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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16060276 No.16060276 [Reply] [Original]

>roommate uses my favourite French spoon
>roommate takes my sandwich maker out of my cupboard
>roommate uses my French steak knife to slice her lemons
>my favourite spoon is missing for 3 days now
>roommate leaves her dirty plates in the kitchen sink for days on end
>roommates completely pack the fridge to the point that it's unusable
End it

>> No.16060292

why don't you live alone like an adult?

>> No.16060294

I fucking hate people who leave dishes in the sink.

>> No.16060303
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>attempting to maximize cost efficiency is immature

>> No.16060342

>living with others

Stop being poor.

>> No.16060367

>my favourite French spoon

>> No.16060371

I think she is salty with me because she and another roommate decided to hold a party without even asking about it. Went on until 3AM and they fucked with my laundry. Ended up leaving multiple wine glasses filling the sink for over a week. I kept washing my dishes and just inundated the glassware with filth, and instead of using hot water and bleach to clean them, she just threw them away.

>> No.16060378

Roommates never cleaned up their food and we developed a major cockroach infestation. Kitchen was unusable.

>> No.16060382

>living with women you don't fuck

Cuck shit my guy

>> No.16060409

God damn thank fuck I don't have to live with other people

>> No.16060418

I had some Chinese roommates that left rice and food from their various banquet making sessions all over the place. We had mice because of it. Saw 2 of em run across the floor. Fuckin' BUGMEN

>> No.16060436

imagine being this cucked, beta, and passive aggressive
holy shit OP, seriously, get it together
i sincerely hope i'm being trolled

>> No.16060540

man she be walking all over you anon

i hope to live alone sometime in the next year, then i can finally post in fridge threads

>> No.16060643

a faggot living with what sounds like underdeveloped manchildren and crying about it anonymously on 4chink is definitely the mature person

>> No.16061814

I had a Chinese roommate once.

I hated it when he ordered pizza because he would give me the money to pay the delivery guy but never leave anything for a tip.

And I wasn't going to give him a tip because I can't eat cheese and have never eaten a pizza in mylife.

>> No.16061881

Then why did you get the pizza?

>> No.16061974

did he also unload in your boypussy without kissing you goodnight?

>> No.16062056

get a bag to store all your kitchen utensils in(hide them in your room) and a party sized bag of paper plates(so aside from rinsing silverware you dont wash SHIT). also put hydrochloric acid in her shampoo bottle and bathtube gin in her perfume bottles, that'll learn her.

>> No.16062177

It isn't a sandwich maker, it's a panini press. You are the sandwich maker, you make the sandwich, the goofy little two sided grill just toasts it.

>> No.16062889

Who cares faggot why the fuck was it on the counter instead of in my cupboard

>> No.16063301

>still haven't found my favourite French spoon
getting real tired of it, lads.

>> No.16063317

I had a shitty female housemate and I cummed in her shampoo bottle every time I had a shower

>> No.16063327

>whenever you're hungry and want to make diner someone else is using the tiny kitchen to cook
>race down soon as they're done only to find someone else took this opportunity to cook
>people doing dishes whenever you try to shower
>roommate put the microwave on fire cause he was trying to make brownies, put the machine on the balcony and acted like this resolved the issue
>roommate tried to burn the house down cause he was shitfaced and tried to bake eggs, falling over the stove cause he couldn't stand any more. Police had to step in to ensure he wouldn't burn down the house
>said person tried to use the fire extinguisher when drunk inside someone's room after smashing up the place
>caught sniffing my laundry proclaiming he didn't understand why it smelled so good
>passed out on the stairs in the early morning without pants on
>would occasionally open his window to cuss at random people "oy you fcking cunt!"
>at the time a baby was living in our house also

Thank fuck I live alone now

>> No.16063330

I agree.

>> No.16063822

Living with woman is hell.
If you are lucky the sex makes up for it, and even then it's not by much.
Change you living accommodations or get to fucking ASAP.

>> No.16064448

>getting cucked by a literal insectoid

>> No.16064468

You seriously gotta confront people about their fucking disgusting habits if you're gonna be living with them

>> No.16064481


>> No.16064510

I had a roommate who would only eat fried food and she would leave the kitchen full of grease stains. She would also burn the fucking oil each time and reuse it. Her food looked absolutely disgusting

>> No.16064630

When I was in college we had a roommate who stopped contributing to the apartment. He also became infatuated with some whorish girl and started spending 3-4 days per week over at her place. He would come home, dirty up dishes, eat our food when we weren't there, and then leave to go shack up with his girlfriend. Sometimes he'd come home late at night and sleep in his bed, but he'd be out early the next day for class.

Eventually I started separating out all of the dishes he dirtied. Once I had a week's worth of dishes, I took them up to his bed and I spread them out and put the blanket on top of them. Didn't see him for like a week and I totally forgot about the dish thing. Then one night I'm half asleep and I hear a loud clanging and someone in the next room going "AHH WHAT THE FUCK? OH SHIT!" and I remembered that I had put the dishes in his bed. I started laughing and I heard him taking the dishes downstairs. Came down the next day and they had all been washed and put away. He didn't say a word about it. My other roommate was my brother, and we had started putting all the new food we were buying in our rooms so the pantry went empty. After a couple of weeks of that our roommate returned one day and commented "wow, we really need to make a grocery run, huh?" we told him we had groceries, but they were locked in our rooms because he kept fucking eating our shit when we weren't there. He went out to the grocery store and bought a shitload of food and then apologized and said we didn't have to store our stuff in our rooms. Then he brought up the plates in his bed the other night and said he figured that was because he hadn't done any dishes and he got the message.

I don't usually like being passive, I'd typically just tell someone to their face. This guy was a friend though so I figured it would be more fun to fuck with him.

>> No.16064867

I have an eastern euro guy here who is basically completely fine but he does odd stuff that has started to grate on me, it's minor but I'm still like wtf. He likes to pretend he's busy for some reason.

Every single time I leave my room I will see him. There's 3 of us here and I can go a few days without even seeing the 3rd guy, just hearing him, but the eastern euro guy I will see him literally every time I go downstairs. He likes to walk between his ground floor room, the living room, and the kitchen constantly for no reason.
One time I made a CUP OF TEA and went straight back upstairs, this guy walked out of his room into the kitchen 4 seperate times in that fucking minute, just not even really doing anything. He washed his hands twice, just the fingertips.
I can hear his bedroom door opening and closing right now.

He likes to use way more dishes than he needs for some reason.
Just now he made a big pot of stew type stuff, one big pot of chicken and veg. Instead of just chopping it up and throwing it in as you go, he chopped everything up and put it into seperate bowls, so he had like 6 different bowls of shit spread out everywhere just to plonk it into 1 big pot anyway. So he made loads of washing up for himself when he only needed the chopping board and the pot.
I put a pizza in the oven, and when I took it out he had put a pizza in the oven too. So he had all these bowls of shit and it wasn't even what he was about to eat.

>> No.16064885

Sharing a kitchen with a streetshitter across the hall. Leaves food out on a daily basis which attracts mice. He doesn't just leave out old food, he'll cook fresh food and then just keep it out and unsealed overnight and eat it later. Fucking gross.

Fortunately he doesn't touch any of my shit but still am counting down the days until I move out next month.

>> No.16064891

He likes to make stuff, put some of it in a container, and lean it precariously on the windowsill to cool down. Even if it is in a container already. He doesn't lay it flat, he leans it so it's diagonally resting on the sill and the window rim.
He had some curry delivered, and he transferred the leftover stuff from it's own delivery containers, to a different container.
I was closing the back door - and he needlessly tried to squeeze by me to balance this stuff on the window.
He couldn't wait 2 seconds till I'd shut the door, he reaches past me, over my arms.
He bangs it into the door and loses the expensive takeaway food all over the floor and has to clean it up.

It was already in containers, so if he just fucking left it where it was it would have cooled down and he could put it in the fridge. There was just no hurry, and he wasn't achieving anything. He just loves wasting time and effort.

>> No.16064896

>Every single time I leave my room I will see him. There's 3 of us here and I can go a few days without even seeing the 3rd guy, just hearing him, but the eastern euro guy I will see him literally every time I go downstairs. He likes to walk between his ground floor room, the living room, and the kitchen constantly for no reason.

my current roomate does this shit too

used to annoy me because I thought he was just looking for shit to take but after a while it just becomes a thing he does

>> No.16064916

I just came here to say, that pic related is truly peak middle aged man form

>> No.16064925


Oh yeah, the other day he made mashed potatoes.
He boils a big pot of potatoes in one pot, drains them, then transfers them into a 2nd identical pot to make the mashed potatoes.
He can't just use 1 pot like a normal person, he has to draw it out in some way so effort and time is wasted.

I'll walk into the kitchen, see what he's doing peripherally while I'm doing my shit, and then when I get to my room I realise nothing he was doing made any sense and takes twice as long for no reason.

>> No.16064977

I forgot one, he just did it and reminded me.

He'll make a cup of tea or coffee and leave it in the kitchen.
He'll come out of his room, take one sip, and put it back.
That's why mugs have handles, so you can hold onto them. What he does is just the complete inverse of convenience.

>> No.16064987

First of all you fucked up by having a female roommate. If you try what I describe below, you'll go to prison.
Having said that, I lived with roommates through all my 20s as I saved up money for my long-term plans. I lived with probably 30 different guys, usually 2 at a time.
What you want to do is set expectations right away. If you play nice and let things slide at the start, then that's how it's going to go. When you tell them to clean up after themselves they'll get mad because you let it slide before, so they'll either not do it or deliberately do a shitty job just to spite you.
Immediately upon meeting your roommates, post the rules on the fridge. You will have prepared a printout of these already. Basic rules like not leaving anything in the sink, putting away ALL toiletries immediately after use, giving other roommates a share of any food that is ordered, properly sorting recycling and organics from garbage, not using certain cutlery/dishes/cookware on meat (I'm vegan), etc.
Tell them to read the rules and that's it. Next time you see an infraction, instantly confront the responsible roommate. Take a photo of the infraction and show it to them and tell them to clean it up. If they refuse or say something like "I'll do it later bro haha" say it's unacceptable and the rules were clear. If they talk shit then you have to reprimand them. I would shit in a bag and then throw it into their room. "That's basically what you're doing right now. Don't like it? Clean it up and I won't have to do this". Usually works. If all else fails then you have to fight them. That's the only way men can permanently settle differences, so be ready to beat them up if extreme analogies like described above don't work.

>> No.16064993

My roommate uses MY peanut butter and jelly to make his PB&Js, but he never cleans the knife between jars. There is always jelly in my peanut butter and it pisses me off. Fuck I hate that guy!

>> No.16065124

they're just maximizing the food they can have in the kitchen

>> No.16065182

You're German aren't you?

>> No.16065220

you're close but the right answer is Nair in the shampoo bottle

>> No.16065301

Growing up my brother would make canned tuna and use the same fork he was mushing tuna around with in the mayo jar.

Tuna bits in the Hellmans. Many cases. Sad.

Instant throw out when I saw that shit obviously.

>> No.16066204

Get a smaller house then. Giving all your rent money to a jew isnt maximizing shit, you fucking nonce.

>> No.16066235
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Imagine choosing to live with a stranger for the privilege of being in a concrete hellscape surrounded by ants because you need to have 35 starbucks to choose from rather than 3.

>> No.16066439

>flatmates fill both kitchen sinks and counter top with dirty dishes
>need to clean dishes for an hour to have barely enough space for cooking
>too exhausted after all this to clean what I used
"Hurr durr you never clean around here"
Oh yeah? Check this out nigga
>order take out for a week straight with disposable silverware, not using any dishes
>sink piles up even faster than before
"Hurr durr u never clean"
"Nigga, I've been ordering food for a week. It's your shit. I'm not touching it"

>> No.16066647

>not keeping your own personal fancy cookware in your room
>not having your own mini-fridge in your room for the important shit

>> No.16067329

My roommate is never consistent about where dishes are put back. So my bowls, tools, and food products show up in different places around the kitchen.

They also mix ketchup and rice together.

>> No.16067344
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>maximizing costs

>> No.16067361

God fucking damnit anon, I came to post this

>be living in a sexy downtown apartment with 3 other guys in college
>bring my own cookware to add to the kitchen
>broke loser art major roommate does "Meal Prep Sundays"
>uses everyone's cookware, of course he didn't bring any of his own
>wake up every fucking Monday morning to a massive pile of unwashed dishes festering in the sink
>can't use any of my shit to make breakfast, proceed to rage
>have to buy a fucking burrito from the mexican kitchen around the block

We'd be lucky if he washed the dishes by Thursday. I can't believe I didn't actually assault that fucking scrawny gook bitch

>> No.16067746
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>roommate dumps cutlery and dishes in the sink
>never washes them, just fills them with water and leaves
>month goes past
>same dishes and cutlery still in sink
>most have a thin biofilm of scum on top
>drowned flies everywhere
>putrid stench is now permanent
>splashes food all over the stovetop and the wall behind the stove and never cleans it
I have no idea what he uses to eat with or on. I just bought my own cutlery and I don't trust him to properly clean the communal cutlery.

>> No.16067753

If you have to cry on an anonymous internet board like a little faggot who has no control over his life, then please tell me how wonderful having a roommate is.

>> No.16067759

What do gooks know about art?

>> No.16067854
File: 76 KB, 698x592, 1bd84a26285499ca3cbf4b6dbbec6446.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>roomate who's always late on rent also takes my fucking food and alcohol without asking
>also tries to ask me for money for cocaine and has no job

>> No.16067955

your poorfag cope is showing

>> No.16067961

>hey bro I need my favourite French spoon
problem solved
>hey bro the kitchen looks like shit, do your dishes
problem solved
>hey bro you need to buy less stuff I can't put anything in there
problem solved
Fucking talk to your roommate.

now those are real problems. You can talk to your roommate all day but if he's high everything goes out of the window. Your only real recourse is to move out. In the meantime keep your booze in your room and buy food that needs to be prepared. Your roommate might steal a frozen pizza but he won't steal flour and yeast. If you're at a point where he steals raw meat and veggies then you probably need to threaten him with physical violence and be willing to go through with it otherwise you're screwed

>> No.16068010

>buy a mini fridge
>make him pay rent via automated bank payments
problem solved

>> No.16068703

You sound like such an unfun, whiney, passive aggressive cunt

>> No.16068844

>bleach to clean wine glasses
the fuck

>> No.16068869

stopped reading there

>> No.16068906 [DELETED] 

Fuck you man I thought we were good friends

>> No.16068962

wow bro what are you gonna do with that extra $200 you saved in your lifetime?

>> No.16068979

>not agreeing on rules before you start living together and taxing them if they break your rules
you get what you fucking deserve

>> No.16069063

For context, it's "student apartments" so the complex will find you a new roommate eventually if someone ends up not moving in
>at the beginning of the year have 2 roommates and myself in a 4 person apartment cause one guy never showed up
>One roommate, we'll call him T, is like the epitome of reddit/soy/everything that gets made fun of on here. Loves babish and always tries to cook shit that's way out of his league and always ends up fucking it up
>I don't really mind him though cause sometimes he'll go half with me on stuff i want make like when we brewed beer, and overall hes a fine guy
>Other roommate, let's call him S, is like half frat guy half nerdy white kid, actually good at cooking, but usually just makes steak or chicken most nights, albeit very well
>its comfy, plenty of room in the fridge and pantry, kitchen is always clean
>new guy moves in
>actual fag, not explicitly vegan but will always make stupid comments about us eating red meat
>brings a fuck ton of food
>fuck ton of tofu
>bunch of smelly shit
>makes a huge fucking mess every time he cooks and never cleans up
>pushes all my shit to the back of the fridge
>S and I try and say like dude have some fucking courtesy
>new guy acts like we're being assholes
>i end up just giving up and buying a mini fridge
>put it in the living room cause i don't want it in my bedroom
>keep it full of my stuff
>go out of town for a week
>it's full of their shit, i don't even have room to put my brita in there
>at this point I don't even keep food in the fridge anymore, i just go to Publix and get whatever i need for what I'm cooking and try and only make one serving at a time
I'm pretty sure the new guys moving soon though so I'm happy about that
As an aside, he told us he moved out of his old apartment because his roommate had an "ak47" and it scared him. I have multiple guns in my bedroom in violation of the lease
like i said, garbage "student housing", i moved here because other friends lived here

>> No.16069080

Part 2
>T gets some girlfriend, fat, liberal, obnoxious
>literally straight out of the memes its kinda funny
>she's over every fucking night, basically a 5th roommate
>always tries to cook some fucking extravagant meal
>takes up the kitchen for like 3 hours
>sets the smoke alarm off MULTIPLE TIMES A DAY
>they're both like 5'3 (not even exaggerating) so they always come ask me to turn the alarm off
>starting to get real fuckin tired of it
>try to blame it on the smoke alarm
>bitch ive never fucking set it off
>always leave the kitchen a fucking mess
>i open the main fridge for the first time in weeks
>ita fucking gross
>shit spilled everywhere, shit just sitting there with no lids, tons of shit covered in mold
>S and I were both out of town for 2 weeks and just got back yesterday, because of classes starting back up
>the kitchen is worse than its ever been
>dishes are ALL dirty
>remnants of his girlfriends fucking gross ass cooking are everywhere and clearly have been for some fuckin days
I can't wait to move out this is fucking horrible

>> No.16069123

Anyone have that dump from a year ago where this one woman lived with 3 psycho bitches but ended up getting caught as she uploaded her horror stories?

>> No.16069157

Lived with slobs for years. Would always leave washing up for 'later' (which could mean up to a week). I had to buy my own kitchenware and keep them hidden or they'd use them. They didn't steal food but the kitchen was constantly disgusting. Ants, stench, overflowing bins. Horrible. If there isn't a strong community or organising force in the house, like a family, it doesn't work. You can't just live with other people, not really talk to them much, and expect them to behave responsibly.

>> No.16069635
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>not owning his property
>he will never be a lord

>> No.16070441

Only pet peeve about my roomie is how he handles the knives on a cutting board.

He’ll chop something and drag the knifes edge along the cutting board completely perpendicularly to make a pile.

The sound of the knife I just spent 15 minutes sharpening screaming out as it’s edge is dragged the wrong way haunts me.

>> No.16070500

UPDATE: My favourite French spoon has found itself in an ice cream tub in the kitchen sink after around 86 hours of being away. I immediately washed it and placed it back in cupboard.

>> No.16070508

cope faggot not my problem if you leave dishes in the sink

>> No.16070651

you cunts need to stop using "roommate" to mean "housemate.

roommate = you somehow fucked up and are sharing a bedroom with a random, or you like to take it in the ass.

housemate = a person who lives in the same house as you but they have their own bedroom.

>> No.16070699

british autism...

only pajeets share rooms.

>> No.16070720

> Had 3 other roommates.
> I always stay in my room, never cook, always eat out.
>Common area and kitchen are always trash
>They yelled at me because I never helped clean up their shit.
>Told them to fuck off because I'm no their fucking maid
I made the mistake of trying to tidy things up in the beginning and I suppose they thought I'd always be doing it. It was my first time rooming with strangers, before I had shared places with friends, individually we always cleaned after ourselves. After those two years with strangers I vowed to never live with roommates again.

>> No.16070768

>giving other roommates a share of any food
Fuck you it's an appartment, not a commune

>> No.16071025

Autism speaks

>> No.16071034

It’s clearly bait you retards. Lurk more please

>> No.16071135
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I have a comfy part time job and live at home where I save on rent, have no roommates except family and get free food

>> No.16071200

I had a roommate that wouldnt clean his dishes and just let them pile up so I put them all in a garbage bag and left them on his pillow. Dude got the hint.

>> No.16071208

Took a couple of months for one of my roommates to figure out he needed to clean up after himself. I think it was mentioning that he was responsible for the pile of moldy dishes in the sink in front of a mutual friend of ours.

>> No.16071209

>roommate takes my sandwich maker out of my cupboard

you keep a woman in your cupboard? based!

>> No.16072195

Over the last 20 years, I've been in at least half the homes in my home town.

The differences were amazing.

The most surprising is that the house that is easily the cleanest house in town is not one you would ever think by looking at it. The house is amazing, but I bet that if it was on the market, it would fetch maybe $80,000.

I've been in all but two of the homes in town owned by the wealthiest and most influential citizens of the town and none of them is even close to the house above.

>> No.16072199

>French spoon

>> No.16072223

Talk to her about it. Set rules.

>> No.16073135

My roommate is a pretty good cook but he doesn't clean up after himself at all so my kitchen is constantly messy

>> No.16073367
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>live with fatass mother and half brother again thanks to covid
>both are internet addled retards who don't pay attention to the world around them, just tv and social media
>literally bring their laptops into the kitchen and play fucking YouTube videos as encouragement the few times they bother cleaning anything
>live in filth and trash otherwise
>former roommates were clean, normal, and reasonable. Basicaly the opposite of them
>they throw fucking tantrums because i ask them to wipe the fucking counter after they cook
>they whine about being too busy and tired to clean after working. both of them work from home and spend most of their "working time" dicking around on facebook instead of doing any actual work
>my job is physically and mentally tiresome
>refuse to clean their messes
>start eating away from home
>the kitchen ends up being more and more of a shithole
>they start blaming me for it
>even though I don't use the fucking kitchen any more

>> No.16073427

>roommates don't do their dishes for three days
>throw out all the plates
>keep one plate and some cooking equipment in my room and always lock my room

>> No.16073449

have you considered slapping them?

>> No.16073456

this dual autism dynamic is kind of cute actually
i was that roommate for two years
>me and bro get a place together after highschool
>i get a job and commence wagie lifestyle, saving money and paying bills
>brother can't stand authority, doesnt do well with wagie lifestyle
>constantly blowing his whole check on booze and drugs
>starts inviting junkies to live with us to reduce his expenses
>junkies keep encroaching on the kitchen in search of gibs, disappointed to find literally all we have is canned fish and rice
>doesnt keep them from coming back there anyway to ask for change, cagarettes or bus passes
>my money is decent and i work as a cook so i decide to just start going full ham in the kitchen
>start making really horrible shit
>straight just boiling kombu because i read that somewhere that's how you make dashi
>and it smells bad
>i'm in there chilling drunk watching TV on my shitty laptop
>some nigger strolls in, does a one-eighty and walks the fuck out
>have jars of 'fermentation' projects all over the counter, some with actual maggots and mold scapes
>hear a rumor from a neighbor that i am 'really weird' 'a devilish' and 'doing the black craft'
>say 'nah, i am just making wine, those dudes are retarded'
>oh cool, i heard about people doing that. you like a mad scientist ha ha

so glad i moved out of there, and that city, and haven't talked to my brother in ten years.

>> No.16073616

>placed it back in cupboard.
you've failed to learn anything

>> No.16073687

>room mate takes my sandwich maker out of my cupboard
Why do you keep your wife in a cupboard?

>> No.16074440

Too far, just put a razor blade in the bar of soap, always good for a laugh

>> No.16074557

>I immediately washed it and placed it back in cupboard
Are you fucken normal?
Hide it in your draw you fucking spanner

>> No.16075442

the only annoyance I have is when me and my roomate try to cook at the same time, but other than that we are all good :)

>> No.16075516
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>French spoon

>> No.16076125

It's hannibal time, eat your roommate.

>> No.16076255

90% of this thread
>people who dont screen new housemates when they move in
>retards who blindly move into a place without scoping out the residents first
>people who dont keep a mini-fridge in their own room
>autists who dont confront their housemates about problems like mature adults and instead chimp out or seethe on an online cooking forum

>> No.16076631

>keep non perishables in my own room
>keep the few dishes I own in my own room
>keep a small trash bag in my own room
>have a mini fridge
>lock bedroom door when I leave

Why do you all keep your shit out in the open and get mad when it gets stolen or lost?

>> No.16076684

That's what you get for living with a woman

>> No.16076701

Why couldn't he just deal with the delivery guy himself

>> No.16076712

What is wrong with you bongs

>> No.16076744

all of the silverware slowly disappears until the roommate decides to clean their room. it pisses me off when I do all of the dishes and we only have like 6 spoons.

>> No.16076745


>> No.16076756

Buy reusable utensils and keep it in your room

>> No.16076761

>roommate takes my sandwich maker out of my cupboard
What in the goddamn is a sandwich maker?

>> No.16076815

a woman

>> No.16076865

>roommate uses my favourite French spoon
>roommate takes my sandwich maker out of my cupboard
>roommate uses my French steak knife to slice her lemons
>my favourite spoon is missing for 3 days now
tell her about it and mention it bothers you. if that doesn't work, lock them up
>roommate leaves her dirty plates in the kitchen sink for days on end
>roommates completely pack the fridge to the point that it's unusable
again, bring this up. actually talk about it and how it bothers you
if she doesn't make changes, take it into your own hands. tell her you're splitting the fridge in half and anything of hers that's on your half gets thrown out and start washing your own dishes immediately and anything that isn't washed is entirely up to her

>> No.16076916

no thanks I'm capable of doing dishes. if anything they should be eating off paper with plastic utensils since they're white trash

>> No.16076923

I briefly had a roommate that would use my cooking pans to make candles and rarely ever clean them to the point that she was making fried eggs in my fucking big ass wok. She pretty much wrecked my place and many of my things within 3 weeks.

>> No.16076924
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>>whenever you're hungry and want to make diner someone else is using the tiny kitchen to cook
>>race down soon as they're done only to find someone else took this opportunity to cook
>>people doing dishes whenever you try to shower

>> No.16076947

I'm envious of people who can just move back in with their parents seemingly with no problems whatsoever

>> No.16076974
File: 738 KB, 498x268, tenor.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Live in bedroom house with 2 of my bros from college since we're all still single and pay basically nothing in rent
>I have WEDS/THURS days off, always cook a steak for my "Sunday" dinner on Thursday
>"Will" starts cooking a steak right after me, often times starting while I'm cooking mine
>Tell him off once jokingly, let me cook my steak in peace, he gets the message and backs off
>Few weeks ago, change it up a bit, get steak and asparagus for grilling since it was finally nice out
>He conspicuously shows up the day after I did my shopping with a steak and a bunch of asparagus

I'm not sure what he's up to but if he's fucking with me, its working

>> No.16076990

You are fucking schizo anon he just smells your steak cooking and decides he is hungry and wants some steak.

>> No.16077033

>>You are fucking schizo

I'm aware, people imitating or closely watching me do something really rubs me the wrong way (even if I may be imagining it) but he's a very good friend so I don't let it get to me. Its just a minor gripe that fits in well with the theme of the thread

>> No.16077109

>(I'm vegan)

>> No.16077313

You sound like you're a bit of a cunt

>> No.16077345

Yeah I pity people with a fucked up family life. It must really suck, most of my friends don't have that great of a family, nothing too crazy but not a good relationship. I moved back interstate and lived with my parents for like 4 years. My sister moved back in a few months after I did and it was great. Everyones friendly and cleans up after themselves or usually everyone helps out with the dishes. The biggest problem was two or more people wanting to cook something different for dinner so someone would have to wait until the next night.

I will say that this is a different dynamic than when my sister and I were younger before we moved out for the first time. Living with dodgy cunts really makes you appreciate a clean house and suddenly cleaning up after yourself is a pleasant and completely minor task.