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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16044888 No.16044888 [Reply] [Original]

Do we still hate soylent? I remember when the kickstarter first came out and I was interested in it because it was dystopian and cool.

>> No.16044901

I remember. Time passes so fast anons. My mom died and you should really take the time to appreciate the people you love in your life.
Most nights are spent in sad terror and I can’t even remember the last time I was truly happy.

>> No.16044907
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It's not a healthy meal replacement

>> No.16044913

Is it vegan?

>> No.16044955

I think reddit stopped drinking it when they realized it's like 440 calories per bottle and you drink it to replace a meal, not WITH a meal

>> No.16044971

This is pretty much just ensure which has been around for decades.

>> No.16044972

haha same

>> No.16044973

seriously though, why do people drink this? interested in honest non-meme answers

>> No.16044974

Why is it marketed as a complete meal when it states that it only supplies 20% of your daily nutrition? Do you have to drink 5 of these a day? Why not make it 33% or higher?

>> No.16044993

I tried it once because I couldn’t eat solid foods for a few days.
Chocolate one tastes pretty good

>> No.16044998
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>Do you have to drink 5 of these a day?
hypothetically if this was literally the only thing you ever ate or drank, yes

I just eat 1 bowl of Total in the morning and get 100% of my vitamins done.

>> No.16045006
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It was originally made because the creator was sick of cooking and wasting money. He just wanted what was essentially a futuristic meal block.

>> No.16045009

I live in Canada and was considering it but not paying $80 for what is worth a $40 tub of whey protein

>> No.16045034

it's meant to replace a meal, not every meal, but the company does boast that if u replace every meal with it it's not like it'll kill you or something.

it's more nutritious than ensure, but less fiber iirc.
if you are too career-focused to spend time finding a roastie to cook your meals, these are amazingly time-efficient and not horribly dollar-inefficient (especially the powder, but then you're spending time mixing&cleaning your thermos/glass)

nothing is more valuable than time, and if you're pulling 250k+ in tech doing technical work, you can get a lot done in that hour every single day you'd spend on food/cleanup. 7 hours a week is enormous to an efficient person.

>> No.16045072

The people who consumed soylent died out of malnutrition so they stopped talking about it.

>> No.16045079

Do people really buy this and substitute it for food? I would understand if you’re an obese woman

>> No.16045253 [DELETED] 

I bought the 100 meal powder bucket and I am lazy. I have chocolate flavour and I add some peanut butter powder, sometimes milk

>> No.16045262
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I bought the 100 meal powder bucket (no longer available) and I am lazy. I have chocolate flavour and I add some peanut butter powder, sometimes milk

>> No.16045533

It's meant to replace a meal, but doing so long enough and they can't even open their own soylent bottles

>> No.16045541

was it delicious?

>> No.16045567

I mean, it tastes pretty plain really, like chocolate protein powder. I have version 1.9, I tried 1.3 way back and it was like drinking pancake batter. My old roommate tried it and it made him fart all the goddamn time clearing rooms out

>> No.16045602

Soy based protein does that whey is much better for most people and if that fails try egg.

>> No.16045616

I meant that my roommate had 1.3 version and it gave him awful farts.
I don't really have a gas problem with soylent now, but I get awful gas if I eat eggs or dairy even though I used to eat it all the time as a kid, having a glass of milk with dinner every day.

>> No.16045620

Try kefir

>> No.16045625

I actually occasionally drink Yakult probiotic yogurt.

>> No.16045634

you can do the same thing with potatoes and a multivitamin, and it will taste better

>> No.16045739
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>> No.16045742

I looked into it a year ago and it seems the original autistic guy who actually just wanted to make powder you could have everyday sold it and now they're obsessed with making coffee versions and all this other retard stuff that coasties would love and apparently fucked up the original formula at some point according to some reviews I saw. Also it seems the dream was always to use economics of scale to drive the cost down as much as possible and just sell big fucking drums of it to people but that definitely isnt going to happen

>> No.16046048
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>dystopian and cool.
what the fuck is wrong with you

>> No.16046420

he's living in a cyberpunk dystopia larp

>> No.16046453

>it's meant to replace a meal
Nope, doesn't pass as a meal replacement in most parts of the world due to its poor macro balance.

>> No.16046492

>that definitely isnt going to happen
Nope. They don't even make the newer flavors in the cheap powder, and the best by date on bottles is less than impressive. Would've been cool if they had something shelf stable and/or cheap and portable as all hell.

>> No.16046517

>fucked up the original formula
They've never stopped altering the formula for Soylent.

>> No.16047016

just make your own, i've been eating coconut oil, masa corn, and whey isolate for a month now. I just take an expensive multi vitamin pack. it's the wrong fat, MCT, and lacking the poly fats

>> No.16047077

We all are anon, and it's not a larp

>> No.16047087
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Do you take 50,000 IUs of Vitamin D every day? Do you take Quercetin? How many B Vitamins do you take? Me personally, I like the one shot Johnson and Johnson vaccine because it's one and done. Although the Pfizer vaccine is more effective. I'd also recommend keeping your oven pre-heated overnight, just to make sure it fully comes up to temp. I am a part time office custodian if that matters.

>> No.16048160

I saw a video where they were making it in some warehouse and the whole thing was sketch out of the gate. It was just people haphazardly measuring things with these big scoops and dumping it together. There was also a mouse running around in the background. IDK, I hope they got their shit together because the idea was cool, a quick meal that was inexpensive, but that idea has been around forever, mostly for fat loss purposes, Ensure, Secure, SlimFast. They never catch on because people will always want to eat (actually chew) their food and at the end of the day the cost is going to be around the same. I could get a pound of chicken breast for 1.39$, hell I could even make a huge pot of beans and rice for 4$ that will last me the whole week.

>> No.16048176

When did she die

>> No.16048345

Honestly the closet thing to the old spirit of soylent is "super body fuel" it's just some dude who works out of his apartment in LA, I've been drinking the "milk fuel" which is a powder you just simply add your preferred milk to...

I think he also sells vitamin and protein mixes to add to your own drinks if you wanted to

>> No.16048574

My parents slowly destroyed my happiness beginning at age 9 when my father just up and decided he didn't love us anymore. Turns out he never wanted kids in the first place but my mom tricked him... Twice
My mother proceeded to verbally and emotionally abuse me, never taught me any basic life skill like how to cook or do laundry, my brother beat the shit out of me all the time and tried to drowne or sit on my chest so I couldn't breathe. My mother would try to punish him but never did anything to really stop it. Sorry about your mom but not all mom's are worth a shit

>> No.16048593

no wonder spergs here get so angry at minor slights

>> No.16048595

Two years ago

>> No.16048601

>I'd also recommend keeping your oven pre-heated overnight, just to make sure it fully comes up to temp.

That's just retarded enough to be an honest opinion on /ck/

>> No.16048606
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>pseuds have been fooled into thinking that industry waste product is now a superfood

>> No.16048622

So what know you're trolling and I don't drink soylent but is there some weird vitamin d interaction I don't know about? I have to take 50,000 ius a day of D. Not a joke. Stupid genetic thing

>> No.16048627

I don't hate soylent, I hate soylent drinkers.

>> No.16048628

Sorry. I hope things get better for you anon.

>> No.16048649
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not posting the superior invention

>> No.16048667

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Anonymous 05/02/21(Sun)20:47:54 No.16044888>>16044901 >>16044907 >>16044913 >>16045009 >>16045079 >>16045739 >>16046048 >>16047087 >>16048627

Do we still hate soylent? I remember when the kickstarter first came out and I was interested in it because it was dystopian and cool.

Anonymous 05/02/21(Sun)20:49:59 No.16044901>>16044972 >>16048176 >>16048574

>>16044888 (OP)
I remember. Time passes so fast anons. My mom died and you should really take the time to appreciate the people you love in your life.
Most nights are spent in sad terror and I can’t even remember the last time I was truly happy.

Anonymous 05/02/21(Sun)20:50:56 No.16044907>>16045034
1595571371551.jpg (99 KB, 500x500) google yandex iqdb wait
99 KB

>>16044888 (OP)
It's not a healthy meal replacement

Anonymous 05/02/21(Sun)20:51:34 No.16044913

>>16044888 (OP)
Is it vegan?

Anonymous 05/02/21(Sun)20:58:55 No.16044955

I think reddit stopped drinking it when they realized it's like 440 calories per bottle and you drink it to replace a meal, not WITH a meal

Anonymous 05/02/21(Sun)21:01:01 No.16044971>>16045034

This is pretty much just ensure which has been around for decades.

Anonymous 05/02/21(Sun)21:01:02 No.16044972

haha same

Anonymous 05/02/21(Sun)21:01:02 No.16044973>>16044993 >>16045006 >>16045034 >>16045262

seriously though, why do people drink this? interested in honest non-meme answers

Anonymous 05/02/21(Sun)21:01:06 No.16044974>>16044998

Why is it marketed as a complete meal when it states that it only supplies 20% of your daily nutrition? Do you have to drink 5 of these a day? Why not make it 33% or higher?

Anonymous 05/02/21(Sun)21:02:47 No.16044993

I tried it once because I couldn’t eat solid foods for a few days.
Chocolate one tastes pretty good

Anonymous 05/02/21(Sun)21:03:02 No.16044998
I tried it

>> No.16048669

>people claiming they're too busy to eat food so they drink Soylent instead
Either you make enough money to hire a personal chef who'll make you amazing culinary experiences any god damn minute of the fucking day wherever you may be in any form you please or you're not making enough money to justify being so god damn busy that you literally can't afford to eat
If I was that busy and rich I'd start comboing speed and multivitamin pills as my only sustenance

>> No.16048672

Thanks, desu. It's slowly getting better I think.

>> No.16048677

>cant afford delivery
nah this shit is for a specific kinda loser

>> No.16048679

My roommate who makes around $130k orders take out every day.
Soylent is definitely for a specific kind of person.

>> No.16048680

your binary fails to account for how people arrive at making enough money to arrive at personal-chef-who-sucks-your-balls-while-you-eat tier
any source on this? i have like ~3 bottles a week just as a bandaid meal replacement when my scheduling precludes cooking, so the nutrition gaps don't much matter to me, but i'm curious as it affects how i'd recommend it to friends
the bottles are extremely easy to open now, i never tried one til way after all the memes got made, they looked different back then so i assume they changed cuz of all the complaints lol

>> No.16048683
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always gets a laugh out of me

>> No.16048695

delivery adds up and that shit is poison unless it's like fine dining, and either way you have to deal with all the waste, the taking out the trash etc.

i'm just reporting what one sees at upper levels of FAANG companies. i make enough to have french fries delivered individually, but the premise of $20 in delivery fees for a burger that some spic will order wrong and then eat half my fries on the way to my place is insulting and gross. way easier to pop open a soylent which tastes like choccy milk anyways. if it tasted like a usual protein mix that's like dirt and cough medicine i might feel differently desu

some people are just dumb and come from lower class backgrounds so they think being delivered shit on a platter is good living e.g. >>16048679

>> No.16048699

He's indian and mainly orders from indian places.
I feel like of all the food to constantly get delivered, indian would rank alright on the healthy scale.

>> No.16048700

i believe youre not larping but your strawman is retarded

>> No.16048708


>> No.16048711

that makes sense, most of the pajeets i work with are desperate for companionship with other indians and indian food, they seem to get homesick more than chinese bugman who don't seem interested in anything at all.
idk i can't account for people who value anything other than time and health

>> No.16048717

>soylent drinkers
i really wish youd think before you post

>> No.16048762

yes my coworkers with low caloric intakes who take soylent and supplements and avoid sun exposure and have 100% labor safety and zero financial stress are doomed.
>t-two more weeks! t-they'll die in 2 more weeks! *eats red meat*

>> No.16048781

numbers numbers numbers
the strawman will have to work this time

>> No.16048892 [DELETED] 

then fucked up one version that most people liked

>> No.16048988

The real question is should we boycott Soylent to support American soy farmers?

>> No.16049311

So did you drink her in chocolate, strawberry, or original flavor?

>> No.16050298


>> No.16050371

Nothing is 100 percent labor safe. Only a young fool would say otherwise

>> No.16050438
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>> No.16051746

what kikey shit

>> No.16051758
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>> No.16051762

>an unique

>> No.16051768

>cunt is so physically weak he has his pinkie underneath the bottle in case it falls out of his skeleton grip

>> No.16052351

>idk i can't account for people who value anything other than time and health
t. one of those guys who bought into the propaganda that he needs to work 100 hour weeks to feel satisfied, and then when he's older looks back on his life and realizes that he forgot that he wasn't a machine and that he forgot to live