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16016693 No.16016693[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why are people so afraid of meat these days?

Animal protein and fats are the things that literally helped us evolve and eventually dominate the food chain and the world. By removing meat from your diet, you're literally undoing all the evolutionary progress, that's mental illness.

>> No.16016705

>that's mental illness

I'd be more concerned about unhealthy obsession with what other people are doing.

>> No.16016720

sv3rige is a retard. for every 1 person that may hop on to a more meat heavy diet there's probably 100s that are so disgusted at his idiocy they dont eat meat out of fear of being associated with such a dork

>> No.16016727
File: 522 KB, 930x863, 1619386099232.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sv3rige is a retard. for every 1 person that may hop on to a more meat heavy diet there's probably 100s that are so disgusted at his idiocy they dont eat meat out of fear of being associated with such a dork

>> No.16016747

>flat-earther hands typed this

>> No.16016755
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>>flat-earther hands typed this

>> No.16016757

Just because sv3rige is a retard doesn't make vegan gains any less retarded

>> No.16016769

You seriously think there's even one single person out there who stopped eating meat because they don't want to be associated with this guy? You're a retard anon

>> No.16016819

As an "eat meat with every dinner" guy, I can completely understand vegetarianism due to criticism of the meat industry. Sustainable practices are possible, but not as profitable to the meat megacorps, and any regulations intended to encourage sustainability are often bought and paid for by those megacorps and utilized to keep out small-time meat farmers from even being able to get started. This problem extends beyond the meat industry into the agricultural industry. It's all quite insidious, actually. The problem is that there really isn't a proper solution other than the disenfranchisement of agricultural and meat lobbyists and the placement of government officials that won't bend to money, a borderline impossible feat. If someone looks at the meat industry and decides they'd rather give their money to an industry that isn't inhumanely killing a metric shitload of animals, that makes sense to me. Even if their macronutrients ratios are shit, so is everyone else's, most people don't optimize their nutrition anyway.

Veganism is pants-on-head retarded, though. It's pure virtue signaling.

>> No.16016923
File: 2.31 MB, 4656x2328, 20210427_110557_HDR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post hand you fucking nigger retard

>> No.16016948

>muh inhumane treatment
God gave man DOMINION over the earth and all its creatures, not stewardship. Animals are here for us to use as we please

>> No.16016952

Unquestionably based.
OP made a thread earlier today and was swiftly BTFO’d and sneeded soyjaks until jannies deleted his gay obsession thread

>> No.16016962

most people eat greasy garbage meat, so it would be an overall upgrade for them

>> No.16016971

>OP made a thread earlier today
Do you have schizophrenia? That's the first time I made any thread in a fucking month, you minerally defficient cunt

>> No.16016973
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Gotta be 18 kiddo

>> No.16016986

>if you have an unshakable moral framework you must be a cuck
Modernism, not even once

>> No.16017004
File: 813 KB, 1329x1218, 3a3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>religion has a monopoly on morality
this is why people make fun of you
and the kidfucking. that too

>> No.16017061

>religion has a monopoly on morality
Close, only Christianity does (and not the fag-flag ordained wymyn kind). Kidfucking only started after Vatican II when jews subverted the church and filled it with fag priests

>> No.16017068
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>> No.16017074

>Being fat and showing people online for no reason other than to prove????

>> No.16017079

>Why are people so afraid of meat these days?
Can you demonstrate that people actually are afraid of meat and that you don't just perceive things this way because you pay way too much attention to normie socmed?

>> No.16017084
File: 210 KB, 1195x1367, 1613546387362.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Morality is a spook

>> No.16017085

post hand then fatass

>> No.16017089

>a-actually they aren't REAL Christians
ah yes the no true scotsman fallacy

>> No.16017097

Theyre all in denial, like all the homophobes who are actually secretly gay but can't tell anyone.
>Don't like meat?
>You're secretly a carnivore!

>> No.16017104

Shooo shoo fat glowie, youre the one who posted your fat hand here, you're not going to see my personal stuff for your database.

>> No.16017118

so not only are you blind, you're a pussy too
dont respond to me again, fat bitch

>> No.16017120

You are mentally, don't project it on everyone else

>> No.16017132

Calm down kid, next time don't post your fat hand online and sperg out when someone calls your fat hand fat.

>> No.16017157

Take your meds, you gay vegan schizo.

>> No.16017180
File: 23 KB, 313x480, images (32).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit how fat are you??!? XD
Holy fuck how triggered did you get??! XD
Just literally stop eating so much you fat idiot. You don't even have the willpower to not reply.

>> No.16017216

He's about the same level of mental illness as your average vegan.

>> No.16017354

Take your meds transcel

>> No.16017387
File: 2.42 MB, 4656x2328, 20210427_220730_HDR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post hand, fatty
if my little sausage fingers are so chubby, SURELY you've got big masculine hands yourself?

>> No.16017484

Post proof of weight. The tips of your fingers are storing fat. The rest of that piggy ass must be too full up.

>> No.16017504

because impressionable retards will watch one "documentary" and a few youtube videos and think that they are a nutrition expert, and parrot the same 5 fucking claims to everyone that they heard.

>> No.16017508

You trust a balding mentally handicapped person who has been sent to the hospital numerous times for food poisoning and has admitted to wanting to resort to caniabalism before? Ok

>> No.16017514

post hand, fatty

>> No.16017520

So you hate yourself.

>> No.16017527


>> No.16017546
File: 2.45 MB, 4656x2328, 20210427_223512_HDR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah mom is a teetotaler
I bit my fingernails growing up and it stunted the hell out of my fingers
Bretty gross, huh?

>> No.16017551

no, i dont hate myself. I like how meat tastes and I like how veggies, nuts, fruits, fish, and mushrooms taste. im not about to watch a one sided "documentary" or youtube video where they take actual studies, cherry-pick the info that supports their claim, and cast aside the rest

>> No.16017592


Why is it that so many raw meat carnivore diet-types are former raw vegans? Like, of course you're gonna be malnourished if you go on some retarded diet where you only drink vegetable and fruit juices or some other stupid shit

>> No.16017677

why do you faggots care what people eat or don't eat. holy shit. just shut the fuck up. veganism, keto, WHO GIVES A FUCK

>> No.16017954
File: 232 KB, 1280x960, 665B7F9C-280B-496F-96F3-367E50E37CB1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is mine

>> No.16018057
File: 1.11 MB, 987x1433, MiPobreAngelito.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can afford the newest iphone
>but not moisturizer
anon please your hands will thank you

>> No.16018064

gymbro or kitchenbro?

>> No.16018655 [DELETED] 

>Posts his fat hand *again" to prove he isn't fat, but now shows off his lack of muscle too
Looks like it, also their temperament and ease to self defence kind of helps deal the deal with some form of mental retardation.

>> No.16018660

They're not. You're a retarded schizo who spends too much time on the internet.

>> No.16018662

because our society breeds weak people.

>> No.16018669

decades of culmalative brainwashing

>> No.16018673

Nah that's bad genetics or FAS or something, not because you bit your nails. They wouldn't look exactly like everyone else with disorders if it wass something you did. Nice level of coping though. Next you'll try explain how you got them all to grow exactly the same by using your surgically sharpened teeth
Why are your fingers so fucking fat and where's your muscle?? Why are you trying to call others fat when you are fat yourself? Your BMI is probably like 38.

>> No.16018690

you don't sound very secure in yourself anon

>> No.16018703

damn you're actually retarded

>> No.16018737

This is your brain on oversocialisation.

>> No.16018845

god had nothing to do with it. we dont hold dominion over shit. that's like saying god gave us dominion over slaves and not rich assholes being greedy enough to force dominion over people that were kidnapped

>> No.16018863

Cope fatty, maybe post more of yourself on an anonymous website