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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16013823 No.16013823 [Reply] [Original]

When will you stop beefing? Pretty much everyone understands by now that beefing is bad and should stop. When will you?


>> No.16013828

Never because beef is sustainable.

>> No.16013830

You will endure incredible suffering before I give up beef for good.

>> No.16013832

for you

>> No.16013837

I can't wait until the Chinese take over the planet and they execute all the hippie green faggots.

>> No.16013840

What’s an epicurious? Is that a guy who reads Tom Clancy in public but has experimented with Homer and Tolkien a few times in college?

>> No.16013849

Never. These same cunts probably buy cartel avocados and chocolate farmed by 9 year olds.
If your morals are inconsistent because you take a buffet approach based on social pressure and virtue signalling, I'm not listening

>> No.16013955

>nirvana fallacy

>> No.16013977

sick of this fascism.

>> No.16013999
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>Caring about the enviroment and your healt is facism
ok, incelited chud

>> No.16014080

I'm not that guy, but that isn't an example of the nirvana fallacy, its whataboutism, and it isn't even that you fucking mong

>> No.16014090

meant for

>> No.16014104

beefing as it arguing with people? can't imagine you could ever live life without getting into some arguments.

>> No.16014109

>muh fallacies

>> No.16014116

>not being able to have a valid argument in a conversation with an adult
>not passing grade school
I feel sorry for you

>> No.16014126

Are they still using avocados and palm oil?

I don't care. I don't think anything I do for the environment can offset the 2.7 BILLION Chinaman and Indians who treat nature like both a landfill and a toilet. There is absolutely nothing the West can do for the environment as long as those people are around.

>> No.16014132

I mean I stopped buying beef at the supermarket once I learned you can just buy a quarter cow once a year, and now I'm taking some recently opened former CRP and turning it into pasture for my own cattle.

yes, I am saying, fuck you, I got mine. Also if anything needs to go, it's fast food and restaurants. Both of those industries waste a shitton of food.

>> No.16014144


>> No.16014149

This is the problem when you raise a generation of pseudo intellectuals that get head pats for regurgitating what 'experts' tell them to think. They've actually been convinced that industrial crop farming is ethical and sustainable. They will throw down their lives for multi billion dollar agriculture giants and crusade against locally based regenerative farms just because of the use of livestock.

>> No.16014154

I rarely eat beef anyway. Maybe once or twice a year if someone else is making it for me. Most beef in the world is so low-quality I don't know how people are OK with eating it.

>> No.16014176

Yes, goyim, because burning down rain forest to make room for avocado trees is SOOO sustainable.

God, I wanna murder every leftshit on this planet.

>> No.16014214

It's liberals doing this shit, not leftists. Fuck you cuckservative.

>> No.16014240

>you bigot chud!, when will your racisr ass stoo eating beef?

Not even on my death bed.

>> No.16014244

This. People tell me I can’t rape dogs but they have an iPhone? fucking ridiculous

>> No.16014249

kys commie go suck a jew cock

>> No.16014251


>> No.16014253
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>Walmart education

>> No.16014263
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>a vegan saves one animal life per day


>> No.16014354

They won't because they were raised by boomers with the mindset of take everything you can while you're breathing and leave the children nothing. They will stuff their faces all the way through the prices going up and shortages happening, they will stuff their faces when people are asked to ration. They will do it until their children can hardly have it at all. They don't care.

>> No.16014367

Lol @ all you stupid beefers

>> No.16014372

This. Almost any time I get a cut of beef I'm extremely disappointed by it.

>> No.16014376

Take your meds transcel

>> No.16014385
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>> No.16014387

>nothing else
clearly this is an unbiased infograph

>> No.16014390

It's neither.
Whataboutism is going "oh you're giving up beef, well that OTHER GUY is beating kids." Anon isn't doing that here: he's bring up a hypocritical action that people giving up beef are engaging in (there's an avocado in their fucking picture for Christ sake).
It's not nirvana fantasy because asking someone to give up avocados isn't unrealistic. It's easier to give up avocados than it is beef, in fact. Realistically, anyone giving up beef can and should give up avocados as well.

>> No.16014398

>flashpowder made with cow fat
>pasta made with blood

>> No.16014403

>2500 gallons of water to make a pound of beef
I love beef now. Fuck faggots who choose to live places without enough water, they deserve it.

>> No.16014425

>Whataboutism is going "oh you're giving up beef, well that OTHER GUY is beating kids."
No it isn’t.

>> No.16014430

you’re the one that improperly invoked muh logical fallacy and didn’t provide any reason as to why. Are you talking in third person right now?

>> No.16014436

noting the evils of the proposed alternative when the evils of the subject in question are invoked is a perfectly valid argument.

>> No.16014448

You don’t have to eat avocados to not eat meat.

>> No.16014455

Yes, it is. The original whataboutism was the Soviet government going "yeah but things are bad in America" when criticism of the Soviet Union were brought up.

>> No.16014466

>600 gallons of water for one pound of meat
>methane pollution on an industrial scale

>> No.16014471

Yes, that's absolutely sustainable.

>> No.16014475

yet those recipes are still allowed on epicurious

>> No.16014477

Yep. It's pretty dumb for them to claim to be "pro-planet" and then include avocados in their "pro-planet" picture.

>> No.16014487

When they were criticized by America or supporters of America. It’s about accusing the accuser of hypocricy, not just pointing to injustice at some random place in the world.

>> No.16014489


>> No.16014495

Does that make you feel comfortable about continuing doing something wrong? That others are also doing something (less) wrong?

>> No.16014498

it's not just the prices of meat that are increasing, but the quality available in certain areas. unfortunately not all meat is made the same. i think also the problem lies in expectations like day old or lowered prices on meats should taste the same as full price or same price meats, or what cuts are good that day and which is okay, what kind of stuff to look for when making a certain dish. it is kind of tricky to choose from but probably now it is easier for people to follow recipes since you can't go wrong with picking a fresh food item like lettuce since it comes in packaging or it's all the same quality from the grocery section at the store.

>> No.16014502
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>all the faggots in the comments trying to make it an epic gotcha that they stopped publishing beef recipes a year ago and are only announcing it now

>> No.16014504

No, when they were criticized, anon. Yes, they were literally just pointing to another country that had nothing to do with the issue at hand and saying "what about them" and that's a whataboutism.
Pointing out that someone is behaving like a hypocrite is not and never will be a whataboutism. Only hypocrites think this, and only when they're getting called out on their bullshit. Have you tried not being a massive hypocrite, anon?

>> No.16014509

Don’t know what to say dude, you’re just wrong.

>> No.16014524

I'm not.
>When criticisms were leveled at the Soviet Union during the Cold War, the Soviet response would often use "and what about you?" style by instancing of an event or situation in the Western world.[8][9][10] The idea can be found in Russian language: while it utilizes phrase "Sam takoi" for direct tu quoque-like "you too"; it also has "Sam ne lutche" ("not better") phrase.
Doesn't say "criticisms from America or American-supporters" but just criticisms, and the term itself comes from the Russian language because it was Russians/Russian speakers talking to and about the Soviet Union's dumb responses to their criticisms.
The only thing you've said that is correct is that you don't know what to say, and that's because you don't know what you're talking about. Here's a suggestion: stop talking.

>> No.16014532
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Yeah, under a leftist regime, we'd have no food at all. Fuckin pinko

>> No.16014553

That's how North Korean propaganda works currently. They constantly talk about how bad things are in the US to downplay how bad things are in North Korea even though it's irrelevant.

>> No.16014558

>fallacy fallacy

>> No.16014562

> "and what about you?"
This means they’re bringing up something the accuser is guilty of. So no, it’s not just any injustice by some other guy.

>> No.16014570

t. phallus expert

>> No.16014586

Sick burn, bro. I can still feel the pain.

>> No.16014604

This is cute

>> No.16014611

The thing is, the accused weren't Americans or American sympathizers, anon. They were Soviets who were starving and trying to bring up issues with the government, only for their government to deflect with a whataboutism.

>> No.16014619

Yep. They utilize whataboutisms pretty well.

>> No.16014646

>veganism was just a smoke screen for fossil fuels and plastics all along
>food waste of plant-based foods is the leading cause of agricultural methane by far
>statistics saying beef is the most water-intensive agricultural product are counting 90 fucking percent rainwater on non-arable land
I'm shocked!

>> No.16014656


>> No.16014699

leftist shills have started using these gay water memes with complete intellectual dishonesty (they are counting rain water that lands on the grass FFS)

>> No.16014728

>(they are counting rain water that lands on the grass FFS)
Grass crops are also a huge detriment to the environment but go off i guess.

>> No.16014739

Grasslands are a giant carbon sink, retard.

>> No.16014755

>Grass growing in an abandoned field, totally fine
>Grass growing in a field to feed livestock, you're worse than Hitler
Man, Vegans and Environmentalists are some of the biggest retards on the planet.

>> No.16014762

isn't not killing yourself more of a net negative for the environment than eating beef? should we all feel bad for not killing ourselves?

>> No.16014765

So I can't deplete California's groundwater reserves by eating beef?

>> No.16014781

you can do whatever you want sweaty

>> No.16014786

California already depleted California's water. You can help them deplete other states' water by consuming more almonds though.

>> No.16014849

Not him but I don't get the reasoning behind cutting beef but not cutting avocados as well.

>> No.16014864

Who do you think manufacturers everything, dingus? The reason our plastic shit is so cheap because proper waste management is expensive.

>> No.16014935
File: 93 KB, 1280x720, Spongebob Nightmare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The leftist feel-good bullshit is destroying the western world.

I'm not going to stop eating beef so you can feel like you made a difference.

>> No.16014952
File: 964 KB, 335x190, GgqTg8C.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Beef production is heavily subsidized both in product and on inputs
>The majority of this production goes into shit tier beef
>Because the natural price of beef isn't seen on the market it easily outpaces alternative red meats such as lamb or goat
>Because the market is used to cheap beef prices, we don't produce as much top tier beef as we should
>Our industrial farming of shit tier beef creates a lot of pharmaceutical and agricultural run off

Yet, instead the arguments we get are
>Cows are bad for climate change while measuring climate change based on greenhouse gases is a complete shitshow
>Water input per output is trash despite the fact that water is an incredibly localized resource (effectively, water can be "infinite" or "incredibly scarce" independently of eachother)
>Red meat is bad for health so you can live long enough to go into nigger nursing

I don't even know anymore.

>> No.16014987

Almond farming is more harmful to the environment than beef farming has ever been.
But nobody wants to talk about that.

>> No.16015017
File: 1009 KB, 213x255, eeeew.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you don't know this you are in now shape or form qualified to speak on behalf of mother earth

>> No.16015020

They will do anything but address the fact that overpopulation is the problem.
>no beef
>no cars
>no natural resources

It would all be fixed in a generarion if you gave poor scum $500 a week for life to have their tubes tied.

>> No.16015031 [DELETED] 

This isn't /pol/, take your crime statistics back.

>> No.16015042

Don't care. Still eating burgers.

>> No.16015096

Why are you hiding the numbers? Just say 24K/yr. Just say you want to give everyone 9K more than minimum wage (15K). And yes, you read that right, working full time in the US on minimum wage you only pull in 15K on federal minimum wage.

>> No.16015103

Not eating beef is genocide on all the meat cattle races.
They will simply be forgotten.

>> No.16015111

End farm subsidies NOW. We don't need flyovers producing food that could support 1.5 billion people, only for it to be sent to China and Brazil to feed fucking cattle.
I hate farmers so much because they constantly complain about nigger gibs, yet they're just as bad.

>> No.16015136

You can't even spell no.

>> No.16015141

Fuck off phoneposting cancer.

>> No.16015144

You hate farmers, and yet you still pay them. Wtf

>> No.16015148

I eat beef every day

>> No.16015152

From the environmental perspective? I agree.

>> No.16015153

I can spell check your fathers vagina. How would you like that? Hmm!?

>> No.16015165

If it’s not ”what about you” it’s not whataboutism, your own definition says so.

>> No.16015175

Men dont have vaginas and neither do you, tranny

>> No.16015190
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>> No.16015199

Well, Hitler did instate the most comprehensive animal rights laws in the world when he took power...

>> No.16015220

Why are americans such binary shizos? It's either a full go go go or a full stop. Why can't they be moderate in something?

>> No.16015223

I agree that we should cut both but beef is way way worse than avocados and you can argue that any food has some sort of impact so beyond a certain point you have to draw the line and include some foods while excluding others and the line will be semi-arbitrary. Some people choose to cut the line at animal products since it's a simple line to conceptualize in a single word slogan rather than prescribing a detailed shopping list which can't be turned into a slogan and might confuse or overwhelm people initially. I still agree that we shouldn't eat avocados but saying we should cut beef while not addressing avocados isn't a completely absurd position.

>> No.16015229

Also lol the water that cows *do* use doesn't just disappear; it is in the meat and makes up some of the water intake of the people who eat it.

>> No.16015233

Social media has groomed society to live only in extremes.

>> No.16015242

This video is so full of bullshit that you're retarded to post it anywhere.

>> No.16015255
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That's the Hitler fallacy. Please don't post before you learn how to avoid logical fallacies

>> No.16015266

I pay the ones that produce actual food for human consumption. Not buying into the subsidized monocroppers, bitch. You'll be healthier if you ditch the grocery store

>> No.16015276

Is your only debating style reading off the titles of articles on rationalwiki? Besides, that post was more of a joke as I 1) support hitler and 2) don't really care if beef is outlawed

>> No.16015287

I am working on ditching the grocery stores. I produce my own eggs and poultry and as i type this i am working on my market garden. Beef and pork is bought wholesale with no less than 1/4 of an aninal from local farms (until i get my own cows/pigs/goats)

>> No.16015290

that guy makes a lot of videos promoting meat, all of them completely contradicting medical and now environmental scientific consensus. I'm genuinely suspicious of who or what he's working for now that he's defending meat again from established science in a whole other field

>> No.16015291
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>Boujee assholes debating about beef
Do these guys even have any hobbies?

>> No.16015301

insanely based.

>> No.16015327

It's the best fallacy.

>> No.16015368

>I 1) support hitler
lmao I find it incredible that you write that like you think it'll help you in any way shape or form. You are wile and disgusting you fucking cretin

>> No.16015373

Why do you support a dead loser who an heroed like a coward?

>> No.16015385

Fucking D R O P P E D

>> No.16015415

I'd kill every vegan on this earth before I stop eating beef.

>> No.16015440

meanwhile cali burns down every year because all the aquifers have been drained dry to irrigate fucking almonds

>> No.16015443

The Hitler fallacy is generally used in the context of "Hitler did x, and Hitler is bad, therefore x is bad". If I do not agree with the middle assertion then my earlier statement can of course not be an example of the Hitler fallacy. That is why I said I supported Hitler.

>> No.16015452

Sorry I didn't realize you were asking me an actual question; I support him because I agree with the ideology of national socialism.

>> No.16015456

i grilled a marinated flank steak on my weber kettle last weekend and it was so delicious. i think I’m gonna do it again next weekend. along with more beef

>> No.16015471

Joe Biden said he’s banning meat, but Trump will make it legal again once he wins in 2024.

>> No.16015502

trust the plan

>> No.16015512

So you don't support hitler, you support national socialism. Hitler failed to sustain national socialism. So maybe you should look up to someone who can sustain it, you know? Not a loser?

>> No.16015522

Water isn't an issue if you don't live in a shithole with no rain.

>> No.16015529 [DELETED] 

fucking never, and I recently inherited enough money that I won't ever have to worry about the price of beef EVER.

>> No.16015536

But when people post videos/documentaries about how meat is bad, they don't have an agenda at all, right?

>> No.16015544

>suicide is cowardly
I don't get this meme. Death scares the hell out of everyone who isn't crazy.

>> No.16015550

>cut X food to save the planet
>do X to save the planet
When 100 companies stop being 71% of pollution and other companies stop making up most of the other 29% I'll CONSIDER modifying my behavior. I don't litter, I drive a reasonably economical car that doesn't take up too much space, that's enough.

>> No.16015554
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>dude just eat fiber oxalates and goitrogens

>> No.16015558

>standard american diet rich in animal products
isn't that a little misleading? it's also high in processed food that's usually vegan and refined sugar. other than obesity being the biggest factor in heart disease, one of the worst foods for heart disease was vegetable shortening, another vegan product claimed to be healthier than animal fats.

>> No.16015565

The planet is in no danger here. Thats a fact.

>> No.16015564

Hitler commit suicide because he was too much of a coward to face his enemies.

He was also too much of a coward to kill one of his close followers despite the follower specifically requesting Hitler kill him for his "betrayal" (being gay, even though everyone had known he was gay even before the nazis rise to power). Hitler was a cowardly bitch and only commit suicide because he was scared.

>> No.16015566

Joe Biden didn't say that and didn't even remotely hint at it, a Daily Mail article just speculated on it, just completely made it up themselves as a hypothetical, and then American conservative media quoted it as fact.

>> No.16015571

No, I do support Hitler. I support Hitler, Gottfried Feder, Goebbels, Wagner, Schopenhauer, Nietzsche, Teichmueller, etc. Every single person who contributed to the intellectual development and realized movement of national socialism. What you are suggesting would be like supporting Marxism while not supporting Marx. Despite the fact that Hitler lost the war, I do not consider him a 'loser' nor do I disparage him for killing himself in Berlin as the Red Army was closing in.

>> No.16015576

>Hitler was gay
Why do (((people))) keep trying to rewrite history?

>> No.16015595

The two aren't equivalent when there's a near unanimous consensus for one side among all the people of the world who have professionally spent their entire lives researching the issue. It's also ludicrous to talk about agendas, what agenda could they have? If you follow the money the meat industry is a multi billion dollar industry. Who is successfully buying out the entirety of science then? Big broccoli?

>> No.16015610

Companies cause pollution by making things that we buy and use which is why we have to make hard choices about what we buy and use.

>> No.16015621

he is saying some follower of his was gay, not hitler himself, though I have heard (((people))) make the other claim too.

>> No.16015633

>overpopulation is the problem
the only responsible and sustainable policy is to precipitate malthusian catastrophes and end all medical aid to promote epidemics. as nature intended.

>> No.16015637

More like heavily subsidized cash crops like grain, canola (which is a brassica, ironically enough), soy, wheat, cotton, etc.
Shit, you wanna talk multi billion dollar industries, look at the crop protection industry. That's just on PROTECTING crops, not just growing them.
The wealthy has always wanted their underlings on grain, it stunts them physically and mentally. People who avoid cheap grains and sugar and eating a diet rich in animal foods are not easy to control.

Also its clear there isn't a unanimous decision whether meat is bad or not, considering there is a MASSIVE debate among professionals.

Animals are incredibly important for humanity, why can't you just accept that?

>> No.16015657

"Vote with your wallet" doesn't work when most people will never even think about not buying their 600th Funko Pop. 99% of my physical goods purchases are groceries and gas. I don't buy plastic toy #18288 or the new meme sandwich or whatever other bullshit. I recycle (not that I really trust single stream recycling). If you're going to crawl up the asses of individuals over pollution go after the average person's massive amount of waste, not my steaks.

>> No.16015661

Low effort bait or mental retardation.

>> No.16015666

Bout to make some beef and broccoli, it's gon b good

>> No.16015667

What is red herring >

>> No.16015680

You know that we cut the rainforest down primarily to have grazing land for cattle you fucking mong?

>> No.16015681

Meat tasty. Meat healthy. All ancestors ate meat, why only now heart disease and cancer rate go up? Maybe is vegetable oils and syrups? Maybe is flavorings and colorings? No, no, must be meat.

>> No.16015690

Wildly inaccurate picture and outdated because most of this shit has plant based or synthetic alternatives by now

>> No.16015691

>blaming the jews for your poor reading comprehension

>> No.16015692

Ahh yes, those age old rainforests in the American midwest.

>> No.16015712

Retarded. More like end subsidies for farms that export more than 40% of it's output.

>> No.16015724

Ancestors didn't have the medical knowledge to classify heart disease and cancer.

>> No.16015734

You don't get to slither away from being lumped together as left wing faggots, both liberals and leftists. Fuck you.

>> No.16015738

Heart disease was virtually unheard of until the 1920s (shortly after people started eating hydrogenated seed oils like crisco). We've known about cancer since ancient Rome, possibly before.

>> No.16015749

You should go back to your containment board

>> No.16015754

This stupid piece of shit is displaying the classic left wing case of "toddler syndrome." He'll keep repeating "no no no no" regardless of how clearly you point out the progressive faggots are being hypocrites by rejecting beef while still accepting slave labor chocolate and cartel avocados because a left wing "authority" hasn't told the stupid fucking animal to care about that yet.

>> No.16015759

You do realize that this pollution problem affects the entire planet, not just amerilard? So our large influence on the world is causing places like Africa to adopt a meat heavy diet and chop those rainforest down for animal grazing

>> No.16015763

I don't even like beef desu, much rather eat RAW ELK LIVER.

>> No.16015775

If you are the guy I was responding to, if you didn't want a response then you shouldn't have said anything.

>> No.16015803

Intentionally stupid. So, so stupid. Just because Bayer bought Monsanto doesn't mean crops aren't sprayed with toxic sludge that destroys the surrounding ecosystem but makes tons of money. Doesn't mean corn derived slave shit like corn syrup and maltodextrin aren't everywhere and helping tons of food distributors make money. Sugar industry is alive and well thanks to slavery, and the descendants of those very slaves are the ones getting hit hardest with it's effects. Brussels sprouts and broccoli take way more water per calorie than an animal. One damn pig can feed a whole family for weeks.

Basically this. Gates & co havr been buying up lots of farmland lately, wonder if he's looking at purchasing even more at a steep discount resulting from ranchers losing tons of money from these totally grassroots Go Vegan Build Back Better social movements(tm)?

Sad because those very same lament that it is impossible to change their lot in life and that they are helpless to consoomption.

Oh? Lately they've been burning it down to give soy to China anon. Build back better :)

Cancer cell have many more insulin receptor. Insulin made to control sugar. Meat no cause surge in insulin. Cancer come from meat. Meat bad.

You really think they were eating wheaties in the savannah you mongoloid? You really think ancient man was vegan? Post your hand.

>> No.16015816

I think you retard.

>Meat no cause surge in insulin. Cancer come from meat. Meat bad.
Meat no have sugar so no need insulin for eat meat.

>> No.16015971
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>One damn pig can feed a whole family for weeks.

Correction, months.
A pig, when broken down, is 140 lbs of meat. Lets say a family of 4 eats 10 lbs of pork a week, that's 14 weeks. You can get more out of that pig if you don't just trim everything to high hell and take the "undesirable" parts. Head, organs, trotters, bones for soup, skin for cracklings and rendering lard, it adds up. MONTHS for a family of 4 or 5, if not potentially a year. And this is from an animal that took 6 months to get to slaughter weight. Pigs grow FAST. An industrial hog, if you let it continue growing and do an at home slaughter and butcher, can more DOUBLE your meat yield. Industrial pig breeds are MASSIVE animals.

>> No.16016025

>we could feed more than 15 times the number of people if we were to consume plants directly
This is stupid. We can produce more than enough food to feed everybody on earth already. People don’t go hungry because of a general shortage, they go hungry because of (((economics))).

>> No.16016053

Lol never. But I think its ok if the poor are limited to a plant based diet.

>> No.16016059

Most people don’t eat that many avocados anyway. But a lot of people eat a whole lot of beef, so it’s generally a bigger issue.
I don’t think what they’re saying is that everyone has to stop eating beef. I think they just want to avoid encouraging people to eat more beef, so they don’t want to use beef in the recipes they post.

>> No.16016068

Because beef is far far worse. You don't see the logic to cutting out something that is really bad for the environment by itself? It's a step in the right direction and much better than continuing eating beef but not eating avocadoes

>> No.16016077

The money and resources it saves in paying to cloth, feed and (attempt) to educate the poors is returned hundredfold.

Not to mention reduced crime, social services, prison housing and the brood theit children will spawn.

>> No.16016091

Because he is underage

>> No.16016097

You'd probably eat more of it if you didn't depend on your retarded friends, who shop at walmart, to cook it for you.

>> No.16016122

>chinks, japs and indians are literally dumping megalitres of polluted shit into the ocean every day
fucking retarded and backwards.
it's like the ban on plastic straws only had an affect on 0.2% of all plastic produced anyway.

Want to save the planet?
Nuke China and India.

>> No.16016158
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>Brussels sprouts and broccoli take way more water per calorie than an animal. One damn pig can feed a whole family for weeks.
Even if that’s correct, it’s disingenuous to imply that the same applies to all plant food.

>> No.16016206

put an end to cow farts NOW

>> No.16016251


>> No.16016272

It's not even "correct" - animal processes are a shit ton more water intensive than plant processes.

>> No.16016393


>> No.16016415

RIP biggie
Squash all beef yo

>> No.16016416

Earth actually has a lot of water, even a lot of fresh water, especially if you're ALLOWING THE ECOSYSTEM TO RETAIN WATER LIKE IT DOES RATHER THAN PAVING IT WITH SOY AND NITRATES TO TURN SOIL INTO CLAY

>> No.16016423

Solid point.
As a side note...
Nearly all the litter I see in the side of the road is fast food wrappers and bags.

>> No.16016430

Mmmmm, elephant

>> No.16016442

Beef is delicious, so fuck you but this legit made me lol

>> No.16016443

eating roast beef right now. I smoked a 4 lb one just for me. it is soooo fucking good.

>> No.16016485

>Realistically, anyone giving up beef can and should give up avocados as well.
wait what's wrong with avocados

>> No.16016510



>> No.16016517

A calorie is a measurement of energy. Plant calories are typically created via photosynthesis. I.e., converting photons into carbs using water as an input.

Let's say animals don't even consume water, that they don't need it to live. They're magic, or something. You will still have a massively reduced efficiency from plant calorie to animal calorie because of basic fucking thermodynamics. You cannot create more animal calories out of fucking plants than the initial input. It's fucking stupid, you retarded nigger.

Yes, typically. Water is an incredibly localized resource. We should be much more concerned with things entering the water table more than how we actually "consume" water.

>> No.16016533

hello please sir please thenkyu please when will you stop beefing please okey pletty much everwan understand sir okey beefing is very notgood and yu need to stop sir okey sir thenkyu sir please sir when will you sir please

>> No.16016534

Oh well that's not really relevant, we grow our own avocadoes in nz that aren't funded by cartels.
But the water use and deforestry could become a thing I guess. We certainly have a problem with farmers being absolute cunts with dairy so I could see them not caring about avocados too.

>> No.16016573

If you don't want to support industrial dairy get your own dairy animal

>> No.16016576
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he makes a lot of videos about food and mental/physical health, not just about meat.
Vegans and Vegetarians just mad cuz he actually knows what hes talking about instead of being deceptive parrot faggots.

>> No.16016587

>the video is wrong because it just is, o-okay?

>> No.16016603

Science isn't about consensus

>> No.16016608

Why am I being made to stop doing a thing I don't want to stop doing? What is this?

>> No.16016770

I don't give a fuck about the planet earth, and I like beef, so I'll keep eating it until it becomes cost prohibitive or is outright banned.

Or someone makes a labgrown/plant alternative that is indistinguishable or better.

Basically, the fact that beef destroys the earth has no bearing on me eating it, but every other factor does.

>> No.16016846

>water that an animal drinks just vanishes from the water cycle forever
>sustainable farming practices involving animals are impossible

>> No.16016909

All those gallons of water are locked up in the cow, dumbass

>> No.16016924


>> No.16017006

Until India and China change their methods. I will refuse to change mine.
I already
>recycle all plastic and glass
>use a bidet to limit my toilet paper use
>configured my home with a water purifier on the intake water pipes
>Have a compost pile
>Have a garden
>Have solar panels and a backup generator
>Have rainwater barrels that can be purified
Yet, I'm supposed to not eat meat as that's bad.
Fuck off with this clown world shit.

>> No.16017008

What the fuck? Do you think the farmers put chastity belts on the cows so they can’t urinate?

>> No.16017674

>the farmers put chastity belts on the cows so they can’t urinate
wtf is this for real? Wouldn't that literally eventually kill them?

>> No.16017714


If only they knew what the fuck they were talking about: https://youtu.be/-vILw12ecPM

>> No.16017741

Yeah everyone should just eat pea proteins (vastly inferior to animal protein and rape the soil because peas are an annual) combined with cancerous seed oil instead. So sustainable and healthy.

>> No.16017747

If you want to contradict scientific consensus then you at least need equally good evidence and reasoning, which retarded political youtubers never have

>> No.16017778

Protein is protein nigger.

>> No.16018012
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You dont need to have powdered forms of protien at all you dumb amerifat. Just eat normal protien rich plant food like lentils, oats, lima (senzu) beans, peanut butter, hemp seeds and tofu.

Also have you ever heard of someone dying of protein depletion? It'd be next to impossible for someone like you and your gaping swine mouth

>> No.16018032

You are a moron. Peas are one of the best rotation crops. Their green manure is a nitrogen fixer

>> No.16018083

>debating style
how many fedoras do you own?

>> No.16018354

Are they going to start wheeling out that retarded girl again?

>> No.16018357

Fuck...all this makes me want to eat more beef. I need some cheeseburgers.

>> No.16018427

>30 sqft of forest
fucking lol, theres more forest now in America than when the colonies were formed

>> No.16018450

>nor do I disparage him for killing himself in Berlin
he didnt though, he escaped and lived a nice life in Argentina
>muh /pol/ go away!


>> No.16018459

So how many more months will this be posted for?

>> No.16018469

No she's 18 now and is only focused on pissing off the Indian government with social media posts.

>> No.16018711

they do have an agenda retard, it's just supported by scientific sources

>> No.16018715

are the jews responsible for you being an inbred retarded hick too?

>> No.16018720

>pooping in toilet good
>pooping on carpet bad
how retarded

>> No.16018726

no-one cares about anything you do

>> No.16018744

wow anon guess we'd better synthesize food directly from petroleum because it's more efficient, who would want to use the ecological systems that gave us the farmland we now enjoy to make more of it we must simply max efficiency

>> No.16018752

more beef for the rest of us

>> No.16018763

What is "False Equivalence" for 500, Alex?

>> No.16018791

shut the fuck up commie, joe biden is gonna eat your burger

>> No.16018815

>>Grass growing in an abandoned field, totally fine
>>Grass growing in a field to feed livestock, you're worse than Hitler

I get what you're saying but learn about ecosystems, monocultures and industrialized grazing.

>> No.16018842

>overpopulation is the problem.
You know we're facing declining birth rates across every country on the planet, right?

>> No.16018849

What's the life of a cow in exchange for hurting the Earth on purpose?

>> No.16018853

Nothing turns me on more than a girl being visibly disgusted by my appearance

>> No.16019031
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>Pretty much everyone understands by now that beefing is bad and should stop
good, all the more beef for me then

>> No.16019421

>muh fallacies
Spoken like true fecesminist plebbit

>> No.16019438

Uh shud, those anons used the fallacy card. They don’t need to refute anyone since they pointed out a fallacy

>> No.16019441

>the "not an argument" non-argument

>> No.16019447
File: 1.07 MB, 2048x1365, this is literally a pool of pig shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cows bad, pigs good

>> No.16019473

>implying “you made a fallacy so you’re wrong” is an argument

>> No.16019493

I've heard living near those places is horrid, smells horrid, and the pig shit sprayed doesn't all fall into the water (think mist and wind)

>> No.16019522

as usual, braindead lefties pervert SCIENCE to push some bullshit narrative about how we all need to compromise our quality of life because they hate themselves

I'm going to continue eating beef twice a week because it's delicious

>> No.16019526

refute 1 (one) point made in the video

>> No.16019558
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Eco facism are real, so make sure you dont be like one

>> No.16019564

Going point by point is useless when the thesis is flawed

>> No.16019577


>> No.16019634

As long as they dont flat-out ban beef this is only beneficial to those who like beef. You can still eat a steak and others are doing the dirty work for the planet.

>> No.16019638
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>> No.16019647

>we're not anti-beef, we're pro-planet
>we just happen to think beef is anti-planet

>> No.16019652

Californians are actually so delusional that they think everywhere has as little water as they do.

>> No.16019653

not existing is better than suffering

>> No.16019701


>> No.16019754

When goats and lambs grow to the size of cows and become more affordable

>> No.16019759

I hope this anti-beef legislation causes supermarkets and restaurants to carry more venison and lamb, thus reducing the prices and making it easier to get. I fucking love venison and lamb.

>> No.16019822

Never had venison but hopefully the price of goat meat also go down and becomes more common aswell

>> No.16019853

some people don't like venison because it can be kind of gamey, whatever the fuck that means.

>> No.16019884

It means they can taste the CWD slowly rotting their brain

>> No.16019899

Woah, so it turns out that humans haven't been eating beef for fucking millennia after all.

>> No.16019915

Reminder that the same people who think that locally farmed beef is unsustainable are the same naive middle class retards who eat fucking goji berries shipped halfway across the world on giant fucking tankers.

If these people cared about sustainability they'd be pushing for more local farming and less imports.

>> No.16019925

Probably people who never ate hunted meat, too used to the taste of perservatives, processed meats and genetically bred livestocks

>> No.16019934

>locally farmed beef
Show me your receipts, faggot. I can guarantee no one on this board actually buys local beef because you all are too poor to afford it.

>> No.16019939

It doesn't matter what the fuck I do, we waste tons and tons of food that's never eaten every day.
You won't change shit

>> No.16020115

>some people don't like venison because it can be kind of gamey, whatever the fuck that means
It means not bland. The taste is not bland because the meat contains more nutrients because the animal had a varied and natural diet

>> No.16020299

Getting a cow butchered locally is like 400-600 aussie bucks. Neighbour sells cows for like 1700 but price varies with market. Haven't spoken to him in ages so fuck knows what his rate is now.

Average cow yields 180-230kg of meat (more if you count liver heart and such as I have not) so like worst case it'd be like 2300 for 180kg of beef coming out to approx 13 bucks per kg. Supermarket sells "sausage mince" $10 per kg. So I guess its pretty cheap really

>> No.16020312

Yeah, but do you actually buy 2 grand worth of meat at a time?

>> No.16020324

I mean if you want it to last you 4 years you do.

>> No.16020336

So, no then? You can't pretend like beef is great and sustainable to buy local by just showing the costs of a cow from a farmer down the road, you actually have to buy that meat.
Otherwise you're just deluding yourself into thinking your meat eating habits are okay.

>> No.16020544

I have buds who go in on pork and beef halves now and then, lasts them months and months. Not as fresh I guess but they seem to like the savings.

>> No.16020586

It is, and that's a good thing. If we don't care about our planet and the animals who live here then who will?

Linkola was right.

>> No.16020825

I'm gonna beef even harder now just to spite you

>> No.16021019

You are making a lot of assumptions. Are you yourself vegan and not eating avocados and chocolate? If yes. Why are you against the beef ban? Oh. You are not. You are just being defensive cause somebady takes your steak recipe. Oof. Poor baby without a stek recipe. Boo-hoo.

>> No.16021030

Americans are big too! Let's eat them!

>> No.16021033

/ck/ will no longer be allowing posts or threads that reference beef! Its not about pushing our dietary restrictions on others, its about saving the world

>> No.16021050

You really don’t have to eat avocados to be vegan though

>> No.16021080

I never said cows were bad. And I never said hogs livestock should raised intensively.

I drove through 2 states that are both major beef states: Texas and Nebraska. Texas seemed to mostly raise their cattle outside. I saw tons of cows, and it didn't smell like anything. Then I drove through Nebraska, I didn't see any cows but it smelled like cow shit so badly we had to close the windows and crank the fans in winter.

>> No.16021087

I do actually buy the meat.
It's not very often because it's so god damn much food. But I do buy it. And you can too.

>> No.16021102

Honestly, okay! Just make sure to start with the very fattest and work your way down until the average american bmi is under 25

>> No.16021201
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>> No.16021280

who gives a shit
eat what you want

>> No.16021287

>industrial scale
yes, it is an industry

>> No.16021360

>>600 gallons of water for one pound of meat
Doesn't matter in places outside of commiefornia where we have rain and lakes.
>>methane pollution on an industrial scale
Methane gas accounts for 10% of total greenhouse gas emissions, and the methane from cattle accounts for a third of that. A 3% contribution to greenhouse gas emissions is fucking nothing. Meanwhile, governments are steadily decommissioning nuclear power plants to replace them with coal power plants when carbon dioxide emissions account for 80% of all greenhouse gas emissions. Building nuclear power plants and decommissioning coal power plants would do orders of magnitude more good against climate change than even killing all cows on the planet.

>> No.16021497

I'm vegan. But you have made a fair point. Propaganda made me think cows do all 30% of greenhouse gas emissions. And it's not true. Meat is still murder and milk is torture. But farts are fine. Thanks for clearing that one out.

>> No.16021504

Meat involves slaughter, not murder. You goofball.

>> No.16021510

I'm vegan but I'm going to huff cow farts from now on, thanks anon.

>> No.16021517
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and who is funding these tests? You act like Science can't be warped, look how long it took for it to become public scientific knowledge that
>Cigarettes are bad!
>Sugar is bad!
>Fat is not in fact the culprit in most American Diets.
There is a plethora of history of companies lobbying food science to promote their own products/stop people from finding out how bad their product is for you. Its no coincidence that everyone is jumping on the Chicken Sandwich train, its cheaper than beef so big food companies want to move from beef to chicken as primary profits.

>> No.16021520

Pork is better anyway

>> No.16021523

>600 gallons of water for one pound of meat
damn, if only the world had a system of reusing consumed water from life :(

>> No.16021527

>the capitalists owe me their money since they have more!
>uhhh no I don't see how I owe anything to the guy in guatemala whose networth is five sticks

>> No.16021566

>cuckshed fallacy

>> No.16021577

What is Epicurious and why should I care?

>> No.16021616

beefs lack of sustainability is something that ive been mindful of now for a while, the problem with it is the lack of replaceability.

i can go to the shop and spend $2 on a good pound of stewing chunks of beef, i cant do that with chicken, pork doesnt get stewed, and lamb costs too much money.

so whats a good replacement for beef in;
cottage pie

>> No.16021618

Shhh! the /ck/ autists are mad and want to stay that way. you're ruining it.

>> No.16021620

What about instead of looking for a beef replacement in dishes, look for dishes that already don't use beef and try those?

>> No.16021619

Mealworms and crickets.

>> No.16022693

>vegans complaining about beef

That seems completely retarded. You can get way more meat per unit of suffering/death with beef than other types of meat. You need an absolute bloodbath of chickens to match one cow. Vegans should promote beef as a substitute for chicken desu

>> No.16022705

Fascism is environmentalism.

Fuck off leftist, go blog about your anxiety and depression elsewhere.

>> No.16022724
File: 128 KB, 750x422, 356B5C34-274A-43CE-98B8-C65C50B0CAA1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>le noble savage fallacy

>> No.16022736

Oh yeah, and who says eco fascists are defeatists? Defeatism is for depressed leftists shutins.

>> No.16023146
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Jesus Christ you're a fucking retarded nigger.

>> No.16023185
File: 96 KB, 1200x1200, ted_kaczynski.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry anon, there are better solutions.

>> No.16023203

10/10 post. I bet these same people shared this post on their iPhones and laptops made by sweat shop people in China. Not to mention most of the pollution that causes climate change is produced by China and India. Bullshit optics and virtue signaling at its finest. Fuck this gay world.

>> No.16023210


>> No.16024010


>> No.16024128

unless they levy taxes this will decrease the price of beef so I can buy more
t. I bought a ribeye today

>> No.16024169

This thread is garbage but veganism is vastly overrepresented as a solution to this problem when in reality such a solution would have to take place legislatively.
Other than methane production, which as already stated in the thread, accounts for a fraction of global carbon emissions, carbon emission which comes mostly from developing countries that we have no control over, in the form of coal and oil, as well as a global implicit subsidy of carbon, cows don't really waste much. They primarily consume rainwater, they recycle a large amount of what would be otherwise inefficient, unusable plant waste byproduct, they occupy mostly non-arable land, and they produce about half of the fertilizer.
We should probably still cut back domestic beef production by about a third, as well as cutting back on morally unconscientious factory farming, but again, veganism doesn't really play a role in any of this as much as legislation probably would/should.
This is a bait thread anyways.

>> No.16024608

you believe in holohoax

>> No.16024621

they left new zealand off the vegetable map. fuck epicurious

>> No.16024630

Why is everyone suddenly on board with this push against beef in a matter of one week or so? Fucking NPCs never had a single thought of their own in their lives

>> No.16024654
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>> No.16025373

Beef tastes good i will not stop eating it

>> No.16025402

When you feel the pressure of society to conform, and meat eating basically makes you a nazi...

You WILL stop eating meat

>> No.16025408

It's more sustainable than having brown people have more and more babies.

>> No.16025409


>> No.16025414

No, I don't.

>> No.16025416
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An artificial diet for an artificial populace

>> No.16025420

Neh. Killing for killing is reatraded. Plants! Chickens have it the worst though, true.

>> No.16025428

Meat has shittons of things injected, veggies has agrofucksknowwhat even the organic ones are fucked Up, if you wanna get a little schizo you know there is no way to survive without this """control""" unless you live in the woods or the sea.

>> No.16025431

That's like promoting male slavery instead of women. They can do less work, get raped and totally miserable. Abolishonists should promote male slavery!

>> No.16025453

You are like a litlle baby. Doesn't matter? Did you see all those vegan options in the stores 10, 20 years ago? Did the idea of banning beef recipes even exist? Would politicians even get an idea to do something about it from somewhere?

>> No.16025565

>Meat has shittons of things injected
Yeah if you live in a third world shithole like America

>> No.16025886

Where do you think the water goes? Water always goes back into the cycle.

>> No.16025910

Modern culture is completely unsustainable with the current human population.

Peak everything is going to fuck humanity, just get yours and fuck the future ... it's fucked regardless.

>> No.16025920

Into the ocean and the air ... and then in about a couple thousand years it will be back in the aquifers, after human civilization collapsed and stopped emptying them.

>> No.16025942

After brown people turn a country into a failed state consumption goes down massively. Only as long as there are enough whites to build stuff for them are they a burden on the environment.

Whites are the problem, they keep the Malthusian forces at bay and give all the brown people nikes and mobile phones.

>> No.16025944

And we need it in the aquifers because? You just collect the rain and filter it. EZ PZ, go have a burger.

>> No.16025955

As you type this on a phone whose speakers use pig parts

>> No.16025999

damn how will vegans ever recover from this

>> No.16026113

And anybody who says otherwise is a brainwashed commie npc

>> No.16026328

>we need it in the aquifers because?
Lowering groundwater levels fucks up the soil.
>You just collect the rain and filter it.
We're not collecting enough to sustain our use. It's not really a problem though, it's just one thing among Peak Fucking Everything.

Get while the getting is good, the future is fucked regardless.

>> No.16026846

Excellent response

>> No.16026961

I'm a white man. Nature was invented for me. I'll do with it what I want.

>> No.16026994

Oy vey, goyim! How dare you eat food! Eat the bugs, uhhh we do it too!

>> No.16027012

I love how us white people are apparently the devil but we are literally the only people on earth who were intelligent and independent enough to give everything to these subhumans, shit they never could have created in a thousand years because they are all so retarded and also culturally horrible, but yeah, we are the bad guys. The real bad guys have a name, they're called ashkenazi jews.

>> No.16027555
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These people are willing to give up everything enjoyable in life to allow millions of third-worlders to infiltrate and destroy white nations.

Do not forget that these people want you broke, dead, your kids raped and brainwashed, and they think its funny.