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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16054291 No.16054291 [Reply] [Original]

How come the only e-celeb that can actually cook is the most annoying faggot of them all?

>> No.16054340

bruno albouze
wang gang

>> No.16054351

>Chef John
>Adam Ragusea

>> No.16054379

>Adam "White wine'n and creampie dine'n'" Ragusea
>Adam "pizza bread and cuck shed" Ragusea
>Adam "hot plate and hotwife" Ragusea
>Adam "cum queef aperitif"" Ragusea
>Adam "gravy train" Ragusea
>Adam "Like brine? Your gf can't be fine " Ragusea
>Adam "why I prep the bull, NOT my wife" Ragusea
>Adam "this insult brought to you by SquareSpace" Ragusea
>Adam "soychad" Ragusea
>Adam "cooking for fun with my wife's son" Ragusea
>Adam "oh you want some?" Ragusea
>Adam "mad street credit on Reddit" Ragusea
>Adam "grateful gringo" Ragusea
>Adam "please clap my wife's toothgap" Ragusea
>Adam "age doughs and marry hoes" Ragusea
>Adam "fuckable" Ragusea
>Adam "lurking this thread" Ragusea

>> No.16054439

He's a pretentious fuck who is somewhat knowledgeable but I'd prefer Chef John because he's actually enjoyable to watch, I cannot stand this chuck. Josh is full of shit, I especially hate is "but cheaper" nonsense where this motherfucker measures out a table spoon of soy sauce and declares it 2 cents, disregarding how you'd have to drop 50+ dollars toget all he ingredients. You can't go to a store and purchase a tablespoon of soy sauce, he's another rich kid who doesn't understand how money works
Eeehhhh overly fancy and kind of annoying
Ragusea is way overrated and doesn't know what he's doing, he's a failed journalist who pretends to be in shape " here's why I prep the bvll and not my wife"

>> No.16054473

It's just the way of the world

>> No.16054479

i hate josh mors than i hate babish

>> No.16054626

>buy soy sauce for 5$
>use one tablespoon this week for your meal
>have the whole bottle left for other dishes
This is why you are poo and will probably stay poor your while life.

>> No.16054631

/ck/ is a Bruno board, don't post pretenders to the throne

>> No.16054640

I prefer ShopDogSam’s cooking videos

>> No.16054649

I'm suprised people hold such strong opinions on this faggot because he's not very interesting.

>> No.16054841

>you'd have to drop 50+ dollars toget all he ingredients. You can't go to a store and purchase a tablespoon of soy sauce, he's another rich kid who doesn't understand how money works
You can save money by storing ingredients and using them in meal after meal instead of buying them for each recipe and throwing them away afterwards. Soy sauce expires somewhat slower than milk and can be used in several, if not dozens of recipes. I hope you take this advice to heart because it cost $1,000 in computer hardware to post it.

>> No.16054897

Ragusea is a bugman that makes food videos, not a cook of any merit

>> No.16055130

Agreed, Chef John is unironically based though

>> No.16055434

An open container of soy sauce lasts fucking months even out of the fridge. Your advice sucks.

>> No.16055536

It's understated sarcasm, retard. It easily lasts years and the number of ways it can be used is uncountable.

>> No.16055538

You absolute twits, I can make food for cheap but if I were to do a "cooking on a budget" series then I would factor in the actual cost of shit. For instance I'd probably plan out a week spending X amount of dollars per week, using he ingredients I buy, yeah I can think of a ton of recipes with soy sauce, but this guy does things totally unrelated and with various seasonings to the point that if you don't have a fully stocked pantry you really can't do his stuff for cheap.
You cannot be this dumb. He doesn't make videos for poor people, he at best, makes click air videos for poor people.

>> No.16055542

bros? your guga?

>> No.16055554

talks like a retard though, literally unwatchable

>> No.16055588

Sarcasm is for women and fags. How the fuck is anyone supposed to know you were being "sarcastic" let alone "understatedly sarcastic" when 99 percent of the people posting here a actual mongoloids?

>> No.16055632

There's your mistake. It's plainly a series for middle class people. Every episode he starts by describing a $10-15 restaurant meal, then he shows how cheap that is to replicate in a home kitchen instead of going out to eat. What about that tells you it's for desperately poor people?
If he was going "hey college kids, want to cook in your dorm with leftover beer money? Get out your paprika and and celery salt..." then I would see your point.

>> No.16055635

Adam is a fucking retard who gets by with meme videos like “Why I season my asshole and not my shit”.

>> No.16055703

then get a fully stocked pantry you cum gargling retard. it's an investment for when you want to cook other shit. you don't have to buy everything at once, rather just as the need arises. I like his 'but cheaper' series. it's usually food that's pretty easy to prepare, doesn't break the bank, is tasty, and can be made in large portions. I'm really not sure what's not to like unless you just don't like him. his presentation is cringy but his recipes produce great results when executed properly
>off by one
I might give chef john a try
the video that really ticked me off was the one where he says buying dark brown sugar is dumb because somehow its easier to add molasses to white sugar and that brown sugar clumps up in storage

>> No.16055772

Chef John is the only one I like who can also cook. This fuckman and his cwispy wispy UwU Daddy Josh shit baby talk and zoomerisms makes me fucking seethe, cringe, and dial 8 on a rotary phone

>> No.16055864

So basically he's showing how restaurants turn a profit, buying in bulk and selling it for 7 times he actual cost. Hell sometimes this fucker is using restaurant equipment like fancy fryers that coat hundreds. He's detached from reality.
It's a fucking gimmick click bait of "make this at home" but when it really boils down to it, most people won't have the pantry for it. It's like biting with babies, wildly unrealistic for normal people.
That costs money, something that for a mini series about saving money, is retarded. Again a better version would be showing how to build up a pantry, every week buying more ingredients that will last a long time, for example buying soy sauce one week and the next getting fish sauce, both will last a long time, much longer than a week, but instead of dropping a ton of money all at once you build up to it. For a fully stocked pantry to do all his shit can easily be over 200, hell it's not out of bounds for me to drop a good 50 on replenishing spices alone that I regularly use. Most poor people can't do that.

>> No.16055872

Biti with babies autocorrect
Meant binging with babish lmao

>> No.16055891

>ou can't go to a store and purchase a tablespoon of soy sauce,

you can go to a chinese restaraunt and grab the packets for free, so it's actually less than 2 cents

>> No.16056367

>that costs money
remember when I said it's an investment?. also it's been established that the premise is that it's a meal that's cheaper than what you get dining out. it isn't for poor people specifically. if you're poor get rice and beans in bulk
>>16055772 and >>16055864 are twins

>> No.16056401

>not watching chef wang "THE BASED" gang

>> No.16056408

I assume it's a he because of the beard but otherwise he looks like a woman.

>> No.16056430

Bruno Albouze is excellent. So excellent i can't really replicate anything he makes.

>> No.16056519

>talks chinese rest of the video
based af

>> No.16056537

>biting with babies

>> No.16056568

who cares, his videos are interesting to watch, well made and can give nice ideas and useful advices.
You can even be the greatest cook in the world, but if you're shit at exposing things and boring to follow, I'm not going to watch your stuff very often.

>> No.16056713
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>his videos are interesting to watch
Fagusea, we know it's you

>> No.16056739


god his voice sounds like it's going through puberty half the time.

>> No.16056841

>it's an investment
That's the point you insensitive swine.
Lots of people can't afford to invest.
>Just buy an entire thing of soy sauce and keep it
Not everyone bought $DOGE at $.00001

>> No.16056856

Put some respect to Chef John's name. Guy pioneered an entire genre of cooking videos on YouTube without the clickbait or disingenuous nature that some modern culinary YouTubers have.

>> No.16056872

Why are there no based youtube chefs that post regularly?

>> No.16057666

That's the thing though - I don't know who he is trying to appeal to with that shit. The only faggots who like that retarded cwispy daddy shit are smoothbrain zoomlets who can't afford to make his food. It just pisses everyone else off.

>> No.16057668

>Adam the soychad Ragusea is here all the time unfortunately. He is /ourguy/
>Also Kenji Lopez mentioned coming to this place

>> No.16057669

>find successful person
>try to explain why he isn't
How's that working out for you?

>> No.16057670


>> No.16057676

Chef John was one of the only guys making consistent cooking content before fagish made everyone with forearm tattoos wanna be a pro chef

>> No.16057680

because youtube success is mostly a factor of production quality. This guy just happened to be a decent chef. But it's mostly due to someone paying up front. There's no way he and his male life partner share a house with that kitchen in the LA area on fucking line chef salaries.

>> No.16057697

Ok chud

>> No.16057715

>his videos are interesting to watch
sure if you like pretentious cunts who sniff their own farts explaining why their method is the best he's a riot

>> No.16057721

but the people he's trying to appeal to are the /r/funny or /r/memes types, they want that repetitive low tier memery, that fish lens and post processing on the voice when emphasising a word kind of shit

>> No.16058095

This is very funny

>> No.16058100

Why the fuck are you on a cooking board of you obviously never cook. Spend 100 dollars at the grocery store every 6 months to stock your pantry then you're good. You really think even a poor person can't shell put 5 dollars for a bottle of soy sauce?

>> No.16058195
File: 135 KB, 900x900, unnamed (20) (7).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate this kike like you wouldn't believe. And he calls himself "french guy". No buddy you're a north-african jew that's all over your face.

>> No.16058268
File: 171 KB, 667x284, fat cahill shart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cooking board
wrong, it's a food and cooking board

>> No.16058302

He actually lives in Houston

>> No.16059234

Reading comprehension, nigga. No one said he isn’t successful. He’s even a good cook. The complaints are about his cwispy wispy fuckman vocabulary and how enraging it is to anyone over the age of 25 who isn’t a pozzed numale. As a 30 something male(male) that cutesy wutesy forced quirkiness baby talk schtick gives me the full blown shivering body willies. It’s a shame because he is a good cook. Do you think he talked like that to his coworkers on the line at that fancy restaurant he worked at?

>> No.16059313
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>> No.16059316

french people did away with ethnonationalism long time ago, suck it, racist

>> No.16059656

Worked as a Sous Chef in a mid-upmarket restaurant in Europe. Can confirm that any faggot talking like that in a real working kitchen would be feeling the back of the Head Chef's cleaver pretty fucking quickly.

>> No.16059777

Couldnt agree more. The moron makes the whole cooking experience utter shit. Watched 2 videos and never any again

>> No.16060043

I watched his how to make beer episode. If that's how he cooks then he sucks.
Weeds and Sardines is a better chef.

>> No.16060093


>> No.16060298

makes me want to punch babies

>> No.16060304

Talk shit talk pa-pa or else he will give you a spanking

>> No.16060314

You’re the biggest retard there is. Do you throw out the bottle of soy sauce after using it once or something?

>> No.16060319

I'm the only one who prefers those Japanese ASRM cooking videos? They're so clean and cute, that i want to live in that video

>> No.16060773

dude has a relatively attractive gf I think

>> No.16061680

because you have to be an annyoing fucking faggot to turn sustenance into "art"

>> No.16062531

I hate this guy
I like that sperg in mythical kitchen more

>> No.16062723

Do you lack reading comprehension? Dude says that in order t get started you have to drop a shit ton to stock your pantry to start "saving money" and he's doing like fast food shit so his audience is more than likely people that don't cook and his will not have a pantry already.
Those videos are gimmicky bullshit hat won't save anyone money and 95% of his audience will never make it. He's just more youtube trash.

>> No.16062912

Soy sauce expires?

>> No.16063110

He's as french as a parisian can be

>> No.16063147

this blokes gotta very punchable face

>> No.16063175

he is scary behind the scenes probably, he just has that looming aura of a kind uncle with criminal ties. fun videos thó

>> No.16063227

Chef John's voice has this strange quality to it that makes me frustrated, tense and clench my fists. I hate his voice.

>> No.16063260

chef john bro?

>> No.16063362

Okay we get it blah blah blah besides the fact that his whole "but cheaper" shtick pisses everyone fof in this thread... Josh is a really annoying insufferable faggot.
>constant quips throughout video
>memey editing
>annoying reddit-style delivery of instructions and jokes
>consistently interrupts people who appear in his videos

He's just an insufferable cunt that needs to get decked

>> No.16063390

You basically spelled out why you're still poor LMAO

>> No.16063472

The people who can't detect sarcasm through text alone are genuinely-intelligent people.

>> No.16063476

what are your thoughts on alex zhou?


i kinda like how i don't have to listen to him talk and he's basically off camera, kinda like how babish was before he became a faggot and his videos are well shot and comfy

>> No.16063481

this guy is also an annoying faggot with his "i'm french" shtick.

>> No.16063489

he does this purposely as a schtick. jewtube is saturated with content creators. the only way to stand out to have a schtick. look for independent (not backed by a corporation) content creators in any hobby/niche/interest on jewtube without a schtick or without meme-y clickbait content. they're quite rare.

>> No.16063499

I really don't understand his poppa kiss and poppa no like schtick. At least he's not zooming in on his own ass anymore (being filmed by an Indian guy and a fat Mexican)

>> No.16063525

How about NotAnotherCookingShow?

>> No.16063555

I really hate the bandana

>> No.16063599

i wish peaceful cuisine didnt stop uploading, i could have watched him slice cabbage in black and white forever

>> No.16064017

You’re just sawty wawty cause Poppa Joshu won’t notice you UwU

>> No.16064389

funnily enough it's coming back in vogue because of all the niggers shitting up the country :)

>> No.16065194

He's Jewish? I just thought he was a normal pale-ish North African.

>> No.16065218

Favorite moment was when he tries a bite of the Raising Cane's coleslaw and immediately retches and gags like his palate is so delicate and refined he's incapable of eating it.

>> No.16065314

This right here is what I don't like. He'll even try something you can tell he likes but he just HAS to downplay it because it undermines the purpose of the series.

>> No.16065580

I watch literally 0 food YouTubers and that's a good thing

>> No.16065589

Is Adam Ragusea's wife actually cucking him? I've been seeing this here since I can back and don't know if it's a meme or legit.

>> No.16065607

Why is Banish bad? I dislike him because he puts in what seems like a ton of production value into making the most basic shit, but is there more?

>> No.16065628

Hes jewish

>> No.16065646
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>> No.16065703

I hate this lil nigga like you wouldn't believe

>> No.16065847

I like him. His early videos had intros that delved into the history behind the dish and it's a shame he doesn't do that anymore.

>> No.16065897

Learned a ton on French technique watching this dude. He's not annoying and some of his recipes are legit.

>> No.16066196

You should have no problem with this.

>> No.16066328

I watched a video of his that was like 3 years old recently. He was much more tolerable when he didn't have so many dumb fucking catchphrases. "Let's do this, shall we?", "papa", "cwispy", and all that shit have actually made his channel worse

>> No.16066362

>waaaaa he says cwispy and I hate it
>literally never says it
Fucking /ck/

>> No.16066579

I feel like you’re just being deliberately stupid.

>> No.16066672

Adam is a terrible cook.
some of his recipes are nice and he has tips and tricks that can be used occasionally but his skill in a kitchen is absolute shit

>> No.16066686

Kenji is a better cook, and less of a faggot, and his meals are more realistic not just for show

>> No.16066893
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I hate this dude's cadence

>> No.16068394

>literally pastry cream with torched sugar on top
huh easy enough...

>> No.16068431
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What about this fella?

>> No.16068475

>how babish was before he became a faggot
When was the turning point, because I knew he was too far gone with the Maisie Williams Bread video but I know it started much sooner than that.

>> No.16068485

>independent (not backed by a corporation) content creators in any hobby/niche/interest on jewtube without a schtick
I'd like to take a moment to shout out my boi Tex of the Black Pants Legion for not being an obnoxious faggot and just doing his shit as a hobby.
He's a sellout, pure and simple. His earlier videos had a much better vibe to them and it's clear that he's cooking stuff that he wants to cook rather than cooking something that'll be obvious and get him views like shit that was off-hand mentioned in some MCU flick or Reddit cartoon sauce.

>> No.16068648

this came on my feed and i found this dude enjoyable


>> No.16068679

I like him. He's the guy adam ragusea fans believe adam to be.

>> No.16068682

overly groomed, probably a faggot

>> No.16068685

Bruno Albouze is the emperor of cringe, his recipes seem really good but i can't finish a video

>> No.16068701

one of the better cooking hipsters

>> No.16068705

who ?

>> No.16068707

good advice and looks like the good version of a west-US person

>> No.16068780

I found his knife sharpening most helpful. He’s slow retarded and clumsy like me

>> No.16068820

Just steal packets of soy and other condiments from take away joints
t.frugal chef

>> No.16068868

frog frying lodge

>> No.16068884
File: 807 KB, 1125x1527, C3DE5F06-9E76-4C9B-86F5-E822EE984E11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you fucking retarded? Immigrant poorfags buy in bulk. It’s only white trash like you who can’t figure out that buying a 50lb bag of rice for $20 once a month is cheaper than buying 10 $2 bags of pre cooked minute rice every week that think like this.
This is why you deserve to be poor and stay poor forever. You pay 5 times more for the same stuff but think you’re saving because $5 for 10 oz of soy sauce is “cheaper” than paying $7.50 for a half gallon.

>> No.16068997


>> No.16069014

like and all that shit

>> No.16069046

i try not to be the typical pretentious contrarian, but i really fucking hate this person's videos.

>> No.16069332

I only watch Marco Pierre White knorr recipes and I’ve gotten countless compliments on my food. Thanks, Marco.

>> No.16069379

My biggest grip with him is he doesn’t write out the recipe in text

>> No.16069408

adam is a soycunt

>> No.16069476

Zoomtube cooking for dumbasses power ranking

Creative, talented, and do their fucking homework tier:
>French Alex

Amateurs who know what they're talking about tier:
>Internet Shaq
>Chinese Cooking Dechinkified
>Ethan Cblowski

Talented but horrible:
>Joshua (((((((((((((Weiss)))))))))))))man
>Pro homo cucks
>J. Kenji Low-T

Untalented but bearable:
>Sam the cookiMAX
>Binging with Baldcuck

Untalented and unbearable:
>Adam "Alex YIIK" Ragusauce

Dad who just wants to barbecue:
>Ordinary Sausage

Meth addict:

>> No.16069716

for my fellow ADHD spergs out there

>> No.16069908

swap adam and babish
adam occasionally releases a good video, usually some nice objective science or whatever tricks he does as a home cook
babish is low-skill high-enthusiasm and everything he does is for show and his humour is marginally worse than adams

>> No.16069918

all cooks are faggots
more news at 11

>> No.16070621

your list is atrocious. do you even cook?

>> No.16070686

AW YES MOTHERFUCKER. Watch in production order.

>> No.16070803

>nice objective science

Please shut the fuck up.

>> No.16070972

I have serious doubt he would be able to cook in a non controlled environment outside his kitchen.

>> No.16071155

albouze is so pretentious one can't help but feel the overwhelming urge to write a stern letter to his mother for not promptly miscarrying four months into the pregnancy.

>> No.16071315

Hey, fuck off. I like Mike. He makes decent enough videos.

>> No.16071332

This guy is like the sperg in school that would try a bit too hard to be funny and loved battle history. I like him

>> No.16071426

Nah La cocina del pirata and La capital thoose can actually cook and doing great

>> No.16071446

holy shit soy sauce is not fucking expensive you nignog

>> No.16071471

t. retard indian

>> No.16071828

>I hope you take this advice to heart because it cost $1,000 in computer hardware to post it.
good one.

>> No.16072165

like I said, talented but unbearable. He has the most antisocial personality of any cooking chef, even worse than Ethan and Adam. I don't mean like he's mean or confrontational, I mean he just straight up shows disinterest for people and anything other than the process of making whatever his food is. Other cooks can be obnoxious, but he genuinely has the presence of a serial killer.

>> No.16072181

>"but cheaper" nonsense
You're absolutely right, but sadly being a pedantic fuck and measuring out two tablespoons of X ingredient and using that cost is the norm, including times when it's some ingredient that the average chucklefuck doesn't have.
What would be better would be if someone wanted to show off and make something like an "eat for a week/fortnight on $X" series, where the total cost is split up over that time period and the prices are the actual amount they spent at the grocery store, but I digress.

>> No.16072284

he was cute before he got big, now he's insufferable