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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16030602 No.16030602 [Reply] [Original]

Making some burgers, how do you make burgers personally? Seasoning, toppings, condiments etc

>> No.16030605

mind your own business

>> No.16030611

It's just a cooked-meat sandwich.

People act like they're climbing fucking Everest or something.

>> No.16030613

toast the inside of your buns in the oven, saute those onions, get some mushrooms and saute them too, and use swiss cheese and some steak sauce

>> No.16030619

Pickled jalapenoes
Red onion
Cheese if I'm feeling it
Lots of lettuce

>> No.16030638
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Buns are being toasted, I just cook the onions lightly with the burgs.

>> No.16030674
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For sauce, I just do a mix of mayo and mustard, occasionally relish as well, spicy brown in this case.

Pretty good combo

>> No.16031598

special sauce or ceasar salad sauce
cheese, mozzarella or (Local cheese)
maybe some dark mustard
and a single pickle chip

>> No.16031772

patties only smashed
one slice of aged cheddar on top
thinly sliced raw onions
some grilled onions
thinly sliced lettuce and tomato
burger sauce, ketchup, chilli on the cheese

>> No.16031779




>> No.16031796

I made burgers the other night. Pre-bought chuck steak. They weren't bad. I normally go with pineapple, onion & egg but I was tired so I just went with two slices of cheese and some rocket.

>> No.16031809
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Take an extra five seconds to adjust white balance for food pics, anon.

>> No.16031884

>adjust white balance for food pics
This idiot can't even warm up ground beef. How do you think he's gonna warm up a picture?

>> No.16032337

>2 patties, usually about 2-3oz each, seasoned with salt/pepper/garlic powder
>Bun, dont care as long as its the same size as the cooked patty
>Pickle sliced the LONG way
>Red onion (raw)
>American cheese

>> No.16032473
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ayo this nigga likes his pickles the long way

>> No.16032522

not to sound bougie but i hate making those at home. theyre a wasteful and cost too much money to make myself and it's actually cheaper to buy them from fast food places.

>> No.16032560

>theyre a wasteful
>cost too much
In what nation is one bun, portion of meat, cheese and vegetables more expensive than a fastfood burger? Bumfuck nowhere Canada, maybe

>> No.16033242


Basic bitch burger is usually lettuce/tomato for toppings, cheddar cheese, chopped onion and pickle for bottomings, ketchup for a sauce. But it's subjective, do what you want.

Order of the ingredients, however, has been endlessly refined and passed down through 0 generations as I basically decided upon it after a few times making burgers. But it seems to work best, least mess, shit doesn't fall off/out, nothing gets soggy, etc.

>homemade bun, either fresh from oven as-is or lightly buttered and heated on a pan
>sour-cream and oil based creamy garlic dressing, thick in texture but relatively lightly applied
>lettuce, thin sliced tomato with as much water removed as you can without dehydrating/cooking them
>spiced beef on the bbq
>caramelized onions, pickled jalapenos
>bit more dressing

>> No.16033250

I'm going to bust a fat fucking nut when Biden removes subsidies for the meat industry

>> No.16033318
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Burger made of fatty ground beef and salt.

I like to keep it simple:

-Mayo, mustard, ketchup, onion
-Mayo, blue cheese
-Mayo, hot sauce

You get the idea. Sometimes I do a full lettuce, onion, tomato, mayo, ketchup, mustard too.

Sometimes I like bacon, but it often overpowers the flavours I want.

Sometimes I even use a thin layer of baby rays BBQ sauce on it. The variations are endless.

Pickles goes on the side.

Pic related is a burger I made recently. It was delicious.

>> No.16033334

Put brown sugar and hot sauce (Which I'm not a big fan of, but the brown sugar cuts it) in ground beef and cook it. Thens, I put ketchup and camarlized onions on it. It's really easy but it's never turned out bad.

>> No.16033352

Thin burger
Salt, pepper, Chipotle tabasco
Cooked well done in a frying pan or on griddle
Slice of American cheese melted on top
No grilling, it dehydrates the meat
No drowning it in spices/sauces, cooked on griddle or pan means it's own juices will baste it as it cooks and give it perfect flavor
No rare in middle, it's tender and juicy enough you don't have to baby it
No thick patty, it makes them hard to eat, if you are that hungry just eat two

>> No.16033356

You are supposed to cook the meat.

>> No.16033419

Looks soggy as hell, and I'm all for rare burgers but that's a little too much, wet and raw and chewy

>> No.16033438

>You are supposed to cook the meat.
That's just your opinion.
No, it's not ground beef pumped full of water or watery beef. It's not chewy either, it's ground.

>> No.16033450

idk man the raw sinew hanging out of the right burger says otherwise. I know a soggy burger when I see one, poor effort

>> No.16033472

There was no sinews in it. Do you know what a sinew is, or is there something wrong with your eyes?

>> No.16033478

there's a raw strand of fatty flesh hanging out of your undercooked burger

>> No.16033501

Sorry anon but this just does not look good at all

>> No.16033562


>> No.16033591

Yeah, but that's not a sinew.

>> No.16033596

Exactly the same as me, but hot sauce instead of mayo and mustard.

>> No.16033603

do amerifats really?

>> No.16033621

Prepare burger fully and then microwave it. Quick, efficient and tasty

>> No.16033674

Yes not sinew, should've said: raw stringy lump of lukewarm fat

>> No.16033722

nice tartare sandwich

>> No.16033742

now i'm wondering how this would turn out. when you say prepare fully, do you include the bread and toppings? or just microwave the raw patties then assemble

>> No.16033746

Everything. Toppings and condiments as well as the bun and patties.

>> No.16033824

I'm europoor, not amerifat.

>> No.16033954

so close, now just de-bun the burger, return it to the pan, and cook it for like 10 fucking minutes. you're not supposed to just brown the outside.
tar-tar is only for steak, not fucking ground beef.

>> No.16033994


>> No.16034007


>> No.16034024

one of the biggest redpills i ever had about burger toppings is mayonnaise < hollandaise.

they're the same sauce anyway except hollandaise uses butter and mayo uses vegetable oil.

but in general i just have my burgers plain with just the bun (potato bun), the patty (thin, but with several stacked on top of each other rather than having one big patty with less brown crust), and a good melty cheese that isn't american cheese, like cheddar or low-moisture mozzarella.

>> No.16034034

>In the oven
>Not in a pan with a knob of butter


>> No.16034056
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>> No.16034058

Reminder that if you don't make your own buns then you're filthy peasant. In addition, this >>16033318 looks like shit. The buns look like store-bought, thin and dry trash, the patties are severely undercooked and fill far to much of the burger, the toasting of the buns looks nonexistent, and the toppings/relish/whatever the fuck that is looks horrific. On top of that, what is this two pickles on the side of the plate bullshit?

>> No.16034132

rent free

>> No.16034875

Hi, what's your favorite food

>> No.16035168

Three words, my friends.
>Pickled. Red. Onions.

>> No.16035176

Worcestershire sauce
Gravy Master
Smash and fry in hot bacon grease

>> No.16035204

I have two burgers i enjoy:
-bacon, guac, sunnyside up egg on a toasted bun, pinch of salt and black pepper
-mustard, green leaf lettuce, tomato, provolone

>> No.16035216
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I absolutely agree. So sick of people taking something super basic and overcomplicating it and saying "this is now the only way you should have this."

>> No.16035226

one little trick i've learned is to form them and then cool them in the fridge for about 15 minutes before cooking. this helps them keep their form on the grill.

personally i just put a little seasoning salt right as they're going on the grill.

also to keep from sticking i coat the grill with a potato, the starch or somethin' keeps it nice and clean.


i know what i'm having tomorrow

>> No.16035261

T. Not american

>> No.16035263

Kys faggot

>> No.16035269
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Noonan Syndrome

Facial features
Facial appearance is one of the key clinical features that leads to a diagnosis of Noonan syndrome. These features may be more pronounced in infants and young children, but change with age. In adulthood, these distinct features become more subtle.

Features may include the following:

Eyes are wide-set and down-slanting with droopy lids. Irises are pale blue or green.
Ears are low-set and rotated backward.
Nose is depressed at the top, with a wide base and bulbous tip.
Mouth has a deep groove between the nose and the mouth and wide peaks in the upper lip. The crease that runs from the edge of the nose to the corner of the mouth becomes deeply grooved with age. Teeth may be crooked, the inside roof of the mouth (palate) may be highly arched and the lower jaw may be small.
Facial features may appear coarse, but appear sharper with age. The face may appear droopy and expressionless.
Head may appear large with a prominent forehead and a low hairline on the back of the head.
Skin may appear thin and transparent with age.

Growth issues
Noonan syndrome can affect normal growth. Many children with Noonan syndrome don't grow at a normal rate. Issues may include the following:

Birth weight will likely be normal, but growth slows over time.
Eating difficulties may result in inadequate nutrition and poor weight gain.
Growth hormone levels may be insufficient.
The growth spurt that's usually seen during the teenage years may be delayed. But because this disorder causes bone maturity to be delayed, growth sometimes continues into the late teens.
By adulthood, some people with Noonan syndrome may have normal height, but short stature is more common.

>> No.16035551

I like it, I eat mine blue rare as well.

>> No.16035580


>> No.16035628

thts called dehydration and if u think im scared of the police its not true

>> No.16036934

>On top of that, what is this two pickles on the side of the plate bullshit?
Pickles are delicious with burgers.

>> No.16036991


>> No.16036999

Ground beef carries a much higher risk of pathogens spread evenly throughout the meat, you need to cook ground beef more than this for a burger. Only whole cut beef should be eaten in this condition. Turn your fucking stove down, not everything is steak, retard.

>> No.16037137

Not everyone lives in a third world country like you obviously do.

>> No.16037144

out of vital wheat gluten with lots of delicious seasonings, parboil and saute

>> No.16037176
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No, you don't understand basic food science. Most pathogens on raw beef are concentrated at the surface. By producing ground beef the high level of pathogens are mixed into the middle of the beef, so searing the outside does little to eliminate the risk, where as in a steak it greatly reduces the risk. This is why people don't serve burgers like this, it isn't because their aren't based red-pilled meat eaters, it's because they aren't stupid.

>> No.16037186
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Freakin sweet lois

>> No.16037259

It's you that don't understand. I don't doubt that your country has poor hygiene standards and that you can't eat raw ground beef there.

In first world countries there are hygiene standards which makes it practically risk free to eat raw ground beef.

>> No.16037376

I am from the US and I am also a registered sanitarian lol, so I am very familiar with the food laws and hygiene standards here. You can't sell hamburgers cooked this rare in the US. Being here doesn't mean eating raw GROUND beef is "practically risk free". You made a dogshit burger, just learn from your mistake and try to make your next pic post better.

>> No.16037483
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Yeah I wouldn't eat ground beef from the supermarket in USA. America has very bad food hygiene standards.

>You made a dogshit burger, just learn from your mistake and try to make your next pic post better.
What mistake? I like my burgers bleu, and I'm happy to live in a country that has good enough food hygiene so I can safely eat them.

>> No.16037517

>You can't sell hamburgers cooked this rare in the US.
That's because yanks have the worst meat standards in the world. Don't Americans have to chlorinate their meat because it's so disease-ridden?

>> No.16037548


That's barely a burger, it's just meat between a seeded bun. There's no volume or contrast.

>> No.16037587
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>> No.16037608
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>> No.16037615


>> No.16037912

Meat between a bun is basically what a burger is.

>> No.16038091

What happens when I put my penis (meat) in-between two buns (your moms butt cheeks)?