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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 737 KB, 2500x1875, CornishMussels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16069971 No.16069971 [Reply] [Original]

how are you supposed to know if these fuckers are alive or dead?
i just moved to the coast and they're super cheap here so i bought some and sorted them out into alive/dead reject pile BUT i left the rejects out on the counter because i planned on putting them in outside garbage so they wouldn't stink up the normal garbage and like 90% of them closed up and look alive now

>> No.16069990

Cook them.if they open they are good to eat. If they stayed closed they died befor cooking/getting out of the water and need to go in the trash.

>> No.16069995

>90% of them closed up
Animate objects tend to be alive, unless they are robots.

>> No.16070007

that's mom science tho

>> No.16070020

wtf how does it work? I thought you just fish them, open them and eat them ..so you eat only those that are still alive? do they move? do you somehow kill them before eating?
t. absolutely landlocked

>> No.16070037

you cook them alive in the shell and you can tell if they're alive or dead by whether or not they close their shell when you jostle them but they will trick you by lying around with their shells agape so you think they're dead

>> No.16070048

No it isn't you fucking inbred.

>> No.16070070

so these are mussels and you eat them cooked, what about oysters then?

>> No.16070071

It's one of the easyest thing to cook and just makes fries as a side dish or be a little bit cultural italian and use pasta and white vine saouce

>> No.16070080

it literally is
live mussels won't necessarily open when cooked and dead mussels won't necessarily remain closed
it's much better to know how to differentiate between the two before you cook them

>> No.16070089

are those barnacles? it doesn't matter actually, just boil them all. if it went bad it is really stinky. so they feel lighter than the other barnacles and they smell like garbage juice and yeast infection.

>> No.16070094

oysters are actually a lot easier to differentiate because they close up tight like a rock when they're alive
as long as they haven't been sitting around out of the ocean for too long and they're hard to open with no bad smell they should be fine

>> No.16070106

but are they eaten alive or cooked as well? I always thought those oyster plates with ice, lemon and sauces are raw oysters

>> No.16070118

ice lemon and sauce are most likely raw but you can cook oysters
likewise mussels can be eaten raw but they're more often cooked

>> No.16070167
File: 1.07 MB, 3120x2080, muss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just for contect these were the mussels i put in the reject pile earlier because they weren't closed
a couple had obvious shell damage but i mostly toss when they won't close
they're all closed now after just sitting in styrofoam on the counter for a couple hours

>> No.16070206
File: 347 KB, 1089x1154, 3_brothersnhitler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had like 20 lbs of short neck clams last week. I prepared them following the paradigm of opened is good, closed is not and fuck me they all ended up overcooked.

What the fuck

Was it the weight causing the bottom batch to not be able to open? I did 5 min at boiling water like all suggested, but maybe only 1/3 opened while 2/3 just shut the fuck up.

>> No.16070221

you probably cooked too many at a time
you really don't want more than one layer touching the bottom of the pan

>> No.16070241

I figured, damn; what a fucking waste. I love clams and mussle.

Btw, best price for short neck clams is fucking Costco, $4-5 a pound. Great for a landlocked state, elsewhere it's like $10 a pound.

>> No.16070252

Have you tried asking them? Like using verbal communication instead of going all im a big strong man and I use force on everything?

>> No.16070263

>Leaving shellfish sitting at room temp for hours
You're gonna die.

>> No.16070279

Put them in fresh water.
Those that are closed are probably alive.
Knock on those that are still open. Some are alive but retarded so they will close when you knock. If they don't, they're dead.
Cook then without overcrowding your pot
Those the didn't open from cooking are dead and shouldn't be eaten.

>> No.16070601

Just cook them alive bro.

>> No.16071880

you have to cook them alive
thats ratha cruel innit

>> No.16071882

Closed ones are almost certainly good. Give open ones a good solid rap or two on the top- you should see them start to slowly close up right away. If they don't move, they're dead. If they close, they're fine.