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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16061564 No.16061564[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

We do things different here in Indiana

>> No.16061574

are you meant to tear off strips of meat with your hands? or eat it with a knife and fork? also thats gross that it touches the table

>> No.16061576

Yeah you guys got that river that’s essentially a giant sewer drain, that’s cool

>> No.16061585

>touching the table at a diner
disgusting. imagine what particles are gently migrating around, attaching themselves.

>> No.16061588

Do you not know how to eat a fucking sandwich?

>> No.16061589

God you hick ass flyovers are idiots.

>> No.16061591

too much bread

>> No.16061600

I don't know how they do things in Indiana clearly

>> No.16061617

Putting the India in Indiana

But honestly, what the fuck is this? You've got to be completely fucking braindead to think that looks anything other than ridiculous. If you're gonna have that much meat you cut it into quarters and make a stacked burger, but trust the flyovers to go "HYUK HYUK IT A BIG CHICKEN HYUK HYUK HYUK"

>> No.16061638

listen here you faggot, you don't tell us how to do pork tenderloin/schnitzel sandwiches

>> No.16061658

I won't but I WILL make fun of you when you make the culinary equivalent of a kid's refrigerator drawing.

>> No.16061662


>> No.16061687

how about you come on down here to God's country and tell me to my face about what you think about my schnitzel

>> No.16061712

Seriously though, how the fuck are you meant to eat it?

You pick it up and take bites out of the schnitzel until you reach the bun?

>> No.16061722

what in the world...

>> No.16061732

Look at all these plebs that can't comprehend a humble pork tenderloin. You use your teeth idiots, bite into the sandwich.

>> No.16061737

you throw out the bun because it's not keto then eat 1/4 of the chicken and save the rest for later that's 2 days of lunch and dinner

>> No.16061748

I had one of these when I was there 35 years ago, it was AMAZING.

>> No.16061764
File: 147 KB, 1000x800, midwesterncuisine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not a sandwich. It's another joke item the midwest shits out to try and convince everybody that they have culinary culture.

>> No.16061796


It's a sandwich. It's meat between two buns. Use your mouth and your teeth and bite into it. Just because it's unfamiliar to you doesn't give you the right to ridicule it.

>> No.16061842

>Putting the India in Indiana

>> No.16061921

are you buying?

>> No.16061929


>> No.16061935

I like an Illinois dog

>> No.16061944

well I'm not putting out if we go dutch, dear

>> No.16061960

why put it in a burger

>> No.16062005

oh there will be no sex

>> No.16062007

Something like that, I'd just eat the meat around the bun with a fork and knife. And eat the meat slices with the salad.

The meat should be trimmed enough to enjoy as a burger later on at home. Boom, two meals. You'll be getting your money's worth.

>> No.16062029

Why are there so many spergs on /ck/ posting about this garbage state? Those sandwiches aren't even very good and they're tiny 99.9% of the time. The patty tastes like dry, flavorless cardboard.

>> No.16062042

haha heard that one before

>> No.16062045

Ok chud

>> No.16062067

1) what cut of meat is that?
2) what vessel do they use to cook one of these things?

>> No.16062086

1. the cheapest pork tenderloin that you can buy after you flatten the fuck out of it for hours
2. you're supposed to fry it but every single one here tastes like frozen trash that was refried after two years

>> No.16062089

1) how the FUCK is that even humanly possible
2) that's a big skillet

>> No.16062090

>order a literal plank of breaded meat
>"iiiiicky, tomatoes!"

Nobody else find those tomatoes sided off on a napkin weird?

>> No.16062096

Sounds like you've only had bad tenderloins. I've never had a bad one any time I travel through. Sounds like a personal problem.

>> No.16062097


>> No.16062103

A meme restaurant has a large deep fryer somewhere which is why the same dumb picture has been posted for years on end. I can guarantee that it tastes like shit, though.

>> No.16062108

I live in Indiana. None of them are above a Mcdonalds burger. Post a joint that does them supposedly well so I can laugh at you.

>> No.16062119

>Compares a made to order sandwich to fast food garbage.

I don't trust your palate kid. Stick to your mcchickens.

>> No.16062130

They're all fast food tier here, fellow shitposter. The diners that serve them are just lazier than Mcdonalds wagies so reheating it takes a bit longer.

>> No.16062144

I think it's more likely that it was breaded and cooked in an oven

>> No.16062152

They're all greasy as fuck and taste like processed, frozen chicken nuggets on a larger scale. I just assumed that they're fried because they wouldn't be so greasy if they were baked

>> No.16062199
File: 332 KB, 720x1480, Screenshot_20210505-212914_Maps.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Figlmuller in Vienna is famous for basically the same thing minus the hamburgerization.

Their waiting list precovid was up to three months.

Midwest diner's are maximum comfy

t. West coast elite who has been to both Figlmuller and midwest diners for giant schnitzel and found both delightful.

>> No.16062213

The pic that you posted looks like actual pork that was actually fried in a pan. You won't find a tenderloin like that in Indiana. It needs to be frozen for a decade and then reheated and served at a minimum.

>> No.16062326


>> No.16062339


>> No.16062351

I'm not trying to solicit sex from a dude online homo

>> No.16062353

>t. Spends 90% of his income to rent a closet so he has 35 starbucks to choose from rather than 3.

>> No.16062363

If it’s actual Wiener Schnitzel, which I’d expect from a Vienna restaurant, it would be veal, not pork.
might have enjoyed both things, but they’re quite different.

>> No.16062366

I've never solicited sex from any man or done any gay stuff, but I have had some homo's hit on me aggressively. It's my sense of humour you see

>> No.16062373


>> No.16062378

I don't see how it's funny to suck off dudes in the restroom

>> No.16062387

haha it's just a joke man

>> No.16062580

t. Spends 90% of his income to eat a fried shingle on a hamburger bun

>> No.16062674

>thinks food is as expensive as the richer areas of the country

>> No.16063038

sounds like SOMEONE doesn't eat food they drop on the floor