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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16034533 No.16034533 [Reply] [Original]

Will you still by uncle ben’s rice after they capitulate to the left?

>> No.16034537

kill all phoneposters

>> No.16034562 [DELETED] 

no if you get triggered by this you need help

>> No.16034567

The only good thing this century is White People will have advanced kingdoms again sitting comfy. While blacks , browns and asians die off from disease , war and starvation. Revenge is a dish best served cold :)

>> No.16034573

based historian serving Wholesome facts for dinner

>> No.16034574
File: 139 KB, 679x914, C2CBD492-C42B-47E6-B03C-9FE7C08B0DFF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I love it, I always get pic to eat with my chicken breast

>> No.16034576

ok chud

>> No.16034579

asians will be fine
unless youre a retarded bongistani and talking about pajeets

>> No.16034642

No, everytime I see "Ben's Original" I will think "Nigger Rice"

>> No.16034644
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>> No.16034646

I like Uncle Bens but have recently been making my own rice, I like to add Onion powder

>> No.16034650

Shit looks yummy, do they sell this at costco?

>> No.16034651

i dont buy any products with a nigger on em
simple as.

>> No.16034656


>> No.16034660
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>there are people in this world who buy pre-boiled rice with some flavorings and stabilizers in a plastic sack for 400% minimum markup
>they're in this very thread

>> No.16034667

I work 19 hours a day.

>> No.16034679

I plough your mom 183 hours a week.

>> No.16034680

and being stupid enough to overpay for fucking rice is why

>> No.16034682

You’ve made some poor life decisions then. Enjoy your crap in a sack.

>> No.16034686

I study 12 hours a day, sleep for 8 hours, and need a quick meal

>> No.16034688

based, ora et labora

>> No.16034709

Who the fuck cares about what a multi-billion dollar conglomerate chooses to brand their products as?

It's a mediocre rice at best anyways and the only people being hurt are frothing-at-the-mouth tards looking to fight the world about everything because they saw a tweet that concerned them.

The movement against is getting softer than overcooked OP pic related.

>> No.16034710

1) make a lot of rice at once exactly how you like it
2) eat some
3) put the rest in the fridge, or divide up into portions and freeze
4) the next time you are hungry, take out a portion and heat it up
5) you have made your favourite, personalized, exclusive model of ReadyRice™, saving you both money and elderly health complications

you can even simmer some meat or vegetables in it as well

>> No.16034724

I've known some pretty basic line-cooks but somehow even the most simplistic ideas escape many posters here...

>> No.16034731

gives you 4 hours a day to not be a complete waterbrain

>> No.16034739

you spend 3 hours 58 minutes 30 seconds a day posting on /ck/?

>> No.16034741

Don't give a shit. Tastes good, they can call it nigger faggot or white cuck. As long it's tastes good I'll buy it

>> No.16034744
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>30 minutes meditating
>1 hr eating lunch+dinner in one big meal (usually one pack of uncles Ben rice, 2 chicken breast and bowl of veggies)
>2-3hrs reading before I sleep or else I can’t sleep

>> No.16034750

Why would someone eat rice with a black person on it? Seems pretty based to me.

>> No.16034754

I hope you're not in a culinary program cause you don't know how to cook, prep, or eat for shit.

>> No.16034761

Seasoning and marinating rice looks like it takes too long, i rather just buy a pack that tastes good.
I season my chicken breast and cook them at the start of the weeks so yes I do know how to cook motherfker

>> No.16034784

I don’t know how to make a good pilaf, I tried before but I suck at marinating rice

>> No.16034814

>adding spice and herbs to rice is a lot of work :(((

no, you don't know how to cook

>> No.16034816
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How can I forgive them for killing Uncle Ben?