients, you can sub out different hops, malts, and yeasts to tailor the beer.

>> No.16079962


>> No.16081092

>Mac Demarco shit on IPAs
didn’t know this guy was based

>> No.16081093


>> No.16081102

flemish reds, saisons, guezes, hefeweizens, (doppel)bocks, pilsners are GOAT

rest of yin can fuck off
stouts can get a pass

>> No.16081111

Reddit Moment

>> No.16081183

>wake up
>still drunk

>> No.16081201
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There is literally no beer that compete in terms of price versus taste, sure I like a good small brewery independent dark stout or a wheat beer made by blind monks in the Black Forest but they're fucking expensive for what they are and in terms of drinkability, "mouth-feel", taste, price, and general quality this is the ultimate winner.

>> No.16081229
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Honestly, I only drink Hefeweizen

>> No.16081255

you've tried the red/dunkel one? My personal favourite by quiet a margin.

>> No.16081259

Stouts are good for cold weather. You’re not gonna drink that mid July.

>> No.16081271
File: 24 KB, 220x400, CEE7F6AD-84ED-43F0-9FBE-04E21546CFCF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you can’t appreciate the classic American Premium Lager you are just a hipster faggot.

>> No.16081283

Not all stouts are sweet.

>> No.16081379

Nope, but thanks for the tip, I'll try it.

>> No.16081388

100% recommend it, I hope you like it.

>> No.16081394

Had it, it was nice

>> No.16081401

Hamms. quit being tool.

>> No.16081409

It used to be dirt cheap here. Now it's just beer-priced beer.
>t. Wang

>> No.16081413

Not all the time... but man, sometimes a dragon stout and a roaring cedar fire are just what the doctor ordered.

>> No.16082275

Just popped a double NEIPA... I can't help but think that maybe Duvel and Unibroue could apply some haze to their hoppy tripels and finally make something godly out of this style.

>> No.16082319

>T. Connoisseur of Cock

>> No.16082336
File: 269 KB, 1435x1057, Screenshot_20210509-160435_Drive~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone try this nigger stout recipe?

>> No.16082660

>Estimated 8.7
>Actual 4.7
What? Why would anyone try this. This is obviously a mistake.

A pound of dextrose in a 7gal boil? 2 1/4lbs of dark malt with only 3/4lb of 120L to mitigate? 2lbs of flaked oats? 5oz of west coast hops? Not using a high-grav yeast for what's obviously a high-grav attempt? This is a joke, right?

>> No.16082756

Fucking hell learn English

>> No.16082782

You missed a spot.

>> No.16082790

Perfectly comprehensible other than the first sentence. Try harder, ESL

>> No.16083141

>this is a joke, right?

They're serious.

>> No.16083187

>100% of the proceeds
so... nothing... that's some fine tokenism right there.

>> No.16083192
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Whiskey>any beer.

>> No.16083638
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Agree. I'd rather suck Chicken Cock before I drink a sip of fish piss.

>> No.16083650


>> No.16083668

There's other requirements, but to be called a bourbon, it has to be made in the USA. Anywhere in the USA. And I'm pretty sure Texas qualifies.

>> No.16083680

For instance, do a search for "Hawaiian Bourbon".

>> No.16084651

Anything made with hops is estrogenic garbage, stouts are just slightly less garbage. Gruit should make a comeback.

>> No.16084674

Gruit is being made, sometimes even well.
If you're worried about flavonoids, I've got some terrible news for you. You're probably better off just working out from time to time and not worrying about it.