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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16061101 No.16061101 [Reply] [Original]

What is /ck/s thought on food waste?

>> No.16061104

i dont care

>> No.16061109

it doesnt bother you that you could get most of your food for free?

>> No.16061116

It's a diversion. Real issue is absence or underfunding of food programs for the poor. But that's *evil, dirty* socialism, so we get bourgoisie food waste nags instead

>> No.16061134

im on food stamps bro its all free

>> No.16061157

We don't need any more people on earth, we'd be better off with less food aid and food overall.

>> No.16061228

we should start with the gated communities. remember that they only live because other people will do their work

>> No.16061255

i'd start with africa first, but yeah we can eat the rich too if you want

>> No.16061258

Not my problem.

>> No.16061412

Wealth redistribution is morally unjustifiable

>> No.16061414

that's the spirit

>> No.16061442

a necessary byproduct of food security
save your tears for when there's food shortages

>> No.16061463

I'm for it.

>> No.16061484

Why not start with you?

>> No.16061520

Agreed, people who think we could end world hunger by just getting all the fat countries to ship their extra food to starving countries fail to understand a lot of things, but most important among them is just what a big deal agriculture has to be in a world with billions of people in it.

>> No.16062396

I don't see any poor people picking up any of that wasted food in OPs pic, so obviously they aren't poor or hungry enough. And this is from someone who grew up picking up produce from road shoulders that had fallen off harvest delivery trucks - corn, broccoli, spinach, etc - so spare me your bloviating hand wringing.

>> No.16062403

starving to death is a meme

>> No.16062419

I forget what the problem is

>> No.16062432

Are those potatoes? Just put the fuckers in a cupboard and they'll start sprouting and then put them in the ground. Job done.

>> No.16062436

I'd rather have food rot than go to Africa

>> No.16062515

Good. I'd rather poor people die than my taxes or food prices go up

>> No.16062526

Shouldn't be any.
Any food you can't sell should just be used as feed for livestock or for fertilizer if able.

t. farmer

>> No.16062537

At a certain point the concentration of wealth prevents growth in an economy because everyone is too poor to participate in it.
Can't sell a product to someone who can't afford to buy it after all.

>> No.16062541

Almost true. If our supply chains were based on collective good rather than profit motives lots of INDUSTRIAL levels of food waste (factory farms throwing away or destroying their crops, food chains dumping unpurchased food at the end of the day, etc) would be mitigated, but bourg libs LOVEEEE to blame the individual and focus on little timmy leaving 5 green beans on his plate and scolding him for it.

>> No.16062546

Overpopulation is a libshit meme to justify the fact that our current profit driven system doesn't benefit as many people as it could. Literally raping the third world and then blaming them when they have too many babies.

>> No.16062549

I hope you're not american because the food programs are stupidly overredundant

>> No.16062559

This is lolbertarian garbage you are fed by people who are worth more than you'll ever make if you worked for a millenium and then some. At a certain point rent seeking behavior and tax exploitation leads to an almost irreversible situation that fucks the economy.

>> No.16062578

>Real issue is absence or underfunding of food programs for the poor
Food stamps are overly generous to the point where the average food stamp user is obese. Rather than funding more, there should be restrictions on what they can buy with it.

>> No.16062581

>Rather than funding more, there should be restrictions on what they can buy with it
I can tell you don't know how food stamps work

>> No.16062601

I can tell you've never been on SNAP cause you're pretty limited in what you can pick up at the grocery store. You can't buy things like rotisserie chickens or precooked meals.

>> No.16062613

Lul retail workers rise up...
What a joke

>> No.16062616
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>> No.16062619

i'm special

>> No.16062620

please be bait

>> No.16062653

>You can't buy things like rotisserie chickens or precooked meals.
You can buy anything else. I've seen morbidly obese women run up $300 bills full of cookies, chips, ice cream, bacon, donuts, and all kinds of junk foods. Even the ones that don't buy totally terrible things will also grab expensive health drinks like those little smoothie bottles that are like $6 each, because get enough free money that they might as well.

The way most people use EBT makes me think the government ought to just give each person a sack of raw barley each month and tell them to live off of it. That would at least develop some discipline.

>> No.16062658

I mean it's not as if trust fund kids aren't also gonna get pudgy doing the same shit. It's not like it's really your dollars going towards shit like SNAP. Most of your tax money is going into foreign proxy wars and shit.

>> No.16063366

The moment you start white-listing products to be eligible for food stamps you end up with absolute shitshow to the tune of "bribe your way into the list, raise the price 1000%, drop quality to kibble-grade".

>> No.16063372

I hate wasting food, my dumb ass family also doesn’t ‘waste’ food. They will just cook something, eat a small portion leave it in the fridge telling me not to throw it out because it would be a waste, then finally a week later say it’s unedible and went bad and they have to throw it out

>> No.16063373

There should be a penalty for wasting food, like a fine of sorts.

>> No.16063394

>They will just cook something, eat a small portion leave it in the fridge telling me not to throw it out because it would be a waste, then finally a week later say it’s unedible and went bad and they have to throw it out
Me too.
This is why when I visit my parents, I bring my own food, I will not eat anything my mother cooks when her house is full of expired ingredients.

>> No.16063588

I personally dont have any. What doesnt get eaten goes to the chickens. Now that I think of it I do have one waste. I dont feed the chickens back to them. So after I get stock out of it I usually toss it in the trash.

>> No.16063603

Give it to me so i can illegally bait deer and then eat them

>> No.16063616

>the government should have MORE excuses to take your money!

>> No.16064813

Most care to not waste food but only until it's an inconvenience for them. Me included.
>I could eat the same pasta that's 5 days old, it's fine
>But I'm sick of it so I'm throwing that shit out and make something else more fresh

>> No.16064847

All basic food products (not specialty foods) should be free on a government budget so instead of being worried about feeding their families people have extra resources to pour into other businesses and technologies which would stimulate the economy. Prove me wrong.

>> No.16064850

they wont do that

>> No.16064854

based sociopath

>> No.16064856

food costs are extremely low compared to everything else.
Especially for americans, food is almost free.

>> No.16064866

it just kills us haha

>> No.16064893

>just walk 150 miles to the potato landfill bro
you've lost it. growing up malnourished obviously gave you serious brain development problems

>> No.16064900

this is pretty much the case, everybody larping about muh socialism or whatever pretty much forgot that low-income programs are a ridiculously tiny shred of the budget compared to """aid""" to israel

>> No.16064904

You're killing yourself with food, the food is not killing you.

>> No.16064908

yes but if you stop killing yourself with food
>food costs are extremely low compared to everything else.
>Especially for americans, food is almost free.
ceases to apply

>> No.16064913

you simply need to portion the food properly, not cease eating altogether

>> No.16064933

no shit
that doesnt mean i have control over federal corn subsidies or industrial scale manufacturing of refined flours

>> No.16064939

potatoes are still cheap as hell. Meat is still meat.
Sounds like excuses.

>> No.16064955

yes retard i understand personal agency and i do not personally make unhealthy choices
but my point is that there are drawbacks to americas cheap food and >Meat is still meat clearly shows you dont understand

>> No.16064964


>> No.16065037

I actually can't imagine thinking otherwise. Anyone who would willingly pay money to keep strangers alive has a disorder and shouldn't be trusted with their own money.

>> No.16065068

I think it's great. I waste food intentionally because I have the money to do so. I laugh when I think of starving people while I load my trash can up with food that is still edible. When my food does spoil, I like to hand it out to the panhandlers, who are grateful at first, but I can only imagine their faces when they sink their teeth into a week old McDouble or some rancid shit I've been holding onto.

>> No.16065096


>> No.16065117

just the federal food stamp program alone which is only a fraction of overall good aid direct and indirect is larger than the russian military budget. my shores haven't been invaded in 209 years so that "goy aid" has done something. feeding someone so hopelessly incompetent they can't feed themselves in the most bountiful society on human history does nothing but harm unless it's on a temporary or work-conditioned basis, most of which isnt

>> No.16065157

I try not to waste any food that I buy, but don't care about the waste between the farm and store. I've worked in a grocery store before and man does a lot of produce and meat get thrown out daily.

>> No.16065185

Shame. It's hard enough jumping through the hoops to donate food stuffs and COVID made it even worse. My coworker would take extra meals from the kitchen at the end of the day to the homeless shelter he volunteers at but since COVID they won't take anything not in a can or sealed from factory.

>> No.16065256

dunno. if its expired then its expired. simple as. can't they just sell it off to animal feed plants or other uses (converting to rubbing alcohol for cleaning/industrial purposes etc)

doesn't just need to be burned as if it only had one specific purpose of being consumed by us

>> No.16065296
File: 531 KB, 608x400, download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here, my pic is not of expired food. it's actually a single potato farms surplus potatoes after covid shut down all the french fry and potato chip distributing resturaunts. The farm tried to give away as many potatoes as they could for free as well as ferment a few warehouses of taters for livestock feed, but most of it had to end up in landfills.

>> No.16065318

suppose in cases like that then its inevitable. would like to think in normal times at least most of it would go to some use of any kind though

>> No.16065328

Idk 30% of food normally is thrown away, thats 16 billion lbs of food waste in the united states per year. Most of it is produce.

>> No.16065335

as someone that eats food, it is pretty disgusting to think how much food might be wasted daily

>> No.16065337

Not my problem

>> No.16065373
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>> No.16065381

this. why are people so surprised? I don't wanna pay for people's live I don't know. I am literally wasting my life time for them.

>> No.16065385

Clean it up wagie

>> No.16065510 [DELETED] 


>> No.16065519

you have to go back

>> No.16066817

I eat food.

>> No.16066849

I used to think so too. Then I realized I had been working almost 50 hours a week for almost nothing and going to school and I decided "you know what, fuck everyone else but me."

And I have never been happier.

>> No.16067010

can you teach me how? im in a similar situation. I applied for food stamps last week and havent heard back yet. im trying to get as many handouts as possible

>> No.16067835

"if you want more of something, subsidize it"
and that's why i don't support heavy spending on the poor. Get em in pods, get em under surveillance.

>> No.16067841

Based. Poor people are awful

>> No.16067866

It sucks that so much food is wasted, but we either over produce or risk starvation on the off chance that a large portion of food goes bad before harvest.
People going hungry in other parts of the world are a transportation issue. It's VERY expensive to get perishable food to these places and it has to be paid for somehow. Right now no one is willing to pay to ship these crops and food stuffs to these places. It's an endless financial sink currently so no one is willing to bankrupt themselves to try and fix it. Most are content to help alleviate it however.

>> No.16067867

I'm fine with poor people, I just don't like ni....

>> No.16067868

>What is /ck/s thought on food waste?
I only care about food price. If we have to waste food to lower my price that's fine.

>> No.16067876

There doesn't need to be any food programs for the poor in the US. Food is so easy to come by here that there are many fat homeless people. Seriously, just google "homeless American woman" and I guarantee you will see at least one fat person.

>> No.16067991

niggers. maybe reddit is more your speed

>> No.16068012


>> No.16068043

Aww come on guy, i thought my post had charm.

>> No.16068123

Based, I've always wanted to do this. I don't know why more right wingers don't fight socialism by collecting welfare. The thought of liberal women happily voting and paying for taxes that they think are going to help a noble negro, but instead would go into my pocket, would be quite satisfying.

>> No.16068140

Don't care. People in malnourished countries should learn2agriculture.

>> No.16068188

who gives a shit about the trust fund kids? they arent on government money and they arent crying about oppression either, let them use daddys money who the fuck cares? but the people on food stamps are using everyone elses money to buy random shit then proceed to complain about oppression and starving, its retarded

>> No.16068249

i dislike it, half of it is thrown away for retarded quality standards like the shape of a bell pepper

>> No.16068322

You can hate humanity and hope everyone starves but all that food shouldn't be wasted.

>> No.16068409

It's so easy to get free food in the states you really have to try to starve honestly.

>> No.16068460

In agricultural food waste, its mostly attributed to a lack of infrastructure. Farmer sure dont like wasting their hard work as much as they like losing money. They can give it away or sell it to consumers at a discount of course. The only problem is that while they can give it away to charity if grocers and restaurants cant take them, they lack the necessary infrastructure to transport the goods to people outside of the established supply chain unless they chose to spend more money on arranging transportation. So most of them just cut their losses and make compost with it in the end.
A saddening state of affairs

>> No.16068888

food waste is nothing compared to plastic. food breaks down quick and does no harm for the most part. if you eat out or make a lot of prepackaged food you obviously use more packaging, but overall plastic is the worst & most abundant waste product.

>> No.16068950

It sucks but the truth hurts: I live so comfortably. Perhaps the true innovation of the century will be the effective elimination of waste in the developed world.

>> No.16068964

The works of the roots of the vines, of the trees, must be destroyed to keep up the price, and this is the saddest, bitterest thing of all. Carloads of oranges dumped on the ground. The people came for miles to take the fruit, but this could not be. How would they buy oranges at twenty cents a dozen if they could drive out and pick them up? And men with hoses squirt kerosene on the oranges, and they are angry at the crime, angry at the people who have come to take the fruit. A million people hungry, needing the fruit- and kerosene sprayed over the golden mountains. And the smell of rot fills the country. Burn coffee for fuel in the ships. Burn corn to keep warm, it makes a hot fire. Dump potatoes in the rivers and place guards along the banks to keep the hungry people from fishing them out. Slaughter the pigs and bury them, and let the putrescence drip down into the earth.

There is a crime here that goes beyond denunciation. There is a sorrow here that weeping cannot symbolize. There is a failure here that topples all our success. The fertile earth, the straight tree rows, the sturdy trunks, and the ripe fruit. And children dying of pellagra must die because a profit cannot be taken from an orange. And coroners must fill in the certificate- died of malnutrition- because the food must rot, must be forced to rot. The people come with nets to fish for potatoes in the river, and the guards hold them back; they come in rattling cars to get the dumped oranges, but the kerosene is sprayed. And they stand still and watch the potatoes float by, listen to the screaming pigs being killed in a ditch and covered with quick-lime, watch the mountains of oranges slop down to a putrefying ooze; and in the eyes of the people there is the failure; and in the eyes of the hungry there is a growing wrath. In the souls of the people the grapes of wrath are filling and growing heavy, growing heavy for the vintage.

>> No.16068966
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>> No.16070436

plant a potato then dumbass

>> No.16071242

I waste as much of my food as possible

>> No.16071394

many of the food programs in those poor countries are in fact that, teaching these retards how to grow food. I use to have compassion for them, but I'm at the point now, where if you can't grow food, idgaf, fucking die, excluding children. you've worn me thin, like a bit of butter scraped over too much bread

>> No.16071429

If it's feeding you it is wasted

>> No.16071444

the dirty secret in a lot of those countries is often times a lot of the people are too dumb to conceptualize farming. it's like trying to teach differential equations to a 13yo

>> No.16071460

checked and the realization that I eventually came to

>> No.16071557

i mean you pretty much can its not that divorced from algebra but i get the message

>> No.16071566

Not my problem, really its not.

>> No.16071585

Those potatoes are drying you ignorant pricks.

>> No.16071926

Never know when I'll eat again, so I haven't wasted a crumb in nearly 20 years. I will never understand people who throw half a meal away. I mean, why go through the bother of making, or even ordering something if you're only going to waste half of it? It's nuts to me.

>> No.16072009

Honestly? it's only partially the consumers fault. The biggest wasters of food would easily be restaurants and supermarkets. They have to throw away tons of food every day. When I worked at a very large supermarket next to the bakery section every night 2 industrial bags of baked goods would be tossed. The employees werent even allowed to take any of the baked goods because of "liabilities". The bread was just a day old.

It's just as bad if not worse in the produce department. I would say actually meat is the least thrown out food since there are countless ways to stretch meat out.

>> No.16072019

>What is /ck/s thought on food waste?
Perfectly fine. Anything that is mass produced creates waste.

>> No.16072039

Fuck the lazy ass poor

>> No.16072244


>> No.16072426

I could make so much fucking gnocchi from that.

>> No.16072433

i don't give a fuck, same as with mass farming. i'm fine with animal holocaust as long as i get my cheap meat.

>> No.16073280
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>> No.16073326

I think that the government forcing farmers to destroy their crops during the great depression was fucking retarded

>> No.16073329

>People going hungry in other parts of the world are a transportation issue.
No it is not.
Compare landlocked Afghanistan to any of the lanlocked African countries.
Despite decades of war in both parts of the world Afghanis are way more food secure than Africans.

>> No.16073371

Yeah, because they sell opium. Africa doesn't have any real drugs to sell like Afghanistan.

>> No.16073478

The only real take of the thread, why are anons surprised is beyond me?

>> No.16073660

>Africa doesn't have any real drugs to sell like Afghanistan.
Are you for real?

>> No.16073813
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Libertarians truly lack heart.