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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16021038 No.16021038 [Reply] [Original]

I entered a pizzeria yesterday at 9:55pm that closes at 10pm. So it was still open. Nevertheless, the woman there was obviously quite annoyed that I had the audacity to order pizza in a pizzeria. What's wrong with people? If you don't want people ordering at that time, don't be open at that time. I just want my pizza.

>> No.16021060

Restaurants really need to figure out their hours of operation. I get so many sneers when I arrive within the last half hour of their open time.
Like, I'm giving you money, be happy for that!

>> No.16021229

I went to a pizzeria fifteen minutes after it opened and they took about 45 minutes to make a pizza and it was undercooked, why are pizza places all fucked up? Maybe put a light outside that turns green when you're actually able to cook a pizza.

>> No.16021250

>be me
>I'm scheduled to work until 10 pm
>when 10 pm comes I leave

drives the other wagies insane because for some reason they stay behind and work for free. I tell them every time that if they want my help they can pay me but otherwise they're on their own.

>> No.16021253
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>christmas eve 2012
>go to eat with some mates, we get there quite late and are pretty much the only people there
>we are sat by the kitchen and can hear the chefs at work
>the chefs and waiters are clearly eager to close and go home early, nonetheless they have to serve us
>eat super slowly keep ordering extra side dishes for about an hour
>waiter eventually asks us if we'd like the bill just before closing time
>'could we have some dessert please?'
>hear the chefs shout and curse when the waiter delivers the order

>> No.16021263


I mean you sound like an obvious asshole for doing that, but its the restaurants fault for allowing it. I've never worked in food service thankfully, but there are restaurants near me that have a sign they out up 30 minutes before closing that they will not be taking new orders, which is what they should have done.

>> No.16021284

If they want to go home at 10 they need to close at 9 simple as

>> No.16021293

30 is a little early though, I’d think 20 or even 15 depending on service style. Where I worked we’d take orders at a counter and handed out table numbers. That way it’s not possible to be stuck more than 15 minutes from close. Also fuck servers, bullshit job desu.

>> No.16021298

>drives the other wagies insane because for some reason they stay behind and work for free.
lol no they stay clocked in until they leave moron

>> No.16021301

why do restaurants not just extend shifts beyond the posted closing time for clean up? why is the responsibility either shifted to the customer to realize the "actual" closing time and not come in late or to the wagie to begin clean up during operating hours?

>> No.16021310

you're a moron, yes they should still serve your fat ass because they are open but they were probably trying to clean up early so they can get home early.

>> No.16021353

That woman was right, you are a piece of shit

>> No.16021379

touchy subject, not trying to gatekeep but if you dont work in food service its hard to understand. one of the unspoken rules if you're in the know., like splitting a check based on orders.
>hur dur why dont they change their hours
just let the wagies silently seethe, restaurants will forever be one of the most toxic industries and FOH staff will find any reasons to hold resentment

>> No.16021416

they usually do. workers often try to get their cleaning done early so they can leave early.

>> No.16021450

>like splitting a check based on orders
Explain further

>> No.16021455

I guess you have to be kind to people who work shit jobs. They spit in food, kill themselves etc. The simple logic of a store being open when it's open doesn't apply in all situations.

>> No.16021466
File: 43 KB, 474x474, F7DBB4B7-6D3F-4970-A1C3-58C57224D907.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You’re a piece of shit for coming in 5 minutes before closing. You had all goddamn day to get your shit, why did you choose to come in 5 minutes before they close? Now they have to slow down their closing and cleaning procedures because your entitled ass wanted pizza at an unreasonable time. When I worked food service, if a customer came in within 30 minutes of closing, it added extra time to close, which at that point was interfering with the employees personal life. You fat fuck, I hope your first child dies of cancer in your arms.

>> No.16021479

Five minutes before close
Being a dick


>> No.16021491

splitting on equal pay is easy, but when people ask to split a check based one what which people ordered is a bigger inconvenience then you would think. it is done manually in the POS and most the time requires a calculator so half the time the waiter would just make things more expensive as payback/bigger tip percentage. dont forget that waiters are actual sociopaths that will slight you at any chance they get since they have no problems lying to your face.

>> No.16021502

Pretty retarded to assume everyone is aware of your open hours, that said hours are considered "reasonable" as some universal rule or that we're suppoed to be aware or care about your personal lives.

>> No.16021507

Don't places operate an open until 10, kitchen closes 9.30 kind of policy?
I guess it's all about the money, and the owners care more about that.

>> No.16021537

When I worked at a restaurant, if people came in 10 minutes before close, we’d treat them like normal customers, give them menus and take drink orders and so on, but the wait staff would wait until 1 minute after the posted closing time and then tell them the kitchen was closed kek. Fuck late customers.

>> No.16021542

>splitting on equal pay is easy
Yes, this is the way I always do it
>but when people ask to split a check based one what which people ordered
What the fuck. If the group knows they are going to split it like this, why not immediately tell the waiter
>Oh, by the way. We are each going to pay our own orders.
That would help, right?

>> No.16021544

A restaurant did this to me once. I asked to use the bathroom before I left and smeared my shit all over their bathroom. Any surface I could get was covered.
Never went back. Bet they weren't happy losing this customer.

>> No.16021549

That didn't happen.

>> No.16021578

Why not just refuse service if it's such a big problem?

>> No.16021594

yea thats the rational way to go about it from the customers point of view if you are gonna split it, the waiter is still gonna need to put all the orders on one ticket for the kitchen's sake and still end up doing the math and POS gymnastics at the end but atleast they'll be able to note who had what. honestly dont over think it or feel bad, at the end of the day it's part of their job.

>> No.16021611

Wagies or salaried staff? If wagies it's illegal to not pay overtime, if salary you're probably breaking the terms of your contract if your job isn't finished.

>> No.16021635

You're pretending that you covered your own hands in shit and smeared them everywhere. You think this makes you look good. What an odd LARP

>> No.16021716

Do you guys not tell them ahead of time whos going to be seperate?

>> No.16021734

it's not a larp and it's not the first time I've done it.

>> No.16021760

restaurant workers are some of the most bitter and hateful pieces of shit.

>> No.16021791

>never played with his own feces
>never fingered his bf's boipucci
Fucking tourist.

>> No.16021819
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just lock the fucking doors at 9:30 or put a sign on it that says ORDERING AVAILABLE TIL 9:30

>> No.16021866

fuck them then. the times posted are operating hours, I can walk in and order if I want to. the wagies have nothing waiting for them at home anyway.

>> No.16021874

you think the wageslave is allowed to do that?

>> No.16022010

you had all day to eat pizza asshole it's time to go home

>> No.16022032

I don't choose when I'm hungry for pizza. If the shop's open, that means they're open.
Simple as

>> No.16022038

>someone comes in at 9:29

>> No.16022040

>If you don't want people ordering at that time, don't be open at that time
if they closed at 9:55 instead, you would waddle in at 9:50. try making your own pizza? it's pretty fun

>> No.16022044

esl shit

>> No.16022048

>Simple as

>> No.16022062

I'm literally English

>> No.16022079

Why even sell pizza if you dont want people to buy it?

>> No.16022110

It's the wagies being mad because they're trying to leave before their shift actually ends. The owner who actually sells the pizzas doesn't give a shit.

>> No.16022116

Former Pizza employee here, AMA

>> No.16022127

Did you ever experience any porno like scenarios?

>> No.16022143

>Like, I'm giving you money, be happy for that!
Yeah, I'm sure those wagies really give a fuck about you.

>> No.16022154

>walk into little place near mine 3 minutes before kitchen shuts
>one of the chefs is talking to a waiter at the bar
>order 2 burgers and shout it alittle so chef could hear
>can tell the chef is seething
>tell the waiter to just give me the bits for it and I'll cook them at home
The look of relief on the chefs face was priceless. Did a similar thing where I asked the waiter to put the ticket through then another just after it asking for it uncooked takeaway. It's amusing to hear them flip their shit for a minute.

>> No.16022159

This is why restaurants should have both a "last order accepted" and a "closing" time.

>> No.16022352

Some do. Several restaurant owners I have worked for would close the kitchen 30 minutes before the restaurant, and the staff would check with diners to see if they wanted anything else.
Just like how bars have a last call.

>> No.16022357


>> No.16022375

I wanna make fun of paying for, the. cooking your own restaurant food at home. But it sounds like it would be better than letting it get cold and soggy on the way home.

>> No.16022385

”, the.” Was meant to be “and then” My phone fucked up my formatting

>> No.16022525

I work in a pizzeria and have been on the receiving end of this lots. It's annoying but it's what I am literally paid to do, would be like a plumber getting mad he has to fix your toilet

>> No.16022601

If they're paid hourly I dont see their problem. Every time someone orders shit right when Im about to close I think about how Im about to make an extra $7.50 for cooking the easiest order of the night. Anyone asshurt over having to stay a little later to make a little more money would probably solve half their problems by find a day shift at some other place.

>they yell at us or make us work off the clock if we don't finish up on time!

Stay clocked in anyway, or drop what you're doing and leave if they refuse to pay you for the extra work. It's not your job to ensure your labor bonuses. Get paid for what you work, or wait for them to fuck you over then drive over to the unemployment office and get your free money.

>> No.16022611

Ensure your manager's labor bonuses*

>> No.16022645

No dude. It's 5 minutes till closing, and your order takes at least that long to prepare. As a result, these employees have to stay past their shift to shut down and clean up after making your order, whereas they could've left right at 10:00 if you hadn't come along. F U for making people stay longer than they need to.
Or just have some common sense and courtesy. Don't order in the last 30 minutes of the restaurant being open. Duh
>If they're paid hourly I dont see their problem
Maybe they don't want to be there past 10:00 even if they make an extra $5?
No, fuck YOU for ruining their night. They already work hard all day and the most they look forward to is leaving 10 minutes before the usual time. But then you come along.
Believe me. At 10:00 PM the manager is long gone and if I get pissed off enough, you WILL get something "extra" in your rude 9:55 PM order.
You think that's how it works? If you tell your boss you want to work the legally mandated time and not work for free, they just find a reason to fire you. Now you have no job. So the employees have to put up with it for fear of losing their only source of income. Did you forget we're living in a capitalist utopia?

>> No.16022656

the restaraunt owner should
that's fine
and if they come in at 9:31 they get told sorry read the sign

>> No.16022678

they should close at 9:30 if they don't want any new orders past 9:30. calling it something else is needless convolution

>> No.16022706

If you're doing your job you cannot be fired without being able to go on unemployment, which will fuck your boss right in the ass if they have I think more than 9 employees attached to their company.

I worked as a manager for two major chains, firing people was impossible if they weren't majorly fucking up, and if I fucked up against a claim and the employee got unemployment I got my head torn off for the additional money the company had to pay out over successful claims. Also, good luck finding new employees, everyone is hiring competitively and nobody wants to go back to work.

>> No.16022731

I really hope they jizzed up your pie with spit and knob cheese like nobody's business.

>> No.16022759
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Lmao, idiots in the thread aren't aware of the homeboy hookup when you order a 3 piece tendies meal from dairy queen 10 minutes to close and they give you 11 pieces of chicken and 6 packs of sauce because they are just going to throw it away

>> No.16022775

unfortunately your mom had cleaned them out prior to OP's arrival

>> No.16022832

love all the seething from people in the food industry
in my line of work it's normal to stay longer almost every day to get the job done completely, just because you lazy fucks want to leave as soon as your shift is over doesn't make it a just cause to poison someones food with your feces

>> No.16022874

Only time I've really seethed about it was when the waiter put a ten table and put it through at 2 minutes past the close time. The retard took the order then forgot to give it to us for 20 minutes so we couldn't really say no, but the waiter got a bollocking for it

>> No.16022984

>If you're doing your job you cannot be fired without being able to go on unemployment
All the boss has to do is find a reason to fire you which constitutes just cause. There are many things every single employee does that could be folded into a just cause termination. Minor infractions have to occur two or three times in order to constitute a justifiable termination.
Don't wear your uniform JUST right?
Clock in and then go to the bathroom instead of taking your post?
Clock in 30 seconds late?
Not wearing shoes that are exactly to policy?
Not going out of your way and doing shitty tasks to be a "team player"?
Do any one of these things a few times and your boss documents it? There is your just cause termination. No unemployment for you.
>good luck finding new employees, everyone is hiring competitively and nobody wants to go back to work.
Fast food is the easiest job to hire for. The turnover is one of the highest in any industry, yet they somehow keep filling all those spots.

>> No.16023039

restaurants usually call last order 45min before close.
fast food and take away places usually 30min before close.
if they have something ready to go then they'll serve you it, but they're cleaning shit up out back, they're not gunna turn a fryer back on and open a fresh bag of tendies just for you.

>> No.16023143

All of those things are easily avoidable and take almost no effort to do, outside of the bullshit "team player" thing, which I've never heard, seen, or written someone up for unless you count just outright not doing their job, which works in favor of the employee as much as it does the employer. Three writeups isn't the end-all-be-all of avoiding a claim everyone thinks it is either; if they claim they're being held to a different standard than other employees, prepare for an epic pissing match and "throwing of shit to see what sticks", along with a massive amount of documentation that will draw you away from your actual duties.

As for fast food being easy to hire for, that's not the case this year. Have you seen the news, or looked around at local businesses? Unless you live in bumfuck nowhere, every retail/foodservice company is having an incredibly hard time finding people to work. I've never seen so many places offering immediate fulltime positions, at at least $13 an hour, with signing bonuses of at least a couple uindred dollars, just to get people to show up. It's a workers market right now, don't get bullied by the highers ups because they'll be the ones hurting ine way or the other if they try to fire you

>> No.16023148

If they're not able to make a pizza till 10, why don't they change their hours to whenever the latest they're willing to make a pizza is, and lock the door after?

>> No.16023150

>zeria yesterday at 9:55pm that closes at 10pm. So it was still open. Nevertheless, the woman there was obviously quite annoyed that I had the audacity to order pizza in a pizzeria. What's wrong with people? If you don't want people ordering at that time, don't be open at that time. I just want my pizza.
fast food can serve right up to closing. Most other restaurants tend to stay open past closing to allow beloved diners to linger while they start a bit of clean up. But most other restaurants have a kind of last call at some point. Pizza that isn't at Dominoes can be more than a 15 minute oven, more like 30minutes or more. But who is say that your arrival and takeout order was instead a sub, a salad, or a cup of soup...something simply packed up by the employee into your takeout boxes to go. Maybe you only wanted slice of tiramisu to take home, even.

>> No.16023151

>just cause termination
You can get terminated just cause, in most of the US. From "Your hair is kind of messy today" to "no reason"

>> No.16023217

>customoid comes in 12 hours before closing
>can only communicate through grunts, bowl movements, and hand gestures
>not again
>call cops, tell them there are at lest a dozen unshot dogs inside
>swat rolls up, whole place is wacoed
>tfw customer is never right

>> No.16023246

must be a cultural difference.
there is no cunt in this country that wont try to fuck off at least half an hour early every day if they can.

>> No.16023378

Here’s a tip: get a better job, wagie.

>> No.16023481
File: 197 KB, 348x346, Screenshot_20210423_080035_one.phobos.omnichan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're a fucking idiot. If the store is about to close and you waltz in and demand they stay open for you, youre preventing hard working people from getting away from their shitty job.
Figure yourself out you degenerate loser.
If I worked there I would've spat in your food.

>> No.16023507

Every pizzeria in NYC you go to them right before they close and they give you free shit its cash

>> No.16024186

Because it takes a pizza over 30 minutes to get made. If you were there within like 45 minutes to an hour you'd be justified in being angry, but if you're there 5 minutes to closing then they're totally in the right to be angry at you.

Of course this is only for a pizza restaraunt. For something like McDonalds it shouldn't take them more than 3 minutes to make your food.

>> No.16024255

Then go earlier you fucking loser

>> No.16024262

It's interesting how the wagies are mad at the customer instead of the owner.

>> No.16024274

This. The owner is a pussy, btw. They need you.

If you ever need advice as how to not get fucked over on the job, only work as hard as the oldest, blackest lady you've seen at a job. When someone tries to scale your hours back, file for partial unemployment immediately

>> No.16024304

If a place closes at 10, they're trying to get out by that time. Don't come later than 9 to order something like pizza because they're trying to clean up and be done.

>> No.16024581

course you do, you're always begging for a minimum wage hike

>> No.16024587
File: 107 KB, 1080x639, wagie cagie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the time it took to write out all this shit you could have made me at least ten burgers, now get to work wagie

>> No.16024595

>customer arrives an hour before closing
>I *clap* AM *clap* ON *clap* MAH *clap* BREAK

>> No.16024841

Yes mostly solo male stuff though

>> No.16024843
File: 503 KB, 750x734, 1545559217857.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because every restaurant worker hates their job and just wants to go home at night. Having to be a wagie that was earning below min wage for ass-busting work was the worst years of my life.

I did, cunt. Someone still has to work those jobs though.

>> No.16024895

Not my problem though. When they are open I will order something.

>> No.16024992

Bretty sure you ate lots of spit and cum that night

>> No.16025339

why would the restaurant owner do that, he doesn't care if his employees have to stay an extra 20 minutes

>> No.16025388

>Believe me. At 10:00 PM the manager is long gone and if I get pissed off enough, you WILL get something "extra" in your rude 9:55 PM order.
Then you're just a scumbag. There's nothing immoral about placing an order when a business is open and literally advertising for customers that they're open.

>> No.16025419


>> No.16025498

This is why decent places have a separate closing time and kitchen closing time

>> No.16025549

How about get your fat ass there at least half an hour before close? You do realize AFTER serving your fat ass they have to clean down whatever they had to start back up because your gluttony just had to be satiated. They were just trying to close and go home and that got pushed back 30mins thanks to the tub if lard that is YOU. Fuck you pig.

>> No.16025593

Not my problem. Take it up with your boss or politician.

>> No.16025614

>How about get your fat ass there at least half an hour before close?
Do I force them to accept my order? They're open until 10 pm. So it's legitimate to order food there until 10 pm. It's that simple. If you don't want to, that's not my problem.

>> No.16025814
File: 70 KB, 506x652, 70047_v9_bb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ordering a pizza five minutes before closing is a Larry David move
sure its valid to do, they are open after all, but its still the move of a slimy jew with no empathy

>> No.16026455


>> No.16026469

keep crying for the ubermensch ethnoreligious group

>> No.16026710

>Fast food is the easiest job to hire for. The turnover is one of the highest in any industry, yet they somehow keep filling all those spots.
In my area, everyplace is hiring, and every worker is shitty. They don't fire people, they can barely employ enough people to fill schedules.
Some places are starting to pay people just to interview them.

>> No.16026720

It's really that simple.

>> No.16026733

Kek what a lad

>> No.16026930

The ultimate result of impotent wagie rage.

>> No.16027153

why the everliving FUCK would you split on equal pay unless you are eating a pizza or something?
>you order the salad
>friend mcgee orders the surf and turf
yeah we'll split it equally! I don't mind paying $30 for this salad!

>> No.16027179

You're just a cuck then and easily intimidated. Only one manager has ever tried to get me to work off the clock and I called their bluff and went home. Didn't happen again.

>> No.16027195

No thats retarded. You close when you dont want any more orders. End of story

>> No.16027198

That's all well and good, but can you bring me my order now?

>> No.16027922

but larry was always in the right in curb your enthusiasm

>> No.16027951

because people that work in restaurants are lazy dicks that are desparate to get off and start drinking

>> No.16028066

If you like spit and other disgusting shit in your food, by all means, continue to piss off the people who make it

>> No.16028119
File: 71 KB, 482x517, quintessentialy British.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm literally English

>> No.16028201

wagie ragie

>> No.16028222

She was a good baker though, very creative, consistent, thoughtful.

>> No.16028241

the idea that Britishness (or any national identity) is larger than it's natural boundaries or it's people is ridiculous

>> No.16028352

Only a former wagie. All I'm doing is telling you what's gonna happen. If you think it's a totally epic chad move to make miserable poorfags even more miserable and eat their pubes in the process, like I said, go for it.

>> No.16028397

if it's 5 minutes till closing your shift schedule should end significantly after that. The closing time on the door should not be "the time we send the employees home" but it should be "the time we cut off taking new orders" which should be about 30 minutes to an hour before you schedule the employees to be off.

If it's late at night and I'm driving home and trying to find food that's open, you better believe if it's 9:55 and a place closes at 10 I'm cutting across traffic to make it in there before 10 so I don't starve to death.

>> No.16028408

that's the equivalent of throwing your trash on the floor right in front of the caretaker. "technically" you're not wrong, doesn't mean you're not a massive POS. and everyone will see you as such

>> No.16028411

shit b8

>> No.16028567

What if I enjoy working? Not as cuckery, but as an exercise, to see how far I can push myself? Fags like you don't come through the doors every day.

>> No.16028633

No kitchen worker expects to be able to leave the exact second that the restaurant closes, but they all start the cleaning process as early as they can, and walking in five minutes before closing to order a shitload of food means they have to start everything over. You are making them stay much later than they normally would have to, however you rationalize that, and you should feel bad about it.
>But on the door it says -
None of the people in the back there until midnight have any say in what the door says.

>> No.16028681

Why do so many people on this board seem to get borderline-erotic pleasure out of making miserable wageslaves marginally more miserable?

>> No.16028732
File: 856 KB, 900x856, 1606004412963.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, it's been the last year where the service dynamic has inverted.
>customer is supposed to be "grateful" he can still get his fried slop during the fake pandemic instead of wagey grateful to still have customers to keep job alive
>food wagey is lauded as FRONT-LINE WORKER as though it was a medical doctor
>wagey finally gets to live out its fantasy of telling the customer "No," or "You are wrong," if they don't observe fake pandemic safety measures to the letter
Especially the last point. You get these small people who've worked small jobs for years that are on this extended power trip where the customer is always wrong.
So I take extra care these days to be cruel and dehumanizing to the wageys. They need to answer for their hubris by being put in their fuckin place. I want them to be frustrated, to take it out on their colleagues, and be terminated by their boss who will hire someone hopefully less up their own ass.

>> No.16028776

Your pathologized imaginary redditor has infected your mind so deeply that you use him as a justification to lash out at strangers. Please, for the love of god, spend less time on the internet, or at least less time intentionally finding twitter screencaps and shit that makes you angry. This is unhealthy, anon.

>> No.16028823

i find that being polite to food service workers results in better service. and at bars, if you tip well, you can get away with more dumb shit

>> No.16028851

I've worked with "people" like that long enough to know that they're everywhere and having a fun time pissing off clientele with no consequence. The Karen/Kevin meme has also resulted in less consideration given to managerial complaints even though retaining customers is more vital than it's been in a long time.
Anyway, wageys who work off the clock are cucks and there should be no reason to complain if the kitchen is still putting stuff out. The closing time isn't quitting time for most positions unless you're doing fast food.

>> No.16028973

I don't even remember the last time anybody who served me food was rude to me. It's been years.
The only people who regularly get shit service over and over again get it because they're cunts themselves.

>> No.16029009

You sound pretty mad for someone who’s functionally a slave in modern society. Just accept your place as a fucking loser and deal with it. You probably can’t even afford to eat where you work lmao

>> No.16029307

Honestly, if they close at 10 and the person working there isn't budgeted to stay until at a minimum 11 to get everything shut down and finish up then they're running their business incorrectly. Restaurants should buffer time and pay employees beyond their closing hours. Closing hours are the last time of the day at which they'll take an order.

If I were the owner of that pizzeria I'd have gladly served you anon.

>> No.16029396

Not restaurant, but

>be me
>work the gift shop at a fairly popular tourist attraction
>without fail, at least 3 times a week some dumb boomers from Florida with their gaggle of overweight grandchildren show up at 5:55
>spend 20 minutes trying to decide on what overpriced trinkets they're gonna buy
>gramps usually tries to crack jokes or chat while I internally seethe at his family being retarded
>slightly fuck up all the displays
>not enough to warrant telling them to fuck off, but enough that we have to go back and spend yet another 15 minutes putting things back, refolding t shirts, etc.
>i just want to go home and have a beer

Working there wasn't even bad, I liked my coworkers and the place was actually interesting and historical, but motherfucker I'm tired and want to go home. Within the last half hour, fuck off if you aren't coming in for something specific and leaving immediately.

>> No.16030055

Better question why dont pizzerias have a set time they mark as the time they shut off the ovens. And stop serving ordinary pizzas for the last 15 min or so of a day so their employees dont have to deal with this?

>> No.16030198

>t. thinks it's a totally epic chad move to spit on people's food as an impotent rebellion against the conditions their boss put them in

>> No.16030201

because fuck wagies

>> No.16030204
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>This is unhealthy, anon.

>> No.16030205

takeaway restaurants should reserve an hour after closing to finish up all the orders. It's open till 10 so i can order until 10

>> No.16030858

hope you enjoy spit in your food

>> No.16030895

Dairy Queen tenders are fucking disgusting and belong in the garbage

>> No.16031005

surprisingly based, good job exceeding my expectations for 4chan anon

>> No.16031273

>eating past 8pm

>> No.16031323

Nadiya is based.

>> No.16031402

that means ur order has to take 5 mins to make sou can buy sodas or any premade stuff but if it takes longer than 5 mins they can't make ur order. they don't get paid overtime because they had to stay longer to make ur item...

>> No.16031425

>No dude. It's 5 minutes till closing, and your order takes at least that long to prepare. As a result, these employees have to stay past their shift to shut down and clean up after making your order, whereas they could've left right at 10:00 if you hadn't come along.
Tough shit. Just because the doors close to customers doesnt mean its the end of your shift. If you took a job where you have to clean up in your own time, more the fool you. Worked several bar and club jobs, always given an extra 30 minutes paid to collect all glasses, wash, put away, Collect all bottles, empty bins and bin stores. If you are working for someone who doest pay that, walk away.

>> No.16031517

I hope you develop ulcerative colitis, gout, and that diabetes takes your limbs you fat fuck

>> No.16031878

get your boyfriend to clean his ass out jesus have you never heard of a douche?

>> No.16032480

Which would be perfectly fine, since in this scenario the 30 minutes that have been removed from the operation hours are specifically so people can order all the way up until the last minute without impacting the workers negatively.

>> No.16032488

dude are you blacklisted from every restaurant with delusional fantasies about opening a best resto w better service and standards that isn't like the ones available? ....

>> No.16032508

big chains usually do this because they are a juicier target for lawsuits, since people know they would rather pay a settlement than get bogged down in lawyer fees.

>> No.16032509

they need to heat the oven up for the day which may be why it took longer but if it was undercooked either they were imcompitent or put it in the oven while it was preheating.

>> No.16032510
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>Restaurant is open and serving food until 10pm
>This is objective fact, this is what operating hours imply
>Wagies decide they want to have it easy and clean the equipment 30 minutes before closing, despite them still being obligated to fulfill orders
>Customer comes in, during operational hours, and places an order
>This is somehow the customers fault, and not the wagies for cleaning up before they're supposed to
Food service is literally the only industry where wagies try and pull this shit and they think its okay, it's hilarious. Imagine if a market just locked their doors 30 minutes before closing because "sorry bro we already started cleaning ;)". Take it up with your boss if you don't like it, otherwise shut the fuck up and cook my tendies.

>> No.16032539

Am I supposed to feel bad that you're too stupid to unionize?

>> No.16032547

so you're just an inconsiderate retard, is that it?

>> No.16032598


>> No.16032612

I worked in a pizza place a few years ago while i was in high school and i gotta say this is pretty on point. I was never bitter or an asshole about it, but it was annoying taking orders shortly before close, especially if we had already cleaned most everything up. Luckily the managers and sometimes the owner was cool about it and we'd politely deny service 30 minutes before close or only serve grinders and pizzas but grill and fryolators off.

It's annoying but it's part of the job, commiserating with your fellow employees is also great for bonding and it'll help build your work ethic if you're not such a bitch about it every time. Fun job but glad I probably won't have to work in the food industry ever again.

>> No.16032620


>> No.16032665

This is the objective truth

>> No.16032685

I worked at a place that did essentially this, it didn't fix the issue, it just changed it to people screeching at the door that "It said you were open on Google!!!"

>> No.16032694

>"It said you were open on Google!!!"
>"Oh but we don't accept new orders after 9.30"
>"Ah alright goodbye then"

>> No.16032920

I did this too, I wasn't the front end manager or held some other important position, I was a cashier. I was working a full time day job and then a grocery for extra money. If some jackass came in sunday night expecting to shop for a month's worth of groceries well past closing it wasn't going to be my problem that the manager had no balls to tell customers off, I wasn't going home late and losing sleep for fucktards. I had another job to go to in the morning.

>> No.16033073

Can you guess how I know you're autistic?

>> No.16033167

you know he's autistic because he is correct in a nuanced manner. nigger normies as yourself don't nuance because it doesn't feel good, so you give a name you can laugh at, enjoy the autist run gas chambers in 8 years niggers

>> No.16033172

Not surprised the NEET weeb poster doesn’t know what it means to have your own life, I bet your life consists of sitting hunched over your computer posting on this site all day

>> No.16033187

Fatass got his pizza didn't he?
What are you going on about?

>> No.16033224

In my place we start cleaning up early but clean things we wont need anymore, fryers and such stay on until 9pm but we don't have any last orders sign. We have til 10 to clean anyway but we usually stay on til 11 if we need to, or to just drink. Yeah it's a little annoying when someone comes in a couple minutes before close, but we're still paid for it anyway and we still save the time cleaning

>> No.16033249

i'm surprised they took your order. establishments don't create orders all the way until they close. the closing time is for when all their orders will be completed, the kitchen cleaned, etc.

like a restaurant. if it closes at 8, you can't go in to get a 3 course meal at 7:55. it's open until 8 because people who are already eating there have until 8 to finish, pay, and leave.

>> No.16033355

It's literally the exact opposite, you retard. Autists are incapable of picking up nuance in social situations. A normal person can understand that at five minutes before close, though he can technically walk in and order a pizza, he is not welcome there. An autist sees the sign on the door and takes it as gospel.
Notice his phrasing: that the hours are "objective fact." Nobody would argue otherwise, but we would all sigh watching the autist continue as he always does to make everybody else's life around him just slightly worse.

>> No.16033552

I'm taking this a step further.
It's not the autist's fault God hasn't struck him down yet.

>> No.16033589

NT emptyhead still doesn't get it because he just can't grasp nuance.

>> No.16033620

that's why they are wagies....they aren't the sharpest tools in the shed.

>> No.16033622

it's a really trivial problem to solve. final orders by 9:30. problem solved. course this wont happen because the owners don't have to deal with the consequences of not doing this.

>> No.16033654

How does the worker know what the customer's situation is? Maybe the guy coming in 5 minutes before close had his own delays and that's the soonest he could get there and he really wants pizza. The point the anon said about it being objective fact still stands without being autistic, the customer wants to get his product, the store is open, that's pretty much the end of story. If the time to stop taking orders is earlier than the advertised close time, then say so - which again, goes back to this being an owner problem, not a customer problem.

>> No.16033707

because they exist to serve the more capable members of society. In prior times food wage slaves would have been laborers.

>> No.16033714

Noblesse oblige, degenerate.

>> No.16033734
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>> No.16033740

You're just continuing to state the same exact things and failing to understand the point entirely.
>The point the anon said about it being objective fact still stands without being autistic, the customer wants to get his product, the store is open, that's pretty much the end of story.
Yes, this is the aforementioned objective fact that autists cling to because they don't understand when things are implied or the social conventions that might be in play.
It is a fact that you can walk in three minutes before the store closes and order pizza. It is also a fact that this will make the cooks stay later than they would have to, and is a dick move that upsets people.
>If the time to stop taking orders is earlier than the advertised close time, then say so - which again, goes back to this being an owner problem, not a customer problem.
People with normal social awareness can pick up on these things naturally and don't need the hours on the door to explicitly lay them out. You could argue that this isn't fair to autists or people who are assholes and don't consider others, and you'd probably be right, but the truth is that most people aren't considering such minorities when it comes to every little detail.

>> No.16033745

Expecting a slave to complete their task as contractually agreed upon isn't degenerate or rude.

>> No.16033753

Unironically you've outed yourself as either a wagie or someone who is trying to argue a point that doesn't even affect you. Check fucking mate.

>> No.16033762

I am a former wagie who is now getting paid to sit on the couch shitposting and getting drunk on a Friday afternoon. It's probably the alcohol making me do this.

>> No.16033922

Why do so many people here think that acting like a selfish asshole makes you look cool?

>> No.16033948

Do wagies also get mad if i pass by the drive thru 10 min before closing? Im just getting the food and fucking off cause i really want some damn kfc after work

>> No.16034041

Because it is, otherwise you wouldn't be cool.

>> No.16034071

low self esteem

>> No.16034085
File: 103 KB, 333x237, Screenshot 2021-04-26 142652.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do whatever you want to wagies but you guys should probably remember that they are the ones handling your food lol
god forbid a disgruntled employee spits in your food before you eat it during this time and you get the kung flu or aids

>> No.16034091

If a place doesn't deny service 30 minutes before closing, thats how you know you're at a shit place.

>> No.16034105
File: 46 KB, 371x480, mca11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bout to hit da ramen shop 35 minutes before close wish me luck

>> No.16034169

No self confidence, maybe scrawny or fat probably average and because tv can romanticise them and think it's all cool

>> No.16034187

Goddamn that guy has an extremely punchable face

>> No.16034208

>spiritual wagie attempts to be smug
you are a wagie now and forever anon

>> No.16034213

>i am raping wagies into giving me an indirect kiss
literally don't see the problem here

>> No.16034244

>functionally a slave
>paid for work
hmmmm, think you don't understand the meaning of the word slave

>> No.16034246

nobody that served you, but did you check your food before you ate it?

>> No.16034252
File: 495 KB, 459x473, mca4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's adam yaunch and you bite your tongue

>> No.16034265

actually slaves were paid in housing and sustenance
are you the mental retard who thinks what compensation you receive determines if you are a slave

you are a wage slave because you are forced into a hostile system under the illusion of choice. this is why wagies are more embarrassing than fucking actual slaves.

>> No.16034269

>come in at 9:50 to a restaurant that claims hours till 10
>waitstaff is visibly frustrated and agitated and acts passive aggressive to seat me sighing the whole time
>start asking me right away what I want without time to read the menu and the beaner in the kitchen is literally staring at me
>tell them I don't like their attitude and immediately get up and leave after they just say me down with drinks and silverware

your sass does nothing to help the situation. Just tell me to go home if it bothers you that much I hate the way millennial waiters can't just internally seethe like we all have to do at work instead of putting on a whole gay woe is me performance.

>> No.16034355

Don't start cleaning up until your shift is done wagie

>> No.16034416

>your sass has done nothing to help the situation
It got you to leave, which solved their problem

>> No.16034489

Never had a issue with this working fast food. It was always "we close at this time, but expect to work at least extra hour to clean"

>> No.16034499

That's not intuitive signage even for normal people. Normal places set the closing time as the cutoff for placing orders. Diners are usually allowed to stay beyond that time with the understanding that they'd better hurry up and finish.

>> No.16034555


>> No.16034563

Now that's what I call based.

>> No.16034624

Clean it up wagie!

>> No.16035415

Because working in a restaurant is actual hell

>> No.16035425

Sometimes the extra $8 is not worth the mental toll it takes on you to have to stay an extra hour at a place you hate. Restaurant jobs already steal so much of your life from you, that extra hour of sleep or time to yourself makes a world of difference.