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16011005 No.16011005 [Reply] [Original]

Is it worth it paying more for whisky or is it the same thing as wine? (cheap and expensive wine are the same shit)

>> No.16011024

depends I guess. it is worth it in that yes, there's definitely a difference. You need to do your research though because the price will not ensure its good. Personally, I bought a bottle of blantons and that was when I decided I would be done trying expensive whiskey. It was delicious but just not worth it. I literally hated drinking it because it was expensive. Stick to the evan williams white or black and wild turkey 101. They're delicious neat or on the rocks or in an old fashioned.

>> No.16011079

I’ve had some excellent expensive whiskeys in the past year, I’d say limit yourself to around $60 but there’s great stuff going all the way down to the $15-$20 range.

>> No.16011093
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>> No.16011151

>Is it worth it paying more for whisky
Depends on which ones you like. Do you like Famous Grouse? Then buy it. Do you like Macallan 40-year-old stuff? Then buy that.

Personally I fall in the middle. Balvenie is good, Laphroaig 10 is great (wish I could find that here, but they abandoned this market).

>> No.16011182

sometimes expensive is worth it but its a case to case basis like with all whiskies.

>> No.16011199

I've never had absurdly expensive whisky but $40 whisky is miles above $20 whiskey and $80 whisky is also a large leap over $40 whisky. Depending on what you call cheap and what you call expensive, at some point there's a huge difference that's worth it and at another point there isn't

>> No.16011214

keep expensive(relative to your lifestyle) for occasional sipping. keep cheap(again relative) to drink whenever.

your taste will ultimately acclimate to the expensive so make sure its something you know you enjoy before buying and play around with the cheap stuff as there is more of it and will be used more often.

>> No.16011391

Just don’t drink cheap whisky. Everything else is really a matter of taste.
And if you think wine’s all the same you’ve never had good wine. Or you have a styrofoam palate.

>> No.16011425

Depends entirely on the bottle. Some are easily worth it (good indie bottled single casks of Lagavulin, Ben Nevis, Clynelish, Blair Athol, Springbank, etc.) and others aren't (mostly expensive distillery bottlings of meh old whisky in a fancy case.)
Usually I'd say when looking for a good high end whisky make sure it's single cask or a small parcel of casks used for the vatting, cask strength (natural or otherwise), hasn't used a finishing cask (aka some bullshit finished for 6 months in sherry or Port to mask a mediocre cask), comes from a reliable bottler (Adelphi, Cadenheads, Signatory Vintage, etc.) if not a distillery bottled single cask, and comes from a reliably good distillery.
Pic not related

>> No.16011436
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You fell for the wine meme.


>> No.16011448

diminish returns start around $60
there's great drinks in the $25-30 dollar range and I'd never personally buy lower than that
from there you get nicer stuff like old granddad 114, and woodford reserve.
If you're willing to drop the money you can get higher proof, or longer aged bottles like WT Rare breed and knob creek 12

>> No.16011493

>parroting ralfy verbatim

>> No.16011494

I think what they're saying is correct up to a point. The difference between an 8 and a 50 dollar bottle of wine won't be that extreme, but a well chosen, excellent vintage 500 or 1000 dollar bottle will be eye openingly different.

>> No.16011501

Who’s ralfy?

>> No.16011508

Ralfy deez NUTS


>> No.16011524

I didn’t fall for shit. I drink mid-priced wine because because cheap wine is heartburn and a hangover in a bottle and expensive wine is too expensive to just drink.
Maybe you don’t know anything about wine.

>> No.16011771

Expensive doesn't mean good. When my wife worked for Diageo, in Sensory no less, I got to try some ultra premium stuff. I'm talking thousands of dollars a bottle. It's good, REALLY good. But is it proportionally better than cheaper stuff? Is a $1000 bottle 10 times better than a $100 bottle? No, not at all.

Take Pappy for example. It is very good but pants-on-head retarded in pricing. You can get wheaters that are almost as good for 1/20th the price.

>> No.16011833

hmmm do I want cheap paint thinner or expensive paint thinner? decisions decisions

>> No.16011847
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As with anything, there is a point of diminishing returns. And it's not like the drug works any less the cheaper the dose.

>> No.16011850

Depends whether you're some faggot who sniffs and picks out flavors or if you're like me and you just chug it to get you fucked up.

>> No.16012029

usually the stuff around 50 for scotch is good

bourbon and rye you can get something good for 20 or 30

>> No.16012108

>is it the same thing as wine?
This. It's the same thing as wine. Pay more and you get batter quality.

>> No.16012200

>worth it paying more
Yes. No.
I think a good baseline is to figure out what Evan Williams Bottled in Bond costs and triple that price.
If you spend more, you're likely getting into "diminishing returns" spending, and probably think of those as special occasion sippers.
They're likely good liquor, probably better than less expensive stuff, but not the order of magnitude improvement you get from going from 7 Crown or Kessler to EW BiB.

You can substitute most any quality liquor here; I like Johnnie Walker Green, but don't feel that Blue is worth more than triple the price.

>> No.16012895
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All Macallan is a rip-off
JW Blue Label is a rip-off
95% of Nip whisky is a rip-off
Any bottle of scotch that costs more than £70 is probably not worth it
Any bourbon that costs more than £50 is probably not worth it
Pic related cost me £60 and is absolutey delicious, but that's definitely the pricier end of good value.

>> No.16012899

It's not worth it to pay for age alone. It IS worth it to pay for quality.

>> No.16013017

Ralfy is a hack who'd probably highly disagree with me.

>> No.16013019
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>> No.16013037

>everything is a ripoff!!
>drinks disgusting laphroaig because he thinks it makes him seem so cultured
probably don't even drink it do you
do what you've been told

>> No.16013095

MaCallan's is 'girls malt' it's 'fruity, light, caramel' all the shit they say about Japanese single malts. Utter fucking garbage. Islay, or just give the fuck up. Drink Asbach Urault. Has more balls than macallan.

If you want salt, peat, smoke, leather. Get Distiller's Edition Lagavulin. Otherwise just drink brandy.

>> No.16013099

>disgusting laphroaig
The standard is disgusting however the higher shelf ones are amazing.

>> No.16013103

I cannot be held accountable for your undeveloped palate.

>> No.16013107

not them but anybody with more sense then money knows that big companies literally sell their labels to retards that use expensive liquor to make them look sophisticated

>> No.16013118


whoever chose these is a moron i wouldnt drink any of these shitty wines. shittiness is not related to price in wine - there are $1000+ wines that i know i would hate because they are made to appeal to fat retards

>> No.16013142

If your sipping it slow and acting like a pretentious wine taster than go with the expensive stuff. If your just going to slam some shots and have a mixed drink or 2 than go for cheap stuff.

>> No.16013149

I think my last post didn't post. Laphroaig tastes like Gestetner ink when your phenol receptors haven't been repressed. Once you burn those out, all of Islay opens up to you. Look it up.

>> No.16013152

>its not nasty because this made up fag shit
everything to appear cultured yet you have never worked with your hands

>> No.16013164

God, you're a dull cunt with no instinct. That's all I do is work with my hands. Whats a 7014 or a 6011? Give me the amperages on each and AC/DC DC Reverse for a 3/32.

>> No.16013166

>im a redneck but i drink LAPRHOIAHIAHGG because /ck/ told me to so im a man of culture!
your phenol receptors arent the only thing burnt out

>> No.16013171

On a scale from 1/manchild how insecure are you?

>> No.16013183

So you can't stick weld, that's clear. Can you figure out woodworking? Or instrument making? I restored a wood flute back in the 90s once. It went to the University of Western Ontario. And I rebuilt a CJ7 in shorts. IN SHORTS. I roasted nut.

>> No.16013186

oh no i can't weld


>> No.16013187
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>Whiskey, but Japanese

>> No.16013189

>$40 whisky is miles above $20 whiskey

it factually isn't. WT101 is better than most any $40 whiskey

>> No.16013190

You can't do a goddamn thing, can you? You're just hot flashing here as some fat fuck up. Just go to bed. Or keep talking and I'll be your grampah...

>> No.16013198

teacha things..

>> No.16013199

>ur not a man unless u WELD and drink INTENTIONALLY BAD TASTING SPIRITS

people who went to college don't have to weld just fyi

>> No.16013207


Do you know what a Smith Chart is? Have you single handedly built an FM transmitter during an exam? I did that too, idiot. What's a second derivative mean to you? How is an integral the opposite of the instantaneous direction of a curve, whats the area under the curve?

>> No.16013212

You're both posturing faggots and need to fuck off

>> No.16013214


Do you have any idea how hard it is to balance an FM transmitter in an equation, it's like fucking 15 fucking factors to communicate information from your microphone to a tuned FM antenna.

>> No.16013217

As a dilettante I'm sure you're upset. Quiet! Mom will wake up!

>> No.16013498

honestly pretty right. ledaig 10, port charlotte 10, kilkerran 8cs, springbank, longrow etc. all 40-50 and fantastic

>> No.16013508

To a point.
There is a barrier around 100 where anything above that is collectibles only and the whiskey is not really worth it.

>> No.16013573

i'm gonna break this wave of poorfag cope and say that any Scotch below 150£ is generally a waste of your time and just a glorified malt vodka. I'm not even going to go into bourbon because among whisky experts it's commonly agreed upon that American whisky is strictly for mixing with Coca Cola.

>> No.16013596
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Too obvious mate

>> No.16013647

You are so fucking stupid. I feel bad for you. WHy are you like this? Why do you think intentionally being ignorant anf fucking retarded makes you samrt? Do you think it makes you interesting? Fucking dumb piece of shit.

>> No.16013667

>(cheap and expensive wine are the same shit)
lol, imagine believing that.
I'm not saying expensive wines are always worth the price, but if you can't taste the difference between a 5$ wine and a 50$ wine you might as well drink liquid shit because your taste buds are garbage

>> No.16013764

Did smug Asuka trigger you?

>> No.16013791

You'd best be using those as an investment to scalp weebs instead of drinking.
I've had Yama12 it was alright but a scotch half the price tastes twice as good. Had it not been for stupid fucking weebs a bottle of Yamazaki 12 would be like $60 instead of $150-200

>> No.16013925

>Is it worth it
No. Get the cheapest alcohol you can stomach and take the money you save to a nice barbeque or something.
Or even better, just don't drink. It encourages bad choices and gives you a physical debuff for several days afterward.

>> No.16013969
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Here is your gold, my fellow redditor.

>> No.16014175

For Scotch yes, to a point. For Bourbon the middle shelf stuff isn't that much worse than the fancy stuff.

>> No.16014468
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a good 30 or 40 dollar bottle is worth every penny
a bad 20 is a waste of money
almost everything over 50 isn't worth it considering most people won't be able to tell its "the good stuff"

somebody turned me on to this, and while I haven't had THIS specific one, they have one where they age it for about 6 months in the pinot noir casks and its delicious with a smoke

>> No.16014482
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>95% of Nip whisky is a rip-off

big fucking wake up for me after trying suntory toki and watching this:

The Japanese cut their whiskey with water. Like 1:1 Whiskey to Water

>> No.16014574

61% alcohol...
Jesus Christ, are americans insane?

>> No.16014589
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>american "whisky"
>aged in american "wine" "barrels"
i would pay 5€ for this max.

>> No.16014823

generally, yes. expensive whiskeys are worth the money and are better quality than cheaper whiskeys. better ingredients, better filtration processes, etc. with that said, there's definitely a point of diminishing returns. a 500 dollar scotch is not going be substantially better than a 100 dollar scotch, at least not nearly as much as a 40 dollar one will be over a 15 dollar one. A general rule of thumb - 30-40 USD should be enough for quality in any spirit. I don't think I've ever had ANY spirit that was worth more than $150 a bottle. I also would generally not drink anything cheaper than 15-20/bottle.

>> No.16014834

>drinking 101 proof whiskey is anything but a cocktail

god you reek of babby's 21st birthday

>> No.16014841

lol.... trusting wine dealers and wine critics now are we? ur opinions are 100% exact and same as a critic?

>> No.16014869

i drink johnnie walker red label because its on the cheap end and it does the job

i dont drink whisky to enjoy it, because its not particularly enjoyable, i drink it to get drunk fast

>> No.16015025
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>still drinking for blood toxification

>> No.16015090

i drink for confidence

>> No.16015194

What do you drink for?
I drink so that I can bear annoying social situations and when I am blue or angry.

>> No.16015222

i like the taste and i mostly drink home alone

>> No.16015355

>physical debuff for several days afterward.
I drink friday-sunday and have no trouble working out on monday. Sounds like you have shit tier genetics bucko.

>> No.16015364


pussy faggot can't handle spirits lmao

>> No.16015636

I drink a lot less of a nicer whiskey so the price evens out and I end up being much healthier. Best one I've had was the Lagavulin 16 year but $110 is a bit much for me. I usually buy Wemyss Chimney Scotch for straight drinking and old fashioneds and Nikka Days Whiskey for highballs.

>> No.16015815

>drinking "whisky"
For me, it's gotta have an e

>> No.16015862

I just want a good 100% rye mash, anyone got any recomendations?
>It encourages bad choices and gives you a physical debuff for several days afterward.
Most people are able to work after a night of boozing, its not that hard.

>> No.16015926

what else are you gonna do with friends on a Friday night?

>> No.16015930
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Why is no one commenting on the fact that this faggot said "physical debuff" like he was talking about some fucking rpg?

>> No.16015932

High West double rye, or the Whistle Pig Piggyback. I'm not 100% sure the high west is 100% rye mash though. Fuck, I love rye.

>> No.16015933


>> No.16015944

If you dont drink like a fucking animal you dont get a hangover, you autistic virgin.

>> No.16015986

even if you do, if you eat breakfast and drink water the next day it won't be that bad

>> No.16015994

buckwheat > rye

>> No.16016001

>physical debuff
What the fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.16016016


>> No.16016019

If your buying frog liquor you might as well buy the green fairy

>> No.16016044

Depends what you want it for. If you want to get drunk I think it’s rather pointless. If you want to truly enjoy the taste and aroma of a good drink after a long days work it’s worth it

>> No.16016054

>sourced canadian whiskey
I will never understand the whislepig hype

>> No.16016082

You are most likely an alcoholic

>> No.16016090

Trust me, I know. I only get whistlepig once in a blue moon. I try to only buy whiskey that is actually distilled by the bottler, not just blended or mixed or whatever the fuck it is pickernell does.

>> No.16016148

single barrels are usually shit, which is what that blanton's is, so maybe cheap is more you're taste. besides, that shit used to be CHEAP until it just got so old and unwanted that enough time passed.

>> No.16016230

>any Scotch below 150£ is generally a waste of your time and just a glorified malt vodka
I've had £70 scotches that were under 12 years old that surpassed older whiskies that costed over £500. Price is a stupid metric to use in whisky given how bad secondary pricing has gotten thanks to scalpers.
Drink more water when you drink then you pansy

>> No.16016366


>> No.16016395

If you think expensive wine is a waste of money than you will find expensive liquor is a waste of money as well.

>> No.16016419

>JW Red label
Good thing nothing of value was lost

>> No.16016432

nice yams, how much did you get them for? when I go to japan ive never had luck finding any. Well saw a bottle in kyoto once but it was marked as high as dekanta site.

Also the 25 yr is fucking nuts tastes insanely good and unlike any whisky ive had before

>> No.16016754
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hey man, the bottle is still recyclable...

>> No.16016772

what's a good whiskey to buy that will increase in value? I stopped drinking in october for good and won't be tempted to open it

>> No.16016801

That Blanton's in the back is looking mighty tasty
I could go for some right now

>> No.16016865

based trips for home drinking

not sure if this is a whiskey general but opinions on woodford reserve?

>> No.16016872

Double oaked is okay, but if I’m spending that amount on a bourbon, I’d rather have Four Roses SB.

>> No.16017188

so you buy FR SB often? how consistent is juice from bottle to bottle?

>> No.16017202

buy doge instead

>> No.16017319
File: 925 KB, 1600x2160, hq_abunadh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are you drinking RIGHT NOW?

Overall this is really nice. If I'm going to be critical, for 123 proof I might have expected a little more of a flavor punch. For example something like Ardbeg Corryvreckan is a bit lower in proof but more intensely flavorful. Same with a bunch of bourbons in that same ABV range.

>> No.16017339

abunadh is trash, aberlour is trash

>> No.16017353
File: 182 KB, 948x915, 10C2BDFB-5CCB-4EC5-AD48-689880D0CDB6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Either SB or small batch select. Never had a bad one, though I’m sure they exist. Its a pretty safe buy. Its also fairly heavy on the rye content, which I enjoy.

>> No.16017408

Man this is some tasty trash

>> No.16017415

Post a whisky you like so we can laugh at your bad taste anon

>> No.16017425

Expensive and better are not the same thing. Older and better are not the same thing. Although older whiskies cost more, or rare releases might cost more, price isn't quality in terms of Whisky.

>> No.16017438

expensive just means "marketed towards hipsters and richfags"

>> No.16017437

dale is insane he thinks john redcorn is american and he owns a pest control business and his neighbor bill is his hs crush who is a blonde bimbo...

>> No.16017444
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>> No.16017452

Monkey shoulder is shit though

>> No.16017463
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>> No.16017492
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>> No.16017497
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reminder that whisky is inherently leftist

>> No.16017516

Everything in europe is inherently leftist.

>> No.16017639

which is why it should be compared to jap whisky

>> No.16017651

See, why couldn’t you just say that instead of shitposting soyjack like a cancerous retard?

>> No.16017661

>drinking is political
fuck off

>> No.16017692

xD ebic ifunny moment

>> No.16017702
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>mfw that glass

>> No.16018027
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>> No.16018202

Woodford is alright. Double oak is too sweet for me.
Beautiful distillery though.

>> No.16018263

expensive whiskey often involves a more complex process featuring additional metal contact or filtering methods which genuinely do remove impurities. Drink a pint of Penderyn Welsh whiskey one time and then hit some bourbon of your choice another time. In addition to the fact that corn whiskey generally does not digest that easily you will notice that the Welsh whiskey treats you much better because the still that they use involves much more contact between the copper and the alcohol. The base distillate is superior, and not to denigrate Bulleit for any reasons of quality, it is simply a less pure base distillate.

>> No.16018713

its still smooth at that percentage if you're buying something good, highest I've had so far is 65 percent. Easy to drink. Europoors are used to watered down pee pee whiskey.

>> No.16019453

That's a load of shit, Bulleit's distillate is fine, though an example of a different style. If you aged it in a cold climate and pumped it full of Madeira wine you'd end up with something quite close to a Penderyn.

And those impurities are flavour, that do pair well with an oakier profile.

Quality differences are almost entirely due to barrel quality, and to dumb luck that's taken advantage of when distillers select their for no reason better stock for further aging.

>> No.16019482

I don't see the problem...?

>> No.16019513

This, single malts are inclusive, hella cute and valid but Chuds are not allowed.

>> No.16019575
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your single malts are aged in ex-chud casks

>> No.16019583

EX-chud, as you say. they learned the chud front was just a cope for their spirit dysmorphia and transitioned to malted barley casks.

>> No.16019593

Drink whatever you like.
Most of the price is dependent on how long it's aged in a barrel.
They have to pay rent on that area where it sits so they have to raise the price the longer it sits.
I have heard that perfect whiskey is 8 years & after that the flavors start to round off & mellow out.

Also when something is new it isn't worth a lot of money but it may be the best whiskey ever.
I would encourage people to buy new products & try them out before the word gets out and the price goes through the roof.

And then of course there is the "hype" factor.
A bottle of Pappy Van Winkle will set you back at least a grand & I have seen testers drink it & they aren't flipping out about the taste.

>> No.16019600

>They have to pay rent on that area where it sits so they have to raise the price the longer it sits
Cents per bottle per year. Rent contributes almost nothing to the cost of a bottle.
>I have heard that perfect whiskey is 8 years
Maybe for Bourbon, but there's no reason you wouldn't want your scotch to be in its 20's.

>> No.16019609

Europeans lol

>> No.16019616

>scotch to be in its 20's.
Overrated, especially for distillate driven whiskies.

>> No.16019623


>> No.16019649

>X costs 5 times more than Y
>does it taste 5 times better?
what an absolutely facile understanding of how and why things are priced lmao

>> No.16019675

The difference between an 8 and 20 dollar bottle of wine is tremendous, objectively. The difference between a 20 and 50 dollar bottle of wine is probably not going to be very noticeable to even daily wine consumers if they haven't had any training. The difference between a 50 and 100 dollar bottle will be noticeable to anyone who drinks wine often, usually not in terms of flavour profile but rather in terms of balance.

The other thing is that wine is not just a drink for highly involved wine consumers. Wine is often described as "liquid geography" but it's more than that. It's liquid history, liquid personality, and liquid culture. People will pay more for wines that they place more subjective value on, and that subjective value is a function of all of these inputs. It's the same with any product.

t. winemaker

>> No.16019699
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it sounds like you took a welding course and you're larping

>> No.16019746

i dont really know anything about whisky but for me its ardbeg because it smells and tastes like a campfire

>> No.16019842
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This one is pretty fantastic.

>> No.16020242

Mellow Corn?

>> No.16020248


>> No.16020260

There's really so much variation that there's no definitive answer. Some expensive whiskey is very bad. Some cheap whiskey is pretty good. Shop around and find one you like at a price you're comfortable with.

>> No.16021561
File: 12 KB, 400x600, ci-heaven-hill-old-style-bourbon-b99f57f298d9c826.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you drink everyday, those $35+ bottles will start to add up.
Now I mostly just drink Heaven Hill. $9 a bottle and doesn't give me a headache or hangover. Gets the job done

>> No.16022106

Sure, but it's not worse.

But a perfect understanding of purchasing

>TThe difference between a 20 and 50 dollar bottle of wine is probably not going to be very noticeable
In wine it'll often be the case that between $8 and $20 you'll find a lucky year or something undervalued. $50 is what they charge if they know it's good. $200 is what they charge if they know its good and know they can maintain that quality and therefore reputation. Of course with a whole bunch of trash thrown in at every price point to take advantage of anyone using price as an indication of quality.
tl;dr there's certainly another decent step up in quality after $20 before things get crazy. Also you start getting aged stock of your decent quality $20 bottles at $50.

>> No.16022170

big kek

>> No.16022194

It's worth paying more, but there's a limited cost-to-quality ratio. I can't think of anything worse than dirt cheap whisky, it makes me want to fucking die and not a single stage in the experience is enjoyable, but I see little difference between a 50-60 dollar bottle of whisky and a 300 dollar bottle of whisky. People say they can tell the difference and if you got the money buy what you like, but to me it all tastes the same

>> No.16022247

Me on the upper left

>> No.16022516
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With each type of whiskey there is a price point where you start to get diminishing returns. For example if you want a specific thing, like an extra sweet bourbon or a sherry scotch, do your research and you'll find a bottles for what you are looking for across different price ranges. Start low, if you are happy stick with it, maybe go for the next one up for a special occasion. I know for a fact there are $30 bottles of bourbon that are better than $60 ones, and people chasing couple hundred dollar bottles on the secondary market are mostly just flexing.

>> No.16022764


which should I pick?

>> No.16023191
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Heaven hill white label is swill, but their green label is really good. Too bad it's only available in Kentucky.

>> No.16023934


>> No.16024013


No you are objectively wrong, there are chemically superior methods of distillation, that's why Dutch gin stills are different than copper alembic or direct column stills. There is more to a liquor than just wood that it spends time in, and a Faraday still is the objective best at removing impurities for a product intended to become whiskey without stripping it of all character.

>> No.16024021
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Jim Beam. All you need is Jim.

>> No.16024041
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>No you are objectively wrong, there are chemically superior methods of distillation, that's why Dutch gin stills are different than copper alembic or direct column stills. There is more to a liquor than just wood that it spends time in, and a Faraday still is the objective best at removing impurities for a product intended to become whiskey without stripping it of all character.

>> No.16024239

Somebody give me bourbons that can compete with good scotch

>> No.16024253
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>> No.16024461

Elijah Craig, Makers 46

>> No.16024545

>Makers 46
I've got my eye on a Maker's Private Selection, which has some Maker's 46 staves in it. Is this a good bourbon?

>> No.16024560

Maker's 46 regular is good, perfect balance of oakiness and sweet so i assume the same for the private select

>> No.16024579

That's a not too clever way of admitting you've never had WT101. It is better on ice though.

>> No.16024850

The distinction between impurity and flavour is arbitrary. Every distillery has a different shaped still for this very reason.

>> No.16024980

Fun fact, Mellow Corn costs around 80 USD in Norway. That's around the same as Woodford Reserve Double Oaked (87 USD) or Ardbeg 10 (80 USD). Laphroaig 12 is cheaper at 70 USD.

>> No.16025100

in my country it's the same price as jack daniels no 7

>> No.16025411

its a novelty, not smooth or complex in the slightest and is basically a cunts hair away from being a punishment liquor. I almost felt ripped off at $15 for my bottle. Hell, the bottom shelf Henry McKenna for $10 was in a higher class. I drank half the bottle over a couple hours the first night.

>> No.16025434

Don't get into it. It's a waste of money. You will get no greater satisfaction than you did before getting into it. You will just become a picky fucker who complains unless he's drinking some marginally superior drink that costs 500% more than the cheap bottle. And cheap whiskies can be fine. It just depends on which one.

>> No.16025455

>people with shit palates don't like good wine
No shit!

>> No.16025461 [DELETED] 

i think it's alright tastewise, it's different enough to stand on its own

>> No.16025464

i think it's alright tastewise, it's different enough to stand on its own. i like it more than its rye counterpart rittenhouse.

>> No.16025724

A bottle of Jack is 50 USD which makes Mellow Corn 60% more expensive. Probably mostly due to the difference in ABV.
Yeah I thought it belonged in bottom shelf but was surprised when it was more expensive than stuff like Woodford, Laphroaig and Redbreast.

>> No.16025758

Expensive whiskey for an occasion or something I keep around to have a glass that I drink slowly and really enjoy infrequently.
Moderate whiskey to drink often for the enjoyment.
Cheap whiskey to get drunk.

>> No.16025862
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Christopher Hitchens said the best blended Scotch in the world is Johnny Walker Black, which is not particularly expensive. If you can't tell the difference between JW black and an expensive single malt, and you enjoy JW black, why pay more money?

>> No.16025877

>posthumously hitchslappin' r/scotch

>> No.16026146

You're fucking retarded and you have absolutely shit taste. Please kill yourself.

>> No.16026587

Can't comment on whisky/bourbon, but did once buy a half bottle of Calvados that was 40-50 years old, and half price to clear (but still not cheap). Unbelievably smooth, despite being above average strength. Never consumed any other spirit that came close.

>> No.16026682

Black Bottle is a better blend for half the price, so is Islay Mist 8 year blend.

>> No.16026689

is it too smoky or peaty? I only had red label and that was disgusting but everyone says black label is great

>> No.16026717

What about Double Black?

>> No.16026892

>(wish I could find that here, but they abandoned this market)
What shithole are you from, if I may ask?

Just buy Glenfarclas 105, it's like 40€ where I'm from for 1L 60% abv, probably the best deal for a single malt scotch.

>> No.16026929

>Drink Asbach Urault
Never tried this even though I'm German. What is it like?

>> No.16027073

what is whisky but distilled beer?

>> No.16027513

There is a difference between expensive and overpriced whisky. To learn and understand the difference is what makes one somewhat of a connoiseur. I know this place reeks of poorfags that will state that nothing trumps the latest Lidl batch but take it from an oldfag that quality scotch does not come cheap. Best thing to do is search the web for good offers, read lots and lots of reviews. And of course drink a daily dram.

>> No.16028424

I find the $35-40 whiskey gives less of a hangover than the $15 whiskey.
If you are mixing it with coke or something than get the cheap stuff.

>> No.16029922
