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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 484 KB, 964x650, SoyboyWetDream.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16019665 No.16019665 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.16019669

>imagine cracking one of these bad bois open with the wife while watching rick and morty. It sounds like a gift from g-d

>> No.16019687
File: 211 KB, 1011x1836, result_1619550335297.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based Brewdog! I got crazy smasherino'd on this 13% BA impy at one of their epic pubs last night, needless to say the good times were rollin', to quote the late great Bob Dylan!

>> No.16019696

Any beer over 6% ABV is designed to appeal to soys so they can larp as a masculine male

>> No.16019739

If I'm paying $10+ for a 4 pack of some craft beer it better be well over 6% abv.

>> No.16019756

>paying more for some witty slogans on the can and an unnecessary amount of hopping

>> No.16019761

I don't buy IPA's. Hops are gross.

>> No.16020407
File: 36 KB, 1200x719, iStock-586714878_HadelProductions.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why the fuck are you in a beer thread then
Do you fags just love self-harming lmao

>> No.16020421

There's beer that the hops are not overbearing, or basically nonexistent, you would know this if you weren't retarded.

>> No.16020449

Dude, dude, dude... I could totally SMASH one of those!

>> No.16020457

>Brewdog and Tony Chocolonely linked up! Need it or keep it?

>> No.16020460
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My favorite porn mangaka likes brew dog, she always posts about beer

>> No.16020466
File: 127 KB, 719x837, 1619373243424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is wrong with IPA's?
Why does this board seemingly hate them and anyone who enjoys them?

>> No.16020477

Ya know, I thought the soy boy beer shit was a meme until I visited the craft beer subreddit. Triple ipas, smoothie sours, and horrific dessert stouts are all anyone posts and any picture of the person is exactly what you'd think they look like

>> No.16020478

Please provide several examples of prominent beer styles that do not rely on hop flavours in some way or form.

>> No.16020483

IPA's are routinely drank by "men" who enjoy huffing their own farts and talking about how much they "love" IPA's.
>mmmm, yes, this singular note intense, harshly bitter, pine forest flavor is great, huh

>> No.16020486

Wild ales

>> No.16020487
File: 1.69 MB, 4032x2268, 20210428_013910.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most people don't, it's one or two intensely mongoloidal IPA-haters responsible for 90%+ of it.

>> No.16020490

Brewdog and Chocolonely linkin up?
need it or keep it?

>> No.16020492

Wild ales are pretty niche but I'll accept it for argumemt's sake. Please, continue.

>> No.16020508
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That's understandable I suppose, but you don't have to hate IPA's just because of some douchebags.

>> No.16020513

Sours as well. lambic, basically anything that relies on lactobacillus since hops kill them off

>> No.16020548

But there are hopped sours

>> No.16020579

Alts often are more malty than hoppy. Traditional stouts had no noticeable hop flavor or aroma. Hops weren't even used much in beer until the 1500's.

>> No.16020594
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>mongoloidal IPA-haters

>> No.16020602
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sneed it

>> No.16020686
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What's an IPA?

>> No.16020702

yes and they are all shit.

>> No.16020714

>Traditional stouts had no noticeable hop flavor or aroma
What do you mean by traditional? Pretty much every non-adjunct stout in existence relies on some form of Cascade, Fuggles or EKG hops to provide the characteristic tannic dryness of a stout.

>> No.16020757

India pale ale. In theory just a pale ale with extra hops, but it's turned into a competition for which craft brewery can cram the most hops into any single batch

>> No.16020766

that actually sounds dope man

get a fucking life

>> No.16020799
File: 5 KB, 176x286, SoyBoy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based multinational, independent corporation.

>> No.16020813 [DELETED] 

>with the wife
way to exclude non-binary couples and LGBTQ couples from the equation you fucking asshole

why dont you scamper on back to /pol/ where you can hang around the other low life scum on this website

>> No.16020834
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>he doesn't drink Belgium beers

>> No.16020854
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Fair play to them for catering to this market. If idiots are willing to pay for this swill, why not make it?

>> No.16020861

people hardly do this anymore, like when craft beers were blowing up in the uk in 2015 people when IPA crazy.

No one really cares now, if you like it cool if you dont there's plenty more types of beer to enjoy.

>> No.16020867

India Pale Ale.
Beer with lots of hops in it giving it a bitter but floral taste.

>> No.16020974

They're alright. Not my thing but okay.
Its just a few years back every wannabe craft brewery was pumping out awful over-hopped IPAs and calling that 'craft beer'. Which heavily overshadowed other types of beer and degraded the real quality of the scene in general.

>> No.16021027
File: 856 KB, 920x1024, mein lieblingsbier.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ich liebe das Bier.

>> No.16021062

>heckin Bavarian beer?? Just like the fuhrerino used to drink!

>> No.16021206

ive never heard anyone talk like this before

>> No.16021223

Imagine coping this hard for your shitty tastes

>> No.16021239

me either, I think/ck/ is just fabricating new groups to have unreasonable anger towards

>> No.16021251

I just like dark beer, and save for one craft stout this is the best I can afford.

>> No.16021254

why not just drink a milkshake or make a milkshake with beer

>> No.16021264
File: 48 KB, 1380x428, kermits_asshole.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well Aktuwelly Mein Fuhrer, Adolf Hitler, didn't drink alcohol.

>> No.16021275

Daily reminder that IPA’s are laden with estrogen

>> No.16021292



IPA’s give you man tits

>> No.16021378
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>> No.16021400

Only if you drink them all day every day like a disgusting omega cuntboy.
Anything, in moderation, is complety fine.

>> No.16021407

Even heroin?

>> No.16021421

Especially heroin.

>> No.16021470

how do people drink this shit?
its so fucking bitter i cant taste anything else

>> No.16021484
File: 116 KB, 700x250, light-lager-banner-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw only drinking lagers now
Simple as. As long as it's not macro swill (and even then, I'll drink them when I'm going out with friends or at a house party), works for me.

>> No.16021653
File: 156 KB, 600x788, CB5D8FA8-37B5-4B18-A5D3-26E4D9B4B420.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people drink this and then scoff at me for drinking bud heavy

Yep. Nothing like a good ol yellow fizzy.

>> No.16021666

That's river rat beer, which is why I drink it.

>> No.16021678

It was before Big Opiod started lacing it with feynt

>> No.16021872

Tried some Tony's Chocolonely before
Pretty damn good chocolate but fuck me I could not give less of a shit about IPAs if I tried

>> No.16022492
File: 796 KB, 2093x2438, 20210427_002450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you just KNOW that if any of the anti-IPA autists just tried a properly good one they would be forever converted to the chill, inclusive and non-judgmental world of small batch craft beer

>> No.16022534

Incredible. It is as if the soynpc is drawn to things that will effectively turn him into a woman.
Soy milk
Will hot sauces be next?

>> No.16022721

And IPA drinkers on /ck/ will actually defend their swill

>> No.16022741

I've tried normal IPAs, I'm not a fan of the strong hop taste