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File: 8 KB, 311x162, pecanpie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16005727 No.16005727 [Reply] [Original]

Name a food with a bigger disparity between a great one and a bad one.

You can't.

>> No.16005732

Potato salad, coleslaw, any other mayonnaise-based dish

>> No.16005745

God damn I hate when there’s just a small layer of pecans on top, fucking bullshit.
Also valid

>> No.16005752
File: 23 KB, 489x423, 256.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I've never had a slice of pecan pie

>> No.16005758

eurochad here, is baking this shitpie worth the effort?

>> No.16005759

I have never had a bad pecan pie. It's my favorite kind of pie, and frankly, the only kind of pie I actually ever really enjoy. I guess I got lucky never to have had a bad one.

>> No.16005760

It is. It's in fact the only kind of pie worth your time and effort, in my opinion.

>> No.16005776

ive never had pecan pie so I can't really say but from my experience the answer is actually pumpkin pie
storebought pumpkin pies are absolute fucking trash, like eating a bitter cinnamony flour cream

>> No.16005786

Bad ones are dry and crumbly, complete ass

>> No.16005790

I don't cook much, especially not desserts, but pumpkin pie is one of the few desserts I have made in the past on a lark, and I can confirm. It was like night and die. Until that day, I had no idea pumpkin pie could actually be pretty good.

>> No.16005794

Yeah, I've never experienced this. Lucky me.

>> No.16005800
File: 97 KB, 752x527, IMG_0006favefeatured-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're not bigoted against leafs, you could always try making butter tarts. Basically the same thing but on a smaller scale and harder to fuck up. My grandmother used to always make them for Christmas.

>> No.16005802
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Blueberry > pecan, don’t even @ me

>> No.16005807

my mother always made a homemade pumpkin pie every leaf thanksgiving so I was always aware of how absolutely shit storebought ones are. I don't know what it is, even if you just get canned pumpkin and buy pre-made pie crusts it will still be 10x better than anything else in the store

>> No.16005816
File: 96 KB, 450x630, 6758D812-956D-4D1B-98C0-7437CEEDD64D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love a good pecan pie, I always eat it during the fall. It’s a comfy pie and great with ice cream. >not a fat fuck

>> No.16005815

how do u fuck up a pecan pie

>> No.16005828

I think it dries out quick. It needs to be moist and fresh.

>> No.16005835

true, but hers would keep for at least a few days and still be fine. Guess they have to add a bunch of shit to those storebought ones.

>> No.16005839

Ice cream? I would have it with some tea or something. It's the one pie I wouldn't have with ice cream or whipped cream or anything like that.

>> No.16005842

That could be it. They sit out on a shelf, so yeah.

>> No.16005852

blueberry = apple = cherry < pumpkin <<<<<<<<<<<<<< pecan

>> No.16005855
File: 127 KB, 1000x1000, E78E6ACE-A9B9-47E9-9134-356C93A6B737.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah they are delicious, don’t use gross ass corn syrup though. I used to buy them from a lady and she used honey instead and it was fucking delicious. Also don’t fine chop your pecans, only fags fine chop their pecans, leave those bitches whole or very roughly chopped. Also make sure you have enough pecans so that they make up a majority of the pie, the one op posted is a bad example, it should look like this.

>> No.16005866

I figured out why I like pecan pie in particular as much as I do. One of my favorite things to eat is toasted nuts. So the rest of the answer becomes obvious. They're just so good.

>> No.16005878

All the ones I've ever had were like this. It's what makes it so delicious. I didn't even know some people skimped on the pecans. That's terrible.

>> No.16005933

yes, it is definitely worth it.

>> No.16005941

holy based except that apple is marginally better than blueberry and cherry

>> No.16006121


>> No.16006148

You got to try it anon. Especially if still warm. It’s one of my few culinary pairings I give a shit about

>> No.16006163

Cane syrup is high tier

>> No.16006255

Chicken wings

>> No.16006658

Do you live in or near America? Walmart has little personal ones for 50¢

>> No.16006671
File: 1.25 MB, 2560x1440, 20210223_130303.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No tarts for bigots like you

>> No.16006678

>if still warm
Gotta try it then

>> No.16006777

shalom brother how are we making latkes today

>> No.16006809

guacamole and it's not even close

>> No.16006832
File: 160 KB, 899x628, guaccroc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mah nigga

>> No.16006846


>> No.16006847

I'm about half Leaf so my bigotry is minimal, looks good

No I'm not, but I'll have to look around

>> No.16007026

Based choice

>> No.16007034

who even eats that green koala shit

>> No.16007717
File: 155 KB, 667x1000, butter tart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i prefer a butter tart

>> No.16007864

Anything really simple, because it forces the quality of the ingredients and the skill of the cook to be in the spotlight. My vote is for bread.

>> No.16008132

Even a shitty pecan pie is still pretty good

>> No.16008182
File: 117 KB, 744x1052, 792877daae3144dcd70d48ab7d571f90.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any meat really. Especially chicken.

>> No.16008183

Effort? It’s like 5 ingredients

>> No.16008202

Red sauce

>> No.16008218

This is a good answer.

>> No.16008332

No. They're fucking disgusting. It somehow tastes sweeter than pure sugar. You have to have a trashed, sugar-addled palate to eat more than two bites before feeling ill. People who like it are usually big candy and processed junkfood junkies. You'll probably feel like an asshole for wasting the pecans.

>> No.16008343

fpbp, always fucking hated coleslaw because of the green sloppa kfc had. Once I had proper coleslaw I was hooked.

>> No.16008367

Tomatoes. Picking sun-warmed heirloom tomatoes off the vine and taking them inside to slice onto a BLT you just made will make you wonder why we ever allowed grocery stores to sell us the white noise they call tomatoes.

>> No.16008375

Yes. I'm not a big sweets guy but I fucking love pecan pie. Just make a small one to try it out.

>> No.16008433

To me, I prefer the pecans more finely chopped

>> No.16008477

scrambled eggs

>> No.16008563
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>> No.16008569

I have never had a bad pecan pie.

>> No.16008721

Pretty much everything.

>> No.16008727


>> No.16008729
File: 95 KB, 1200x1800, 0FD504AE-7DFF-47DA-B446-D4ED23C7A8DC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blueberry pie is better

>> No.16008773


>> No.16008789

just didn't read the fucking post at all, huh?

>> No.16008827
File: 59 KB, 544x630, 2417EEC4-947F-48A4-B401-D80BE986E67F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16008882

made one for first time, and was first time tasting it too few years ago, but i mixed the nuts instead of putting them on top
it was pretty good

>> No.16008908
File: 1.04 MB, 2400x1800, helppo_mustikkapiirakka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i like this type of blueberry pie better

>> No.16009037

Ya and everyone is just talking about pecan pie, go fuck yourself

>> No.16009053
File: 458 KB, 2448x3264, 1612169242868.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

salmon sashimi, though tuna is objectively superior anyway.
i've always believed that the best tuna sashimi would be better than the best salmon sashimi

>> No.16009098

objectively not a pie you illiterate fuck boy

>> No.16009110

What the fucking fuck is this one innit? It looks like the antifreeze liquid canister for winter areas.

>> No.16009122

its not, you're just getting placebo effect from the scarcity of good tuna. If salmon were near extinct and blue fin tuna were abundant, you'd be saying the opposite.

>> No.16009359

that looks amazing

>> No.16009691

I like to use a combination of big chunks and finely crushed.

>> No.16009713

Pic is definitely a bad one. Goop to pecan ratio is way off.

>> No.16009715

Pecan buttertarts are kino AF

>> No.16009729

Now this is a proper goop to pecan ratio.

>> No.16009766

You're actually illiterate.

>> No.16009785
File: 59 KB, 720x720, 1619469636924.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16010019


>> No.16010084

A good pecan pie is divine. A bad pecan pie is just a sugar pie.

>> No.16010870

>To me, I prefer the pecans more finely chopped

For me, pecan halves rule. I've never seen a first rate pecan pie that used chopped pecans.

>> No.16011447

what is the stuff below the pecans?? i've had the shitty dollar ones you get at the supermarket but ive never been able to discern what that is

>> No.16011456

quiche sounds fucking disgusting even if made "right" it's still a pie shaped brick of egg

>> No.16011467

mostly? Karo syrup

>> No.16011477

God that's disgusting. This is why it must be mostly pecans with some syrup

>> No.16011547

Never had pecan pie; what differentiates a good one from a bad one?

>> No.16011558
File: 23 KB, 236x339, zshaka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's pronounced "pecan"

>> No.16011574

Ignore OP, there's no such thing as a bad pecan pie. He's just turning his nose up at industrialized ingredients like corn syrup.

>> No.16011699

Blueberries are to bilberries what soy is to animal protein. A worthless, tasteless reminder of what could be.

>> No.16011715

>If you're not bigoted against leafs
on the weekend my grandma called me a bigot for saying I didn't mind schools wanting to teach kids te reo as a secondary language
I don't understand old people

>> No.16011727

fucking cornbread. why do yankees love to make it into a cake?

>> No.16011793
File: 77 KB, 754x1131, key-lime-pie-2-754.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Came into this thread to say Key lime pie, guess pies in general have a big disparity between good and bad ones

>> No.16011823

My dad makes delicious home-made quiche.

>> No.16012007

Maybe she meant idiot. The fuck is anyone going to do with Maori?

>> No.16012093

leave me alone grandma

>> No.16012120
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>> No.16012242

lmao legit same thing happened with me