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File: 36 KB, 800x445, vegan-graphic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16050550 No.16050550[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What's the actual appeal of veganism?

It seems miserable.

>> No.16050567

you get to be better than anyone and rub it on their faces.

>> No.16050578

I think most of them do it so they can feel superior, anyone with 2 brain cells knows that not eating animal products wont change the industry.

>> No.16050579

Better how? By eating the actual food of our food?

>> No.16050583

It's the same appeal as christianity, you believe you're on a higher plane of existence than people who don't believe in your religion.

>> No.16050632

You can already adapt to what the elites want us to eat before they actually force us to eat it.

>> No.16050670

>It seems miserable.

I do a vegan diet for Lent. It is very miserable.

>> No.16050699

>using a common fallacy as an argument
Heh, brainlet

>> No.16050703

Imagine if you could eat potatoes and beans for every meal

>> No.16050887
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It IS miserable. Vegans, in my experience, tend to lack true empathy. So they need to put on a charade to make it seem like they do. They also desperately want to convert the world to veganisim because they CONSTANTLY have to be surrounded by the food they claim to hate so much. Imagine going to the supermarket and constantly seeing fancy flavorful cheese, yogurt, meat (both cooked and raw) pastries with eggs and honey in them, and other goods with animal products. Sure, now there is more processed dystopian mock meats catered towards vegans, but it's not the same. So they have to consume tons of animal torture porn to keep themselves from caving. It's actually become really good business to torture animals because vegans will pay big bucks to see it.

Most factory farms, especially in the west, are held to a relatively high standard and generally take better care of their livestock than your average pet owner who keeps their dogs locked up in a crate 16 hours a day, and anyone who wants to can put in the miniscule effort it takes to simply avoid livestock factory farms and just go to a local regenerative farm. If you play your cards right you can even find a farm that does at home slaughter. No abattoir necessary! The animal doesn't even see it coming.

But vegans opt to torment themselves for a bunch of animals that could give a 2 shilling shit either way. It's a sad existence.

>> No.16050910

>in my experience
even you don't believe you lol

>> No.16050917

People don't like vegans for a reason, deal with it.

>> No.16050926

Pretending to be better then everyone else while at the same time still giving your money to the same companies responsible for meat farming and selling meat

>> No.16050927

It is an eating disorder. It is a way to restrict calories and reject food you are offered without arousing too much suspicion, or too many questions.

>> No.16051016

Vegans are just another demented type of puritan.

>> No.16051024

Why do you think it's miserable?

>> No.16051853

Mental gymnastics they go through to make their green shit look like meat

>> No.16051892

i could live without meat, if you like animals that much its okay i guess but not drinking milk or eating eggs is dumb

>> No.16051897
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1st thing that got me into it is how horrible animals are treated in the animal product industry (fishing absolutely wrecks the oceans BTW and if we all resorted to and hunting isn't sustainable in any capacity for current populations).

2nd thing is how vegans on average have longer life expectancies. I feel much better ever since I got off animal products in my gut.

3rd its best for the environment as it reduced land drastically needed for pasture and animal feed since per calorie crops are much more efficient than animals especially larger ones

4th is how I've always loved vegan food, always , you're just oblivious to what's good since you eat meat with every meal

Quite simple really

>> No.16051908

Not drinking milk is absolutely justified, the cycle of milk production for a cow is only sustained by making the cow breed every year then taking that calf away, with male calfs almost always slaughtered and female calfs adding to the cycle of pain, the cows often calling out for weeks for their lost calf. Their treatment in 99 percent of cases is absolutely abhorrent in the USA

Eggs, if you have chickens yourself, is debatably better than most. However, chickens have been bred to have so many eggs from selective breeding that their bones break from calcium deficiency, so you need to feed their shells back to them to ensure this doesn't happen. Obviously in 99 percent of cases chickens are treated abhorrently in the USA too

>> No.16051918

>you need to feed their shells back to them to ensure this doesn't happen
not a big deal

>> No.16051922

>how horrible animals are treated in the animal product industry
Less cruel than they do in nature by other animals. Humans are animals as well, don't deny it.
>fishing absolutely wrecks the oceans
Big fish eats smaller fish, it's the natural order.
>3rd its best for the environment as it reduced land drastically needed for pasture and animal feed since per calorie crops are much more efficient than animals especially larger ones
You are destroying nature and environment to create more farmlands.
>I've always loved vegan food, always , you're just oblivious to what's good since you eat meat with every meal
I love eating grass and empty fillers - Said no one ever.
>thing is how vegans on average have longer life expectancies. I feel much better ever since I got off animal products in my gut.
They don't. And you experience a placebo, like with every diet.
Those cows live much better lives than they would do in nature.

Again, vegans are absolutely mentally ill and detached from reality. Literal cultists.

>> No.16051924

The same thing that causes everyone to take up retarded ideals- the addiction to dopamine and social credit

>> No.16051927
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Go eat kale or something.

>> No.16051928

>It seems miserable.

>> No.16051950

lmao, I'm neither Anon you quoted but you're delusional.

>> No.16051965

i don't like death in my body. i love vegetables and shit like that. i love that i can eat a fat burger witouth the killing. its just that simple for me :)

>> No.16051978

It is miserable because it is mostly made as a countermovement to super obese people that have 300+ pounds and can barely walk but eat 10burgers with a diet coke per meal. It starts with kind of 4-minute video with dramatic music and text on it going something like”one burger has meat from 69 cows” and video is grayed out while showing animals in cages or smth. But then a color explosion, happiness, nature, plucking a single apple from a garden and a happy satisfied bite or a salad with enough colors to require epilepsy warning and how that is sooo much better. How more people have to do this and how this is saving the world. So people jump in and justify their misery by pretending they’re better than other people.
I met few normal ones but those are vegetarians and only went vegans for a month or so to give it a try.

>> No.16051985

Vegetables are living, too.

>> No.16052000


>> No.16052014

but dude lol the animals you
're eating are more miserable like haha just eat the plants ok?

>> No.16052026

Fuck. You.

>> No.16052087

People don't like vegans cause they are insecure that they are weak and can't do such a simple thing as change their routine a bit just not to rely on killing and torturing animals.

>> No.16052096

Rape and cannibalism is common among animals.Would it be ok to rape and eat you? IT's natural.

>> No.16052124

>comparing rape and cannibalism to eating animals raised and meant for the consumption
Absolute mental illness

>> No.16052138

Meant by who? If someone means to rape and eat you. You are meant to be raped and eaten. What's the difference?

>> No.16052146

Lol. The irony is that you are actually the one who pays people to forcefuly empregnate cows by showing their hand with a sperm syringe in the vagina as a part of the process and defends it.

>> No.16052147

They are raised with the specific reason to be eaten. They differ a lot from the wild versions. I don't know what you don't get. People have been eating meat for milions of years and will continue to do so. We're not evolved to run on plants, but on protein and fat, animal one, mind you.

>> No.16052155

The irony here is that you're so stupid, that you don't even realise that the same concerns that produce meat products, produce your soyshit as well. Imagine actually thinking that you will change thousands of years of order by simply forbidding yourself from eating delicious food. Mental illness and snowflake complex, you don't matter.

>> No.16052167

It would me ok for you to try. However, your weak vegan body is no match for my +p 115g projectile

>> No.16052176

It's about making other people miserable.

>> No.16052177

Prove that you are raised with not a specific reason to be raped and eaten yourself. What does make you think you were not made for that? And we are clearly not designed to be carnivores in the sense you think. Our jaws are not strong enough to consume unprocessed wild meat of large animals. Our stomach acid is not acidic enough to deal with infections and parasites from raw meat. But it doesn't even matter actually. We clearly can live well without having to kill. Isn't it enough?

>> No.16052182

>appeal of veganism?
its a mental illness expressed as a diet lifestyle

>> No.16052192

>Our jaws are not strong enough to consume unprocessed wild meat of large animals.
fossil record suggests that ancient human ancestors with teeth very similar to our own were regularly consuming meat 2.5 million years ago. That meat was presumably raw because they were eating it roughly 2 million years before cooking food was a common occurrence.

>> No.16052195
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It's immoral to eat meat but humans are designed to be raped. You vegans are silly sad people.

>> No.16052223

Fossil records suggest that your ancestors had too much chromosomes on their genome,

>> No.16052225

I wouldn't expect anything more from a mentally ill person.

>> No.16052246

Why do you even talk to me and want to prove your diet is better so much? If it was so good, and veganism is so wrong, would you even give attention. Do you go to coprofag forums and tell them they eat shit? Would you reply the same way in coprofag threads? What hurts you so much in veganism that you try to prove me that i'm mentally ill?

>> No.16052248

It's the vegans that attention whore, not normal people

>> No.16052286

You've never had homemade soymilk fruit milkshakes or fried chicken okara, or seitan double cheeseburgers that tastes exactly like McDonald's $1 menu, but yeah it is miserable, hopefully the market bubble doesn't pop

>> No.16052376
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It's just another scam designed to trick people into believing they are doing something impactful while in reality they aren't. Same thing with driving expensive electric cars or eating bugs instead of pork. Yes, keeping the environment clean and maintaining it is all good, but that's not the problem here. The problem is that people don't see the bigger picture. Human population constantly increasing without stopping anytime soon in my opinion is a far bigger problem than arguing about whether cows being slaughtered for food is torture when that's been a thing humanity has been doing ever since we first started domesticating animals. Not to mention the amounts of food that goes to waste. In short it's a really complicated issue.

>> No.16052503

>boycotts have no impact on profits

>> No.16052514

I went vegan for veganuary, and haven't looked back. It's excellent. I have much more energy, am happier, don't have to live with the concern that I'm causing needless suffering and environmental problems with the food I eat.

>> No.16052522

>um, actually, it's a very complicated issue, so there's no point in making any personal changes to address it or take responsibility at all

Fuck off nihilist.

>> No.16052542

How many threads we getting attacking vegans and vegetarians here per day? I'd say many. That's literally attention whoring. Making a thread about something you DON'T do.

>> No.16052543

Where did I say or imply that we shouldn't do anything, retard?

>> No.16052552

This is just dumbass teenage nihilism. The environment is a complicated issue, that doesn't mean you shouldn't do things which are easy and objectively better for the environment.

>> No.16052588

>This is just dumbass teenage nihilism. The environment is a complicated issue, that doesn't mean you shouldn't do things which are easy and objectively better for the environment.
Ok, then people should stop having kids, especially in poorer countries. Problem solved.

>> No.16052589

>No trips
>99% of cases
>No studies
Is this guy lying on the internet?

>> No.16052594

That doesn't solve the problem. Poorer countries and their emissions are not the problem but rich countries and their emissions done by overconsumption. You fucking idiot.

>> No.16052605

>things which are easy and objectively better for the environment
Not having kids is neither of these things.

>> No.16052613

Because they feel bad for the animals that get slaughtered and used to make food.
t. friend of a vegan

>> No.16052620

Are you really doubting that the treatment of dairy cows is incredibly cruel? That seems like wilful ignorance.

>> No.16052681

>That doesn't solve the problem.
Yes it does, you fucking shithead. If they are less people on the planet the pollution levels would drop very quickly. How come you haven't figured that out yet? 8 billion people is a fucking insane number do you want 5 billion more?
>Poorer countries and their emissions are not the problem but rich countries and their emissions done by overconsumption.
I guess China, India, Bangladesh and many more are now considered rich countries. Didn't know I was talking to a fucking moron.
>You fucking idiot.
And you are a fucking bitch that needs to get his buttchecks slapped.
>use a condom
>birth controll
>pull out before ejaculating
>don't have sex in the middle of civil war
Wow that is so hard.

>> No.16052692

it's just a cleaver way to reduce your lifespan so you can escape the suffering and leave this miserable existence behind .

>> No.16052700


The thing is that once you're vegan for a while, regardless of the initial reason, you kind of forget what real meat and cheese taste like and it becomes autopilot like anything else you barely think about on a day to day basis.

Tbh my diet is about 50% hummus or canned vegetarian chili or baked beans. I make and eat a lot of mock meats and enjoy them probably in large part because they hit the same notes as what I remember of meat, but I remember meat so vaguely that it doesn't really matter if they miss a lot of the subtlety.

As for why? Honestly it is just a habit at this point. I go to the grocery store and it's not like I'm consciously deciding not to buy meat, I just don't have a good reason to do so and it's been so long that I don't really crave it in the same way I crave seitan. I guess one big bonus is I don't have to worry about cross contamination and can do everything on one cutting board, and I have familial high cholesterol that seems largely offset by it.

Also I can throw it in a smug liberal's face when they criticize other things I do. Like yeah I drive a 30 year old ranger and have no plans to buy electric in the near future, but you've activated my trap card

>> No.16052724

>wow that is so hard
Yeah it is. You'd have to be very immature to think "not having children" is an easy decision to make with your life.

>> No.16052734


Tiktok is full of teenagers complaining they can't get a hysterectomy at age 19 because they're absolutely certain they NEVER want kids and demand absolute respect for saving the planet by sterilizing themselves, and these misogynistic doctors don't believe women which is why they won't sign off on the surgery

>> No.16052741

>What's the actual appeal of veganism?
it's just people with no real problems in their lives.
It's rich persons fad.

>> No.16052760
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Good and proper veganism requires more autism than calorie counting, the kind where you don't feel miserable from boring food and nutrient deficiencies
Only public figure i know of that has done it properly is clarence, he's on ped's but that's not really gonna make you hate yourself any less if you're eating shit food

>> No.16052766

>Yeah it is. You'd have to be very immature to think "not having children" is an easy decision to make with your life.
Omg you are a brainless motherfucker. Where did I type that you should NEVER have children in your entire life??? Are you illiterate or something? All I suggested was that if you live in a shithole country torn by war, famine and corruption maybe, just MAYBE it isnt a good idea to have 10 children by the age of sixteen. Get it now?

>> No.16052779

>Where did I type that you should NEVER have children in your entire life???
Right here:
>people should stop having kids, especially in poorer countries

>> No.16052784

Maybe you should go on indian boards and yell at them about how daiwy is scawwie!!! Seeing as india has 100x more dairy cattle than the united states.

>> No.16052786


>> No.16052797

Shut up and eat your soy, professional victim

>> No.16052804

Funny how animal feed is the number one driver of soy production

>> No.16052805

Completely wrong. You need B12 and iodine, that's all.

>> No.16052815

>All I suggested was that if you live in a shithole country torn by war, famine and corruption maybe, just MAYBE it isnt a good idea to have 10 children by the age of sixteen.

I mean, how do you stop people from having sex? A country like that probably doesn't have great access to contraceptives, family planning services or sex education in general. It's human nature to want to fuck.

>> No.16052818

I've worked with 4 different vegans in the last 10 years they all (except 1) were exactly the same.
insufferable moralists that had no idea that they were still using animal products even if they didn't eat them.
total jerks when taken to a restaurant.
told you the moment you met them that they were vegan.
tried their best to constantly gross you out with bizarre trivia about meat.
full of food conspiracies.

The one guy who was different never told me he was vegan but of course quickly figured it out. he never preached at me about it, never did any of the above things. had no problems with killing bugs and rodents. was the best person to argue with I ever met. never escalated an argument or yelled. because he was so chill every year at christmas when my wife made cookies for people I would make him vegan cookies. But he was constanly eating soylent, nuts, and whatever vegan chow he could find. non stop eating all day long.

>> No.16052823

And both of those are supplemented in animals anyway so it's just which step in the chain takes the supplement

>> No.16052827

>I've worked with 4 different vegans and they were all the sitcom stereotype of people with their dietary choice.
Sure Jan.

>> No.16052838

That statement could mean a lot of things if you ignore its context (which was about how human population growing) and just use it like that. Looks like I had to be more specific since you don't get it. But even then my point still stands. This world doesn't need more and more people. It's simply unsustainable.

>> No.16052839
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doesn't like the truth so dismisses it and tells me I'm lying.

still true regardless.

>> No.16052841

And the relevance is?

>> No.16052843

one guy we made the mistake of having lunch with ordered his food and had to have it sent back and redone 4 times before it met his idea of vegan.

we had ordered, ate our food and still had to wait an hour for him. never went to lunch with him again.

>> No.16052856

Keep telling yourself that while you increase the drive for soybean oil (which in turn increases the amount of human inedible livestock feed).

https://www.oilseedandgrain.com/soy-facts (85% of the worlds soybeans are processed for oil)
All because you are scared of some tallow, (of all livestock, ruminants eat the least soy due to them not being more efficient at converting grains, chaff, silage, and grasses to meat and milk)

Stop regurgitating this blatantly false fact and accept that veganisim is a flawed philosophy only appropriate for those with an irrational fear of life and the ugliness that comes with it. You're only trying to convince yourself. And that's fine. But I have no issue with animals dying for my food.

>> No.16052860

Health, ethics, hippy fad, legitimate conditions, or anything else vegans say made them vegans

>> No.16052867

Yeah, I've met this guy. Ordered a vegan salad and sent it back because the lettuce wasn't organic so "not really vegan" then sent it back a second time because the tomatoes were imported so "not really vegan". He spent the entire meal telling us how he was vegan and how I'm a murderer because my shoes are leather. At the end he left without paying, saying that money is tested on animals or some shit, and marched out the restaurant chanting "dairy is scary". Why are vegans like this :(

>> No.16052869

Bro, this isnt rocket science when it comes to sex and getting pregnant. It's common sense to know how to avoid getting your woman pregnant. Just pull out and be done with it. That's how I've done it.

>> No.16052872


>> No.16052887
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>I'd love to live in a victimless world as well, but the fact remains, we do suffer from the same conditions as dogs when on high sugar, cats as hypercarnivores suffer even more (and can't take it for long). Sure, we can get by not killing for food, but we can not stay healthy that way, and I will not commit atrocities on my self for the sake of other animals, four legged or not, I'm not here to be a martyr...

Vegans are some of the most delusional two-faced mentally ill people you could encounter.
Fighting till death against the horrible conditions of chickens while at the same time pretending like the horrible conditions of underage underfed preteen little kids who make their shirts and assemble their iphones don't exist at all. Pretending like mass market land draining monoculture vegetable growing is "natural" and "organic", acting like Pedro gives a single fuck about veganism and isn't killing and spraying thousands of insects, rodents and birds that get near his crops. Or that your precious avocado wasn't the product of mexican cartels extorting hundreds of mexican families. Applying their arguments only for one side, for example all the fuckload of ex vegans who stopped being vegan their strong argument is that's because "they didn't do it properly", but they don't apply the same "eat properly" argument when talking about meat eaters and will frequently sell studies about obese amerilards eating nothing but pizza, ice cream and soda as standard meat eaters and yell CANCER HEART DISEASE YOU'LL DIE yeah no shit if you're shoving processed meats and sugar on the daily.

>> No.16052890

It's incredible how abstaining eating meat makes some people this butthurt. You're not forcing them to eat or not eat anything or affecting anyone in any way by not eating meat yourself yet this is somehow enough to send people into a rage and unbelievable mental gymnastics. Take a look at this thread, carnists are unironically trying to argue that the people who refuse to eat animal products are the ones who lack empathy.

>> No.16052895
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The revelance being that more and more people being born doesn't help our current situation, smoothbrain. Do I need to spell out everything to you?

>> No.16052897

Not an argument.

>> No.16052903

The thread is about veganism.

>> No.16052910

I worked in the restaurant industry in Baltimore. The small circle of people I knew that were vegan and were servers or bartenders were alcoholics or addicted to coke or opiates. Perfect excuse when your drug addiction destroys your appetite.

>> No.16052916

We just don't want to have animals killed. Let us know when you can come up with better strawmen than "you get cartel-grown avocados" or "muh pesticides" (despite the fact that cattle eats crops anyway so it's a moot point).

>> No.16052919


>> No.16052926
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>>16050550 (OP)
It's a cute idea, and I've tried probably 9 or 10 different versions of vegetarian and veganism over the years, but none of them have stuck. As a (former?) IBS guy, the only diet I've ever found to basically get rid of it is a simple diet of salad-eggs-coffee for breakfast, meat and veg with olive oil for mains and certain fruits, cheeses and nuts as snacks. The plant-based route just leaves me shitting buckets, farting out entire rooms, and generally being in excruciating pain for most of the day. And yes, I've tried stuff like cutting out high FODMAP foods, cutting out wheat, etc. None of it worked.

If your body works well with that kind of diet, I say fucking go for it. To each their own and all that, but I suspect the reason why veganism hasn't gone fully mainstream with common people despite all the media shilling is because there's at least a dozen or more common things that can just render it completely pointless or, worse, an actual detriment to your quality of life.

Anyway to cut the life story bullshit, in answer to your question op I imagine for a lot of people they go vegan for environmental reasons, which is cool, but it certainly didn't fucking work for me.

>> No.16052934

I dont feed either of those to my livestock

>> No.16052940

I already expressed my opinion in one of my posts about it and how the population of earth constantly expanding is much more serious problem. Not my problem you got butthurt.

>> No.16052943

If you go from that to veganism in one move then obviously your gut's going to complain. You need to move over slowly so that gut bacteria have time to adjust.

>> No.16052945

Why are arguments against vegans so weak and dishonest?
>I bet your avocado was grown by a cartel xD
>I bet you killed lots of insects to grow your veggies xD

>> No.16052955

Animals will die regardless of your abstinence.

>> No.16052959

This was meant for >>16052903

>> No.16052965

Alright so you take your supplements, you're still not gonna feel good about eating the same 5 things day in and day out cause you're too uneducated to eat a proper and varied vegan diet and you don't need to look any further than youtube "why i stopped being a vegan" and find boatloads of retards who can't do it right

>> No.16052966

Your rice is grown by ducks.

>> No.16052967

"If I don't torture dogs, someone else will."

>> No.16052969
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About 85 percent of the world's soybean crop is processed into meal and vegetable oil, and virtually all of that meal is used in animal feed.

The number one driver of deforestation for soy feed is to create more animal feed, there is no way vegans and vegetarian could generate the demand you are talking about. Some two percent of the soybean meal is further processed into soy flours and proteins for food use… Approximately six percent of soybeans are used directly as human food, mostly in Asia.

You are lying to your face to compensate. Even if you didn't care about intelligent beings suffering abhorrenly, pig having the same intelligence as toddlers, there would be tons of environmental benefits as well as meat is hugely inefficient er calorie and uses up much more land than pure crops would to feed the population.

>> No.16052976

Yeah, this just has no relevance here. It's what-aboutism. You may as well wade into any debate with "but this unrelated thing is more important!"
You have failed to engage at all with any of the points for or against veganism.

>> No.16052987
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Listen dude, didn't you already accept that what you are doing is futile? Go back to growing pole beans with your mom and being "mostly vegetarian"

>> No.16052990

You've got it backwards, I went from that to my current diet, not the other way around. Tried regular vegetarianism for about 2 and a half years including trying to limit gluten and lectins for digestion reasons and all I got to show for it was a seriously bloody asshole.

Like I say, I'm all for the environmental cause behind it, but as far as my experience goes it seems like there just isn't a one-size-fits-all diet. Not everyone in our population of 8 bil has to go vegan to steer the planet in the right direction, and I don't think it's particularly radical to say that there are plenty of reasons why full time veganism might not work on an individual health level.

>> No.16052991

Here's something for vegans in this thread

>> No.16052995

>eating the same 5 things day in and day out
Nobody does that.
>cause you're too uneducated to eat a proper and varied vegan diet
Just eat what meat-eaters do without the meat and milk. Simple. Or are you saying that you eat the same five meals everyday?

>> No.16053006

forgot to specify that of those 2 and a half years, the first two years were vegetarian and the last 6 months were vegan

>> No.16053008

I can't stop what my parents cook and use. Once I'm out after my Alevels are finished I'm going the full way

>> No.16053009
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alright how come this thread is allowd but not the one about how british men are refusing to give up on meat

>> No.16053011

> I don't like what you have to say so I'll just deem your posts as irrelevant
Ok faggot. Just so you know veganism won't save the planet no matter how much vegetables you shove in your mouth or your ass for that matter.

>> No.16053012

>no argument
>just a screencap

>> No.16053013

It's better to have 8 billion people reducing animal product consumption than 1 million vegans true

>> No.16053015

Interesting video. Got to the first "expert" and it's someone called Dr Frank Mitloehner. Quickly checked who this is and...
>Mitloehner is funded by the Beef Checkoff Program, and initiative of the Cattlemen's Beef Board
Every time.

>> No.16053017

The thread is about veganism. Your attempts to shift onto a discussion about overpopulation has failed, and is indeed completely irrelevant.

If you want to discuss something and be respected for your input you need to actually engage with the topic.

>> No.16053036

>The thread is about veganism.
No shit Sherlock.
>Your attempts to shift onto a discussion about overpopulation has failed, and is indeed completely irrelevant.
That was never my intention. I simply said what I thought about veganism and then you started arguing with me.
>If you want to discuss something and be respected for your input you need to actually engage with the topic.
I don't want your shitty respect. I get to say whatever is on my mind. You not agreeing with me is something entirely different.

>> No.16053037


No trolling. The eco point of being vegan/vegetarian I understand and they have a point.

But these days being so is very expensive and companies and suppliers are intentionally overcharging people easy to grow vegetables like kale, soy and avocados.

If you want to get rid of meat products that have the biggest environmental impact. Is slow down or even stop fishing, stop beef and pork production. Just not chicken, that works.

>> No.16053046

Do you have anything to say about veganism? Not overpopulation, but veganism, which is the topic of the thread.

>> No.16053049

"why i stopped being a vegan" is actually, if you are attentive, mostly about social pressure.

>> No.16053060

And look, he says if everyone in the US went vegan then GHG emmissions would decrease by 2.6%, even though studies and scientists which aren't stooges for the meat industry put it at around 17%. Fancy that.

>> No.16053069

Have sex and shut the hell up

>> No.16053072

THose pesky vegans don't let cows catch a break. I mean. Don't you suppose to LOVE animals? And if everyone go vegan there would be no cows. Lol. So stupid those vegans. We surely should have better education in schools.

>> No.16053075
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Maybe its also about how obnoxious pushy vegans actually deter people from trying or continuing veganism because they do not want to be associated with asshole vegans?

Seriously, I mean, I have a million reasons Im not vegan, but I wouldn't have any issues with vegans if they just kept their lifestyle to themselves.

>> No.16053076


Greenhouse gasses are the dumbest argument for veganism

The best argument is that industrialized animal ag on the scale needed to feed everyone like Americans is a huge risk to humans because it's the perfect breeding ground for pathogens that might become pandemic. Antibiotic resistance and whatnot.

Unironically eat the bugs

>> No.16053081

>It's dumb
Then you should be able to present a counter-argument pretty easily. Go ahead.

>> No.16053084

Oh. And meateaters always have a healthy diet and all of them are in a healthy bmi range?

>> No.16053088

Smart. IT's better to have more good then less. Very smart thought.Yes. Bigger number is better. Based.

>> No.16053089


Insects and bivalves are a more greenhouse efficient source of protein than beans

>> No.16053090

I see veganism as something in the right direction, but executed poorly. I simply can't imagine anyone limiting themselves when it comes to food. To me it seems kinda wrong.

>> No.16053092

>fishing absolutely wrecks the oceans
thats mostly the asians, a lot of fish can be caught sustainably and with low ecological damage

>vegans on average have longer life expectancies
we're already living long enough, also there's a bias to that. vegans in the west tend to also be proactive about their health since their veganism is part of their lifestyle/personality, so they take measures the average meat consumer wouldnt to promote health.

>3rd its best for the environment as it reduced land drastically needed for pasture and animal feed since per calorie crops are much more efficient than animals especially larger ones
not true, at least not in terms of efficiency. per calorie sure but that's only for starches which arent that nutritious. meat is incredibly filling and nutritious. you need less meat to satiate a person than you do broccoli, and vegetables/fruits create nearly as much waste as meat. most of the environmental damage comes from transportation and harvesting/storing.

>> No.16053094

Chicken is actually the worst.

>> No.16053118


>> No.16053122

>Seriously, I mean, I have a million reasons Im not GAY, but I wouldn't have any issues with FAGGOTS if they just kept their lifestyle to themselves.

>> No.16053141

I see your point
I don't see why

>> No.16053148

Calm down bro

>> No.16053154

If you consider morality to apply to animals, then it's probably not ethical to raise animals as food, or to kill an animal for food, since we are capable of surviving without them.

I think I agree with vegans on that but I also pretty much don't care and will continue eating animal products as they're tasty and nutritious

>> No.16053160
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Bait threads are better for sustenance than meat or vegetables

>> No.16053165

>plants feed on animal decomposition and feces to thrive
>have to genocide bugs and vermin in order to harvest enough to feed billions of people
Dunno, seems like vegans are homicidal maniacs who can't count.

>> No.16053176
File: 1.92 MB, 1200x800, WE COULD FEED THIS STUFF TO PEOPLE GUYS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, what's your point?

>> No.16053182

This doesn't really follow, it takes way more vegetable harvesting to feed animals to produce meat than it does to just harvest the vegetables and feed them to people directly.
Is your comment what people call a "got ya"?

>> No.16053186

Bro you can see God just believe in Jesus Christ, unironically

>> No.16053190

Fellow britbong?

>> No.16053191

You retards make this too easy. See >>16052969 and come back when you can come up with anything resembling an argument.

>> No.16053192

Chicken and egg industry kill the most amount of animals then any other industries combined. They are terribly unsafe for humanity as rates for microorganism mutation is also much bigger. They are the biggest consumer of crop.

>> No.16053197

Plants feed on nutrients which are not restricted to animal decomposition and feces. Typical fertilisers are focused on potassium, phosphorus and nitrogen. There are too many to count non animal based sources of these

On your harvest point, it's kind of redundant seeing as more crops have to be produced per calorie of meat than the base crop itself to feed people

>> No.16053205

Humans are not animals, animals don’t have the capability of critical thought

>inb4 Duuuhhh I saw a monkey use a tool

You know that’s not the same

>> No.16053209

That old joke about
>how do you know someone's vegan? He tells you HAHAHAHAHAHA
was never true.

>> No.16053210

My point is that you just cannot accept something unusual to you. When your point of view get challenged you just put yourself into a defensive position and ready to spuit and believe any nonsense just to retain the vision and dignity of self.

>> No.16053214

I see his point about them being the most efficient per calorie of feed. Although I fully agree with you on their suffering and microorganism mutation. I see both points

>> No.16053215

Cause tastes like trash.

>> No.16053223


That's just sad.

>> No.16053228

Indeed indeed, am a brit myself. On that point of conversation one of the reasons I got into this diet circle was seeing the sheer amount of land dedicated to pasture and lack of natural environment in this country

>> No.16053232

>doesn't understand that eating 1lb of fat, blood, and organs is much more nutritiously efficient than eating 5lbs of lettuce per day
How can you grow all that lettuce for people, without killing the lesser organisms that feed on it naturally?

>> No.16053234
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>> No.16053250
File: 150 KB, 854x481, cattle grazing in desert.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You do know most arable land is only good for pasture, right?

>> No.16053254

>Indeed indeed, am a brit myself
You're either a brainlet, underage or barely legal then since A-levels are done between 16-18, pick two. On topic though, I've only met a few vegans who don't have the vegan save the world mentality. They don't eat meat because they cant digest it properly anymore because of some condition they have, they aren't fussed about saving animals because they don't make much difference. The other moralfag vegans gave up during lockdown.

>> No.16053256

>plants visibly growing
>"plants can't grow here!"
Bitch I grow carrots in a little raised be on my concrete driveway. Plants can grow anywhere.

>> No.16053266

Do those look like carrots?

>> No.16053273

I don't think you get the point or the statistics. Animals eat crops more than what would be produced to feed people with the crop itself, taking into account the calories. As for your other point debating the health of the vegan diet, on average vegans usually have a longer lifespan
Not in the UK at least, tis all green and arable where I live. And when cattle are let loose on deserts like in your pic (where they aren't endemic naturally) it might be even worse as due to the lack of vegetation in the first place it causes erosion and damage to the local environemnt at staggering rates
I'm 18. And I guess I do have the moral fag save the world mentality as you put it

>> No.16053279

I think areas are like that due to the lack of water in most cases. In california it is one of the most fertile regions on earth to grow crops when water is diverted to it

>> No.16053285

Serious question, why do meat eaters always lose debates with vegans?

>> No.16053304
File: 163 KB, 592x592, fruit and vegetable farms.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If brits were so efficient at growing crops then why are you always outsourcing?

I mean, shit, in the 1800s you starved most of ireland to death while they were growing most of your food.

Pic rel is where you get your produce year round. Grown by underpaid african migrant workers in Almeria who are exposed to carcinogenic chemicals and in sweltering hot muggy plastic greenhouses making 600 euros a month working 6 and a half days a week.

But you think it's better to support that instead of some ruminants eating grass because somehow its unsustainable even though they've been doing it for millions of years.

You've got a LOT of learning to do, kid.


>> No.16053327

There's no debate like ever, only whining of vegans, along extreme mental gymnastics and feminine hysteria.

Humans need meat, it's what put us on the top of the food chain.

>> No.16053335

>Humans need meat, it's what put us on the top of the food chain.
Arguments like this are why meat eaters always lose debates with vegans.

>> No.16053348

>I'm 18. And I guess I do have the moral fag save the world mentality as you put it
Give it five years or so and I bet your attitude will change
>If brits were so efficient at growing crops then why are you always outsourcing?
It's cheaper I assume, like how China makes loads of our shit.
>Grown by underpaid african migrant workers in Almeria who are exposed to carcinogenic chemicals and in sweltering hot muggy plastic greenhouses making 600 euros a month working 6 and a half days a week.
As a wagie myself I know this is an issue worse off than cows. What would they be doing though if they weren't working? Maybe eating eachother
Either meat eaters get tired arguing with vegans or vegans just keep going with muh morals and my teeth are fine dirty carnie shit

>> No.16053350

If you want to deny basic science, then go ahead. Meat protein and animal fat is what made our brains develop more and quickly. This isn't up for any debate.

>> No.16053356

you sound like a grade-A moron
eat more tripe

>> No.16053360

What mental gymnastics? It's meat eaters who claim not wanting to harm or kill animals or damage the environment is proof of not having empathy.
Also you ignored this post >>16052969 which shatters your only attempt at something you wish were an argument.

>> No.16053368
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Vegans have higher testosterone levels than carnists though. You must be confusing your arterial plaque with testosterone.

>> No.16053373

And yet vegans have a higher IQ than non-vegans. Really makes you think...

>> No.16053374

You're not arguing with statistics or facts you're arguing with emotions so I don't see if either of us can get any more out of this
No I don't think I will change my ways back to meat eating and milk chugging ,after I learnt what happens to the large majority of animals in modern farming practices there was no going back. Veganism is a rising trend in the West, it seems you are the one whose views are out of date

>> No.16053378

>Animals eat crops more than what would be produced to feed people with the crop itself
So you're talking about starving animals to death, in order to feed more people? You're a disgusting person.

>> No.16053383

Same calorie intake in my argument so no

>> No.16053396

Why arctic bears are so dumb then? They eat the most healthy fat-rich diet.

>> No.16053401

This is legit embarrassing.

>> No.16053406

You aren't even vegan though. You said it yourself, you're mostly vegetarian. How can you go back to something you haven't even left?

>> No.16053417

>Veganism is a rising cult in the West, it seems you are the one whose views are out of date
Fixed that for you, my views don't matter because I do what I feel like and eat what I feel like. I don't get pressured into doing "the right thing" because I simply don't care, like you teenagers do. You're still in school so of course you'll have that mentality because most teens struggle to think for themselves, and aren't usually privy to what's going on. One day you'll eat a cheeseburger because you'll be so tired it'll be the thing yoy want that hits the spot just right.

>> No.16053438

>Our jaws are not strong enough to consume unprocessed wild meat of large animals.
huh this is pretty nonsense, do you think ancient animals were made of stone or something?
besides the fat is anyway the important part, and that's easy to eat even with deteriorated vegan teeth like yours.

>> No.16053442

>We eat meat cause we think for ourself

>also meateaters
>veganism wouldn't work cause i don't see everbody giving up on meat. And i just do what everyone does.

>> No.16053444

Vegan here. I must admit carnists have made unrefutable arguments itt while we've done nothing but pull out strawmen and other fallacies. We better get back to our vegan forums and discuss how to improve our discussion tactics for next time. Although to be fair, it's more likely for me to drop veganism altogether after having my eyes opened by carnists through actual statistics and logical argumentation. Carnists won, we lost.

>> No.16053446


>> No.16053450


plants are sentient too fren

>> No.16053451

I don't eat meat or chug milk as a standard practice. Its mainly small things included in packaging which my mom cooks, which I am on my way out from once i have personal choice
I don't embrace nihilism when there are clear things that can be done to make the world a better place. Anyway they're engineering lab grown meat so there is hope you'll be satiated one day without so much harm

>> No.16053458

Dude.You kinda make a fool of yourself. Have you ever prepared food? When you deal with raw fat there are some stringy parts that are a bitch to deal with even if you operate with a knife. It's not a butter stick from a supermarket.

>> No.16053462

Rocks make sounds when broken, it sounds like a soul being crushed, being broken in half. That's it. That's the sound. Plants don't have a nervous system to feel pain with.

Even if they did you'd still cause way less suffering on a vegan diet since less plants are consumed overall this way anyway

>> No.16053466

holy shit read a book, please, so you can point your righteous anger at the right direction for once.

>> No.16053473

You're 18, you aren't even vegan, shit, you aren't even cooking your own food. Cook for yourself and see how easy it is before you tell the world there is a one size fits all diet for them.

>> No.16053489

I have cooked probably about 35 vegan meals for myself and its fine for myself and I'm tending towards veganism which I can't do since my parents aren't vegan in their meals.

>> No.16053501

I also think you misunderstand the point of veganism for myself. Its to reduce animal product consumption to its maximum while taking into account external factors

>> No.16053514

why do you hate animals so much?

>> No.16053552

>>We eat meat cause we think for ourself
>And i just do what everyone does.
That's not what I said, I said I eat what I like. Sometimes I'll go a few days without meat because I don't feel like it and want shit like pasta
>I don't embrace nihilism when there are clear things that can be done to make the world a better place.
You have a moralfag attitude that will wane when you get older. Like this post said >>16053473 you're thinking about yourself and how it's helped you. Not the same with other people, some may eat meat because they dont have access or materials to grow crops for whatever reason.
>Its to reduce animal product consumption to its maximum while taking into account external factors
What external factors? If you want to reduce animal consumption completely do it. What external factors are stopping you?

>> No.16053563
File: 84 KB, 450x600, 1616993723751.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Think I'm going to have a steak and eggs tomorrow.

Because hey, my body, my choice.

>> No.16053566

Shitty bait, heres your you
I can derive everything I need and want from plants. Meat and dairy also makes me feel bad when I eat too much so that's just one thing upon everything else. It seems your trying to twist it to make it seem like you need animal products as a regular meal to justify your moral conscious.

The external factors are my Alevels and me staying at home and having to eat my parents cooking plus the canteen lacks vegan options

>> No.16053572
File: 68 KB, 811x811, photo_2021-02-19_10-13-17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Milliards of people would do the same. Nobody cares.

>> No.16053575

>I can derive everything I need and want from plants*

*citation needed

>> No.16053582

Check this thread I made if you want

>> No.16053589

Well clearly they do considering this entire thread is filled with seething vegans pissed that people eat meat...

>> No.16053604


Tfw Anti-abortion anti-war vegan

>> No.16053609

lmao imagine believing the limitations that arise from treating livestock the wrong way are somehow an argument for veganism

>> No.16053614

Your b12 statement is bullshit.

SOME livestock is fed b12. I don't feed my livestock b12, since they are pasture raised they thrive just fine without it. And to say you get it from soil is pretty loaded and sounds like you only got this information from vegans who basically puke in one another's mouths. If you knew the basics of soil science you'd know the composition of soil changes wildly depending on conditions. Like for example, if something died and rotted/shit in the soil it will have b12 bacteria in it.

Retinol is also not the same as beta carotene. Yes, beta carotene is a precursor to vitamin A in it's bio available form retinol, but it must be converted first. Some people are better at converting it than others. Fun fact, some high scale egg production facilities will actually increase their chickens eggs retinol content by feeding them beta carotene, but chickens are better converters than humans are.

I can only say the iron one is bullshit based on personal experience. I know your think anecdotes are not the same as cooperate funded studies, but I am not going back to being borderline anemic because some 18 year old british child who still lives with his mom and still eats animal products said so because he read it on vegan.com and saw a few spooky documentaries on netflix

You think all meat eaters are the same. You think we all have the same diet and same backstory.

Why don't you be vegan for 5+ years before trying to spread the good word?

>> No.16053624

You think kinda backwards. I don't care what you eat. I'm not mad that you eat meat.I care that animals are suffering. It just makes me sad that people are so willfully ignorant.

>> No.16053626

>Meat and dairy also makes me feel bad when I eat too much so that's just one thing upon everything else.
Practice moderation then
>It seems your trying to twist it to make it seem like you need animal products as a regular meal to justify your moral conscious.
See my last post >>16053552, I don't need meat I want it. Not all the time either like I said in the post. My moral conscious means nothing, I don't think about shit like that when I have more important things like kids to worry about. You aren't old enough to realise at some point your life gets busy enough to stop thinking about shit like that because it becomes tiring. Do you have a job?

>> No.16053644

Yeah. Those menstuations can be tough, sis.

>> No.16053678

>some livestock is fed b12
99 percent of animals in the USA are factory farmed so I'd make that 99 percent
So I can get vitamin A perfectly fine with fewer words?
>iron one
Just eat what I stated and you'll be fine. That's it

You say that like it's bad to be still living at home with your parents at 18. Perhaps you didn't have a stable family background. Anyway I can't change your opinions I can only state research and my own personal opinion
Yet I don't have to practice moderation. Plus I find it practically easier as you can dump all food waste on a compost heap without encouraging rats. And my life is qs busy as its gonna get taking maths, further maths and physics at alevel

>> No.16053723

>Yet I don't have to practice moderation.
You said here
>Meat and dairy also makes me feel bad when I eat too much
Meaning practice moderation so you don't feel like shit. Unless you mean you feel emotionally bad, in which case why the fuck are you eating it then?
>Plus I find it practically easier as you can dump all food waste on a compost heap without encouraging rats.
Do you though? And rats eat practically anything so that point is moot, you're better off chucking it in some farm or wooded area for other animals, you know because you care about animals right?
>And my life is qs busy as its gonna get taking maths, further maths and physics at alevel
Fucking kek, you think that's busy? People here work 6 days a week and some wagies are doing 12 hours per shift. Others are working and doing university work. Fuck out of here thinking your life is busy. I'll ask again, do you have a job?

>> No.16053792

i'm sorry your teeth are too rotten even for fat. good thing we can press oils out of seeds nowadays so even you can get some calories.