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16008979 No.16008979 [Reply] [Original]

>He used baking paper.
ITT: Surefire way to tell that somebody doesn't know shit about cooking.

>> No.16008986

It makes cleanup easier. Also, salmon en papillote is based.

>> No.16008996

Op is retarded. I started using it once I started to get better at cooking, no oil, no grease, minimal mess

>> No.16010477

Cleaning a baking tray?
Just brush the crumbs off. The heat sterilized it already.

>> No.16010695

It’s called parchment paper you fucking retard and every professional pastry kitchen uses it. It prevents the bottom from sticking, soaks up extra oils and makes transferring shit to a cooling rack fast and easy. You don’t know shit, you don’t belong in kitchen and just because you can’t figure out how to make something useful doesn’t mean it’s useless, it means you are.

>> No.16010701

it limits heat transfer, retard

>> No.16010745

Yes because the few degrees of varying heat will definitely ruin all the incredibly sensitive frozen pizzas you make on a daily basis

>> No.16010817

LOL YEAH BECAUSE WHEN YOU MAKE THINGS IN AN OVEN THE ALL OF THE HEAT TO COOK THEM COMES THROUGH THE BOTTOM OF THE PAN!!! You know when you burn stuff? It’s not because your parchment paper didn’t do a good enough job of “not transferring the heat”. What the fuck are you even talking about, have you ever lifted a cookie out the oven? Was is burned on the bottom? Get the fuck out of here faggit

>> No.16010836

you pathetic streak of piss, when you bake bread on parchment paper you lose direct heat from below which is critical for driving oven spring and creating a good crust.

>> No.16010837

Why would limiting heat transfer to a surface increase the tendency for that surface to burn? Why did you interpret it that way?

>> No.16010868

LOL no one said you have to make everything on parchment, the shitposting OP just said that if you use it at all you are trolling. No one said shit about your bread baking you plandemic home cook wanna be larper

>> No.16010873

I think you have to re-read the post bud

>> No.16010910

Because nobody is going to bank anything other than bread.

>> No.16010921

I did. It's really stupid.

>> No.16010947

The vast majority of anything else that's baked, is baked in it's own container you larping faggot.

>> No.16010959

i could literally kill you with one hand

>> No.16010960

>Paper blocks heat
are you really this stupid? your parents failed you bad

>> No.16010962

It has its uses. It's just paper, I don't know what makes you so pissy about it.
I use it as a lid/cover for braised meat sometimes.
Also good for making fish.

>> No.16012415

Okay I'm glad you'll be here to clean my baking tray when I bake muffins every week.

>> No.16012432

What the fuck is so fucking wrong with parchment paper? “Baking paper”, Jesus Christ.

This thread is a fucking disaster, I hope you feel shitty OP.

>> No.16012433

>he calls it baking paper

I used to bake hella cookies at work never had to scrub a single sheet pan never had a problem not sure what your problem is OP perhaps you are, in fact, the cooklet?

>> No.16014021

what kind of shitty cookies you making that would ever necessitate scrubbing a pan paper or not

>> No.16014035

I just eat the paper if it gets stuck to the food

>> No.16014284
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>> No.16014303

Talk about someone who has never cooked before. What are you doing, reheating old pizza in your oven and nothing else?

>> No.16014369

you tastelet cant even notice the difference

>> No.16014378

shut your bitch ass up, aint no one give a fuck about bread in this situation. OPs pic is puff pastry, dishbitch.

>> No.16014412

I reheat pizza wrapped in tin foil.

>> No.16014470

baking bread weekly for about 3 years now
no difference with or without baking paper with my setup. a lot more important variables for oven spring.
>considering a thin piece of BAKING PAPER as a heat insulator
>shit in physics and cooking

>> No.16014648

>Surefire way to tell that somebody doesn't know shit about cooking.
If they cook, eat, or do ANYTHING differently from how I do it.

>> No.16015261

1. Paper doesn't make a noticable difference
2. You don't even cook bread at that high a heat

>> No.16016398

Differenr anon here, so do you use baking paper just so it comes off the tray easier? Because ifit made no difference whatsoever I wouldn't bother. I use it for brownies because I made some while drunk and forgot the paper, they stuck tothe tray and got brownies half the thickness.