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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1.08 MB, 1200x801, MSG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16052685 No.16052685 [Reply] [Original]

Why does it terrify so many novice chefs and uninformed diners?

>> No.16052698

Health scare originating in 1960s racism.

>> No.16052722

Nice thread fucko

>> No.16052769

MSG is a modern litmus test. If someone (especially a science yes qweeen slay) says it's bad for you or they're allergic then you know they're literally a retard/moron and they'll have all the basic brainwashing installed.
You mention vax, they bring up autism
You bring up mobile phones, they bring up non ionizating radiation
Totally unable to move beyond their 1 trick ponies since it's all the were taught. Also they *will* double down even if you show them evidence.

>> No.16054077
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restaurants dont use MSG. huge loss of reputation for doing so. do us all a favor and kys

>> No.16054673
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Dumping msg into your mouth like that would be fucking rough.

>> No.16054686

Free glutamic acid is an excitotoxin. Enjoy your ADD, mood disorders, and dementia.

>> No.16054690

>especially a science yes qweeen slay
That's you, brainlet.

>> No.16054705

It's a scary acronym instead of a word

>> No.16054730

>restaurants dont use MSG
i hope you don't actually believe this

>> No.16054773

I know a vietnamese family with dozens of restaurants and in every single one they use MSG.

>> No.16054833

there are plenty of asian food places that state they dont use msg

>> No.16054954

Prove it

>> No.16055048 [DELETED] 

Highly ironic post
No brain monkey nigger

>> No.16055096


>> No.16055162 [DELETED] 

It's funny cause my chinese family has become terrified of msg after seeing western media demonise it
Kind of makes me ashamed, my aunt and mother rants on and on about how MSG gives them headaches yet when I cook and include shiitake mushrooms, lots of soy sauce or make dishes with parmesan cheese, mushrooms and tomatoes they're totally fine

>> No.16055711

>shiitake mushrooms, lots of soy sauce or make dishes with parmesan cheese, mushrooms and tomatoes they're totally fine
oh boy gotta love this meme. hey sweetie, naturally occuring msg and industry extracted and concentrated msg are totally two different things

>> No.16055724 [DELETED] 

What's the functional difference in the body between glutamic acid and monosodium glutamate?
I thought as a salt it would just lose an ion and then become glutamic acid

>> No.16055726

Way to out yourself, brainwashed idiot. All hail scyence. May it guide us forward, amen.

>> No.16055752

"we dont use MSG"
>uses MKG and Disodium guanylate, like a boss

>> No.16055771

Natural source is better because magic

>> No.16055777

It's a neurotoxin

seething low IQ shills

>> No.16055778

MSG love is extremely Reddit

>> No.16055779

Free glutamate is not bound.

>> No.16055785

>so afraid of people disagreeing with you that you preemptively insult them and attack their character

>> No.16055805

Nice projection, tranny.

>> No.16055811

take meds schizo

>> No.16055813 [DELETED] 

Do you have any sources that say that unboundness significantly alters it's properties?

>> No.16055837

Jesus Christ, social "scientists" should be euthanized.

>> No.16055973

It’s not wrong, though. Dumbfucks ate incredibly salty chinkoid takeout by the pound, assumed it was caused by the ‘scary monosodium glutamate’ that they haven’t heard of, and demanded it be banned.

>> No.16055993

>I'm scared of msg and instead of proving it is bad, which I can't, I'll just keep living in my fantasy world where MSG will hurt me
Literally the same level of intelligence as a flat earther

>> No.16056020

Because it's a seasoning referred to on chemical terms. If salt was new and people were like "does this food have NACL???" and a bunch of idiots start going CAN YOU BELIEVE SOME PEOPLE WANT TO PUT SODIUM CHLORIDE ON FOOD??? You might get a different impression of it. It's just a combo of people shitting on it for different reasons and idiots hearing scary acronyms and chemical sounding words and getting freaked.

>> No.16056050

>Le dihydrogen monoxide meme
I personally avoid all chemicals and now I'm a ghost

>> No.16056086

Idk. I found a bottle of the crystals once and started adding it to food. Yummy stuff. Easy to go overboard though. When used subtley its fine

>> No.16056123

>It’s not wrong, though.
Yeah it is. It's utter horseshit.

>> No.16056134

NaCl isn't an excitotoxin, you blithering idiot.

>> No.16056168

>M..m...mu-mu excitotoxin!

>> No.16056195

Name a time and place and I'll gladly smash your face in, pantywaist.

>> No.16056392

>Can't accept evidence
>Doubled down (or more)
Nice conspiracy theory, retard. Is big sodium trying to trick you or something?

>> No.16056419

Take your meds, schizo.

>> No.16056440

You're the one talking conspiracies here idiot. But keep arguing against reality with zero evidence like a flat earther, still

>> No.16056510
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Ok if msg isn't what's giving me a fucking headache then please explain why I'm always getting sick and tired after eating general tao chicken.

Next you'll fucking say my headache isn't real it's just subconscious racism. Give me a fucking break.

>> No.16056531

Portion size and being drenched in sauce
Do you get a headache after eating mcdonalds too?

>> No.16056564

>t. admits to favoring conspiracies over scientific fact

>> No.16056594

I've been trying to replicate a few recipes from my favorite restaurant and kept failing because there was something missing. I tried MSG and suddenly everything clicked.

>> No.16056637

You seem to be the racist, as is very common with your types. I simply don't give a shit about your fucking nations and don't want to visit them.
If you want to call me racist for disagreeing with you then you must have been shillary supporters since that's the best that they can do.
Are you still seething in your closets because Trump beat your annointed one?

>> No.16056729

Synthesised glutamic acid in the form of food additive (MSG) is a neurotoxin. MSG is NOT the same isomer as naturally occurring glutamic like in meat, fish, cheese etc so it's not filtered out by the normal detoxification pathway in your body. Do your own research.

There's some literature on this but it's buried and suppressed by the "food science" industry, because MSG makes shit highly addictive. It's in almost all junk food. By the way, this is the same food industry that demonized saturated fats / cholesterol and said a lot of sugar isn't a problem. Why do you think westerners are fatter and unhealthier than ever? This shit has been going on for decades.

>> No.16056736

>I strawman people because I can't defend my bullshit product
Literally the same level of intelligence as a flat earther

>> No.16056741

Natural glutamines and synthesised glutamic acid in the form of MSG are different isomers. The do not react the same way in the body. You're literally eating a massive amount of unbound neurotransmitter when you consume MSG. It's also used as a pesticide BTW

>> No.16056745

No it's not you fucking dipshit

>> No.16056755

Fuck off junk food industry / iflscience redditor shill

>> No.16056763

Honestly, MSG fucking shmacks though.

>> No.16056764

>Here's my evidence that msg is bad
Something else, go see a doctor, get some tests instead of going full conspiracy mode when there's no scientific evidence on your side. Or does cheese and tomato also make you sick?
Post evidence, not your words Mrs anonymous. Anyone can say words in this site
The claim that it is bad for you needs substance beyond 4chan posts, so yes your arguments are on the same level.
I'm not claiming it is good for you, but you're all claiming it is bad and posting no proof then crying that others are incorrect. We can't prove a negative (that it's neutral in normal amounts) and you are all so keen to attack it with 0 evidence.
So, post proof conspiracy tards.
I can reliably trigger reactions in "MSG sensitive" people more than people who claim they are getting sick from it than the chemical itself can.
This thread is proof of it.

>> No.16056766

Yeah, I tend to add a small pinch of it to soups and broths, Really bumps up the savory-ness.

>> No.16056767

>Of course my munchausens syndrome is true, why don't you believe me!!!! You're a retard!

>> No.16056771 [DELETED] 

I'm confused, which isomer of glutamic acid is found in MSG and which is found in normal food sources i.e cheese, mushrooms, tomatoes, etc?
Wikipedia says that it can only be tasted in it's unbound form, the molecule found in MSG is an unbound anion of glutamic acid i.e glutamate and therefore that kind of implies that the glutamic acid in normal food sources is the same?
>It's also used as a pesticide BTW
Wikipedia doesn't mention it

>> No.16056776

This comment
>Cheese and tomato make you sick
I'm alvtose intolerant and i hate tomatoes. But i wonder if ketchup and sauces make me sick, i don't have them very often.

Is that the correlation?

>> No.16056781

Look up foods high in glutamine

>> No.16056803

>It's also used as a pesticide BTW
Yeah and coke is used to polish chrome and salt is used to kill bugs
I also use water to kill things so you might want to avoid that too

>> No.16056818

>I'm confused, which isomer of glutamic acid is found in MSG and which is found in normal food sources i.e cheese, mushrooms, tomatoes, etc?
L-glutamine is found naturally in foods like meat and cheese and is also one of the most common amino acids in your body . D-Glutamine is the less common isomer that is contained in MSG and can lead to excitotoxicity in the brain

>> No.16056840 [DELETED] 

>Manufactured monosodium glutamate consists to over 99.6% of the naturally predominant L-glutamate form, which is a higher proportion of L-glutamate than can be found in the free glutamate ions of fermented naturally occurring foods

>> No.16056885
File: 414 KB, 500x488, did-you-know-the-term-conspiracy-theorist-was-a-term-22995003.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So, post proof conspiracy tards.
MSG is bad, FDA is corrupt.

People should do their own research instead of mindlessly trusting corrupt government bureaucrats or internet shills like you.

>> No.16056912

MSG is proven to cause stomach cancer and pancreatic cancer. There is also a recent study out of Yale I believe that linked it to testicular cancer. I'll have my food cancer free thank you.

>> No.16056915

Degenerates like you belong on the cross.

>> No.16056924

>Words with no substance
Just because you think they sound good doesn't mean you made a point. Enjoy being literally wrong.
MSG actually prevents cancer you idiot, also it increases verility and sexual appetite.

>> No.16056932

See the sensitive children now cry out "we don't need evidence" when they realise that they can't defend their claims.
No longer "y-youre the conspiracy theorist" now it's "that term was invented to stop us" like turning 360 degrees and walking away from the issue
People who don't use MSG have ~20 IQ points less and are more likely to die from anal fissures.

>> No.16056959

Some people are sensitive to MSG
Some people are sensitive to unionized radiation

you're welcome

>> No.16056977

Many people think they are sensitive to this or that but they're actually snowflakes attempting to make their lies a reality

>> No.16056987

The problem is that many chink and gook restaurants add extra salt on top of MSG, making you consume excessive amount of sodium which lead to uneasy, high blood pressure and potential kidney failure.
It's perfectly fine to use MSG if you could control sodium intake properly.

>> No.16056990

one can eat kombu instead if he has reactions to pure MSG

>> No.16057002

No its going to give you cancer and brain tumours, don't you read this thread? It's a FDA approved psy-op, the CIA are involved.

>> No.16057004

I have no reason to think someone lies and makes his life for no reason more difficult
these people may exist, but I think it's not many
why would you make your life more stressful?

>> No.16057010

>chemical that makes food tastes better makes people eat more food
we have to make all our food bland or else people will all become obese!

>> No.16057024

Post the studies that proved MSG was carcinogenic.

>> No.16057029

Just believe me bro

>> No.16057043

Sugar and butter as well. Just all around excessively saturated in an unhealthy amount of flavorings, MSG isn't to blame

>> No.16057147

It contains huge amounts of salt. you dont notice because its also covered in sugar.

>> No.16057195

moron lol

>> No.16057398


>> No.16057786

and yet east asians who mostly used MSG didn't start becoming fat slobs until western models of food service and prepackaged shit were introduced to their countries. maybe its western diets that are the problem whitey

>> No.16057828

people who are anti-MSG are much more likely in my experience to be pro-vax and glued to their screens

>> No.16057883

Was making some pan seared chicken the other day and decided to add some msg as part of the seasoning process. Kitchen smelled somewhat of KFC that night, never really had that happen before.

>> No.16058620

Yeah, science-religious instead of science-facts

>> No.16058721


>> No.16058743
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>> No.16059731
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>try to google recipes that containing msg so I know how I should use it and how much to use
>searching for "msg" only brings up recipes that proudly point out they arent using msg
Why did we ever let women get on the internet

>> No.16059748

check salt sugar and activity levels

>> No.16059761

The same reason as there are people scurrying about today with sanitary towels tied to their faces. Pearl clutching histrionics.

>> No.16059806

Japanese people have MSG in their pantry and use it similarly to salt, yet they are among the healthiest people on earth. Makes you think.

>> No.16059833

It really doesn't anymore. Just boomers.

>> No.16059883

can confirm. Good friend of mine and I got into a huge autistic debate around MSG. Yes, he is anti-vaxxer and a total maga chud. ironically, hes a flu vaccine sales rep.

>> No.16060525

why not just do me a favour and eat the barrel of a shotgun faggot

>> No.16060531

They are also among the most autistic. Really makes you think.

>> No.16060549

appeal to nature fallacy

>> No.16060566

Free glutamic acid is a well-known neurotoxin.

See: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Excitotoxicity

>> No.16060670

>always get a headache, feel sick and tired after eating thing
>keep eating thing
Maybe the brain pain is because you've pushed too many crayons up there.

>> No.16060690

If i get sick from 1 burger joint I'm not going to swear off burgers, I'm going to keep track of the location and what I ordered for future reference. After eating from a dozen different Chinese restaurants and eating different meals i can confirm that i consistently get sick from x, y and z.

You're so quick to make a "gotcha" post that you come off as a friendless autistic sperg in real life. Glad to know I'm not as pathetic as you.

>> No.16060747
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>> No.16060779

Imagine all the umami
Weebs will like it

>> No.16060807

MSG doesn't have any taste by itself though

>> No.16060810

>t. never met a Japanese person

>> No.16060871

You seem to be the brainwashed one, as is very common with your type.

>> No.16060875

I live in Japan and people here genuinely think that corn on pizza is delicious and some sort of hidden italian delicacy. People here are really fucking nuts about italian food but can never remotely cook anything like it. There are loads upon loads of "italian" restaurants here but when you go in it's always some weird fucking japanese ripoff where they fuck up all of the dishes by adding jap shit like raw squid and eel and shit to it and then they try to fucking play it off as "real italian food". It doesn't help that people here don't know what normal bread or cheese is. It's all fucking gross. I have not had any normal-tasting cheese in all the time I've lived here, and good bread is about as rare as a properly paid salaryman. These people are born on this island, they will live their whole lives on this island, and they will die on this island without ever tasting real bread or cheese in their life and that's just sort of sad. The worst part is that because no japanese person actually knows what real italian food is like, nobody can call restaurants out on this bullshit, everyone eats it all up and calls it "honto ni umaiiiii uwuwuwu" and everyone thinks this is what real italian food is like. It's just sad. "Oh rettsu addu fishu eggu andu seaweedu to pasta carbonara don't u kno this is how rearu itarian peeporu eat!". The worst part for me is that japan doesn't just massacre classic italian food like this, but they also do it with every other country's cuisine imaginable. French, spanish, mexican, turkish, you name it. They botch everything they come across as "wow foreign so cool" but it's never apparently fucking good enough unless they douse it in soy sauce and raw octopus to make it "authentic european" food. Don't get me wrong I love me some japanese food but fuck this country for ruining foreign food culture and fuck the people for being too retarded to not know what real food is like, even though they kind of can't help it, fuck em it's gross

>> No.16060927

nice digits
you are jewish

>> No.16061086

because human psychology demand a person to get "strokes"
some people are more prone to "other people attention" that they label themselves so that they are unique and deserve attention

>> No.16061132

>All that justification for your superstition.

>> No.16061139

I live in Japan and people here genuinely think that corn on pizza is delicious and some sort of hidden italian delicacy. People here are really fucking nuts about italian food but can never remotely cook anything like it. There are loads upon loads of "italian" restaurants here but when you go in it's always some weird fucking japanese ripoff where they fuck up all of the dishes by adding jap shit like raw squid and eel and shit to it and then they try to fucking play it off as "real italian food". It doesn't help that people here don't know what normal bread or cheese is. It's all fucking gross. I have not had any normal-tasting cheese in all the time I've lived here, and good bread is about as rare as a properly paid salaryman. These people are born on this island, they will live their whole lives on this island, and they will die on this island without ever tasting real bread or cheese in their life and that's just sort of sad. The worst part is that because no japanese person actually knows what real italian food is like, nobody can call restaurants out on this bullshit, everyone eats it all up and calls it "honto ni umaiiiii uwuwuwu" and everyone thinks this is what real italian food is like. It's just sad. "Oh rettsu addu fishu eggu andu seaweedu to pasta carbonara don't u kno this is how rearu itarian peeporu eat!". The worst part for me is that japan doesn't just massacre classic italian food like this, but they also do it with every other country's cuisine imaginable. French, spanish, mexican, turkish, you name it. They botch everything they come across as "wow foreign so cool" but it's never apparently fucking good enough unless they douse it in soy sauce and raw octopus to make it "authentic european" food. Don't get me wrong I love me some japanese food but fuck this country for ruining foreign food culture and fuck the people for being too retarded to not know what real food is like, even though they kind of can't help it, fuck em it's gross

>> No.16061188

well damn, you've changed my mind
can anyone refute this?

>> No.16061211
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>> No.16061253

There's no direct mouth to brain pathway, once ingested you digest the glutamate in msg like any other amino acid and protein you ingest, like using it to make proteins

>> No.16061265

Nonsense. Only parts of the brain are protected by the bbb, and only partially.

>> No.16061272

The wikipedia article specifically mentions "direct application" and "injections" of gluatmate, which is hardly comparable to eating the stuff, most things fuck up neurons if applied directly to them, most notably just plain salt

>> No.16061276


>> No.16061281


>> No.16061298

>There's no direct mouth to brain pathway
I'm not sure what you mean by that since there literally is. Cranial nerve 1 is your sense of smell and 7 and 9 sense your taste. They are direct pathways to your head. CN1 is technically even brain tissue if you want to get into it

>> No.16061334

It's a difference of degree, not kind. Free glutamate consumed in greater quantities can achieve the same excitotoxic effect. Individuals also vary in their glutamate metabolism and the permeability of their bbb. Best bet is to avoid artificially concentrated doses of free glutamate in the form of msg, yeast extract, etc.

>> No.16061340

Not that anon; but ever considered getting a simple allergy test rather than self-diagnosing?
MSG is in a ton of things. Likewise, there are many common ingredients between Chinese dishes that aren’t MSG (if they even use it). “Chinese food makes me feel sick” isn’t an accurate test.
Especially if you’re fine after eating foods with lots of naturally occurring glutimate compounds which are handled identically by your body.
Not trying to be a dick; if you suspect a sensitivity, you really should get some positive confirmation/identification.

>> No.16061352

There's no way for glutamate to go directly from the mouth to the brain without having to move through the digestive system, which is what the whole excitotoxicity thing seems to imply

>> No.16061403
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Because it has a chemical name instead of a brand name. Research scares normies, they only know how to consume.

>> No.16061410

That's bound, dumbshit.

>> No.16061422

Foods rich in free glutamate tend also to contain allergens and irritants like tyramine, purine and histamine. Such foods all sort of correlate together and should be limited.

>> No.16061435

Its a cheap way for hacks with no talent make food taste better.

>> No.16061462

>should be limited.
Yes, the small minority who experienced adverse reactions should limit their consumption of such things.

>> No.16061499

Those who experience acute reactions are the lucky ones. Most of the rest of the population will never limit their consumption and thus slowly develop neurological disorders over decades.

>> No.16061797

Evidence that there's any difference in safety? It was asked before and not shown.

>> No.16061996

McDonalds uses MSG

>> No.16061998 [DELETED] 
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good job missing the point you sisterfucking retards

>> No.16062354

>MSG makes shit highly addictive
So does salt and sugar, but people have developed more tolerances for those. The only problem with MSG is that it's paired with calorically dense foods in the food industry meaning it may be correlated with obesity. But don't try to claim MSG makes people fat in the same way sugar does.

>> No.16062462
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>> No.16062468

stop projecting your sickening kike incest genes onto us you utter piece of shit

>> No.16062470


>> No.16062484

revolted by kikes

>> No.16062499

o shit I didn't remember yajirobe having jacked arms. I guess he's get swole carrying his fat ass up the tower.

Did Senzu Beans have MSG?

>> No.16062501

>develop neurological disorders over decades.
As has been observed with the billions of people who have consumed msg regularly for decades?

>> No.16062525

So are you saying a fatty can lose weight by adding MSG to veggies and salads and shit and "get addicted" to them?

>> No.16062574

no its bitter as shit and it feels retarded to use

>> No.16062588

drink water dood

>> No.16062595

not everyone dines at Burger King, you fat faggot

>> No.16062644

As long as they have enough self control to not over-eat the vegetables, yes it would definitely help

>> No.16063015

Yajirobe is one of the strongest people on the planet at the start of dbz, like stronger than Krillin, Yamcha and probably Tien. He's just lazy.

>> No.16063019

Burger King have to advertise their ingredients and people get scared about MSG, look at this thread.
Any non-chain restaurant is way more likely to use MSG or ingredients with MSG added, because they can.

>> No.16063169
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>no added MSG!
>contains soy sauce and disodium ribonucleotides

>> No.16063231

>Source: my ass

>> No.16063233

MSG is toxic and there's no money to be made in making this known. There is a lot of money to be made in attacking people for telling the truth

>> No.16063249

>Big MSG is coming for you
>Trust me, I'm anonymous like you
>Here's my source for my claims
Conspiracies go on /x/ schizo

>> No.16063255

>go away reee
Thanks for confirming I'm right.

>> No.16063265

>Posts conspiracy theory (governments and studies are lying about msg being ok to consume)
>Gets asked to provide proof
>No I'm right, you asking for proof confirms it
Schizo, go to /x/

>> No.16063277

>no money to be made in making this known
He says while posting on a board that hosts ads
There's money for every opinion, scientists are being paid right now to study MSG, YouTube videos are being made that have ads and sponsors, shills like you are around to try get people to not use MSG because it's use reduces sales of table and rock salts.
Also it improves mental function.

>> No.16063286

>unionized radiation
Even fucking radiation has unions now! This is anti-american commie bullshit!

>> No.16063290
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>> No.16063302


>> No.16063579

yes it does, wtf is wrong with your palate?

>> No.16063584
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>You mention vax, they bring up autism
Nice poisoning the well there, Moishe.

>> No.16063585

i bought some msg and added it to a few recipes. it made no difference. i tasted before, during, and after i added it.

>> No.16063647

It's a chinese cultural import. And the chinese literally eat gutter oil and animals that are fried alive. Chinese food standards are non-existent.

Also it's made in a lab. Only in popular use since roughly 100 years. And has a scary acronym.

All of these are good reasons to be skeptical of it as a starting position. But all studies show it's harmless, so I'm okay with using it.

>> No.16063689
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>> No.16063711

It doesn't have much effect on dishes that are already strong in flavor

>> No.16063717

>Only in popular use since roughly 100 years
It was only discovered 100 years ago, developed from seaweed extract. In the current year there are more efficient sources, but it's still just an extract of naturally occurring glutamates combined with sodium to form a salt that's stable at room temperature (just like table salt is chloride and sodium plus the additional bits)

>> No.16063754

Gives me a massive headache

>> No.16063759

its a poison, don't consume it

>> No.16063771

KFC gives me the flu half the time and MacDonald's also gives me a light headache. Thailand food though, man my head was throbbing for a whole day. The shit stays in your system for a while

>> No.16063785

Not a clue I always assumed it was people using too much of it.
Like how high fructose corn syrup isn't worse than too much sugar but they sneak it into lots of things, but for the salty side of cheap food enhancing.

>> No.16063788

>unhealthy food makes me feel bad!
not MSG's fault

>> No.16064605
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Salt, sugar, MSG, I+G = delicious

>> No.16064641
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>think that corn on pizza is delicious
i do that too

>> No.16064825

white pedo detected

>> No.16064884

Mix them into a quart of Crisco and you have the ultimate portable health food.

>> No.16064901

Have you tried sucking it off a big black cock? Oh sure you did.

>> No.16065438

For peak "commercial" flavor use palm oil.

>> No.16065482
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>> No.16065483

>getting a headache after eating food
sounds like you might just be a pussy

>> No.16065504
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Go to an asian market, buy a 5 pound bucket for a few dollars, and shovel it into your mouth and tell me it doesn't taste like anything.
Umami as a flavor doesn't taste like much without an accompaniment, but msg is certainly not flavorless.

>> No.16065561

>eating a bucket full of MSG
What would this do? Would it be like eating a bucket of salt?