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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16063552 No.16063552 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.16063558

For me, it's between 8 and 10.
>inb4 this makes incels seethe

>> No.16063561

Psychopaths are highly intelligent so I'm OK with that, unlike you.

>> No.16063568

7-9 minutes is the objectively correct answer. 10 is acceptable and the rest if shit

>> No.16063569

hard boiled eggs are only suitable for turning into devilled eggs

>> No.16063587

I cook them for ~20 to kill all the germs.

>> No.16063589

And how do you expect to make deviled eggs or salad nicoise with runny yolks?

>> No.16063592

your shit

>> No.16063607

How do you hard boil your eggs? I’ve been using a recipe from the food network, basically put the eggs in a pot with cold water, bring water to a boil, turn off heat and let sit for ~10 minutes. Problem is the point to turn off the heat is ambiguous so I generally overcook the eggs

>> No.16063622

apparently studies have actually found psychopaths to be less intelligent than average

>> No.16063624

They didn't psychopaths rule the world.

>> No.16063627

You don't have to be intelligent to be successful.

>> No.16063639

Boil the water first, then put the eggs in. Other than it cooking more consistently this way, I find that it's much easier to peel them while starting the eggs in cold water makes the shell stick to the egg white more often than not.

>> No.16063650

Give the boiled eggs a quick dunk in an ice bath. The shock from hot to cold should unstick the shell.

>> No.16063657

>hurr your sociopath psycho if you dont agree with me
Sure bud whatever you day, for me, it's 15

>> No.16063675

Do you let it boil or do you turn off the heat?

>> No.16063693

op is ze faggot

>> No.16063726

if you are having trouble peeling your eggs you should try the "shake them together in the pot after draining" method
works for me every time, no more HTP eggs

>> No.16063736

I'd eat any but 4 and 5, but for enjoyment I doubt I'd go for anything beyond 10.

>> No.16063868
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I like 7-8 for poached eggs, because it's the perfect consistency to spread on toast, which is the only way I could ever understand somebody could enjoy eggs. anything before is too watery, anything more is too crumbly.

>> No.16063869

What temperature does your water boil for your eggs to not be completely cooked through in 10 minutes? Did the person who made this chart live on top of some mountain or something?

>> No.16063914

15 min with salt and pepper, so comfy

>> No.16063933

Correct, what am i going to dunk my toast soldiers in if its any harder?

>> No.16063972

I let it boil, I wanted to see if shutting off the heat would make a difference but haven't tried it yet.

>> No.16065312

should you add the eggs to already boiling water? or add them cold and start counting time when it starts boiling...?

>> No.16065320

For long term storage I like 13 min. For enjoying immediately 7-8 min is good. Even 5-6 min.

>> No.16065323

I probably would too if I could read minds this is BS

>> No.16065347

6 minutes, 30 seconds. Anything other than that, you’re an huge faggot.

>> No.16065355

I generally salt the water and put the eggs in. Start the timer for 11min and turn on the heat. Once its a rolling boil (~7min in) turn down the heat a little to just keep it going. Then once done i ideally put it in ice water.

Normally my eggs end up in the 7-9 range which is good for me

>> No.16065390

if you boil them for 30 minutes or more then leave in the fridge for a few days they peel a little easier. all worth it

>> No.16065402


>> No.16065620

how the fuck are all of you boiling your eggs for so long and still get runny yolks
5 minutes gives already me a hard as fuck yolk

>> No.16065665

15 but I'm high altitude as fuck so it looks like 10-12

>> No.16065727

Turn the heat down nigga, boil doesn't always mean rolling boil.

>> No.16065792

my shit?

>> No.16065801

It depends on what you're doing with the eggs

>> No.16065803

>not scrambling the eggs

>> No.16065826

>salad nicoise
I wouldnt make one without runny yolks

>> No.16065827

6 for breakfast, 8 for dinner

>> No.16065836

4 min is peak comfy, sprinkle some salt n pepper in it and you've got yourself some good eatin

>> No.16065837
File: 36 KB, 772x434, eggsandsoldiers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for me it's 4-5 min
perfect for dipping soldiers

>> No.16065839

Its because the shell has cracked with the heat and the water has managed to free the shell some. I put a small crack in eggs im hard or soft boiling to make the shells easier to remove.

>> No.16065856

thats a lotta eggs

>> No.16065867

you don't have to tell me what happened
but you have to eat all these eggs

>> No.16065872

i'm not eating eggs for breakfast and dinner. i don't even eat eggs daily. but i want different kind of eggs depending of the time of day i'm having them.

>> No.16065976

>people actually eat eggs with runny yolks
Might as well eat them raw at that point. Yuck.

>> No.16065982

You're gonna want 12 to make deviled eggs

>> No.16066882


>> No.16066963

You need to be 18 to post here, friend.

>> No.16066977

I do it so when I crack open the top there's still uncooked whites in the top. I spoon that off and then you have a perfect funny yolk and just barely cooked white

>> No.16067997

based soldiers psoter

>> No.16068013

Gimme 15 min. I hate soft egg yolk

>> No.16068017

Runny yolks are disgusting

>> No.16068037

what does salting the water do?

>> No.16068056

youknow i never tried this way of eating eggs. its eather 10 minute hard boild eggs or just make some sunnyside up eggs then dip them in thustly. never know what to do with the whites/remains afterwards other than maybe between what ever bread/waffle is on the plate.

>> No.16068080


Yes, a select group of elite psychopaths rule the world.

The other 99% of them are dead or in prison

>> No.16068087

15 minute man here never gonna change

>> No.16068106

Peel the eggs in the sink under running water
First roll them on counter to break shell all around
Then under the water and peel up a random corner of shell
Water gets under shell and separates it from the egg, peels off quickly and easily
Pat dry afterwards or let sit to air dry

>> No.16068187

Anything after 4-5 minutes is disgusting for me, idk why

>> No.16068284

I'm not surprised, only people that young have no idea about good food.

>> No.16068503

Try steaming them instead of boiling them. I’ve done that the last couple of times I’ve made hard boiled eggs and the shells are definitely easier to peel. Ice bath as soon as the timer dings.

>> No.16068529

15 and I eat them plain. Fuck all of you

>> No.16068593

8 and 9 seem fine, idk why 7 is the hard cutoff here. Like it's only at 11 when shit goes tits up and it's inedible.

>> No.16068635

I must be doing something wrong because my 8 minute eggs almost always end up looking like 12 minute eggs

>> No.16068652
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>tfw enjoy all of them from 4 to 15 min
No such thing as an overcooked egg.

>> No.16068659
File: 323 KB, 1958x1169, qt-hard-boiled-eggs-011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me I like my boiled eggs slow cooked till they're grey.

>> No.16068662

Scrambled is the superior way to cook an egg. Mix in some olive oil and a bit of salt

>> No.16068943
File: 1.91 MB, 4032x2268, PXL_20210507_124310970.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can cook 12 at a time. The amount of water you add to steam them makes the perfect desired consistency every time. Beeps when done. Ice bath the eggs for a few minutes. Peel. Eat.


>> No.16068976

This. Hard boiled eggs belong in the trash.

>> No.16069022


>> No.16069034

So does your opinion

>> No.16069062

For me it's 16.

>> No.16069071

no u, go suck an egg, egg sucker.

>> No.16069103

I like mine around what's labeled as 9 & 10 there. Usually takes me about 7 minutes though.

>> No.16069138

Hardboiled eggs always give me diarrhea. No other egg does this.

>> No.16069142

Stop having gay anal sex before eating hard boiled eggs then.

>> No.16069169

I do not participate in anal sex. I enjoy boiled eggs but their is always a price.

>> No.16069178

kek, i would feel like since its mostly protein and relatively small it would be a better food to eat to not blow out your colon with shit.

>> No.16069377

Depends what you're making. 7 would not exactly be great for deviled eggs.
egg shells are semi permeable, so it probably lightly salts the eggs. I don't do this and it's probably not needed at all though.
I mean I guess that's cool but i've never had a problem just doing them in the pot...
seems kinda like an excuse not to learn how to do extremely basic cooking

>> No.16069395

2min and 45 sec for me

>> No.16069567

I try to make 6 minutes but somehow they come out as 8-9 minutes.
What the fuck am I doing wrong?

>> No.16069596

Too much time and/or too much heat. When I make hard boiled eggs I put the pot on the biggest burner on max which gets me
>10 minute
eggs in 7 minutes.

>> No.16069611

>1 hour boiled eggs


>> No.16069923
File: 300 KB, 680x1020, Pink-Pickled-Eggs-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Real men eat them pickled

>> No.16069947

Why would you boil eggs when you can poach them?

>> No.16070021


>> No.16070428
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Obviously I am not a scientist but iirc, it supposedly increases the boiling temp of the water and makes the shells easier to remove.

Thats why at least I do it

>> No.16070535

A true psychopath can hide their power level pretty easily

>> No.16070620

7 to 15 all work for me. Sometimes i like the more solid dry texture and taste of an overcooked egg but a warm gooey hard boild egg is the best for sure

>> No.16070665

What kinda bullshit chart is this? XL eggs?
If i cook my M eggs for 7 minutes the yolk is rock solid.

>> No.16070713

For me?
It's 5

>> No.16070809

My grandma would cook them well beyond 15. In fact they turned a certain greyish green. She also had beef extremely well done. She died of colon cancer and weighed over 300lbs