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16043369 No.16043369 [Reply] [Original]

How can I make kombucha without killing myself? I am a recovering alcoholic and it is helping me with sobriety but it's fucking pricey.

>> No.16043375

fart all over me, you fucking faggot

>> No.16043525

its very easy, follow a guide on youtube and buy a starter culture off amazon
as long as you reserve enough liquid from the last batch you won’t get sick
my only reccomebdation is to get strong rubber bands for the cloth, ive had bugs sneak inside if its loose

>> No.16043544

thanks for the tips

>> No.16043551

I think it’d be pretty hard to brew up something that would harm you.
The scoby is a pretty strong and dominant colony of organisms. Anything bad that tries to grow will basically be immediately killed off

>> No.16043557

Alcohol is helping you with your sobriety?

>> No.16043569

Most of the kombucha in store's abv is under 0.5%

>> No.16043572
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On this note, is it possible to brew something kombucha-based with a higher alcohol content? Would that just kill off all the culture?

>> No.16043592

It's only a matter of time before they switch back to the hard stuff. Like when I just drank o'douls to get off the liquor, eventually I wanted a real beer, a real beer turned into twelve real beers, and before I knew it I was back to my alky ways. Cold turkey and pure abstinence is the only way for a drunk.

>> No.16043598

At what point do you know you’re an alcoholic?

>> No.16043606

>Cold turkey and pure abstinence is the only way for a drunk
retarded pseudoscience that only works on a small percentage of the population
There are multiple verified methods to combat alcoholism using medicine and therapies
AA has its uses but to say it's that or nothing is fucking braimdead, go read a book

>> No.16043607

I would recommend you avoid making your own fermented beverages if you are at risk of relapsing even from one accidentally alcoholic drink. With that said, buy one of those alcohol gravity measurement tools and use it to measure your batch before and after fermentation to make certain that it’s not alcoholic. Kombucha takes a while whereas you can make kvass with a rye sourdough starter and water (traditionally they use stale rye bread made with wild yeast starter, but you can skip a few steps and use the starter). It takes 7 days to make a starter and 2 days to make kvass. You can also use a regular sourdough starter for a different flavor and add spices, fruits, and herbs for flavor. Just be careful not to add too much sugar, because of course, that will make alcohol. But say you like jalapeño kiwi kombucha like they sell at the store, you can make it with sliced jalapeño and a small amount of any fruit. Because I was doing a lot of experimentation, I ended up with vinegar a few times and also with lightly alcoholic drinks quite a few times. Mainly keep the sugar low and don’t ferment longer than 2 days for non alcoholic kvass.

>> No.16043624

If you have to ask you probably already are. That said, there are many different levels of alcoholism and everybody's different. I hate to mention reddit but their r/stopdrinking board is actually a great resource

>> No.16043629

(((Medicine))). People who’ve already tried everything and failed are sick in other ways and their addiction is one of their symptoms. They have to learn to live life without addictive behavior and generally that means abstinence from their most triggering addictions, especially if the addiction is a drug that lowers your inhibitions and makes you stop caring about avoiding the addiction. The tell tale sign of a hopeless dopamine addicted consoomer is that they think life isn’t worth living without alcohol lmao. Literally stop poisoning yourself and stop encouraging other people to poison themselves.

>> No.16043633

more like 0%
why you retards think theres alcohol in booch is beyond me

>> No.16043640

okay retard just compare relapse rates in european countries where they treat with naltrexone and therapy with relapse rates in America where most docs will tell you to fuck off and go to AA

>> No.16043827


>> No.16043882

Actual alcoholic here, they recommended naltrexone the first time I did a stint in rehab. Managed to stay sober for a year but eventually I relapsed and I cant help but wonder if a drug like that would have made a difference.

I avoided AA too, I was well aware of the relapse rate and after attending a few meetings I got a real groomer cult-like vibe off of a lot of them.

>> No.16043920

Alcoholics who have any kind of health care access in the US frequently are on naltrexone and antidepressants in addition to AA idiot. How do you help people who refuse to stop consooming something that sends them out of control? Personally Jesus was the only thing that helped me shake my addictive and negative behaviors.