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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16067255 No.16067255 [Reply] [Original]

>makes regular coke obsolete

>> No.16067293

But it doesn't taste like Coke?

>> No.16067399

yessss mama slaaay

>> No.16067405
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>gives you brain damage
heh, nothing personal kid

>> No.16067436
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dunno if its the same as this, but its much better than the other diet/zero versions, its breddy gud

>> No.16067452

I want an aspartame free one

>> No.16067459

Diet coke is the best coke, the NEW coke was diet coke with sugar.
Knowing coke, it will be Stevia instead. I fucking hate Stevia. Just use real sugar. (Im not American so no HFCS, just came sugar)

>> No.16067486

>methanol is good for me
that's literally what your retarded ass is saying right now

>> No.16067495

Isn't this just Coke Zero? What's different about this one?

>> No.16067497
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>makes other sodas obsolete

>> No.16067507
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coke zero has a mediciney aftertaste, I have tried all of the diet colas, and so far, diet pepsi is my favorite as it tastes the closest to regular pepsi.

>> No.16067518
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*blocks ur path*

>> No.16067559

holy shit you're fucking dumb

>> No.16067708
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>anything light or zero

>> No.16067718

coke has minced mice in it due to the processing of roots from some plant

>> No.16067729

In America they sell "mexican coke" as a regular product, it contains real sugar, but "real" sugar > hfcs is a fucking stupid meme, they're both highly refined and bad for you

>> No.16067730

it made itself obsolete. zero used to be good. zero sugar is the worst of coke light and zero in one can.

>> No.16067760

hfcs coats your tongue with this weird residue and is ultra sweet.

>> No.16067764

try pepsi max

>> No.16067772
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And kosher coke every year with yellow caps, the significance of which cant be lost on its intended audience which is quite strange.

>> No.16067783

I mean sure, real sugar tastes better, just slightly, but it really dosen't matter

>> No.16067790

In america, pepsi max is now pepsi zero sugar

>> No.16067791

I honestly can't tell the difference, id take this cancer juice over diabetes juice

>> No.16067872


Aspartame is probably worse than sugar. Just drink sparkling water.

>> No.16067937

take some kuvan

>> No.16068073

the aftertaste is better

>> No.16068252

Mexican Coke is just "coke". The only coke that gets its own name is American since that's the only one that uses different ingredients.

>> No.16068340

>Diet coke is the best coke
This. Also:
>The secret ingredient is citric acid, lots of it.

>> No.16068351

>german word for it is literally "jew hat"

>> No.16068352

They started adding hfcs to Mexican coke years ago. Mexican coke is literally just coke in a glass bottle.

>> No.16068365

well no, it's coke made with sugar. it's right there on the ingredients.

why would it be made with hfcs....mexico harvests tons of sugar lol

you know whats funny when those throwback drinks came out i realized i actually preferred the taste of hfcs, but it doesnt matter now because i only drink based sucralose + acek beverages

>> No.16068381

Lab tests show that Mexican coke has no sucrose (real sugar), but just fructose. The formula may be slightly different but that ain't real sugar in it.

>> No.16068387

ah, "lab tests" huh

that's really funny, since high fructose corn syrup is almost 50% sucrose by weight

but why would anybody not only lie but tell incredibly stupid lies on the internet? something doesn't make sense here. either i'm wrong or you're INCREDIBLY stupid.

>> No.16068391

also just so you understand

you somehow found /ck/ from /pol/ which your facebook friend sent you

you are not wanted here and do not belong here. fuck off back where you came from, retard boomer.

>> No.16068392


>> No.16068398

see >>16068391

dont do this to yourself. we are not in an argument. you have been dismissed

>> No.16068399

>it contains real sugar
wasn't that tested and debunked?

>> No.16068404

Continue seasoning your cutting board, Adam

>> No.16068405

No, are you fucking retarded?

I know euros don't understand food labeling standards but you can't put false ingredients here or you get absolutely fucked by the federal government

like it wouldnt even be a thought to enter cokes mind to do that, why would you think that? where do these retarded ideas and stances spawn?

>> No.16068831


you can't tell the difference between coke made with sugar and coke made with sugar, you dumb fuck

>> No.16068969

>gives you cancer
Nothing personell, kid

>> No.16068981

you have no business calling other people retarded because lmao

>> No.16069924



>> No.16069930
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>> No.16069956

>person who eats chlorine chicken insulting european food standards
all of my keks

>> No.16069966

I'd rather have a real coke only once every 5 years than having this shit whenever I can

>> No.16070212

holy shit americans got real scared of soda now, afraid to even have a can of coke once in a while
what happened to the land of the free?

>> No.16070474

first day?

>> No.16070519

i was legitimately surprised to learn how most people here avoided soda like fire
some said they drank "a glass in year"
it's demonized more than alcohol now

>> No.16070544

you won't get brain damage from fucking aspartame lol, unless you have pku but you should already know that if you have pku

t. chemist

>> No.16070552
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>he drinks his calories
Post bmi

>> No.16070557

post abs, champ

>> No.16070567

I'd pay extra for a monkfruit-sweetened zero/diet coke. Stevia is ass.

>> No.16070569
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*blocks your path*

>> No.16070572
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sorry pal

>> No.16070579
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Sorry but regular cherry coke is the only decent coke

>> No.16070584
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pic related tastes like the regular counterpart. id say its the best zero calorie soda

>> No.16070594

I'm going to be sick even thinking of Stevia, my guess is that Cokes flavour testers are the same people they've had for years who always make the worst choices and since coke is so huge they get massive sales numbers regardless.
Stevia is garbage and 100% noticeable. I stopped buying Fanta(s) because they ruined it with Stevia and I stopped drinking coke since I realised it made me "lazy " since I'd feel "satisfied" when I drank large amounts.

>> No.16071821

It taste strictly worse than regular coke.
So only while you're obese.

>> No.16073227

Sure thing, fattie.

>> No.16073400

i am actually underweight. but i drink pepsi max anyway because my stomach doesnt handle sugar well.

>> No.16074823

>seethe this hard

>> No.16074882

>I fucking hate Stevia

>> No.16075317

It's not a pleasant flavour and I'm sure it has a texture to it also that is different from plain sugar. HFCS had it's own texture too, it's "heavier" than cane sugar. HFCS is only in US imports here, it also gives me a stomach ache if I haven't had it for a few weeks but it's usually worth it for Dr Pepper, cherry coke and some other drinks.
Also Stevia has ruined most coke cola products (mostly Fanta flavours, especially the raspberry) and I can only associate it with that now since nothing else I have bought has it in there and if it did I wouldn't buy it because of coke.
I haven't enjoyed it ever and it has actively reduced the amount of enjoyment in my life, and the maximum amount possible, so I hate it.

>> No.16075354

I don't even get the point of the "lite" branding, did arizona even ever make a non-lite version... I've only seen this and diet

>> No.16075367

Tbh I must be like fucked up cause I think I like stevia the most out of most sweetener replacements, besides monk fruit, I like it's distinct flavor even

>> No.16075381

looks like you already have brain damage

>> No.16075383

Well lucky you. I just stopped buying all Stevia drinks instead. Maybe on day I'll actually be able to stop drinking flavoured soda water altogether

>> No.16075430
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Take a sip take a snort. Coke!

>> No.16075596

sugar gives you brain damage

>> No.16075604

stevia is great, i use it to flavour sparkling water too

>> No.16075611
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>makes soda obsolete

>> No.16075727
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This really is a great soda.

>Not Diet Coke with Splenda.

>> No.16075745

>You must eat it by the bag with that post.

>> No.16076214

it's the same as american coke you drone, you are getting ripped off

>> No.16076460

to you